Who pays corporate taxes?

I'm discussing the root cause. Higher tariffs is being brought about because of so many companies outsourcing labor. If the USD was sound, if the politicians like Trump wasn't such big spending politicians, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Because $5hr would still be a decent wage in this country. Corporations wouldn't have a need to outsource. And the US would still be the manufacturing giant of the world.
I hear you. I just see you as over-generalizing.

Tariffs can generally suck. But sometimes they are in order.

For example, if the John Deere company sees that Trump is serious, then they may understand that rheir proposed move to Mexico for manufacturing (a move to lower their costs) will actually not save them any money but may instead cost far more than it’s worth. So, rhe associated jobs stay here.

I hear you. I just see you as over-generalizing.

Over generalizing? "We the people" have come accustomed to under generalizing and not holding our politicians accountable for anything. Unless it's the other side of the isle. Then we scrutinize everything they say or do. But not those on our side.

This is one of the benefits of being politically independent. We can scrutinize all sides, at any time for anything they do wrong. We are not affected by the lesser of two evils propaganda. And we can stick to our principles and our true beliefs.
Tariffs can generally suck. But sometimes they are in order.

For example, if the John Deere company sees that Trump is serious, then they may understand that rheir proposed move to Mexico for manufacturing (a move to lower their costs) will actually not save them any money but may instead cost far more than it’s worth. So, rhe associated jobs stay here.


In John Deere's case, or any for that matter, it should not be within the governments authority to punish a company for it's decisions to help increase their profits. Especially when it was the government that helped them make the decision to move part of their manufacturing to Mexico.

Tariffs are simply a tax. In this case, against a company that still has over 30,000 direct employee's and probably that many American indirect employee's. John Deere does more to keep our economy going than the government itself.
And because of what the government has done to the USD, it should be the one that's punished. Not JD. And certainly not JD's customers.
Over generalizing? "We the people" have come accustomed to under generalizing and not holding our politicians accountable for anything. Unless it's the other side of the isle. Then we scrutinize everything they say or do. But not those on our side.

This is one of the benefits of being politically independent. We can scrutinize all sides, at any time for anything they do wrong. We are not affected by the lesser of two evils propaganda. And we can stick to our principles and our true beliefs.

In John Deere's case, or any for that matter, it should not be within the governments authority to punish a company for it's decisions to help increase their profits. Especially when it was the government that helped them make the decision to move part of their manufacturing to Mexico.

Tariffs are simply a tax. In this case, against a company that still has over 30,000 direct employee's and probably that many American indirect employee's. John Deere does more to keep our economy going than the government itself.
And because of what the government has done to the USD, it should be the one that's punished. Not JD. And certainly not JD's customers.
I assume that you’re a sincere guy.

But you are indeed overgeneralizing.
I assume that you’re a sincere guy.

But you are indeed overgeneralizing.

"Over" generalizing is your opinion. I can respect that. I think you and the die hard Trump supporters highly under generalize him.

They have to overlook or ignore a lot of the left crap he did while president. And even some of his latest promises. Like the government paying for women's' IVF's or saving back candy flavored vape's.

Does it get more liberal than this? Probably. But this is still not the governments responsibility. Much less the fact that they'd have to borrow the money to pay for it.
"Over" generalizing is your opinion. I can respect that. I think you and the die hard Trump supporters highly under generalize him.

They have to overlook or ignore a lot of the left crap he did while president. And even some of his latest promises. Like the government paying for women's' IVF's or saving back candy flavored vape's.

Does it get more liberal than this? Probably. But this is still not the governments responsibility. Much less the fact that they'd have to borrow the money to pay for it.

You’re entitled to you views.
You’re entitled to you views.

We all are.

But the facts of why companies outsource and the USD value are still facts. I'll agree there's a greed factor involved. JD's profits are still in the billions. So it's not like they're going broke.

None the less, greed or not, it's still not the government's role to step into the free market like this. Or be so socialist (while he's pretending to be a Republican)

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