Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.

Wrong. No Nation can claim to be free while having slave armies. If the cause is just and the pay and benefits amount to more than slave wages conscription is not needed. It only becomes "necessary" when people, like some on here, demand the military give them something for next to nothing.
Nonsense. This Nation did very well with a conscript army for quite some time -- including the WW-II years. In fact we would have done a lot better if we had conscripted more before that war, because we would have had sufficient manpower to have short-stopped the Japanese in the Pacific. But it took us so long to conscript and train new recruits that the Japanese had time to dig in on Saipan, Tinian, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa.

And I never heard any G.I. who was drafted refer to his service as "slavery." That is a reference conceived by some draft-dodging punks who also like to say, "Thank you for your service --" which is short and sneaky for, "Better you than me."
we beat them to a pulp and nothing has changed, we and our allies could take on the rest of the world and we would bury them. You gun bubbas are a joke. One of the brain dead here said we had to stay in Germany because it was the rout that Russia would used to take on the world. Ya you bet Russia spend 70 billion a year on the military. Just the main allies we have in Europe spends 200 billion a year and the Russians would know that in hours, countries that had spent over a trillion more a year would be using them for target practice. I mean how stupid can these gun Bubbas be. Their controllers tell them how to think and what to think and they continue backing a bigger military, even when You have to be close to brain dead to support that stupidity.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

More money just thrown at it noooo, but I would like to cut some programs and add to programs that really really matter. Like the f-22 program that should have never been stopped. There’s really nothing more important than air superiority in modern day warfare.
The F-22 program in no way was stopped it was completed in fact many years ago, they starting using them in 2005 I think and we have just short of 200 of them now. WE need no more if our potential enemy's have none or just a few. If we had to make more no country could make them faster then this country. So no I don't see it. You are right ,They are a great plane.
I think this Country needs to restore military induction -- the draft. America was a better, and a safer, place when the majority of its male citizens (its men) were trained soldiers, both active and inactive. Also, military training had a very constructive effect on our young men. Most importantly, we had a massive pool of trained former soldiers who could be called up and fielded within weeks rather than the months it would take (during a national emergency) to call up and train raw recruits with no military experience. This inactive reserve pool would substantially enhance our status as a military power.

Our current military is best described as mercenary, which is a government's army. A conscripted army is a Peoples' army.
We have soldiers who want to be there instead of those forced to be there
That's not true ... soldiers don't WANT to be there. Nobody wants to be in a god forsaken place like Afghanistan, serving as a target for every piss ant with a rifle.

They are there because they understand their country NEEDS them to be there. At least, they have the courage to protect you - since most couldn't care less what happens to you.
Ya but the kick in the ass is when these poor suckers find out it was a lie and that everything they did to protect themselves there was way closer to murder then protecting this country . Again this can be simply explained by what two company's made the most money from these wars.
What is the point of having an Army if you never use it.
I was in Clinton's peace time Army. Superiors made me feel worthless because we weren't in any real wars. I got to hoping for a war so I could prove how good I was at my job.
Sez you. Most of us know better.
now he's getting down to his best argument, may I quote him "sez You" ROTFL

You stated: " Its all their in post 170." and that was a lie. So where exactly do you claim you asked your idiotic question?
And why still no attempt to answer mine? Too ignorant to attempt such?
You claim this Country has fought hundreds of wars. Untrue
You claim we fight wars to benefit some corporate bottom line. Untrue.
You claim to know what wars have been "necessary". Obviously untrue.
Are you unable or simply unwilling to defend the idiotic positions you've taken in this thread? Can you give us any reason what-so-ever why anyone should think you have the slightest clue what you are talking about?
Because you a lower form of humanity , no one owes you any answer to your question. especially that fact that you never asked a question for me to respond to, but I did ask you a question didn't I , I put you in your place and your trying to hide in the corner and trying to bullshit your way out of it, The point I want to make has been made completely anyway , your are just another lying bullshitter that supports and type a hate you can come up with, just like your hate party. By the way if anyone is interested simply go to post 170 , that's his first question to me because he couldn't handle my comment he is responding to. and he has bull shitted his way through this thread . Again go to post 170 it is all their.
I asked you a question - in fact,I asked you three. And, you have refused to respond. Kettle - meet pot.
I really care little what some scum ball in here asks me a question and I can only laugh when they think somehow I should have to respond. Shit I'me thinking about dumping , two of the brain dead in here. Not much interested in what they say anymore they have contributed nothing nothing nothing. I here to lecture you now on how stupid you haters are and that your the biggest threat to this country and we have to get rid of you. You sold out this country for hatred that makes you awful low in my book.
Damn --- English isn't your native language?? This post is a wreck ... but then, what can we expect from someone who storms in here, makes grandiose pronouncements, and then can't, or won't, back them up?
I will defend to the death your right to say incredibly stupid things .......

... but, I got to tell you --- you are definitely pushing the limit.
Really? Then you tell us why we sacrificed 58,000 American lives in Vietnam, and why George H.W. Bush saw fit to double-cross Saddam Hussein and intervene in Hussein's righteous invasion of Kuwait? And tell us why George W. Bush saw fit to then invade an already defeated and militarily impotent Iraq.

Here's a little hint:


I rest my case.
I think this Country needs to restore military induction -- the draft. America was a better, and a safer, place when the majority of its male citizens (its men) were trained soldiers, both active and inactive. Also, military training had a very constructive effect on our young men. Most importantly, we had a massive pool of trained former soldiers who could be called up and fielded within weeks rather than the months it would take (during a national emergency) to call up and train raw recruits with no military experience. This inactive reserve pool would substantially enhance our status as a military power.

Our current military is best described as mercenary, which is a government's army. A conscripted army is a Peoples' army.
We have soldiers who want to be there instead of those forced to be there
That's not true ... soldiers don't WANT to be there. Nobody wants to be in a god forsaken place like Afghanistan, serving as a target for every piss ant with a rifle.

They are there because they understand their country NEEDS them to be there. At least, they have the courage to protect you - since most couldn't care less what happens to you.
Ya but the kick in the ass is when these poor suckers find out it was a lie and that everything they did to protect themselves there was way closer to murder then protecting this country . Again this can be simply explained by what two company's made the most money from these wars.

You really say stupid shit, you know that?

I suspect you don't ..... that's sad.
I think this Country needs to restore military induction -- the draft. America was a better, and a safer, place when the majority of its male citizens (its men) were trained soldiers, both active and inactive. Also, military training had a very constructive effect on our young men. Most importantly, we had a massive pool of trained former soldiers who could be called up and fielded within weeks rather than the months it would take (during a national emergency) to call up and train raw recruits with no military experience. This inactive reserve pool would substantially enhance our status as a military power.

Our current military is best described as mercenary, which is a government's army. A conscripted army is a Peoples' army.
We have soldiers who want to be there instead of those forced to be there
That's not true ... soldiers don't WANT to be there. Nobody wants to be in a god forsaken place like Afghanistan, serving as a target for every piss ant with a rifle.

They are there because they understand their country NEEDS them to be there. At least, they have the courage to protect you - since most couldn't care less what happens to you.

I was speaking of ...want to be in the military
Wrong. No Nation can claim to be free while having slave armies. If the cause is just and the pay and benefits amount to more than slave wages conscription is not needed. It only becomes "necessary" when people, like some on here, demand the military give them something for next to nothing.
Nonsense. This Nation did very well with a conscript army for quite some time -- including the WW-II years. In fact we would have done a lot better if we had conscripted more before that war, because we would have had sufficient manpower to have short-stopped the Japanese in the Pacific. But it took us so long to conscript and train new recruits that the Japanese had time to dig in on Saipan, Tinian, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa.

And I never heard any G.I. who was drafted refer to his service as "slavery." That is a reference conceived by some draft-dodging punks who also like to say, "Thank you for your service --" which is short and sneaky for, "Better you than me."

Then you obviously haven't talked to many drafted GIs. I was one and served with many more.
Now you ask a fair question - why do we still have military bases in Germany?

For a moment, let's put aside our NATO commitment. Let's not talk about our promise to the people of Europe.

Instead, let's just talk about the direct military impact of those bases in Germany. There is an area in Germany called the Fulda Gap. It is the most geographically appropriate launching point of a Soviet incursion into Europe. Closing that door greatly complicates any attempt to attack Europe. Conversely, it is our most advantageous ground access point should we decide to invade Russia. So, the Soviets keep that door closed, as well. They commit troops and we commit troops - if we have a tank battalion there, they have to put a tank battalion there in response. If they have a tank battalion there, we have to put one there in response.

Sounds like a stand-off, doesn't it? EXCEPT - as you've pointed out, we spend about 14% of our federal expenditures on defense. Russia, on the other hand, spends about 21% on theirs - an unsustainable rate of expenditure. If you recall, Reagan's "Star Wars" initiative forced Russia to increase defense spending beyond its breaking point - and directly contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The same will hold true for the Putin regime. He will eventually go broke, spend too much trying to keep up, and be overthrown. Russia will go through another democratic evolution, and move closer to individual rights.

Now, back to NATO - we gave our word, we keep our word. Our support of NATO ensures the fealty of European countries - and just as importantly - European markets. Why do suppose it is that we don't have a military base in France, but so many in Germany?

Placing our troops in Germany - or anywhere else - is intrinsically cheaper than housing them in the US and sending them to the hot-spot of the day. What's the cost of a 50,000 acre military base in Germany compared to a 50,000 acre military base in California or South Carolina? What's the cost of maintaining 100,000 troops in South Korea compared to those same 100,000 in Nevada?
I get the chance to define stupid. I always like to do that. Especially when I can do it against the brain dead. Russia spends 70 billion a year on it's military. France, Britain, German, Italy ,Spain and Poland, spend 200 billion a year.
Now Russia would have to realize that in a matter of days another 1 trillion in military would start to be thrown at them.
So brain dead becomes the new world for stupid. You just have to laugh at their nonsense

You don't know the difference between National and corporate interests?

That, my friend, is the question

There is no difference

Sez you. Most of us know better.
now he's getting down to his best argument, may I quote him "sez You" ROTFL

You stated: " Its all their in post 170." and that was a lie. So where exactly do you claim you asked your idiotic question?
And why still no attempt to answer mine? Too ignorant to attempt such?
You claim this Country has fought hundreds of wars. Untrue
You claim we fight wars to benefit some corporate bottom line. Untrue.
You claim to know what wars have been "necessary". Obviously untrue.
Are you unable or simply unwilling to defend the idiotic positions you've taken in this thread? Can you give us any reason what-so-ever why anyone should think you have the slightest clue what you are talking about?
Because you a lower form of humanity , no one owes you any answer to your question. especially that fact that you never asked a question for me to respond to, but I did ask you a question didn't I , I put you in your place and your trying to hide in the corner and trying to bullshit your way out of it, The point I want to make has been made completely anyway , your are just another lying bullshitter that supports and type a hate you can come up with, just like your hate party. By the way if anyone is interested simply go to post 170 , that's his first question to me because he couldn't handle my comment he is responding to. and he has bull shitted his way through this thread . Again go to post 170 it is all their.

I suppose you think that when you are called on a lie the best thing to do is to keep telling more and more. Post 170:

What exactly makes you think you are an authority on (or are even capable of understanding) what wars "we" should fight.
WTF is "we"? And how exactly do you think we can avoid fighting when we are attacked?

I asked you 3 questions (which you refuse to address) and you asked me none.

we will be destroyed by taxation/debt/too many workers not enough jobs/outsourcing/less manufacturing/immigration/etc long before by any conventional military attacks
Our biggest threat is from a cyber attack from a room full of geeks ten thousand miles away
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
I see your point, but what areas of military spending would you cut back?

I remember back in the 1960s, black groups at Cape Canaveral protesting the manned space program for spending money needed for civil improvement. They, too, had a point, but most of the country, including me, wanted to go to the Moon.
isn't that a little different--NASA wasn't considered a military program, although some military personnel were involved?
I would say the moon programs did waste $$$...the US could've utilized that money more efficiently to develop space technology without sending men to the moon
I think this Country needs to restore military induction -- the draft. America was a better, and a safer, place when the majority of its male citizens (its men) were trained soldiers, both active and inactive. Also, military training had a very constructive effect on our young men. Most importantly, we had a massive pool of trained former soldiers who could be called up and fielded within weeks rather than the months it would take (during a national emergency) to call up and train raw recruits with no military experience. This inactive reserve pool would substantially enhance our status as a military power.

Our current military is best described as mercenary, which is a government's army. A conscripted army is a Peoples' army.
Someone once told me that you can't appreciate an item, until you had to pay for it.

We have whole generations who have not had to "pay" for what they have. They can't appreciate their freedoms - they just take them for granted. They can't appreciate America because they've never been anywhere else (well, except Cancun for Christmas break).

I agree --- though, I admit i would take it further. I believe that every man or woman (or whatever else is out there these days) should be required to serve a 2 year commitment to service. It doesn't have to be military - it can be as a garbage man, or a street sweeper, or paperwork filer, or whatever. One of those years, however, must be spent out of country. Then, and only then, will they appreciate the gifts they have been given.
Do you think anyone here cares what some dingbat that wants to use our youth used as cannon fodder. Just another bang bang gun Bubba
now he's getting down to his best argument, may I quote him "sez You" ROTFL

You stated: " Its all their in post 170." and that was a lie. So where exactly do you claim you asked your idiotic question?
And why still no attempt to answer mine? Too ignorant to attempt such?
You claim this Country has fought hundreds of wars. Untrue
You claim we fight wars to benefit some corporate bottom line. Untrue.
You claim to know what wars have been "necessary". Obviously untrue.
Are you unable or simply unwilling to defend the idiotic positions you've taken in this thread? Can you give us any reason what-so-ever why anyone should think you have the slightest clue what you are talking about?
Because you a lower form of humanity , no one owes you any answer to your question. especially that fact that you never asked a question for me to respond to, but I did ask you a question didn't I , I put you in your place and your trying to hide in the corner and trying to bullshit your way out of it, The point I want to make has been made completely anyway , your are just another lying bullshitter that supports and type a hate you can come up with, just like your hate party. By the way if anyone is interested simply go to post 170 , that's his first question to me because he couldn't handle my comment he is responding to. and he has bull shitted his way through this thread . Again go to post 170 it is all their.
I asked you a question - in fact,I asked you three. And, you have refused to respond. Kettle - meet pot.
I really care little what some scum ball in here asks me a question and I can only laugh when they think somehow I should have to respond. Shit I'me thinking about dumping , two of the brain dead in here. Not much interested in what they say anymore they have contributed nothing nothing nothing. I here to lecture you now on how stupid you haters are and that your the biggest threat to this country and we have to get rid of you. You sold out this country for hatred that makes you awful low in my book.
Damn --- English isn't your native language?? This post is a wreck ... but then, what can we expect from someone who storms in here, makes grandiose pronouncements, and then can't, or won't, back them up?
When I'm able to grind some scum ball into the dirt were he belongs , I know I've beat them when all they have is my bad spelling and the way I conjugate a verb.
Wrong. No Nation can claim to be free while having slave armies. If the cause is just and the pay and benefits amount to more than slave wages conscription is not needed. It only becomes "necessary" when people, like some on here, demand the military give them something for next to nothing.
Nonsense. This Nation did very well with a conscript army for quite some time -- including the WW-II years. In fact we would have done a lot better if we had conscripted more before that war, because we would have had sufficient manpower to have short-stopped the Japanese in the Pacific. But it took us so long to conscript and train new recruits that the Japanese had time to dig in on Saipan, Tinian, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa.

And I never heard any G.I. who was drafted refer to his service as "slavery." That is a reference conceived by some draft-dodging punks who also like to say, "Thank you for your service --" which is short and sneaky for, "Better you than me."

Then you obviously haven't talked to many drafted GIs. I was one and served with many more.
It gets old watching gun bubbas who still live in the past, they think they have a message for today. Look at this goofballs Shoulder patch he uses as his avatar. People who have done nothing with their life, do things like this. So they are stuck in the joke of all jokes the domino theory and giving us ridiculous comments about the military budget.
we will be destroyed by taxation/debt/too many workers not enough jobs/outsourcing/less manufacturing/immigration/etc long before by any conventional military attacks
Don't you think you have to pay taxes in the wealthiest country in the world, Maybe you could tell us how the national debt can destroy us, the government itself is is holding the debt, so do you expect them to demand payment. Outsources is the easiest one to solve, any company that wants to leave with their whole business or their headquarters should simply have this market ,the biggest market in the world, taken away from these pigs. Do you think any company would or could leave then. Immigration is a net gain for this country , it always has been. These immigrants created the wealthiest most powerful country in the world. Tell me who the hell gets unreasonable taxes in this country. The answer is not in your tax rate, it's the amount that you really pay, hell many businesses pay nothing.
Our biggest threat is from a cyber attack from a room full of geeks ten thousand miles away
Our biggest threat is having a foreign government destroy our election process and then having half the country selling out their country by OKing it. Or trying to make it go away with lies. Those people would become traitors for money and hatred.
I get the chance to define stupid. I always like to do that. Especially when I can do it against the brain dead. Russia spends 70 billion a year on it's military. France, Britain, German, Italy ,Spain and Poland, spend 200 billion a year.
Now Russia would have to realize that in a matter of days another 1 trillion in military would start to be thrown at them.
So brain dead becomes the new world for stupid. You just have to laugh at their nonsense

That, my friend, is the question

There is no difference

Sez you. Most of us know better.
now he's getting down to his best argument, may I quote him "sez You" ROTFL

You stated: " Its all their in post 170." and that was a lie. So where exactly do you claim you asked your idiotic question?
And why still no attempt to answer mine? Too ignorant to attempt such?
You claim this Country has fought hundreds of wars. Untrue
You claim we fight wars to benefit some corporate bottom line. Untrue.
You claim to know what wars have been "necessary". Obviously untrue.
Are you unable or simply unwilling to defend the idiotic positions you've taken in this thread? Can you give us any reason what-so-ever why anyone should think you have the slightest clue what you are talking about?
Because you a lower form of humanity , no one owes you any answer to your question. especially that fact that you never asked a question for me to respond to, but I did ask you a question didn't I , I put you in your place and your trying to hide in the corner and trying to bullshit your way out of it, The point I want to make has been made completely anyway , your are just another lying bullshitter that supports and type a hate you can come up with, just like your hate party. By the way if anyone is interested simply go to post 170 , that's his first question to me because he couldn't handle my comment he is responding to. and he has bull shitted his way through this thread . Again go to post 170 it is all their.

I suppose you think that when you are called on a lie the best thing to do is to keep telling more and more. Post 170:

What exactly makes you think you are an authority on (or are even capable of understanding) what wars "we" should fight.
WTF is "we"? And how exactly do you think we can avoid fighting when we are attacked?

I asked you 3 questions (which you refuse to address) and you asked me none.
Folks simply go to response 170 and you will see that The point he is responding to is me asking him a question that he was unable to answer, so like all the other scum bags in this group , he answered a question with a question, thinking it lets him off the hook. Small brains do that all the time.
Sez you. Most of us know better.
now he's getting down to his best argument, may I quote him "sez You" ROTFL

You stated: " Its all their in post 170." and that was a lie. So where exactly do you claim you asked your idiotic question?
And why still no attempt to answer mine? Too ignorant to attempt such?
You claim this Country has fought hundreds of wars. Untrue
You claim we fight wars to benefit some corporate bottom line. Untrue.
You claim to know what wars have been "necessary". Obviously untrue.
Are you unable or simply unwilling to defend the idiotic positions you've taken in this thread? Can you give us any reason what-so-ever why anyone should think you have the slightest clue what you are talking about?
Because you a lower form of humanity , no one owes you any answer to your question. especially that fact that you never asked a question for me to respond to, but I did ask you a question didn't I , I put you in your place and your trying to hide in the corner and trying to bullshit your way out of it, The point I want to make has been made completely anyway , your are just another lying bullshitter that supports and type a hate you can come up with, just like your hate party. By the way if anyone is interested simply go to post 170 , that's his first question to me because he couldn't handle my comment he is responding to. and he has bull shitted his way through this thread . Again go to post 170 it is all their.

I suppose you think that when you are called on a lie the best thing to do is to keep telling more and more. Post 170:

What exactly makes you think you are an authority on (or are even capable of understanding) what wars "we" should fight.
WTF is "we"? And how exactly do you think we can avoid fighting when we are attacked?

I asked you 3 questions (which you refuse to address) and you asked me none.
Folks simply go to response 170 and you will see that The point he is responding to is me asking him a question that he was unable to answer, so like all the other scum bags in this group , he answered a question with a question, thinking it lets him off the hook. Small brains do that all the time.

You still haven't shown where you asked me that question because that was just another of your fantasy-world delusions.
Nor have you answered my questions or attempted any of the ridiculous points you've tried to make. Just another delusional snowflake.

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