Who is Reinhold Niebuhr? Jimmy Carter knows..........er..........um...........knew


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
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After reading this article about Carter's life, I learned that the writings of one Reinhold Niebuhr essentially became his Bible. In fact, many in Washington feel the same, ranging from Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and John McCain. In fact, FBI director James Comey used Niebuhr's name as a screen name for his personal Twitter account.


So, who is the theological leader of the Deep State? Of course, he is a Marxist, but then not a Marxist, a pacifist, but then someone who championed war. In other words, he was Left leaning and kept changing the rules as he went along noting the corrupt fallibility of man is what drives him to constantly switch his own moral compass as he comfortly pats himself on the back reassuring himself that he is only human as the ends justify the means so long as the goal is worthy. No word yet on whether one can also pursue a goal that is not worthy since man is so fallible and all, but I guess that is for Niebuhr the Second to grapple with, assuming there is one out there.

It just kills me, however, to know that the Left always preaches publicly against combining the church and state, but privately do just the opposite, so long as they can omit God's name from the subject matter and combine Marxist philosophy to it as they give themselves credit for all their perceived accomplishments.


As I said, Reinhold Niebuhr vacillated from being a pacifist during WW1 to promoting war against the National Socialists of Germany during WW2, while oddly enough wanting to fight communism, while at the same time opposing the US involvement in the Vietnam war.

For you see, Reinhold was ever evolving, just like the same politicians in the Swamp. This is how Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton can be against gay marriage one day, and the next be all for it. The only morality is relative to political expediency to keep them in power because those in power are "enlightened" and "need to save humanity from itself", no matter the cost for things like global warming.

And then I get hit from theologians like C. S. Lewis

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”​

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I agree with Reinhold for the most part with this bit

In pointing to the dangers of what Justice Robert H. Jackson called "compulsory godliness," Niebuhr argued that "religion is so frequently a source of confusion in political life, and so frequently dangerous to democracy, precisely because it introduces absolutes into the realm of relative values." Religion, he warned, could be a source of error as well as wisdom and light. Its role should be to inculcate, not a sense of infallibility, but a sense of humility. Indeed, "the worst corruption is a corrupt religion."

I guess the only thing I disagree with here is the notion that religion must be God centered, that religions cannot arise without being God centered and atheistic.

I look at the Left, and I see a godless religion, you have a climate cult, and a vaccine cult, and the gender cult. They are cults that are unable to take criticism, unable to share political power and other points of view who are shouted down and called names as they drown out the voices they disdain. I have never seen the level self-righteousness from God centered religions as I see from the Godless Left. They don't even entertain the notion of being wrong about issues like abortion on demand.

For that I disagree with Reiny who have misled his godless flock on the notion that they are superior in every way to people who are God centered, simply because they are not God centered.

In fact, what doctrine or religion has murdered as many hundreds of millions last century as did Godless Marxism?
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After reading this article about Carter's life, I learned that the writings of one Reinhold Niebuhr essentially became his Bible. In fact, many in Washington feel the same, ranging from Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and John McCain. In fact, FBI director James Comey used Niebuhr's name as a screen name for his personal Twitter account.
I think a person who simply adopts another person's philosophy is small minded.
Religion, he warned, could be a source of error as well as wisdom and light. Its role should be to inculcate, not a sense of infallibility, but a sense of humility. Indeed, "the worst corruption is a corrupt religion."

Unfortunately for him, he confused Christianity with religion. When he said religion, all he meant was Christianity as this was the only religion he had ever had any dealings with, so treated it as if it encompassed ALL religion.
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