Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.

I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Get off your fat ass and help people you think need helping.

Poor in America means your cell phone is an iPhone 5 and your DVD player doesn't play Blu-Ray
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

I don't understand it either. A conventional military is not how wars will be fought in the future. We could close at least half our bases and stop making tanks and ground crap such as that. Also cut it with the Trumpian interventionist, warmongering bluster and hubris.

The only thing areas that need additional money are covert ops, drones, and much better cyber intel. Do all that, and we could cut the bloated military budget in half and be far safer than we are now.
Future wars will be fought thru cyber attacks

A room full of geeks half way around the world will hack into your financial system and hold your economy for ransom unless you surrender

Easier and not as deadly as a nuclear attack
Someone watches too many movies...
actually I have no doubt that it could happen but I also saw it in a movie I watched. So your both right.
They could cause chaos sure (not to the degree y’all are imagining)...but it needs to be anonymous, so you can’t really fight war that way. Since the country could say stop hacking us or we’ll bomb you, and you can’t do anything about it since you got rid of most of your military, and traded it for hackers.
Your being ridiculous , no one is saying to get rid of most off our military and going there is just saying you are a little confused. You can have all the opinions you want but I also stand by every point I made to you. So don't start rutting around getting ready to attack what I say or anyone else says. My only subject that is black and white with me is politics , the rest , i find interesting and am willing to discuss in a manner much calmer than I'm willing to discuss politics.
No immigrants have made this country what it is. and your hate group wants to get rid of or stop them from coming here, either by the colors of their skin or their religion. Very constitutional.
You're right. Immigrants have made this Country grow: White, European and Scandinavian, primarily Christian immigrants. That compatibility has been and remains critical. Start tampering with that chemistry and it could bring America down.

If America needs immigrants -- start bringing in White Europeans! There is no good reason to depart from the proven formula. I have no problem with properly vetted Mexicans, either. They are hard-working, familial, Christian people.

Don't forget the Crusades. There was a reason for them and that reason hasn't changed.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

I don't understand it either. A conventional military is not how wars will be fought in the future. We could close at least half our bases and stop making tanks and ground crap such as that. Also cut it with the Trumpian interventionist, warmongering bluster and hubris.

The only thing areas that need additional money are covert ops, drones, and much better cyber intel. Do all that, and we could cut the bloated military budget in half and be far safer than we are now.
Future wars will be fought thru cyber attacks

A room full of geeks half way around the world will hack into your financial system and hold your economy for ransom unless you surrender

Easier and not as deadly as a nuclear attack
Someone watches too many movies...
It is already happening
What happens when a major corporation gets hacked and they are threatened with having their records destroyed?
Well they’d have to make demands of some sort, so if it’s say China doing it, we say fuck you, we’ll start dropping kinetic strikes from the sky that you can’t defend against....that’s what would happen. Which is why you still need a military...guns still beat computers. You aren’t thinking this all the way through...which is why I said you were very short sighted. On top of that cyber security, cloud computing, and a jillion of other factors make your scenario outlandishly unlikely. As of now hackers are pretty much limited to stealing identity’s, stealing information, and perhaps framing people...it can cause chaos sure, but that’s the best they got. They can’t hold a country hostage.
Again no one is saying trade the military for computers, taking it there is ridiculous.
I don't understand it either. A conventional military is not how wars will be fought in the future. We could close at least half our bases and stop making tanks and ground crap such as that. Also cut it with the Trumpian interventionist, warmongering bluster and hubris.

The only thing areas that need additional money are covert ops, drones, and much better cyber intel. Do all that, and we could cut the bloated military budget in half and be far safer than we are now.
Future wars will be fought thru cyber attacks

A room full of geeks half way around the world will hack into your financial system and hold your economy for ransom unless you surrender

Easier and not as deadly as a nuclear attack
Someone watches too many movies...
actually I have no doubt that it could happen but I also saw it in a movie I watched. So your both right.
They could cause chaos sure (not to the degree y’all are imagining)...but it needs to be anonymous, so you can’t really fight war that way. Since the country could say stop hacking us or we’ll bomb you, and you can’t do anything about it since you got rid of most of your military, and traded it for hackers.
Your being ridiculous , no one is saying to get rid of most off our military and going there is just saying you are a little confused. You can have all the opinions you want but I also stand by every point I made to you. So don't start rutting around getting ready to attack what I say or anyone else says. My only subject that is black and white with me is politics , the rest , i find interesting and am willing to discuss in a manner much calmer than I'm willing to discuss politics.
Not according to you and doctor love, who think a conventional military will be made obsolete to cyber warfare...that’s the point I’m arguing against. You guys watch too many movies, and don’t really know what hacking is. You also assume the world just stays safe on its own, it doesn’t. What keeps it safe is superior military tech in the hands of a relatively good force that is the US. A much better situation than russia or China being the worlds superpower...not to mention military tech has benefitted humanity greatly. Computers, phones, medicine, flight, space flight, have all either came out of war or have made groundbreaking advancements because of war, or preparing for war. Having superior tech and numbers prevents more wars, serious wars, which are even more costly, and not just in dollars.
[QUOTE="jNot according to you and doctor love, who think a conventional military will be made obsolete to cyber warfare...that’s the point I’m arguing against. You guys watch too many movies, and don’t really know what hacking is. You also assume the world just stays safe on its own, it doesn’t. What keeps it safe is superior military tech in the hands of a relatively good force that is the US. A much better situation than russia or China being the worlds superpower...not to mention military tech has benefitted humanity greatly. Computers, phones, medicine, flight, space flight, have all either came out of war or have made groundbreaking advancements because of war, or preparing for war. Having superior tech and numbers prevents more wars, serious wars, which are even more costly, and not just in dollars.

There are key words in your post - Superior Tech

Ground forces and ground strength do NOT represent superior tech. They represent the interests of the military industrial complex. Still waiting to hear which wars we've won quickly with such since WWII. They have only enriched the MIC and we've literally lost every GD one of them.

In my mind, superior tech is a great thing - not more of the same ol' madness.
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That’s a terrible example....they can barely host the internet. What makes NK dangerous isn’t their retarded cyber program, it’s the fact they can wipe out Seoul, a city of 10 million, in an hour with conventional mobile artillery. We can shoot down nukes, we can’t stop shells.

Our ability to shoot down nukes is questionable. It would appear to be somewhere in the 50% range - So back to your SUPERIOR TECH point - THAT is where we need to spend money. And you're wrong about cyber - NK is quite advanced in that regard. We MUST bring ourselves up to the level of Russia and China in particular.
Sorry - it just doesn't work that way.

You can't own the land until you walk on the land.

Well you go on and advocate more failed ground invasions, "regime change" and the blood and treasure we've invested in such since WWII with VERY little to show for it.

Cooler, more visionary heads will hopefully prevail or we're all fucked.
All I can say is that history has proven otherwise quite conclusively.
What ground wars do you think we've started?

Are you serious?

Let's start with that awesome 2 trillion dollar failed social experiment in Iraq based on a buttload of lies and intel failures.
You're right. Immigrants have made this Country grow: White, European and Scandinavian, primarily Christian immigrants. That compatibility has been and remains critical. Start tampering with that chemistry and it could bring America down.

If America needs immigrants -- start bringing in White Europeans! There is no good reason to depart from the proven formula.

Don't forget the Crusades. There was a reason for them and that reason hasn't changed.

Oh fuck - the Bannonites, Klansman, Nazis, white nationalists & ethnic purists have arrived.

Pass :eusa_hand:
Our enemies are by no means limited to one method of attack. We must be prepared to defend against all possible forms of attack or we may well die. Just that simple.

Maybe sorta. I don't believe we need to be very concerned about a ground invasion. Ground wars are nearly obsolete and so the hardware required for such should be scaled way back. As for ground wars we have started, they've largely been enormous failures over the past 60+ years. We need to mind our own damn business, keep an eye on our borders and beef up missile defense systems to the point where we can take out an ICBM 99% of the time.

All I can say is that history has proven otherwise quite conclusively.
What ground wars do you think we've started?
Iraq and Afghanistan

Iraq started the war when it invaded Kuwait and threatened SA.
The Taliban attacked us to make Afghanistan a target. 9/11. You may have heard of it.
Iraq started the war when it invaded Kuwait and threatened SA.
The Taliban attacked us to make Afghanistan a target. 9/11. You may have heard of it.

Oh for the love of GOD. Kuwait was Poppy Bush's war and he was smart enough to know that taking our Saddam with at least three warring factions would be disastrous.

Quit prophetic - Sadly, the Idiot Son listened to a "Higher Father". Sad excuse for the ground invasion man :(
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Iraq started the war when it invaded Kuwait and threatened SA.

The Taliban attacked us to make Afghanistan a target. 9/11. You may have heard of it.
What war did Iraq start?

You are ignoring some very important facts, beginning with Iraq having been a very loyal and useful ally of the U.S. during our conflict with Iran. Next, Hussein's cause for hostility toward Kuwait was the revelation that Kuwait had been diagonally drilling into Iraq's oil field for several years. Outright theft.

But Hussein didn't make a move against Kuwait until he first brought the theft to the attention of U.S. Ambassador, April Glaspie, asking if the U.S. had any opposition to his intention to attack Kuwait. Glaspie conferred with the Secretary of State. She then informed Hussein that the U.S. had no interest in that intention.

In cooperation with Saudi Arabia, George H.W. Bush had double-crossed Hussein with that notification because he waited until Hussein invaded Kuwait and then attacked the Iraqi Army, brutally destroying it. This was done because Hussein's next move after occupying Kuwait was likely to be Saudi Arabia -- which was on intimately friendly terms with the Bush dynasty.

What H.W. Bush did to Iraq was wrong. What W. Bush did was doubly wrong. The loss of so many American lives in both actions is a goddam shame. What the Bush crime family has done in the Middle East is the most egregious war crime in modern history. There is no way to justify any of it.

If H.W. Bush had cooperated with Hussein, instead of double-crossing him to protect the Saudi Royal Family we would be in the cat-bird seat today, paying .35 a gallon for Premium gas and we would not be involved in any active hostilities in the Middle East. Our friend and ally Saddam Hussein would be taking care of all of that.
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What made us a superpower is everyone was destroyed in WWII while our Homefront was untouched

We were untouched for the same reason we do not bother to defend our homeland now. Huge oceans and friendly neighbors

Close to 400 ships were sunk off our East Coast in WW-II by German Submarines. Nearly 60 ships were sunk in the Gulf of Mexico also by German Submarines with one sunk in the mouth of the Mississippi River. That was with the diesel and battery run submarines of the day.

Today China is producing modern nuclear submarines at an alarming rate and they patrol off our coasts daily. These are boats equipped with nuclear missiles. Thanks to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton they also control the ports at both ends of the Panama Canal. China also has rockets that can kill satellites.

Think those oceans mean anything today?
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

I don't understand it either. A conventional military is not how wars will be fought in the future. We could close at least half our bases and stop making tanks and ground crap such as that. Also cut it with the Trumpian interventionist, warmongering bluster and hubris.

The only thing areas that need additional money are covert ops, drones, and much better cyber intel. Do all that, and we could cut the bloated military budget in half and be far safer than we are now.


Why not just give our keys to China now and save all the time, money, and trouble?
Why not just give our keys to China now and save all the time, money, and trouble?

Not a good idea. Thanks to Donald John's chronic idiocy, China has already surpassed US as the most powerful country on Earth.
Future wars will be fought thru cyber attacks

A room full of geeks half way around the world will hack into your financial system and hold your economy for ransom unless you surrender

Easier and not as deadly as a nuclear attack

But we're not in the future and we must still fight wars on the ground and door to door.

ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, the Taliban, none of which have submarines, missiles, fighters or bombers. They all remain threats today unless you haven't noticed. President Donald Trump has a stunning job of destroying ISIS but the job is not done.
[QUOTE="jNot according to you and doctor love, who think a conventional military will be made obsolete to cyber warfare...that’s the point I’m arguing against. You guys watch too many movies, and don’t really know what hacking is. You also assume the world just stays safe on its own, it doesn’t. What keeps it safe is superior military tech in the hands of a relatively good force that is the US. A much better situation than russia or China being the worlds superpower...not to mention military tech has benefitted humanity greatly. Computers, phones, medicine, flight, space flight, have all either came out of war or have made groundbreaking advancements because of war, or preparing for war. Having superior tech and numbers prevents more wars, serious wars, which are even more costly, and not just in dollars.

There are key words in your post - Superior Tech

Ground forces and ground strength do NOT represent superior tech. They represent the interests of the military industrial complex. Still waiting to here which wars we've won quickly with such since WWII. They have only enriched the MIC and we've literally lost every GD one of them.

In my mind, superior tech is a great thing - not more of the same ol' madness.
You don’t know what you’re talking about if you think that we can bomb every problem with a drone...doesn’t work like that. It helps in terrorism sure...but that’s against a guy with an AK, and even then they resort to hiding in a cave or amongst civilian populations. And you still need the ability to take and hold terrirtory, which you can’t do from the sky. But what we’re really talking about is how to counter is submersible battleships, point defense systems, mobile artillary, extreme long range air to air missals, long range highly mobile ship killers, and stealth tech.

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