Who pays tariffs?

What free stuff do corporations get?
well, they get to write off their cars, the gas, milage, they use ... anything the business buy to run it, they get to write everything off... free stuff... even their water cooler, you didn't know this is free stuff that we taxpayers pay for ?? you don't seem to be upset over their free stuff why's that ... I mean you are paying for it out of your hard earned money ... heaven for bid I get on all the free stuff oil companies
well, they get to write off their cars, the gas, milage, they use ... anything the business buy to run it, they get to write everything off... free stuff... even their water cooler, you didn't know this is free stuff that we taxpayers pay for ?? you don't seem to be upset over their free stuff why's that ... I mean you are paying for it out of your hard earned money ... heaven for bid I get on all the free stuff oil companies
Only if you think all the wealth belongs to the government and we the people are just allowed to keep a little of what we earn for ourselves

Taxing corporations is just an indirect tax on consumers
In the future when I post something you either point out where it is wrong … why it’s wrong … these little bullshit responses you give here will get no further response from me … it will be saying to me I can’t refute your post so I’m going to attack you intellect … I’m done with your childish responses …either you go back to the original post and point out where I was wrong … if you don’t I will not respond to your childish ways.. you’ve been getting away with this behavior for too long …
I did and you freaked out. ewwwwwwww

he was ordered to say that. Where you been? I've said it since Trump was last elected, the establishment hates trump. The tariffs put a burden on the establisment because they lose control of the product movement in the states. It's fundamental they have that control. So, they bought even republicans. It's why the swamp cleanup was targeted at both parties. Always has been. It's why Trump couldn't get his policies passed in republican controlled senate. It's as obvious as the nose on your face unless you ain't got a nose.
seems your republican governor Mark Robinson want-a-be, thinks we should have slaves and you are complaining about china ??? why ??? you Republicans are trying to change the law where you too can have slaves ... so whats your problem

so finally learned something ...seems this answer doesn't work for you with the tariff problem of the consumer paying for the tariffs ...that you say they don't pay for ...

oh by the way there are no freebies... nobody gets free stuff everything you get is paid for ... by you and the rest of the taxpayers... even people on welfare are taxed .. seems it is you who needs a course on how business works ...

Bad job of making up strawmen; that's what happens when you cling to an ideology you can't defend or even understand.
Yes, in the short run it is American consumers paying slightly more for the American made product

No, they will always pay more.

Products made in the US will never be as inexpensive to make in the US as they are in places like China or Vietnam or India.
No, they will always pay more.

Products made in the US will never be as inexpensive to make in the US as they are in places like China or Vietnam or India.
yeah, that's the problem with tarrifs. They tend to stick. such as Biden is doing. Esp when we intentionally run deficits (both partys) that will ultimately destroy our own econ.

Trump's plan was PARTLY pure liberal econ policy. Use tariffs to increase prices of imported goods. That would set a "floor" for the cheapest price. Keep raising the floor until US mftrs join in.

However, what if the Chinese sell something under their cost ?(and they do ... solar panels being one) Communists can do that, and Xi has been consolidating the econ under the party ... again. Trump doesn't really focus on details, and his chief ideology chief Robert Lighthizer has been kicked out of every US admin (besides Trump) since Reagan.

Who would oppose setting crippling tarrifs or even banning an import totally if there's proof of selling under cost?
yeah, that's the problem with tarrifs. They tend to stick. such as Biden is doing. Esp when we intentionally run deficits (both partys) that will ultimately destroy our own econ.

Trump's plan was PARTLY pure liberal econ policy. Use tariffs to increase prices of imported goods. That would set a "floor" for the cheapest price. Keep raising the floor until US mftrs join in.

However, what if the Chinese sell something under their cost ?(and they do ... solar panels being one) Communists can do that, and Xi has been consolidating the econ under the party ... again. Trump doesn't really focus on details, and his chief ideology chief Robert Lighthizer has been kicked out of every US admin (besides Trump) since Reagan.

Who would oppose setting crippling tarrifs or even banning an import totally if there's proof of selling under cost?
Selling something under cost is called dumping, and tariffs are fine. They are pretty much the only time that international trade tribunals will let you impose tariffs.

If you want an example of where tariffs just increase prices, look at soft wood lumber. You impose a tariff on Canadian soft wood. Just because our costs are lower. You still import a lot of it, US production is not sufficient, but it raises the overall price.
yeah, that's the problem with tarrifs. They tend to stick. such as Biden is doing. Esp when we intentionally run deficits (both partys) that will ultimately destroy our own econ.

Trump's plan was PARTLY pure liberal econ policy. Use tariffs to increase prices of imported goods. That would set a "floor" for the cheapest price. Keep raising the floor until US mftrs join in.

However, what if the Chinese sell something under their cost ?(and they do ... solar panels being one) Communists can do that, and Xi has been consolidating the econ under the party ... again. Trump doesn't really focus on details, and his chief ideology chief Robert Lighthizer has been kicked out of every US admin (besides Trump) since Reagan.

Who would oppose setting crippling tarrifs or even banning an import totally if there's proof of selling under cost?
Again, your lack of knowledge on the fundamental reason for tariffs is noted. Why not educate yourself on their purpose and be smarter?
yeah, that's the problem with tarrifs. They tend to stick. such as Biden is doing. Esp when we intentionally run deficits (both partys) that will ultimately destroy our own econ.

Trump's plan was PARTLY pure liberal econ policy. Use tariffs to increase prices of imported goods. That would set a "floor" for the cheapest price. Keep raising the floor until US mftrs join in.

However, what if the Chinese sell something under their cost ?(and they do ... solar panels being one) Communists can do that, and Xi has been consolidating the econ under the party ... again. Trump doesn't really focus on details, and his chief ideology chief Robert Lighthizer has been kicked out of every US admin (besides Trump) since Reagan.

Who would oppose setting crippling tarrifs or even banning an import totally if there's proof of selling under cost?
Don't forget about other countries retaliating by not buying our exports

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