Who pays corporate taxes?

Not entirely accurate. What he seeks to do is impose tariffs on nations which support their industries financially thereby making the products cheaper. He isn’t a fan of U.S. getting fucked over.

Trump is simply making a boogey man out of foreign manufacturing.
The real "fucker" in all this is the big spending politicians like him, who love their huge spending bills so much, that they have to constantly increase the debt ceiling, just to keep spending more.

Instead of addressing the real reasons why outsourcing occurs (USD value), he's misleading his supporters as to how he can solve the problem. He knows he has a lot of supporters. Especially ones who don't understand monetary or economic policy. So he can run this "corporations are unAmerican if they outsource jobs" narrative.
American manufacturers, who are paying $25hr are trying to compete with manufactures who are paying $25 per DAY. (Note: That $25 per DAY to those foreign employee's, ain't a bad wage)
Trump knows all this. This is why his and his families line of clothing was made in China and not the US. But his many supporters still give him a pass on this. And will defend him for tariff increases. Because they simply don't understand that it's a tax increase. Just as much of a tax increase as the inflation tax he helped create with his $8 trillion in NEW money he spent.

One can generally oppose the notion of tariffs. But then we’d need some new way to balance the scale for fair competition.

The only way to bring jobs back to this country is to increase the value of the US, so that it doesn't take $25hr to live.
I wouldn't mind in the least if I made $5hr, if it bought me the same as what $25hr bought me. It would be a wash.

It wasn't that long ago that $5hr was a decent wage here in the US. And it wasn't until big spending politicians like Trump came along, that destroyed all that.

Kamala is a moron. We both agree on that. The difference is, Trump knows that increasing tariffs is a tax on the US consumers. He just has a good sales pitch for it.
Kamala, she simply thinks the corporations aren't going to pass along the higher costs to consumers.

Trumps a con man. Kamala is retarded. Either way, we the people pay more.
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There’s a difference. Tariffs hit everyone. Harris wants taxes raised on the wealthy

Oh yeah, because the corporations aren't going to increase the price of their product. They're going to bend at the knee and just take the loss. :rolleyes:

Trump is simply making a boogey man out of foreign manufacturing.
The real "fucker" in all this is the big spending politicians like him, who love their huge spending bills so much, that they have to constantly increase the debt ceiling, just to keep spending more.
Instead of addressing the real reasons why outsourcing occurs (USD value), he's misleading his supporters as to how he can solve the problem. He knows he has a lot of supporters. Especially ones who don't understand monetary or economic policy. So he can run this "corporations are unAmerican if they outsource jobs" narrative.
American manufacturers, who are paying $25hr are trying to compete with manufactures who are paying $25 per DAY. (Note: That $25 per DAY to those foreign employee's, ain't a bad wage)
Trump knows all this. This is why his and his families line of clothing was made in China and not the US. But his many supporters still give him a pass on this. And will defend him for tariff increases. Because they simply don't understand that it's a tax increase. Just as much of a tax increase as the inflation tax he helped create with his $8 trillion in NEW money he spent.
The only way to bring jobs back to this country is to increase the value of the US, so that it doesn't take $25hr to live.
I wouldn't mind in the least if I made $5hr, if it bought me the same as what $25hr bought me. It would be a wash.
It wasn't that long ago that $5hr was a decent wage here in the US. And it wasn't until big spending politicians like Trump came along, that destroyed all that.
Kamala is a moron. We both agree on that. The difference is, Trump knows that increasing tariffs is a tax on the US consumers. He just has a good sales pitch for it.
Kamala, she simply thinks the corporations aren't going to pass along the higher costs to consumers.
Trumps a con man. Kamala is retarded. Either way, we the people pay more.

You fucked up the quote function.

Suffice it to say: you’re wrong. Well, in part. And intoning your unsupported contentions doesn’t really suffice to support your arguments.
A tariff can be on specific products or material, such as say aluminum

It's not just aluminum. It's a long list of things, including products made with aluminum parts. Steel and products made with steel.

That go into common things like washing machines.
Government employees, the bureaucracy, are by nature liberal. If they are charged with enforcing laws that they don't like they drag their feet.
That's easy to say and a lot harder to show w/ numbers. The biggest block of fed employees is in Defense:

--and they got nothing to do w/ domestic laws.
Oh yeah, because the corporations aren't going to increase the price of their product. They're going to bend at the knee and just take the loss. :rolleyes:

Corps that want to increase market share and be successful long term absolutely would keep prices low.
Especially when they are currently making record profits
A tariff can be on specific products or material, such as say aluminum
Which would only benefit consumers if we had the capacity to produce enough aluminum to make up for the (now) more expensive imported aluminum
Corps that want to increase market share and be successful long term absolutely would keep prices low.
Especially when they are currently making record profits
Sure but taxes are a set rate, they have to pay it or it’s a crime.

So when taxes increase the price has to increase
Which would only benefit consumers if we had the capacity to produce enough aluminum to make up for the (now) more expensive imported aluminum
Or purchase from a company that doesn’t get aluminum from China.

It’s a choice

Unlike when harris decides to increase taxes on every US business
Sure but taxes are a set rate, they have to pay it or it’s a crime.

So when taxes increase the price has to increase
The price does NOT have to increase. What law states that?

Enterprising corps that want to increase market share can drop their price by the amount of that tax and take a bigger share.

That is especially true when those corps are making record profits
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The price does NOT have to increase. Why law states that?

Enterprising corps that want to increase market share can drop their price by the amount of that tax and take a bigger share.

That is especially true when those corps are making record profits
Haha of course it does, or the business would be operating at a lose and go out of business

You fucked up the quote function.

Suffice it to say: you’re wrong. Well, in part. And intoning your unsupported contentions doesn’t really suffice to support your arguments.

There, I fixed the quote.

But I'm not wrong on what I said. Having low debt and low inflation, meant a higher USD value. It's exactly how and why the USA was the manufacturing giant of the world.
Dumping trillions of new money into the economy creates inflation. It causes everything to increase in price. Including higher wages.
If a company has to pay more in wages than their competitors, then they either make less money and possibly get beaten out by the competition. Or they adjust by outsourcing labor. (to stay in business)

When the government creates the inflation that caused the companies to outsource labor, and then wants to charge them more to import their products, the companies only option is to pass along the higher costs to their consumers. "We the people."

A real leader would address the actual problem. The USD value and why it's in the toilet. (too much spending, creating high inflation) Not pussyfoot around with a good sales pitch, blaming the symptom.

There, I fixed the quote.

But I'm not wrong on what I said. Having low debt and low inflation, meant a higher USD value. It's exactly how and why the USA was the manufacturing giant of the world.
Dumping trillions of new money into the economy creates inflation. It causes everything to increase in price. Including higher wages.
If a company has to pay more in wages than their competitors, then they either make less money and possibly get beaten out by the competition. Or they adjust by outsourcing labor. (to stay in business)

When the government creates the inflation that caused the companies to outsource labor, and then wants to charge them more to import their products, the companies only option is to pass along the higher costs to their consumers. "We the people."

A real leader would address the actual problem. The USD value and why it's in the toilet. (too much spending, creating high inflation) Not pussyfoot around with a good sales pitch, blaming the symptom.
You are still largely wrong. Your opinions about Trump are just that. Opinions. Not evidence. Not support.

Whether you and I happen not to approve (generally) of the imposition of “tariffs” is a separate and distinct topic different than whether our general disapproval of tariffs is well founded (in all cases).
Corps that want to increase market share and be successful long term absolutely would keep prices low.
Especially when they are currently making record profits

You're moving the goal posts a bit here, by getting into stocks. That's a different conversation.
I understand your point. Just trying to keep the conversation on the actual subject.
Why corporations outsource. And how raising tariffs is a tax increase for US consumers.
You are still largely wrong. Your opinions about Trump are just that. Opinions. Not evidence. Not support.

Whether you and I happen not to approve (generally) of the imposition of “tariffs” is a separate and distinct topic different than whether our general disapproval of tariffs is well founded (in all cases).

I'm discussing the root cause. Higher tariffs is being brought about because of so many companies outsourcing labor. If the USD was sound, if the politicians like Trump wasn't such big spending politicians, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Because $5hr would still be a decent wage in this country. Corporations wouldn't have a need to outsource. And the US would still be the manufacturing giant of the world.
Democrats are always bleating about raising taxes on "evil corporations', but who actually pays them?

Data proves it is workers via lower pay, and the consumer.

In other words, this Democrat policy directly hurts working folks the most.

The economic evidence suggests that in the long run, workers and consumers, rather than shareholders, bear a sizable share of the corporate tax burden. Reviewing some of this evidence in greater detail shows that many vulnerable groups would likely be impacted by these corporate tax changes.

In a large study of German municipalities over a 20-year period, Fuest et al. (2018) find that slightly more than half of the corporate tax burden falls on workers. The study links administrative data from municipalities with firm level micro data, allowing the researchers to precisely estimate the impact of corporate tax changes on wages. The paper notes several different effects across workers. Higher corporate taxes reduced wages the most for low-skilled, women, and young workers. While many policymakers view corporate taxation as a form of progressive taxation, the authors show that accounting for these estimates of tax incidence would reduce the progressivity of the U.S. tax system between 25 and 40 percent.

Beyond workers, Baker et al. (2020) find that consumers could also be impacted by corporate tax changes. Looking at specific product prices with linked survey and administrative data at the state level, the authors found that a 1 percentage-point increase in the corporate tax rate increased retail prices by 0.17 percent. Combining this estimate with the wage response estimated in Fuest et al., the authors calculated that 31 percent of the corporate tax incidence falls on consumers, 38 percent on workers, and 31 percent on shareholders.

The authors observed that the effects of corporate taxes differed across products and firms. Prices of lower-priced goods responded nearly twice as much to corporate tax changes relative to prices of higher-priced goods. Firms with more leverage, due to preferences given to debt-financing in the tax code, were less likely to pass corporate tax changes on to consumers. Finally, the effects on prices were strongest for products that were more likely to be purchased by low-income households, indicating that corporate tax is likely less progressive than commonly asserted.

Low-income households were disproportionately impacted by the economic downturn due to the pandemic. As the economy continues to rebound, legislators should be wary of policies that could further harm this group. Instead of increasing corporate taxes, they should consider other options to raise revenue and make the tax code more progressive.
Consumers, it is figured into the cost of goods.

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