Why do Asians vote Mexicrat?

Asians seem to fit the Republican mold yet they firmly vote for the Party Of Degradation...Are there any Asians here that could shed some light on this?
They live within mentally ill districts. While they studious, they r often mentally dependent and go with flows.
And here we have the typical republican Trump supporter. Uneducated, maybe graduated high school, dumb, clueless, racist(among other similar negatives traits), and delusional.
condescending idiot
It's funny how whites who believe they can tell us how to live or think can call somebody condescending.
who's telling you how to live? You sure are an idiot, at least that response wasn't condescending, just idiotic. Post one thing anyone's told you how to live except creepy and scamala, remember mandates? Name one from the republicans or trump. I'll wait
Which Democrat policies are appealing to Asians?
Asians are generally sociable, and also shy in a way - not the same way we're shy, it's more along the lines of being careful.

Older Asians value stability, there is a big generation gap in many Asian families. They'll gravitate towards the systems that they view as having the best longevity. The evil you know is better than the one you don't, kinda thing.

Translating to politics, Trump represents an unknown, and volatility. No one likes the deep state, but it's stable. The Chinese in particular are very concerned about Taiwan, and even though they tend to be stoic about belligerence they don't like the idea of war.

Most of the Asians in this area are pretty affluent, relatively speaking. Things are different out in Oklahoma where there aren't as many scientists and the Chinese restaurants swallow up entire families for decades.

The other thing that's useful to know is racism is rampant in Asia, everyone hates everyone else. Here, people are wary of whites and blacks alike, there is a perception that the Asians will be abused one way or the other and it's not certain which way is worse. That's one reason they tend to stay in their own communities. Not that Asian gangs are any better, but again, the Chinese have been dealing with thugs for thousands of years, and even the thugs tend to stay in bounds.

Not sure if that answers your question. My wife is Chinese and I'm a mutt, she has no love for Democrats but she thinks Trump is a clown. She was strongly anti vaxx though, she's an MD and never bought into the government sales pitch. She managed to keep her job without the jab, which is a minor miracle, but she doesn't speak up or speak out because it's still dangerous and socially polarizing.
Asians are generally sociable, and also shy in a way - not the same way we're shy, it's more along the lines of being careful.

Older Asians value stability, there is a big generation gap in many Asian families. They'll gravitate towards the systems that they view as having the best longevity. The evil you know is better than the one you don't, kinda thing.

Translating to politics, Trump represents an unknown, and volatility. No one likes the deep state, but it's stable. The Chinese in particular are very concerned about Taiwan, and even though they tend to be stoic about belligerence they don't like the idea of war.
Four years no war, that’s stupid for you to even write
Most of the Asians in this area are pretty affluent, relatively speaking. Things are different out in Oklahoma where there aren't as many scientists and the Chinese restaurants swallow up entire families for decades.

The other thing that's useful to know is racism is rampant in Asia, everyone hates everyone else. Here, people are wary of whites and blacks alike, there is a perception that the Asians will be abused one way or the other and it's not certain which way is worse. That's one reason they tend to stay in their own communities. Not that Asian gangs are any better, but again, the Chinese have been dealing with thugs for thousands of years, and even the thugs tend to stay in bounds.

Not sure if that answers your question. My wife is Chinese and I'm a mutt, she has no love for Democrats but she thinks Trump is a clown. She was strongly anti vaxx though, she's an MD and never bought into the government sales pitch. She managed to keep her job without the jab, which is a minor miracle, but she doesn't speak up or speak out because it's still dangerous and socially polarizing.
Explain what they gained the last four years

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