Why do Liberals and Progressives fear Militarized Police?

I'm trying to figure this out, help me Progressives. Why do you fear the militarization of the police?

Why do you fear the militarization of the police?

You're the one who has started a few hundred threads on it.

This thread is asking Progressives, I am genuinely curious. Now why don't you answer?

To answer your question, no the problem isn't the "militarization of police'.

Yes, there is some "boys and their toys" mentality where police departments are buying equipment they don't need because they can get it at firesale prices from the military.

But you have to ask, why do the rest of us give them the toys?

Mostly, because we don't want to see cops killed in the line of duty.

and when you have the National Rampage Association out there trying to arm Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes like the Zombie Apocalypse is coming, the cops really need armored vehicles and high powered rifles. It's like an arms race, and pretty soon, everyone kind of figures out that the level of belligerence is the problem.
When the working class practices their first amendment right to protest they are met by cops armed and armored to the teeth. We know what happens when the authorities start to fear the power of the people, they get the police beatdown, it's only going to get worse with military weapons and a mindset that order can be restored through brutality.
Ferguson looted again last night. They tried to burn down the business but reporter put the fire out.
Only chickenshit NaziCons want gestapo cops.

Who do you think provides the force behind all the bullshit you try to impress upon people?

The EPA, department of labor, and all those State human rights commissions may compel all those freedom hating orders you progressives love, but how do you think you enforce them on people?

You love the big stick of government, and yet you are too naive to recognize what that stick looks like.

Crap. It is people like you that love the weapons of war. I don't care whose hands they are in, they should not be in a civilian population. Whether police or private citizens.

People who hate war the most are the ones who prepare for it.

And all the AGW crap you want to do requires the big stick of government. I don't see your side asking people to comply, I see them using government to force them to comply. So as long as government is the one armed, you are ok with it because it furthers your agenda.

It's a plain fact, and you can't admit it.
Why do you fear the militarization of the police?

You're the one who has started a few hundred threads on it.

This thread is asking Progressives, I am genuinely curious. Now why don't you answer?

To answer your question, no the problem isn't the "militarization of police'.

Yes, there is some "boys and their toys" mentality where police departments are buying equipment they don't need because they can get it at firesale prices from the military.

But you have to ask, why do the rest of us give them the toys?

Mostly, because we don't want to see cops killed in the line of duty.

and when you have the National Rampage Association out there trying to arm Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes like the Zombie Apocalypse is coming, the cops really need armored vehicles and high powered rifles. It's like an arms race, and pretty soon, everyone kind of figures out that the level of belligerence is the problem.

Same joeblow shit, different day/post.
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Only chickenshit NaziCons want gestapo cops.

Answer the question: Why do you fear militarized police?

For exactly the same reason I fear militarized citizens. The become the psychology of the weapons they carry. Instead of being there to serve and protect, they are there to make war on the citizens who do not instantly obey. I see the same mindset in the militias that are claiming to defend the very rights they would destroy.

A citizen with an ar-15 is not militarized. Me getting a handgun does not militarize me. Training police in squad assault tactics and giving them armored cars and full auto hk's militarizes them.
Only chickenshit NaziCons want gestapo cops.

Answer the question: Why do you fear militarized police?

For exactly the same reason I fear militarized citizens. The become the psychology of the weapons they carry. Instead of being there to serve and protect, they are there to make war on the citizens who do not instantly obey. I see the same mindset in the militias that are claiming to defend the very rights they would destroy.

A lot of policemen are already armed and incidents happen rarely. I don't think that the militarization of the police will make things much worse.
Why do people become cops in the first place? Most of the ones I've ever known had a Wyatt Earp mentality.

that ONE you know must be your neighbor who put up with your shit for too many years, personally i am proud of him. :lmao:
Why do people become cops in the first place? Most of the ones I've ever known had a Wyatt Earp mentality.

I know allot of good people in law enforcement, they are there to just do the job and take care of their families.

Most of the issue with over aggressive/us-vs them law enforcement is with large city police forces. the size of the force leads at best to an espirit de corps, and at worst to a feeling of superiority over other citizens. Cities are also conducive to the petty perks, such as parking wherever they want, and internal cronyism. Finally, in big cities the police decide who can be armed or not, thus giving the police rights, even when off duty that separate them further from those they serve. Finally a lot of police in big cities live in the suburbs of those cities, so they often feel less of a sense of being a citizen of the city, and more a feeling of going to work with "those people".
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Only chickenshit NaziCons want gestapo cops.

You Liberals are all for Gestapo police when it comes to taking guns from lawful gun owners, raiding guitar manufacturers, taking Elian Gonzalez by force, or standing off with a Nevada rancher because you feel entitled to his land. You people want a Gestapo police.... You just don't like it it when it bites you in the ass.
Liberals are complete fucking morons who believe that cheerleading for fascism protects them from it
Liberals will never let a crisis go to waste. Even though there is no connection between what happened at Ferguson and militarization that won't stop the liberals making the connection.

Where were the liberals when Clinton burned down Waco?
I'm Conservative and I don't like the militarism of the police. When did " to protect and serve" become " to occupy and control". When police dress like soldiers, use military weapons, drive military vehicles and converge on a citl they will act like an occupying military force. That doesn't sound like protect and serve to me. Even worse is they use the same tactics to serve warrents on sleeping people at 3am by breaking down doors and swarming in with automatic weapons often at the wrong address.
Why do Liberals and Progressives fear Militarized Police?
The question that should be asked is why does anyone think it is a good idea to Militarized the local Police?
I could care less.

A well equipped police force =/= an abusive and bad police force.

People dislike "militarized" police because of how abusive and bad most agencies are. Why give them more stuff to terrorize people with instead of using their equipment properly?

The Missouri riots ended up with police even attacking news reporters and disgustingly trampling over the right to freedom of speech just to cover themselves up.

Kinda like I hate city run police agencies. They are Nazis compared to the County police, which is a very well run agency here. If you get pulled over by a city agency regardless of race or anything, you are fucked. If it's by the county sherriff/deputies, then most likely just letting you know one of your lights are out, or pulling you over for valid reasons.

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