Who is more racist, Trump or Hillary?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Let's see what the Left tried to sell us with Hillary as an alternative to Trump

Here are 5 racist things Hillary said.

1. “Hard-working white Americans” prefer her to Obama. In May 2008, Clinton told the USA Today that while Obama was leading the delegate race, she still had a broader political base. Unfortunately, she made that claim in explicitly racial terms, citing an Associated Press poll “that found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”

2. “Colored People’s Time.” Clinton appeared alongside left-wing New York City mayor Bill de Blasio at the annual Inner Circle Dinner this year, and joined in a racist joke based on a stereotype that black people are late for everything:

As Mediate later noted, the cable news networks mostly ignored the racist joke.

3. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t really THAT great. As she struggled to stop the Obama insurgency in the 2008 Democratic primary, Clinton tried to diminish Obama’s credentials as a “community organizer,” which had led some to draw connections between him and Dr. King. Clinton argued that it was really a professional politician, President Lyndon Johnson, who made the difference: “Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act”

4. “Ah don’t feel no ways TAHHHHHRD.” Clinton, like Vice President Al Gore, and indeed like President Obama himself, has a tendency to imitate what she believes to be an African-American accent when she speaks before black audiences. Obama, who grew up in Hawaii, at least has some cultural competence and experience, honed through practice in inner city Chicago. Clinton manages to sound condescending every time — most notoriously in this cringe-worthy clip from 2008.

5. Obama’s “slumlord,” and “super predators.” Losing traction in 2008, Clinton belatedly attacked Obama’s connection to fraudster and fundraiser Tony Rezko: “I was fighting against those [Reagan] ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago,” she said in a South Carolina debate. The remark was described as racist by Obama fans — as was her 1996 term for chronic criminals, “super predators.”

And yes, I know, Hillary lost, but the silence from the press is deafening when it comes to pointing out how much of a racist she was and how little the press really gave a damn.

The sh....hole comment was no where near as bad cuz it is true. People desperate enough to come to a country illegally are desperate, so their country is either a sh....hole or they are a criminal. The racism is merely interpreted as such
The very fact we have to argue over who is more racist should tell you a lot.

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But the Left is sold as the anti-racist party alternative. At least, that is how the DNC controlled media portrays them. You never hear about this sort of comment below in the press.

Those on the Left would vote for Joe Biden in a heart beat over Trump, even after being confronted with this video clip.

I think trying to judge the hearts of others is stupid & counter productive.
Hearts & minds are changed through example not accusation.

If I say a racist comment, I'm either kidding or serious.
I think trying to judge the hearts of others is stupid & counter productive.
Hearts & minds are changed through example not accusation.

If I say a racist comment, I'm either kidding or serious.
What you deem racist is subjective. What I deem racist is subjective.
Why are your standards worthy of imposing on others and others aren't?
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When he was on a roll in his first year with a democrat majority Obama said "republicans (including Black and Hispanic republicans) are welcome aboard but they have to sit in the back of the bus". The MSM snickered.
I think trying to judge the hearts of others is stupid & counter productive.
Hearts & minds are changed through example not accusation.

If I say a racist comment, I'm either kidding or serious.
What you deem racist is subjective. What I deem racist is subjective.
Why are your standards worthy of imposing on others and others aren't?

But all people know is what the press tells them and they take the liberty of interpreting it for everyone, or ignoring it if it is a Dim.

Academia is also in the tank for the DNC. Ask any historian who the great Presidents are and FDR will come up every time, yet here is a man who locked up innocent Japanese Americans because they have slanted eyes. However, Trump is the bad racist President?

It seems to me that locking up people based on racism is far worse than saying something racist. Funny thing is, Trump did not even say anything racist, he was just telling the truth.

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