Who will win the nomination for the Democrats?

Who will win the nomination for the Democrats?

  • Mayor Pete

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • I’m feeling the Bern

    Votes: 10 30.3%
  • Squaw Warren

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Little Mikey Bloomberg

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Plugs Biden

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • 80s sitcom Mom Klobuchar

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Math Yang

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • HIllary will jump back in

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Someone else ( post who)

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Who will win the nomination for the Democrats?

I know the DNC doesn’t want Bernie, but it seems like he will likely win.

What say you?
Who will win the nomination for the Democrats?

I know the DNC doesn’t want Bernie, but it seems like he will likely win.

What say you?

Doomberg. He doesn't need financing so he will outlast them all. The only way he will NOT win, is if Bernie can win enough delegates to take it on the 1st ballot, and I don't think he can. Once the super delegates get to cast their vote in the 2nd round, Bernie is a post toasty!

Now, how the Bernie Bro's accept this will be the billion dollar question!

Stay tuned, because this is going to get real interesting!

The race is on folks. Can Bernie win the nomination on the 1st ballot? That is the real conundrum of the Bernie Bro's in this Democratic primary-)
The Iowa Democratic Party announced Sunday that Pete Buttigieg would probably receive 14 delegates to the national presidential nominating convention from last week’s chaotic caucuses, while Bernie Sanders would receive 12.

The announcement came from state party officials nearly a week after the Iowa caucuses ended in controversy amid vote-counting problems and questions about the technology used to report results from 1,765 precincts.

And the numbers may not be final. Late Sunday, Sanders adviser Jeff Weaver said the campaign will seek a partial recanvass — a process he said would put the senator from Vermont on top in the delegate count. This is from Apple news.
It will be nice to have Hillary get a try for a third time :abgg2q.jpg:

The Dems will figure out some way to take the nomination away from Bernie again.

It really doesn't matter, President Trump is going to be re-elected in a landslide.
The communist, the fake Indian, the homosexual, or the corrupt ex-vice president?

Thats no choice at all
DNC motto is ABB - Anybody But Bernie. They will screw Bernie, that we know for sure, and it’s already started in Iowa.
It's going to be Bloomie in a bought nomination. It won't take the people long to see the midget for the shallow elitist he is and when the MSM realizes how totally boring he is, even they will be clamoring for Trump 2.
Dimms are missing the boat......George Clooney! Hollywood already hates Trump and libs are starstruck. With a moderate platform and expert political handling, Clooney would re-attract zombiefied Dems.
If the democrats are wise and they are not, if they want to win in Nov and clearly they don't, Bernie and Pete can not, should not be our nominees. a 37 year old gay guy, and a socialist giving illegals free education to college?, will not only be eaten alive, the ppl won't show at the polls and its the voter turnout that will determine this election...no matter who runs.
If the democrats are wise and they are not, if they want to win in Nov and clearly they don't, Bernie and Pete can not, should not be our nominees. a 37 year old gay guy, and a socialist giving illegals free education to college?, will not only be eaten alive, the ppl won't show at the polls and its the voter turnout that will determine this election...no matter who runs.

Totally agree. The dems will turnout in their urban plantations, but not the blue-collar folks in the rest of the country.
In 2016 Trump got way more crossover votes than Hillary, 2020 will be the same, more democrats will vote for Trump than Republicans voting for the dem nominee.
After seeing that loon warren beat Scott Brown I cant rule her out.. the left loves her
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Who will win the nomination for the Democrats?

I know the DNC doesn’t want Bernie, but it seems like he will likely win.

What say you?
I'm not a support of Bernie but I think he'll get the nod. I also predict it will end up like McGovern where he'll lose 49 states. Of course my track record for predictions is terrible, I was sure Trump would lose every primary and then lose the election.
Who will win the nomination for the Democrats?

I know the DNC doesn’t want Bernie, but it seems like he will likely win.

What say you?
I think it goes to the Convention and is an all out battle between Buttplug and Sanders. Sanders gets screwed and runs independent or at least refuses to endorse the nominee and the demoncrats lose even worse than they were already going to lose. I am no fan of Trump nor the demoncrats besides Tulsi Gabbard so I truly don't care.

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