Why Did The Biden DOJ Release Trump Assassin’s $150,000 Reward To “Complete The Job” Letter To The Public?

Deal you're off the board until December 1 when Trump wins.

Oh so you agree? Who else is in on this?

I WILL BAN MYSELF TILL DECEMBER 1. Now I will be able to find this thread. Who else is in on this? Any other takers?
Better than the one we've got now? How?
Exactly. You can't get much better than Biden.

1. Biden has been the most FDR New Deal type President since FDR. Look it up.

2. The economy is doing GREAT! By all of the measures Trump used to call himself the greatest, Biden is now doing better on every one of those measures. Can't deny it.
3. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

The ONLY problem with America is the rich are too rich and the middle class over the last 40 years have been screwed by the rich. Sent our jobs overseas, broke our unions, they hire illegals, they give themselves tax breaks and put the tax burden more onto us. Hell, they even say they want to raise poor people's taxes. No skin in the game they say. We already pay 90% of the taxes they say. Yea, because you make 95% of the profits. Give us more we will gladly pay more taxes. Put me in the next tax bracket PLEASE.
Agreed, she will continue to sell stupid to your cult.

OMG. Things are just as GREAT as they were back when Trump was president and you were claiming America was Great Again.

The only thing different is you don't have your social warrior leading this country. Banning abortions, gay marriage, burning books, can't say gay,

Oh yea, here's another thing that's fixed already. Border crossing at an all time low.

Biden administration says number of illegal border crossings has drastically fallen​

OMG. Things are just as GREAT as they were back when Trump was president and you were claiming America was Great Again.

The only thing different is you don't have your social warrior leading this country. Banning abortions, gay marriage, burning books, can't say gay,

Oh yea, here's another thing that's fixed already. Border crossing at an all time low.

Biden administration says number of illegal border crossings has drastically fallen​

We agree Bobo. Harris needs to drop this CHANGE bullshit and run on how utterly fantastic the economy is and that there are no problems with the border or illegals in this country
We agree Bobo. Harris needs to drop this CHANGE bullshit and run on how utterly fantastic the economy is and that there are no problems with the border or illegals in this country
No one says the economy is perfect and the border is not a problem.

I would love it if next year she went after illegal employers. That's the only way to stop them from coming. What's drawing them to the USA? We have an economic system that rewards them and their illegal employers.

And you won't agree if we start going after illegal employers. You'll start defending them.

You can nit pick any president. Even if covid didn't happen, there would have been plenty to nit pick with Trump in 2019. If not he would have won re election. Obviously things weren't perfect. Not even if covid never happened.
Deal you're off the board until December 1 when Trump wins.


Former Trump White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin on Tuesday explained why Donald Trump — in light of what she described as his “creepy” promise to be a “protector” of women if he wins back the White House — may come to regret not picking a woman as his running mate.
The former president, whom a jury in May found liable for the sexual abuse of writer E. Jean Carroll in the 1990s, at a rally on Tuesday said of women: “I want to be your protector as president, I have to be your protector. I hope you don’t make too much of it. I hope the fake news doesn’t go, ‘Oh, he wants to be their protector.’ Well, I am. As president, I have to be your protector.”

“I started laughing and thinking it was creepy,”
But then “thinking more about it,” Griffin said, she felt it was “very infantilizing.”

“Talking about women as though we’re weak, we’re meek, we need a protector, we need a defender and we just sit around thinking about abortions all day, it just underscores a fundamental lack of understanding for why a demographic that represents half of the country is one that he is struggling so profoundly with,” she explained.
Deal you're off the board until December 1 when Trump wins.


Jjust a few short months ago trump was atop the polls against Biden, and his campaign was being praised as the savviest and most disciplined of any of his three bids for the White House. But the closer we’ve gotten to Election Day, the more things seem to be reverting to the historic norm, as Trump lashes out wildly and his top aides begin to air their concerns in the press.

Trump has received plenty of advice on how to stay on track and focus on Harris’ weaknesses with voters. He has listened to none of it. Instead, he’s returned to his old standbys: picking fights with celebrities, spreading racist conspiracy theories, hanging out with far-right influencers and riling up his base in hopes of repeating his 2016 victory. It is doing little to win over skeptics who are considering giving Harris a shot, but it gives Trump the short-term gratification he’s always been unable to resist for too long. Even with the White House on the line, the marshmallow in front of him has proved to be too tempting compared to the promise of two later.

Yesterday he went on and on about how Jimmy Kimmel made fun of him 6 months ago at the Oscars.

Deal you're off the board until December 1 when Trump wins.


I just posted this to someone else and wanted to share it with you too

Remember, we stole the last election from Trump? You have no doubt in your mind we did that right? And that was when Trump had the power to pull some shinanigans himself, which he did. Like calling the Georgia Republican and asking him to find him 11,000 votes. And having Pence in place to not certify the vote. Trump doesn't have any of that this time.

Trump is on the outside looking in this time. And you say we stole the last one from him? Then clearly we're going to steal/cheat this time too right?

So have fun staying off USMB till Dec 1 after we rig this one idiot.
Why would she suddenly start doing that?

Because it's screwing the middle class. Why did Biden try for student loan forgiveness? Because it's screwing over the middle class. Democratic policies are for the middle class.

What she won't do is play wack a mole with immigrants.

If you go after illegal employers and they are scared enough to let their illegal employees go, then those employees can step forward and ask to become citizens. The employer can write them a letter saying nice things about them. Fast track the immigrant. Then the employer can hire him back legally and start paying taxes. And then the employee can go find a better job if he wants. That will force the employer to pay American wages. Get it?

Why would Trump do it? He is an illegal employer.
Because it's screwing the middle class. Why did Biden try for student loan forgiveness? Because it's screwing over the middle class. Democratic policies are for the middle class.

What she won't do is play wack a mole with immigrants.

If you go after illegal employers and they are scared enough to let their illegal employees go, then those employees can step forward and ask to become citizens. The employer can write them a letter saying nice things about them. Fast track the immigrant. Then the employer can hire him back legally and start paying taxes. And then the employee can go find a better job if he wants. That will force the employer to pay American wages. Get it?

Why would Trump do it? He is an illegal employer.

Why didn't she do this anytime in the past 4 years?
Why didn't she do this anytime in the past 4 years?
Why did Biden wait till he did to pass the Infrastructure Bill? Politicians are reactionary. Do you want her to solve the problem? She will. You'll see because she's going to win.

Why was Trump such a piece of shit? Who cares. It's going to cost him.

Just remember this. Trump BARELY beat Hillary Clinton. The most polarizing candidate besides him. Kamala's going to get minority votes, more women votes.

Trump told women yesterday they're worse off and he will take care of them. LOL

But data shows that women have since regained their footing in the workforce, experiencing real income gains since 2019. While women continue to face financial obstacles such as earning lower wages than men, many have also made financial strides during the past four years, experts say.

"The data does show us that we are making gains," Ana Hernández Kent, senior researcher at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis's Institute for Economic Equity, told CBS MoneyWatch.

Women are also closing the wealth gap with men.

White women in 2022 had 66 cents of wealth for every $1 of wealth held by White men, up from 56 cents in 2019

Black women also saw gains, albeit from a much smaller base, with their wealth rising to 8 cents for every $1 owned by White men in 2022, up from 5 cents in 2019. Hispanic women saw a small dip to 9 cents in 2022 from 10 cents in 2019, Kent's analysis found.

Never-married women, who tend to have less wealth overall than women with partners, also saw big gains between 2019 to 2022, with their wealth jumping 154% to $19,200 in 2022

Women have also made income gains during the past four years, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the median weekly earnings for women was $1,031, an increase of about 2.5% from 2019, on an inflation-adjusted basis. By that measure, women have kept ahead of the post-pandemic price spike despite inflation reaching its highest point in 40 years.

In 2023, the most recent year available, women with full-time jobs earned $55,240, or about the same inflation-adjusted earnings as in 2019

Now, two years after the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion that had been guaranteed for nearly five decades under Roe v. Wade, nearly a third of states have near-total bans on the procedure in place.

Hampering women's ability to access abortions can also hurt their financial outcomes, according to a landmark analysis called the Turnaway Study, which tracked women over several years after they sought to terminate a pregnancy.

Women who were denied abortions were more likely to suffer adverse financial situations, from higher rates of bankruptcy to evictions, the study found. They were also more likely to rely on government aid programs like food stamps and welfare because of their financial strain.

Here, read more

Why did Biden wait till he did to pass the Infrastructure Bill? Politicians are reactionary. Do you want her to solve the problem? She will. You'll see because she's going to win.

Why was Trump such a piece of shit? Who cares. It's going to cost him.

Just remember this. Trump BARELY beat Hillary Clinton. The most polarizing candidate besides him. Kamala's going to get minority votes, more women votes.

Trump told women yesterday they're worse off and he will take care of them. LOL

But data shows that women have since regained their footing in the workforce, experiencing real income gains since 2019. While women continue to face financial obstacles such as earning lower wages than men, many have also made financial strides during the past four years, experts say.

"The data does show us that we are making gains," Ana Hernández Kent, senior researcher at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis's Institute for Economic Equity, told CBS MoneyWatch.

Women are also closing the wealth gap with men.

White women in 2022 had 66 cents of wealth for every $1 of wealth held by White men, up from 56 cents in 2019

Black women also saw gains, albeit from a much smaller base, with their wealth rising to 8 cents for every $1 owned by White men in 2022, up from 5 cents in 2019. Hispanic women saw a small dip to 9 cents in 2022 from 10 cents in 2019, Kent's analysis found.

Never-married women, who tend to have less wealth overall than women with partners, also saw big gains between 2019 to 2022, with their wealth jumping 154% to $19,200 in 2022

Women have also made income gains during the past four years, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the median weekly earnings for women was $1,031, an increase of about 2.5% from 2019, on an inflation-adjusted basis. By that measure, women have kept ahead of the post-pandemic price spike despite inflation reaching its highest point in 40 years.

In 2023, the most recent year available, women with full-time jobs earned $55,240, or about the same inflation-adjusted earnings as in 2019

Now, two years after the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion that had been guaranteed for nearly five decades under Roe v. Wade, nearly a third of states have near-total bans on the procedure in place.

Hampering women's ability to access abortions can also hurt their financial outcomes, according to a landmark analysis called the Turnaway Study, which tracked women over several years after they sought to terminate a pregnancy.

Women who were denied abortions were more likely to suffer adverse financial situations, from higher rates of bankruptcy to evictions, the study found. They were also more likely to rely on government aid programs like food stamps and welfare because of their financial strain.

Here, read more

LOL! You're exactly as gullible and stupid as the DemoKKKrats need you to be.

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