Who pays tariffs?

Boy you guys pick a loser .. genera Stanley McCrystal just posted an article saying he can’t vote for trump that he is casting his vote for Kamala Harris … seems these republicans themselves who has worked with the guy says he’s the worst thing that could happen to this country if he ‘s elected…
who gives a flying fk? Why is he important? Who do you supposed follows what he does?
Yes, in the short run it is American consumers paying slightly more for the American made product.

No, they will always pay more.

My bad, I should have typed more words but then I'm always gettin yelled at for going on and on.

My self quote there should have read...

In the short run it is American consumers paying slightly more for the American made product given that The Yellow Menace products cost more cause of the tariffs but then as America retools and their products sell volume, volume, volume happens, price comes down along with the normal American world leading productivity/efficiency gains (I'm more betterer at my job than I was last month) so it all snowballs for America. Given all that, (if the liberals just fu(kin leave the American economy alone) this is all economics 101.

Is that more betterer, Mr. Eagle?

Products made in the US will never be as inexpensive to make in the US as they are in places like China or Vietnam or India.


I guess Americans needs consider basic morality and question if they want to buy a $1 shirt made by children in an oversees sweat shop or pay $5 for the same friggin shirt made by Americans. One needs consider the whole free/fair trade debate. Maybe America has free/fair trade with Canada, eh?
In the short run it is American consumers paying slightly more for the American made product given that The Yellow Menace products cost more cause of the tariffs but then as America retools and their products sell volume, volume, volume happens, price comes down along with the normal American world leading productivity/efficiency gains (I'm more betterer at my job than I was last month) so it all snowballs for America. Given all that, (if the liberals just fu(kin leave the American economy alone) this is all economics 101.

Is that more betterer, Mr. Eagle?

What time frame do you see this taking place over?

At this point in time there are not enough American made products to replace all the imported one for most items. Thus as the tariffs drive up the cost of imported goods and more people attempt to buy American goods, there will not be enough to meet demand, pushing up prices even further to where the imported goods will again be cheaper, perhaps needing even higher tariffs.

I do agree there could be a snowball.
I guess Americans needs consider basic morality and question if they want to buy a $1 shirt made by children in an oversees sweat shop or pay $5 for the same friggin shirt made by Americans. One needs consider the whole free/fair trade debate. Maybe America has free/fair trade with Canada, eh?

I was not really thinking so much about t-shirts as I was vehicles and graphics cards and home appliances.
He wasn’t when he was before so you are spreading disinformation, you should be arrested
seems you are wrong... Here is the website bellow ...read it and weep There are more if you like losers... looks like there wasn't disinformation about the Pennsylvania teamsters picking Harris too ... don't ya just hate it when I'm right... you should be arrested fot being stupid and not knowing whats happening to your fearless leaders Donald and Natasha his rusky wife...

McChrystal backs Harris for president in New York Times op-ed​

Well, can you explain why Japanese cars (for one example) are not 100% more expensive than American cars? Why has the non-tarried cars out of Detroit, KC, Dallas, and South Carolina stayed more expensive than cars that are tarried 100% of their value?
the other day I posted a picture of a ad the first one was a picture of a Honda Pilot 33,000 the second was a picture of a Ford Escort 47,000 so your question is spot on ...why are american cars 14,000 dollars more ???
who gives a flying fk? Why is he important? Who do you supposed follows what he does?
other republicans ... after all he served several presidents... maybe you should look him up before you show your stupidity first ... he is one more of the 250 generals, some who worked for Trump and some who worked for the bushes and Reagan ,,, you know other republicans who are saying trump is the worst thing the country could elect... telling Americans to vote for Kamala harris because they are. They are all Republicans... i know you maga idiots don't get it cause that would take smarts something you lack...
What time frame do you see this taking place over?

What's all this then? A salient/apt question that continues the conversation?

Howz two(2) years sound?

At this point in time there are not enough American made products to replace all the imported one for most items.


Thus as the tariffs drive up the cost of imported goods and more people attempt to buy American goods, there will not be enough to meet demand, pushing up prices even further to where the imported goods will again be cheaper, perhaps needing even higher tariffs.

Then it is predominate upon American citizens to chill a fu(kin bit and for American product suppliers to curb their greed.

Yes, I am relying on patriotism and for Americans to get the long game.

I do agree there could be a snowball.

So maybe instant gratification Americans wait a bit and trust in American ingenuity to turn this round. Buy that $15 American toaster instead of the Yellow Menace $10 toaster. For now.

When the fu(k did America begin to doubt America?

I was not really thinking so much about t-shirts as I was vehicles and graphics cards and home appliances.

I don't know much about t-shirts...

teacher 4.8.png

but I, among other things are a mechanic, graphic cards, to me are for gamers which is fine and far as appliances goes, well, now you've hit a sore spot with me.

Just the other day my Dear Aunt bought a new stove/oven. New thing has a four(4) prong plug. Hot/hot/neutral/ground. Old was hot/hot/ground. Among other things I'm also a shade tree electrician. Now, a lazy fu(k can adapt a plug and "bond" the neutral/ground but for me that doesn't give a redundant path to ground if things go south. So I, the idiot nephew spent a day pulling 6/3 in the attic from new stove to the main panel. Because I care. I could go on for a paragraph explaining why that fu(kin matters. Just ask skews13. What's up, skews? Did you think I forgot you were a member here?

Nah, skews is a Master electrician, he's all licensed and I am not. Come on, skews, tell em all how I maybe could have just bonded my Dear Aunt's stove and been code and then tell them how what I did was the right thing.

Ah, skews ain't gonna do that cause I'm a conservative and he's a liberal. Also he hates me like poison from a different site.

Where was I? Ah, home appliances. I can install, destroy and repair most all home appliances and do so as part of my job. My job is building, installing, repairing and destroying stuff. Home appliances fear me. What was this post about? Ah, it was Mr. Eagle and tariffs.

Ah, American tariffs on the Yellow Menace good. That is all.
looks like there wasn't disinformation about the Pennsylvania teamsters picking Harris too
Stupid is as stupid does................Pennsylvania Teamsters of the Pa union?

You need to remember, Teamsters Int'l polled its members nationwide and realized 60% supported Trump. These Pa members were also part of that polling.

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