Who is George W. Bush endorsing for president?

If we're very very lucky, George Bush will endorse Kamala Harris.

Cheney, Bush and Romney for Harris... Let everyone know exactly which side her bread is buttered on.
Women's right to choose will do in the national election what it has done in every election across the country. It is something that a poll doesn't include. It will be worth 3 to 5% for Harris.
Yes, I hated Dick Cheney and I still do - but not for his lack of patriotism. The Cheney's are great American patriots - but I strongly disagree with their extreme form of conservatism.

I've always thought of George W. Bush as a spineless little weasel. Apparently I am correct in my judgement of him.

One is a deserter (bush) one is a draft dodger (Cheney). Cheney at least endorsed Kamala, maybe the shrub is just waiting.
he makes up his own definition of both of them. The MAGA scum always does.
Socialist scumbags are ignorant of History.

The socialist movement has been responsible for the murder, imprisonment, and torture of many millions, and perhaps hundreds of millions, of innocent people during its heyday in the twentieth century.
Rumor has it that Joe Sims and Rosanna Cambron current co-chairs of the American Communist Party are endorsing Kamala Harris. At some point the American Communist Party will be integrated into the Progressive Socialist Communist Party.
Has anyone heard? I haven't heard a peep out of him. Is he afraid of Trump? What do you think?

I feel reasonably certain that his decease parents would endorse Harris.

What about former First Lady Laura Bush?

‘Morally indefensible’ – but George W Bush will not come out against Trump

^^ Lefties are now pining for W’s endorsement.

We will gladly give him to you. We all know these neocon warmongers hate President Trump because he won’t start more stupid wars.

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