Who was truely to blame for World War One? ( Not the Germans!!)

How would you answer the question?

Btw …. There is a good video with the same title.

It was the usual suspects. Eastern Europeans: Austrians, Hungarians, Yugoslavians, Bosnians, Serbians.

Nothing good ever comes out of Eastern Europe.
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lol It was Wilhelm II, period. The little egomaniac demanded an empire like his Brit cousins had, only he was too incompetent to manage even Germany, much less an empire, and thought it a great idea to launch a war. He fired one of the great Diplomats and strategic geniuses of the century, Bismarck, out of spite and jealousy, then went on to unite all of Europe against his tantrums in a decade, quite an achievement considering how skillfully Bismarck kept them apart for decades and allowed Germany to invent itself and survive and thrive.

Why the little moron wanted to rule an empire made up of feral backward savages when Germany was developing into a modern super power and major industrial producer is a mystery, but stupidity is probably the reason.

In any case, WW I was the last gasp of feudalism in Europe, the only positive thing it produced. The Hapsburgs were toast, after 500 years of their imperialist wars and conquests.
lol It was Wilhelm II, period. The little egomaniac demanded an empire like his Brit cousins had, only he was too incompetent to manage even Germany, much less an empire, and thought it a great idea to launch a war. He fired one of the great Diplomats and strategic geniuses of the century, Bismarck, out of spite and jealousy, then went on to unite all of Europe against his tantrums in a decade, quite an achievement considering how skillfully Bismarck kept them apart for decades and allowed Germany to invent itself and survive and thrive.

Why the little moron wanted to rule an empire made up of feral backward savages when Germany was developing into a modern super power and major industrial producer is a mystery, but stupidity is probably the reason.

In any case, WW I was the last gasp of feudalism in Europe, the only positive thing it produced. The Hapsburgs were toast, after 500 years of their imperialist wars and conquests.
he was one of many
he was one of many

Nope, did it all by himself. He started when he fired Bismarck and spent the later years rattling his saber and threatening all of Europe if he didn't get his way. His gunboat diplomacy did the impossible: It made Britain and France allies.
Nope, did it all by himself. He started when he fired Bismarck and spent the later years rattling his saber and threatening all of Europe if he didn't get his way. His gunboat diplomacy did the impossible: It made Britain and France allies.
I agree with your last sentence …. Here he achieved the impossible ….
Nope, did it all by himself. He started when he fired Bismarck and spent the later years rattling his saber and threatening all of Europe if he didn't get his way. His gunboat diplomacy did the impossible: It made Britain and France allies.
Funny…sounds very similar to US policy today, which has pushed Russia and China together along with the global south.

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