"Who is government?"

I believe the effort to reading this Washington Post article is fully worthy of your time's expenditure. Respectfully, Supposn

"Who is government?" A Washington Post series.​
“The Canary” by Michael Lewis on Chris Mark of the U.S. Department of Labor.
Refer to link,
Opinion | Michael Lewis on Chris Mark of the Department of Labor - Washington Post
Who is government was intended to be the people. The Founders intended a government of, by and for the people who would govern themselves. They would elect representatives to do specific necessary tasks authorized by the U.S. Constitution, such representatives expected to be wholly accountable to those who elected them. And they would do ONLY what was authorized for them to do by the U.S. Constitution.

Fast forward more than 200 years. . .

In 2024 we don't know who is in what is called the federal government and nobody knows how many are on the public payroll but it is estimated to be between seven to ten million faceless people including permanent employees, contractors, appointees, grantees etc.

The people's elected representatives make only a tiny percentage of the laws of the land these days. Most laws, i.e. rules and regulations with force of law, are written and administered by faceless unelected bureaucrats who are pretty much accountable to nobody.

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