Who Is Occupying Who's Land?

The basic fact is that people from Europe went to Palestine and expelled many of the people that were living there, that happened to be Muslim and Christian. If anyone, including Rocco, can deny this fact, bring it on.

WRONG as the people from Europe did not expel anyone, it was the arab muslims that expelled the Jews from their homes in the M.E. Over 1 million Jews were forcibly expelled from their homes in just the clothes they wore. Many of the people living there were hostile and terrorists so they were evicted from Israel in 1948/1949 under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW. The true Palestinians stayed in Israel and their descendants are still there to this day as full Israeli citizens. The Christians have faced recent ethnic cleansing in gaza and the west bank at the hands of the arab muslims who have reduced the population from 12% down to 2%. want to argue about these facts child as the evidence is available freely.

"WRONG as the people from Europe did not expel anyone"

What is the difference between expelling and evicting? You continue to just make things up. You are one nutcase bullshitter, that's for sure. There is no evidence you silly little man, if there were you would provide it. You just mouth off a bunch of nonsense.

Now now Monte, calm down. You'll give yourself a sroke or something. And we need you here for laughs.

You are the one that is seething, can't deny fact and it is frustrating isn't it. LOL . Projection doesn't work well, it's too obvious. Try harder.
The basic fact is that people from Europe went to Palestine and expelled many of the people that were living there, that happened to be Muslim and Christian. If anyone, including Rocco, can deny this fact, bring it on.

WRONG as the people from Europe did not expel anyone, it was the arab muslims that expelled the Jews from their homes in the M.E. Over 1 million Jews were forcibly expelled from their homes in just the clothes they wore. Many of the people living there were hostile and terrorists so they were evicted from Israel in 1948/1949 under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW. The true Palestinians stayed in Israel and their descendants are still there to this day as full Israeli citizens. The Christians have faced recent ethnic cleansing in gaza and the west bank at the hands of the arab muslims who have reduced the population from 12% down to 2%. want to argue about these facts child as the evidence is available freely.

"WRONG as the people from Europe did not expel anyone"

What is the difference between expelling and evicting? You continue to just make things up. You are one nutcase bullshitter, that's for sure. There is no evidence you silly little man, if there were you would provide it. You just mouth off a bunch of nonsense.

Now now Monte, calm down. You'll give yourself a sroke or something. And we need you here for laughs.

You are the one that is seething, can't deny fact and it is frustrating isn't it. LOL . Projection doesn't work well, it's too obvious. Try harder.

HUH??? I am so glad you are here. So little left for us to laugh at while those you support are killing us infidels all over the world. Thank you sir,
The basic fact is that people from Europe went to Palestine and expelled many of the people that were living there, that happened to be Muslim and Christian. If anyone, including Rocco, can deny this fact, bring it on.

WRONG as the people from Europe did not expel anyone, it was the arab muslims that expelled the Jews from their homes in the M.E. Over 1 million Jews were forcibly expelled from their homes in just the clothes they wore. Many of the people living there were hostile and terrorists so they were evicted from Israel in 1948/1949 under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW. The true Palestinians stayed in Israel and their descendants are still there to this day as full Israeli citizens. The Christians have faced recent ethnic cleansing in gaza and the west bank at the hands of the arab muslims who have reduced the population from 12% down to 2%. want to argue about these facts child as the evidence is available freely.

"WRONG as the people from Europe did not expel anyone"

What is the difference between expelling and evicting? You continue to just make things up. You are one nutcase bullshitter, that's for sure. There is no evidence you silly little man, if there were you would provide it. You just mouth off a bunch of nonsense.

Now now Monte, calm down. You'll give yourself a sroke or something. And we need you here for laughs.

You are the one that is seething, can't deny fact and it is frustrating isn't it. LOL . Projection doesn't work well, it's too obvious. Try harder.

HUH??? I am so glad you are here. So little left for us to laugh at while those you support are killing us infidels all over the world. Thank you sir,

Well, projecting doesn't work, nor does lying. I am supporting the Palestinians, especially the Christians, who are being killed and oppressed by the Israeli Jews because they are Gentiles. You support the killing of Gentile children by murderous Israelis. It is you that haven't an answer to fact.
WRONG as the people from Europe did not expel anyone, it was the arab muslims that expelled the Jews from their homes in the M.E. Over 1 million Jews were forcibly expelled from their homes in just the clothes they wore. Many of the people living there were hostile and terrorists so they were evicted from Israel in 1948/1949 under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW. The true Palestinians stayed in Israel and their descendants are still there to this day as full Israeli citizens. The Christians have faced recent ethnic cleansing in gaza and the west bank at the hands of the arab muslims who have reduced the population from 12% down to 2%. want to argue about these facts child as the evidence is available freely.

"WRONG as the people from Europe did not expel anyone"

What is the difference between expelling and evicting? You continue to just make things up. You are one nutcase bullshitter, that's for sure. There is no evidence you silly little man, if there were you would provide it. You just mouth off a bunch of nonsense.

Now now Monte, calm down. You'll give yourself a sroke or something. And we need you here for laughs.

You are the one that is seething, can't deny fact and it is frustrating isn't it. LOL . Projection doesn't work well, it's too obvious. Try harder.

HUH??? I am so glad you are here. So little left for us to laugh at while those you support are killing us infidels all over the world. Thank you sir,

Well, projecting doesn't work, nor does lying. I am supporting the Palestinians, especially the Christians, who are being killed and oppressed by the Israeli Jews because they are Gentiles. You support the killing of Gentile children by murderous Israelis. It is you that haven't an answer to fact.

HUH??? Is this what you are referring to? I never knew they are Israeli's. Amazing what we can learn from Monte.

ISIS to Christians in Mosul convert pay or die 8211 CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs
"WRONG as the people from Europe did not expel anyone"

What is the difference between expelling and evicting? You continue to just make things up. You are one nutcase bullshitter, that's for sure. There is no evidence you silly little man, if there were you would provide it. You just mouth off a bunch of nonsense.

Now now Monte, calm down. You'll give yourself a sroke or something. And we need you here for laughs.

You are the one that is seething, can't deny fact and it is frustrating isn't it. LOL . Projection doesn't work well, it's too obvious. Try harder.

HUH??? I am so glad you are here. So little left for us to laugh at while those you support are killing us infidels all over the world. Thank you sir,

Well, projecting doesn't work, nor does lying. I am supporting the Palestinians, especially the Christians, who are being killed and oppressed by the Israeli Jews because they are Gentiles. You support the killing of Gentile children by murderous Israelis. It is you that haven't an answer to fact.

HUH??? Is this what you are referring to? I never knew they are Israeli's. Amazing what we can learn from Monte.

ISIS to Christians in Mosul convert pay or die 8211 CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs[/QUOTe

No I was referring to the killing of hundreds of children by Israel. The Christians in Syria fight with the Syrian Army.

"Syrian Christians are starting to align with the regime of Bashar al Assad as extremist rebels form an increasing number of the anti-regime fighters. Worried about their churches and homes, Christians are organizing into volunteer units and fighting alongside the regular Syrian army"

Christians joining forces with Syrian Army as jihadists threaten - Middle East - International - News - Catholic Online
when everyone in Gaza knows how all of Israel would happily destroy them,.

Well, since Israel has had the capacity to do just that for decades and hasn't done so, perhaps it is time for the Arabs to turn their attention to building a viable society instead of focusing so much on their delusions.

There are ancient Jewish sites in Gaza that predate Islam, yet there are now no Jews left in Gaza. As far as who has succeeded in destroying who here, perhaps a little reality check is in order.
when everyone in Gaza knows how all of Israel would happily destroy them,.

Well, since Israel has had the capacity to do just that for decades and hasn't done so, perhaps it is time for the Arabs to turn their attention to building a viable society instead of focusing so much on their delusions.

There are ancient Jewish sites in Gaza that predate Islam, yet there are now no Jews left in Gaza. As far as who has succeeded in destroying who here, perhaps a little reality check is in order.

There can't be viable society until the occupation and blockade ends. Israel has never had the capacity to totally eliminate the non-Jews without facing debilitating sanctions that the U.S. could not prevent. A little reality check would do the Jews a lot of good. They now control a non-Jewish population equal or a bit larger than the Jewish population. Within a generation the non-Jewish population will be a sizable majority. How long will Israeli Jews be able to control and oppress this non-Jewish population without resultant blow back?
when everyone in Gaza knows how all of Israel would happily destroy them,.

Well, since Israel has had the capacity to do just that for decades and hasn't done so, perhaps it is time for the Arabs to turn their attention to building a viable society instead of focusing so much on their delusions.

There are ancient Jewish sites in Gaza that predate Islam, yet there are now no Jews left in Gaza. As far as who has succeeded in destroying who here, perhaps a little reality check is in order.

There can't be viable society until the occupation and blockade ends. Israel has never had the capacity to totally eliminate the non-Jews without facing debilitating sanctions that the U.S. could not prevent. A little reality check would do the Jews a lot of good. They now control a non-Jewish population equal or a bit larger than the Jewish population. Within a generation the non-Jewish population will be a sizable majority. How long will Israeli Jews be able to control and oppress this non-Jewish population without resultant blow back?

The solution is to remove all Palestinian squatters without any titles or deeds who are occupying Israel's land. Don't you agree?
The solution is to remove all Palestinian squatters without any titles or deeds who are occupying Israel's land. Don't you agree?

I don't really know if there is a solution given all the hatred, but the notion of titles and deeds does trace much of the conflict back to its origins. in the late 1900s and early 20th century, the Arabs who were still decades away from ever inventing an identity called "Palestinian" viewed land ownership in terms of simple habitation whereas the Jewish people who were purchasing land from the Ottomans viewed it in terms of such deeds and titles. When Arabs refer to land "theft", they are really referring to land that was purchased.

When you add in the large number of Arabs who moved to the area in response to Jewish economic development during these years, the notion gets clouded even further.

Unfortunately, few people know any real history as most simply go to propaganda sites and then repeat the blather they find within.
when everyone in Gaza knows how all of Israel would happily destroy them,.

Well, since Israel has had the capacity to do just that for decades and hasn't done so, perhaps it is time for the Arabs to turn their attention to building a viable society instead of focusing so much on their delusions.

There are ancient Jewish sites in Gaza that predate Islam, yet there are now no Jews left in Gaza. As far as who has succeeded in destroying who here, perhaps a little reality check is in order.

You are very confused there Dog.
Being Jewish is an irrelevancy. Being a European Invader - specifically with the political movement of Zionism is key.

Zionists are a new political tribe. They have no business being in Palestine, other than to sow evil and steal. Of course they are not welcome.

As to having the capacity to destroy all in Gaza, or all Palestinians, they do have this, but they don't have the capacity to do this and to survive as the political movement that they are. We are watching you Zionists closely, specifically to prevent your wished for genocide.

If you do it, then you will have not just our wrath to deal with, but that of all of Europe - Even the Germans who are still now tricked by your facade of being Jewish - and maybe even of the USA, which would be forced to choose sides either with the genocidal manics of Israel, or the rest of the world.

The world cannot choose to side with genocide. If we did it would happen over and over again.
You are very confused there Dog.
Being Jewish is an irrelevancy. Being a European Invader - specifically with the political movement of Zionism is key.

Zionists are a new political tribe. They have no business being in Palestine, other than to sow evil and steal. Of course they are not welcome.

As to having the capacity to destroy all in Gaza, or all Palestinians, they do have this, but they don't have the capacity to do this and to survive as the political movement that they are. We are watching you Zionists closely, specifically to prevent your wished for genocide.

If you do it, then you will have not just our wrath to deal with, but that of all of Europe - Even the Germans who are still now tricked by your facade of being Jewish - and maybe even of the USA, which would be forced to choose sides either with the genocidal manics of Israel, or the rest of the world.

The world cannot choose to side with genocide. If we did it would happen over and over again.

If I am at all confused, it would be in not knowing if I am dealing with a Neo Nazi, an Islamist, or an ignorant western extreme leftist.

They all tend agree when the subject is Jews.
.... the Jewish people who were purchasing land from the Ottomans ......

No significant land was bought from the Ottomans. They occupied the land in any case, and did not own it.
Ottoman Turks were kicked out by British and Arab forces in WWI. The British put a ban on buying and selling land, to give time for ownership to become apparent. due to lack of a European system of recording who owned what.

The land that is referred to as stolen by Israel is land which was stolen by Israel. Sometime in dispossessing the Palestinian families and appropriating it. Sometimes even in allowing that continuity of ownership but annexing that land for a racist Jewish state, set up by and for European colonists.
when everyone in Gaza knows how all of Israel would happily destroy them,.

Well, since Israel has had the capacity to do just that for decades and hasn't done so, perhaps it is time for the Arabs to turn their attention to building a viable society instead of focusing so much on their delusions.

There are ancient Jewish sites in Gaza that predate Islam, yet there are now no Jews left in Gaza. As far as who has succeeded in destroying who here, perhaps a little reality check is in order.

You are very confused there Dog.
Being Jewish is an irrelevancy. Being a European Invader - specifically with the political movement of Zionism is key.

Zionists are a new political tribe. They have no business being in Palestine, other than to sow evil and steal. Of course they are not welcome.

As to having the capacity to destroy all in Gaza, or all Palestinians, they do have this, but they don't have the capacity to do this and to survive as the political movement that they are. We are watching you Zionists closely, specifically to prevent your wished for genocide.

If you do it, then you will have not just our wrath to deal with, but that of all of Europe - Even the Germans who are still now tricked by your facade of being Jewish - and maybe even of the USA, which would be forced to choose sides either with the genocidal manics of Israel, or the rest of the world.

The world cannot choose to side with genocide. If we did it would happen over and over again.

OUTSTANDING POINT! You have a very fine brain. In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left. It's a genocide I tell ya. A GENOCIDE!

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - ProCon.org
OUTSTANDING POINT! You have a very fine brain. In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left. It's a genocide I tell ya. A GENOCIDE!

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - ProCon.org

It's funny how the Pallywood propagandists never acknowledge the fact that there were once a million Jews living in Arab lands, and now there are scant thousands.

As far as actual (rather than imagined) ethnic clensing is concerned, you do have to admit that this is one of the few things Arabs are just much better at than Jews,.
Beelzebub, et al,

And in deed Israel nor the world has chosen genocide.

The world cannot choose to side with genocide. If we did it would happen over and over again.

That was concocted by the Arabs, relative to this struggle (Jews 'v' Arab).

    • (a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognise the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

      (b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.

      (c) It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said Commission.

      (d) The United Nations or its Commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

      (e) The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

      (f) The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

      (g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.
This was the Arabs that brought this up.

Most Respectfully,
OUTSTANDING POINT! You have a very fine brain. In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left. It's a genocide I tell ya. A GENOCIDE!

I take it you mean to be ironic and intend us to understand that there is no genocide wanted, executed, or partially so.

There are more Jews in the world now than in 1930.
By your logic there was no genocide against the Jews.

It's curious to find you as a Holocaust Denier.
The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration ... The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.

This was the Arabs that brought this up.
Most Respectfully,

You seem to miss that this is defiance in the face of a heavily armed and ruthless colonialist invader.

It is not, as you imply, an invitation.
OUTSTANDING POINT! You have a very fine brain. In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left. It's a genocide I tell ya. A GENOCIDE!

I take it you mean to be ironic and intend us to understand that there is no genocide wanted, executed, or partially so.

There are more Jews in the world now than in 1930.
By your logic there was no genocide against the Jews.

It's curious to find you as a Holocaust Denier.

HUH??? Are you off your meds again? I am not a Holocaust denier. I just despise Zionists for their treatment of the Palestinians. What kind of people make peace offerings to them, build a security fence & grant their demand for their own land? No surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like those Zionists in Israel do.
Boring. You've used that fallacious line way to many times to be even mildly amusing.

You are denying, by your logic that there was a genocide against the Jews. I think that is disgusting of you MJB.

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