Why are the Republicans stopping START??


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Why are the Republicans stopping START? - The Week

Republican lawmakers are blocking a push by the Obama administration to get a major nuclear arms treaty ratified this year. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) was signed by Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev back in April. The deal, which needs to be aproved by the Senate, would cut both countries' nuclear stockpile by about 30 percent. But Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), the GOP point man on the issue, said he does not want to schedule a vote during the lame-duck session of Congress because there's not enough time to overcome complex and unresolved issues. What's behind the delay?
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Not even Kyl knows what it's about: The "dimwitted" Senator Kyl couldn't even explain why he doesn't like START, says Steve Benen at Washington Monthly. And yet, Republicans prefer to listen to "the confused misjudgements of a buffoon from Arizona" "to the entirety of America's military, diplomatic, and intelligence leadership." Republicans are putting partisan hatred above the country's interests, and they don't even have the intellectual capacity to explain why.
It's about stopping Obama: The GOP's stated concerns are so absurd that the only explanation is their limitless desire to deny President Obama any legislative success," says The New York Times in an editorial. A failure to ratify this treaty would damage U.S. credibility overseas and undermine America's ability to pressure Iran on its illicit nuclear program. Surely "the nation's security interests must trump political maneuvering."
They don't want to stop building nukes. They want to start up the program again.

Ridiculous as that sounds.
Why should we have a lame duck Senate vote on it when we can have our newly elected Senate actually debate it before we do anything?

Seems kind of stupid to rush something this significant through. I said that with Healthcare too. And we all know how bad that turned out.
Bad treaty=blocked by the GOP.

Yet another great move by the resurgent GOP to block the radical left agenda. They prove themselves every day. Let's see how long they can continue.
It's about stopping Obama: The GOP's stated concerns are so absurd that the only explanation is their limitless desire to deny President Obama any legislative success," says The New York Times in an editorial. A failure to ratify this treaty would damage U.S. credibility overseas and undermine America's ability to pressure Iran on its illicit nuclear program. Surely "the nation's security interests must trump political maneuvering."

There are a couple things to do before the end of the year. If there was a budget, something the Dems never got around to passing during the fiasco that has been the last two years, that would reduce the need for a contionuing resolution and if the Dimbulbs hadn't run up a couple trillion in extra debt, the debt ceiling might not be so real important, either.

As it is, the government shuts down on December 3.

The START Treaty was signed when? Why was it it absolutely not important until now and suddenly it's front and center.

This whole fluff is grandstanding partisan hackery at its most pronounced. Do the work of the people and leave the stupidity of the the Big 0 until there's time to address it with reasonable diliberation.

Is this another one where we need to pass it to find out what's in it?
Why should we have a lame duck Senate vote on it when we can have our newly elected Senate actually debate it before we do anything?

Seems kind of stupid to rush something this significant through. I said that with Healthcare too. And we all know how bad that turned out.

Great question.... whats the hurry?

This needs to be debated and scrutinized till it is perfect.... Its our lives we are talking about here.

Its just like Obama to go rushing into something and get in way over his head.... this is definately over his pay grade:eusa_eh:
The world’s nuclear wannabes, starting with Iran, should send a thank you note to Senator Jon Kyl. After months of negotiations with the White House, he has decided to try to block the lame-duck Senate from ratifying the New Start arms control treaty
The treaty is so central to this country’s national security, and the objections from Mr. Kyl — and apparently the whole Republican leadership — are so absurd that the only explanation is their limitless desire to deny President Obama any legislative success.

The Republicans like to claim that they are the party of national security. We can only hope that other senators in the party will decide that the nation’s security interests must trump political maneuvering.
What Mr. Kyl did not mention is that there have already been countless briefings and 21 Senate hearings on the treaty — sufficient for Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, the country’s top military leaders, six former secretaries of state (from both parties), five former secretaries of defense (from both parties) and seven former nuclear weapons commanders to endorse it.

As for concerns about “modernization,” President Obama has already promised an extra $84 billion over 10 years to modernize the nation’s nuclear weapons complex and its arsenal. That would raise spending 20 percent above the levels of the Bush years and is far more than we think is necessary
The GOP is interested in one thing...Making sure Obama fails

They are giving Iran unlimited propaganda by making it clear that the US is demanding nuclear concessions while refusing to reduce our own nuclear stockpile
Obama is not competent to preserve America's place in the world.

Iran does whateverthe fuck it wants and Obama does nothing.

All cults end badly, fucknuts.

Like the Tea Baggers???

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