Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.


I see you could not answer my question so you deflected to medicare and Medicaid.

$5.4 trillion across 10 years is $540 billion out of how many trillions already wasted on these programs every year?

Medicare spending is never cut because the actual cost is undetermined until after the fact. That is why it is called mandatory spending. The only thing Medicare actually cuts is reimbursement to doctors and other medical providers. The individual will never see any cuts to the program.

Medicaid should be a state program and the federal government needs to cut all funding for it.
He said nothing will be taken from the needy but we know a trillion will be taken and our resident hate monger after I proved him wrong tries to say this and that don't count. It counts to the people who feed their family and keep a roof over their heads with it. He is just part of the ugly right that hates everything.

I see you cannot answer simple questions. I am sorry that your limited intellect has been overloaded by the topic.

You keep talking about a figment of your imagination. No budget has been passed and no tax reform bill has been passed. Stop tilting at windmills there Don Quixote!
I'll keep this simple for you, you either contribute or your gone. This is the thread,
Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.
you contribute within that parameter. Do us all a favor and tell me you don't care.

Read the thread. I already covered that. Do you have a child around that can assist you?
It's a beautiful thing one less slug pulled from the slug army of the right. Bye. Clean slate. All they had to do was contribute to the thread and they didn't even want to do that. This one introduced himself having a degree in military sciences or some such crap and he told me he knew it all so I had to watch what I wrote. The Only degree this clown has is a degree in bullshit. Clean sweep they all are gone.

I answered your question in the thread. You don't even have the common decency to acknowledge that? Good riddance to bad rubbish.

You are a waste of human flesh and an oxygen thief!

I see you could not answer my question so you deflected to medicare and Medicaid.

$5.4 trillion across 10 years is $540 billion out of how many trillions already wasted on these programs every year?

Medicare spending is never cut because the actual cost is undetermined until after the fact. That is why it is called mandatory spending. The only thing Medicare actually cuts is reimbursement to doctors and other medical providers. The individual will never see any cuts to the program.

Medicaid should be a state program and the federal government needs to cut all funding for it.
He said nothing will be taken from the needy but we know a trillion will be taken and our resident hate monger after I proved him wrong tries to say this and that don't count. It counts to the people who feed their family and keep a roof over their heads with it. He is just part of the ugly right that hates everything.

I see you cannot answer simple questions. I am sorry that your limited intellect has been overloaded by the topic.

You keep talking about a figment of your imagination. No budget has been passed and no tax reform bill has been passed. Stop tilting at windmills there Don Quixote!
I'll keep this simple for you, you either contribute or your gone. This is the thread,
Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.
you contribute within that parameter. Do us all a favor and tell me you don't care.


Another genius who thinks starting a thread makes him a mod!

This one I'm really glad about. He's gone, there is one more I'm waiting on. This isn't complicated you contribute or I dump you.


I see you could not answer my question so you deflected to medicare and Medicaid.

$5.4 trillion across 10 years is $540 billion out of how many trillions already wasted on these programs every year?

Medicare spending is never cut because the actual cost is undetermined until after the fact. That is why it is called mandatory spending. The only thing Medicare actually cuts is reimbursement to doctors and other medical providers. The individual will never see any cuts to the program.

Medicaid should be a state program and the federal government needs to cut all funding for it.
He said nothing will be taken from the needy but we know a trillion will be taken and our resident hate monger after I proved him wrong tries to say this and that don't count. It counts to the people who feed their family and keep a roof over their heads with it. He is just part of the ugly right that hates everything.

I see you cannot answer simple questions. I am sorry that your limited intellect has been overloaded by the topic.

You keep talking about a figment of your imagination. No budget has been passed and no tax reform bill has been passed. Stop tilting at windmills there Don Quixote!
I'll keep this simple for you, you either contribute or your gone. This is the thread,
Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.
you contribute within that parameter. Do us all a favor and tell me you don't care.

Read the thread. I already covered that. Do you have a child around that can assist you?
It's a beautiful thing one less slug pulled from the slug army of the right. Bye. Clean slate. All they had to do was contribute to the thread and they didn't even want to do that. This one introduced himself having a degree in military sciences or some such crap and he told me he knew it all so I had to watch what I wrote. The Only degree this clown has is a degree in bullshit. Clean sweep they all are gone.

What exactly are you talking about?
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Where would you like to make cuts?
In the contracts?

oops, not allowed, and if you did, UE goes up.
closing ports and bases? what would you do with the extra personnel?
copy what that vile fuck Clinton did and just shit on our men and women?

yea, that's what you want, isn't it.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Where would you like to make cuts?
In the contracts?

oops, not allowed, and if you did, UE goes up.
closing ports and bases? what would you do with the extra personnel?
copy what that vile fuck Clinton did and just shit on our men and women?

yea, that's what you want, isn't it.
Best place to make cuts is to redefine the USs global mission

We do not need to be the worlds policeman. Let the EU take prime responsibility in the Middle East. Let Japan and South Korea take the lead in handling N Korea

We can cut down on the number of carrier task forces, cut down on the number of ships in our Navy, cut back our nuclear arsenal that has sat dormant for 70 years, reduce the number of Army divisions

The future of global military action will be cyber anyway
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Where would you like to make cuts?
In the contracts?

oops, not allowed, and if you did, UE goes up.
closing ports and bases? what would you do with the extra personnel?
copy what that vile fuck Clinton did and just shit on our men and women?

yea, that's what you want, isn't it.
Best place to make cuts is to redefine the USs global mission

We do not need to be the worlds policeman. Let the EU take prime responsibility in the Middle East. Let Japan and South Korea take the lead in handling N Korea

We can cut down on the number of carrier task forces, cut down on the number of ships in our Navy, cut back our nuclear arsenal that has sat dormant for 70 years, reduce the number of Army divisions

The future of global military action will be cyber anyway
so you want to make deep cuts in supplies and personnel, in a time of war.

I would like to take a moment and remind you that it was Wilson (D) that got us involved in the worlds affairs. Every conservative told him it was a bad idea.

and now here we are, openly seeking to fuck over the military in a time of war.

what a bizarre world we live in.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Where would you like to make cuts?
In the contracts?

oops, not allowed, and if you did, UE goes up.
closing ports and bases? what would you do with the extra personnel?
copy what that vile fuck Clinton did and just shit on our men and women?

yea, that's what you want, isn't it.
Best place to make cuts is to redefine the USs global mission

We do not need to be the worlds policeman. Let the EU take prime responsibility in the Middle East. Let Japan and South Korea take the lead in handling N Korea

We can cut down on the number of carrier task forces, cut down on the number of ships in our Navy, cut back our nuclear arsenal that has sat dormant for 70 years, reduce the number of Army divisions

The future of global military action will be cyber anyway
so you want to make deep cuts in supplies and personnel, in a time of war.

I would like to take a moment and remind you that it was Wilson (D) that got us involved in the worlds affairs. Every conservative told him it was a bad idea.

and now here we are, openly seeking to fuck over the military in a time of war.

what a bizarre world we live in.

Yes I do
We are not engaged in "war"....we have deployed troops in a dangerous area
$600 billion a year spending will not help them

Our military is not getting fucked over...the American taxpayer is
Our military spending is more than the next ten nations combined and eight of those nations are our allies
Time to make our allies assume more of the burden in their area of influence

The US needs to redefine our role in global conflicts......Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq proved that

We need more spending so we can destroy the world 10x over rather than just the 5x now
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Where would you like to make cuts?
In the contracts?

oops, not allowed, and if you did, UE goes up.
closing ports and bases? what would you do with the extra personnel?
copy what that vile fuck Clinton did and just shit on our men and women?

yea, that's what you want, isn't it.
Its good to have a few bases close to trouble spots, but we have 800 bases in 70 countries, Britain, france and Russia have 30 bases between them. So yes you dam right, bases will be a good place to start. Their should be zero wars, or police actions or military bases that exist to protect the bottom line of any corporations. This country and our allies spent 3 out of every 4 dollars spent on the military for all countries around the world. It's bullshit to think there is a real threat to us or any of our allies. that we can't take care of.
There is only one party that has voted against veteran programs and money and that is the hate party . the democrats will always vote for good Veterans programs. These veterans should get a ton of support more then they do now. The men in the military should have a large enough increase in pay to make it it a better choice for young people deciding to go in the service. There is only one party that shits on the men and women in the military and as veterans. Again your hate party.
There is only one reason why the hate party supports military buildup and that is for their pocket books and they have stupid enough supporters that they can talk their puppets into believing we need it , we don't , in fact its close to insanity, doing it.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Where would you like to make cuts?
In the contracts?

oops, not allowed, and if you did, UE goes up.
closing ports and bases? what would you do with the extra personnel?
copy what that vile fuck Clinton did and just shit on our men and women?

yea, that's what you want, isn't it.
Best place to make cuts is to redefine the USs global mission

We do not need to be the worlds policeman. Let the EU take prime responsibility in the Middle East. Let Japan and South Korea take the lead in handling N Korea

We can cut down on the number of carrier task forces, cut down on the number of ships in our Navy, cut back our nuclear arsenal that has sat dormant for 70 years, reduce the number of Army divisions

The future of global military action will be cyber anyway
so you want to make deep cuts in supplies and personnel, in a time of war.

I would like to take a moment and remind you that it was Wilson (D) that got us involved in the worlds affairs. Every conservative told him it was a bad idea.

and now here we are, openly seeking to fuck over the military in a time of war.

what a bizarre world we live in.
Boy you people are blind as a bat , the only actions we are in now are total lies. 95% of every action this country has ever taken, never should have been and in fact many of them were evil to protect corporate monetary interests As long as the military industrial complex has weak brained people like you , we will always hear stupidity as far as the military is concerned. I want no discount of supplies needed to keep the Soldiers safe. I would increase any to anything needed. I would rase the wages of the people in service , and I would right law that would increase veterans spending a lot higher then it is now.
All this could be done for over a decade for the price of one aircraft carrier and it's planes, it could be done for 25 years with one carrier group.
A trillion dollars won't protect us from terrorism around the world or military action like vietnam or the lies we are involved with now. To accomplish this ridiculous spending on the military, you need robot brains that support what they are told to support. Very dumb robots to be exact.
A trillion dollars won't protect us from terrorism around the world or military action like vietnam or the lies we are involved with now. To accomplish this ridiculous spending on the military, you need robot brains that support what they are told to support. Very dumb robots to be exact.

Terrorism is used as an excuse for increasing our military budget

But very little of our military budget is allocated to fighting terrorism as much as extending our global reach
A trillion dollars won't protect us from terrorism around the world or military action like vietnam or the lies we are involved with now. To accomplish this ridiculous spending on the military, you need robot brains that support what they are told to support. Very dumb robots to be exact.

Terrorism is used as an excuse for increasing our military budget

But very little of our military budget is allocated to fighting terrorism as much as extending our global reach

Myopia ^^^^
A trillion dollars won't protect us from terrorism around the world or military action like vietnam or the lies we are involved with now. To accomplish this ridiculous spending on the military, you need robot brains that support what they are told to support. Very dumb robots to be exact.

Terrorism is used as an excuse for increasing our military budget

But very little of our military budget is allocated to fighting terrorism as much as extending our global reach

Myopia ^^^^
When you come up with facts that make adding more money to the military as being asinine the gun bubbas hang on with a commie behind every corner or other forms of paranoia, then when they are buried with the truth they go to just calling you names. Probably a communist. which we know doesn't even exist in this country or any past government in this country.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Where would you like to make cuts?
In the contracts?

oops, not allowed, and if you did, UE goes up.
closing ports and bases? what would you do with the extra personnel?
copy what that vile fuck Clinton did and just shit on our men and women?

yea, that's what you want, isn't it.
Its good to have a few bases close to trouble spots, but we have 800 bases in 70 countries, Britain, france and Russia have 30 bases between them. So yes you dam right, bases will be a good place to start. Their should be zero wars, or police actions or military bases that exist to protect the bottom line of any corporations. This country and our allies spent 3 out of every 4 dollars spent on the military for all countries around the world. It's bullshit to think there is a real threat to us or any of our allies. that we can't take care of.
There is only one party that has voted against veteran programs and money and that is the hate party . the democrats will always vote for good Veterans programs. These veterans should get a ton of support more then they do now. The men in the military should have a large enough increase in pay to make it it a better choice for young people deciding to go in the service. There is only one party that shits on the men and women in the military and as veterans. Again your hate party.
There is only one reason why the hate party supports military buildup and that is for their pocket books and they have stupid enough supporters that they can talk their puppets into believing we need it , we don't , in fact its close to insanity, doing it.
The dems put Vets on the street.

I was one of them.

so fuck you
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Where would you like to make cuts?
In the contracts?

oops, not allowed, and if you did, UE goes up.
closing ports and bases? what would you do with the extra personnel?
copy what that vile fuck Clinton did and just shit on our men and women?

yea, that's what you want, isn't it.
Its good to have a few bases close to trouble spots, but we have 800 bases in 70 countries, Britain, france and Russia have 30 bases between them. So yes you dam right, bases will be a good place to start. Their should be zero wars, or police actions or military bases that exist to protect the bottom line of any corporations. This country and our allies spent 3 out of every 4 dollars spent on the military for all countries around the world. It's bullshit to think there is a real threat to us or any of our allies. that we can't take care of.
There is only one party that has voted against veteran programs and money and that is the hate party . the democrats will always vote for good Veterans programs. These veterans should get a ton of support more then they do now. The men in the military should have a large enough increase in pay to make it it a better choice for young people deciding to go in the service. There is only one party that shits on the men and women in the military and as veterans. Again your hate party.
There is only one reason why the hate party supports military buildup and that is for their pocket books and they have stupid enough supporters that they can talk their puppets into believing we need it , we don't , in fact its close to insanity, doing it.
The dems put Vets on the street.

I was one of them.

so fuck you[/QUOTEBullshit , if you had one Iota of the ability to think, you could look at the track record of veterans support bills and find out who votes for them and who votes against them. Your would find out clearly that you're full of crap and it has been your hate party that voted down bills to help the veteran. You people are fucked and pitiful, you spend your life being pulled around by your hate party, by the ring in your nose. You're the sucker.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Where would you like to make cuts?
In the contracts?

oops, not allowed, and if you did, UE goes up.
closing ports and bases? what would you do with the extra personnel?
copy what that vile fuck Clinton did and just shit on our men and women?

yea, that's what you want, isn't it.
Its good to have a few bases close to trouble spots, but we have 800 bases in 70 countries, Britain, france and Russia have 30 bases between them. So yes you dam right, bases will be a good place to start. Their should be zero wars, or police actions or military bases that exist to protect the bottom line of any corporations. This country and our allies spent 3 out of every 4 dollars spent on the military for all countries around the world. It's bullshit to think there is a real threat to us or any of our allies. that we can't take care of.
There is only one party that has voted against veteran programs and money and that is the hate party . the democrats will always vote for good Veterans programs. These veterans should get a ton of support more then they do now. The men in the military should have a large enough increase in pay to make it it a better choice for young people deciding to go in the service. There is only one party that shits on the men and women in the military and as veterans. Again your hate party.
There is only one reason why the hate party supports military buildup and that is for their pocket books and they have stupid enough supporters that they can talk their puppets into believing we need it , we don't , in fact its close to insanity, doing it.
The dems put Vets on the street.

I was one of them.

so fuck you[/QUOTEBullshit , if you had one Iota of the ability to think, you could look at the track record of veterans support bills and find out who votes for them and who votes against them. Your would find out clearly that you're full of crap and it has been your hate party that voted down bills to help the veteran. You people are fucked and pitiful, you spend your life being pulled around by your hate party, by the ring in your nose. You're the sucker.
so you are trying to claim, what was done to me, didn't actually happen, b/c you think the sub-standard service we get makes up for all of it.

seriously, go fuck yourself. You're clearly a child with zero life experience.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The more money we spend on the military , the more freedom you have to post

bullshit, the more wars you stay out of the less threat there is to this country. If you mean by freedom as being corporate profits then you might have a point. otherwise there is little reality between freedom and the wars we fight in. Maybe you would like to look at the total list I
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

Ah, the innocence of youth...
Have no clue what your point is but if your talking about me, I'm 73 .....

That's pretty old to still be dumb enough to think a $1 reduction in military spending would mean a $1 increase in spending on "the needy."
What the hell are you talking about, maybe you would like to point out where I said that bullshit.

Once again the more money we spend on the military Hanes, the more freedom you have to post ..... stuffing your fat face eating doughnuts sitting on a couch

Totally untrue. What country in their right mind would try to take on the USA even if we've given them reason to want to? We spend more on military than several other countries combined. War is a business and business is doing very well, since we outspend several other countries combined on our wars of aggression.

U.S. Defense Spending Compared to Other Countries
America could save a lot of money if it gives up on the global military presence and carrier groups that all serve no defensive purpose. Giving up on that also leads to the omission of the need to deploy them.

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