Why do Liberals and Progressives fear Militarized Police?

When you need a militarized response to riots, call out the National Guard. You often hear of police abusing their power, do you want these same police to that kind of military power?
Crackdown on Ferguson. Missouri Governor declares a state of emergency in Ferguson. He has imposed curfew on the city of Ferguson.
Only chickenshit NaziCons want gestapo cops.

Answer the question: Why do you fear militarized police?

Personally I think it would help if you define what you mean by "militarized police." I'm a lot smarter than Lakhota and I only have a general idea. That wasn't bragging, pretty much everyone is smarter than Lakhota...

One photo from Ferguson showed a policeman manning a 50cal machine gun on top of a APC. That's not normal police equipment, in my opinion.
Why do Liberals and Progressives fear Militarized Police?

The question that should be asked is why does anyone think it is a good idea to Militarized the local Police?

A better-armed police force can enforce the law better than a poorly-armed one.
2ndRetardment, if the cops broke down your door and took your guns you'd be screaming bloody murder about Militarized police.

The Libertarians and Alex Jonsians are police-haters too.

So, another FAIL thread for you.
2nd Amendment was feeling his black roots just three days ago when posting anti-cop threads...
I'm trying to figure this out, help me Progressives. Why do you fear the militarization of the police?


Who wants cops to have far far more access to the 2nd than conservatives?

you can barely defend yourself from cops now. Why do you want them having more gear than you could dream of?
Answer the question: Why do you fear militarized police?

Personally I think it would help if you define what you mean by "militarized police." I'm a lot smarter than Lakhota and I only have a general idea. That wasn't bragging, pretty much everyone is smarter than Lakhota...

One photo from Ferguson showed a policeman manning a 50cal machine gun on top of a APC. That's not normal police equipment, in my opinion.

I understand what you're saying, clearly weaponry is part of it, but is that all of it? Bigger guns? Or is it their tactics and procedures too?
I don't fear the militarized police as much as I am concerned about why they have to be so militarized. Maybe the easy availability of military type weapons for the citizenry has something to do with it?
I don't fear the militarized police as much as I am concerned about why they have to be so militarized. Maybe the easy availability of military type weapons for the citizenry has something to do with it?

Riiigghhhtttt, because bad guys won't be able to get guns if they are illegal. That's why where they are illegal, like in blue inner cities, criminals can't get them...

LOL, what a ditz...
I don't fear the militarized police as much as I am concerned about why they have to be so militarized. Maybe the easy availability of military type weapons for the citizenry has something to do with it?

Riiigghhhtttt, because bad guys won't be able to get guns if they are illegal. That's why where they are illegal, like in blue inner cities, criminals can't get them...

LOL, what a ditz...

Right...so let's make it easier and easier to get them. Seriously, that's the stupidest argument I've ever heard. Fuck, why do we have laws if criminals just fucking break them?
Answer the question: Why do you fear militarized police?

Personally I think it would help if you define what you mean by "militarized police." I'm a lot smarter than Lakhota and I only have a general idea. That wasn't bragging, pretty much everyone is smarter than Lakhota...

One photo from Ferguson showed a policeman manning a 50cal machine gun on top of a APC. That's not normal police equipment, in my opinion.

Could you share that photo?
I don't fear the militarized police as much as I am concerned about why they have to be so militarized. Maybe the easy availability of military type weapons for the citizenry has something to do with it?

Riiigghhhtttt, because bad guys won't be able to get guns if they are illegal. That's why where they are illegal, like in blue inner cities, criminals can't get them...

LOL, what a ditz...

Right...so let's make it easier and easier to get them. Seriously, that's the stupidest argument I've ever heard. Fuck, why do we have laws if criminals just fucking break them?

It just occurred to you that criminals break laws? LOL. You know who don't break laws, honest citizens. So when you pass more gun laws, you unarm who? You can't even answer that question, can you ditzy broad?
I don't fear the militarized police as much as I am concerned about why they have to be so militarized. Maybe the easy availability of military type weapons for the citizenry has something to do with it?

When REAL military weapons (not the ones you keep LYING about) were available for anyone to buy mail order, police departments did not have APCs, grenade launchers, .50 caliber M2's, and machine guns in every car! You fail.
Who among our resident conservatives knows that this is a troll thread?

It's certainly troll bait...

I am with you at least in that I don't really get it, liberals are the ones who want the cops to be the only ones who are armed, so I'm not clear why you would want them less armed.
Who among our resident conservatives knows that this is a troll thread?

It's certainly troll bait...

I am with you at least in that I don't really get it, liberals are the ones who want the cops to be the only ones who are armed, so I'm not clear why you would want them less armed.

Hardly. Liberals don't want the cops to be the only ones who are armed. You are relying on your dopey talking points again.

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