Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.

I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The most important function of the government and our tax money is the protection of the people. That is the purpose of our sons and daughters in the military. I would much rather see our money spent for their necessary tools of the trade than thrown away on the foreign aid to peoples who hate us or the study of the mating habits of the fruit fly.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The most important function of the government and our tax money is the protection of the people. That is the purpose of our sons and daughters in the military. I would much rather see our money spent for their necessary tools of the trade than thrown away on the foreign aid to peoples who hate us or the study of the mating habits of the fruit fly.

The U.S. is surrounded by peaceful neighbors and two oceans. No nation on earth has the capability of invading us

Our military is used to press our global interests and serve as the worlds policeman. We spend as much on our military as the next eight nations combined and six of those eight are our allies

By investing so much in our military we divert funds that could be used for education, healthcare, modern infrastructure
WASHINGTON: A massive maintenance backlog has idled 15 nuclear-powered attack submarines for a total of 177 months, and the Navy’s plan to mitigate the problem is jeopardized by budget gridlock, two House Armed Services Committee staffers told Breaking Defense. 15 Subs Kept Out of Service: 177 Months Of Drydock Backups
Good it's a waste of money , this is cheaper and there's no real threat to this country anyway, take the corporation out of this scenario and we would have no military problem at all with half the money. You want to send these poor young people to get killed for the bottom line of corporations. Hell you don't give a shit about these young people or this country.You top the list of just another ignorant gun bubba, wanting to kill everyone.
You have no connection to reality do you......one absurdity after another
WASHINGTON: A massive maintenance backlog has idled 15 nuclear-powered attack submarines for a total of 177 months, and the Navy’s plan to mitigate the problem is jeopardized by budget gridlock, two House Armed Services Committee staffers told Breaking Defense. 15 Subs Kept Out of Service: 177 Months Of Drydock Backups
Good it's a waste of money , this is cheaper and there's no real threat to this country anyway, take the corporation out of this scenario and we would have no military problem at all with half the money. You want to send these poor young people to get killed for the bottom line of corporations. Hell you don't give a shit about these young people or this country.You top the list of just another ignorant gun bubba, wanting to kill everyone.
You have no connection to reality do you....just one absurdity after another as you try to deny the damage Obama did
Gee where did that come from I never brought up Obama's name. Like I said they need the military budget should be cut right in half . It would be more then what we need to protect our shores. I don't give a fuck about any corporate interest if I have to trade it for the lives of the young.
WASHINGTON: A massive maintenance backlog has idled 15 nuclear-powered attack submarines for a total of 177 months, and the Navy’s plan to mitigate the problem is jeopardized by budget gridlock, two House Armed Services Committee staffers told Breaking Defense. 15 Subs Kept Out of Service: 177 Months Of Drydock Backups
Good it's a waste of money , this is cheaper and there's no real threat to this country anyway, take the corporation out of this scenario and we would have no military problem at all with half the money. You want to send these poor young people to get killed for the bottom line of corporations. Hell you don't give a shit about these young people or this country.You top the list of just another ignorant gun bubba, wanting to kill everyone.
You have no connection to reality do you......one absurdity after another
WASHINGTON: A massive maintenance backlog has idled 15 nuclear-powered attack submarines for a total of 177 months, and the Navy’s plan to mitigate the problem is jeopardized by budget gridlock, two House Armed Services Committee staffers told Breaking Defense. 15 Subs Kept Out of Service: 177 Months Of Drydock Backups
Good it's a waste of money , this is cheaper and there's no real threat to this country anyway, take the corporation out of this scenario and we would have no military problem at all with half the money. You want to send these poor young people to get killed for the bottom line of corporations. Hell you don't give a shit about these young people or this country.You top the list of just another ignorant gun bubba, wanting to kill everyone.
You have no connection to reality do you....just one absurdity after another as you try to deny the damage Obama did
Gee where did that come from I never brought up Obama's name. Like I said they need the military budget should be cut right in half . It would be more then what we need to protect our shores. I don't give a fuck about any corporate interest if I have to trade it for the lives of the young.
Nothing wrong with having global interests
But our use of our military has been, at best, hit or miss
We do some good and prop up friendly governments around the world

But we also wasted unnecessary lives in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan

We need to reassess our military priorities
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The most important function of the government and our tax money is the protection of the people. That is the purpose of our sons and daughters in the military. I would much rather see our money spent for their necessary tools of the trade than thrown away on the foreign aid to peoples who hate us or the study of the mating habits of the fruit fly.
Be real over half our budget is given to the military, You wanting a military to protect the corporate interest of this country with the lives of our young is insane. You seem to think very little of the people in our service. Tell me of our 200 plus wars show me more then a handful that needed to be fraught. One attack on our shores. There is way more wars that we simply murdered people then wars that had to be fought.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The most important function of the government and our tax money is the protection of the people. That is the purpose of our sons and daughters in the military. I would much rather see our money spent for their necessary tools of the trade than thrown away on the foreign aid to peoples who hate us or the study of the mating habits of the fruit fly.

The U.S. is surrounded by peaceful neighbors and two oceans. No nation on earth has the capability of invading us

Our military is used to press our global interests and serve as the worlds policeman. We spend as much on our military as the next eight nations combined and six of those eight are our allies

By investing so much in our military we divert funds that could be used for education, healthcare, modern infrastructure

Bullshit. 1st priority is the freedom of our country and lives of our children. Dead children are notably hard to educate.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The most important function of the government and our tax money is the protection of the people. That is the purpose of our sons and daughters in the military. I would much rather see our money spent for their necessary tools of the trade than thrown away on the foreign aid to peoples who hate us or the study of the mating habits of the fruit fly.
Be real over half our budget is given to the military, You wanting a military to protect the corporate interest of this country with the lives of our young is insane. You seem to think very little of the people in our service. Tell me of our 200 plus wars show me more then a handful that needed to be fraught. One attack on our shores. There is way more wars that we simply murdered people then wars that had to be fought.
If the purpose of the government is to protect our people ....
We need to spend more on fighting gangs, the highest murder rate in the industrialized world, the opioid crisis

They are all more of a threat to the average American than some shithole country 13,000 miles away
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The most important function of the government and our tax money is the protection of the people. That is the purpose of our sons and daughters in the military. I would much rather see our money spent for their necessary tools of the trade than thrown away on the foreign aid to peoples who hate us or the study of the mating habits of the fruit fly.

The U.S. is surrounded by peaceful neighbors and two oceans. No nation on earth has the capability of invading us

Our military is used to press our global interests and serve as the worlds policeman. We spend as much on our military as the next eight nations combined and six of those eight are our allies

By investing so much in our military we divert funds that could be used for education, healthcare, modern infrastructure

Bullshit. 1st priority is the freedom of our country and lives of our children. Dead children are notably hard to educate.
Well said

Let's protect our children. Use our resources to combat gang violence , fight domestic abuse, expand children's healthcare

Makes more sense than extending our military might on the other side of the globe
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The most important function of the government and our tax money is the protection of the people. That is the purpose of our sons and daughters in the military. I would much rather see our money spent for their necessary tools of the trade than thrown away on the foreign aid to peoples who hate us or the study of the mating habits of the fruit fly.

The U.S. is surrounded by peaceful neighbors and two oceans. No nation on earth has the capability of invading us

Our military is used to press our global interests and serve as the worlds policeman. We spend as much on our military as the next eight nations combined and six of those eight are our allies

By investing so much in our military we divert funds that could be used for education, healthcare, modern infrastructure

Bullshit. 1st priority is the freedom of our country and lives of our children. Dead children are notably hard to educate.
The only threat that I've seen to freedom is sitting in the president's chair , their president is a pile of shit. The military is there to protect this country. Maybe you could become the laughing stock of this thread by bringing up something like the Domino effect, some cute name that can be used to call some non existing threat to our borders. that allows you to send out our children to die for corporations interests.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The most important function of the government and our tax money is the protection of the people. That is the purpose of our sons and daughters in the military. I would much rather see our money spent for their necessary tools of the trade than thrown away on the foreign aid to peoples who hate us or the study of the mating habits of the fruit fly.

The U.S. is surrounded by peaceful neighbors and two oceans. No nation on earth has the capability of invading us

Our military is used to press our global interests and serve as the worlds policeman. We spend as much on our military as the next eight nations combined and six of those eight are our allies

By investing so much in our military we divert funds that could be used for education, healthcare, modern infrastructure

Bullshit. 1st priority is the freedom of our country and lives of our children. Dead children are notably hard to educate.
The only threat that I've seen to freedom is sitting in the president's chair , their president is a pile of shit. The military is there to protect this country. Maybe you could become the laughing stock of this thread by bringing up something like the Domino effect, some cute name that can be used to call some non existing threat to our borders. that allows you to send out our children to die for corporations interests.
Sorry, but the pile of shit left office last January.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The most important function of the government and our tax money is the protection of the people. That is the purpose of our sons and daughters in the military. I would much rather see our money spent for their necessary tools of the trade than thrown away on the foreign aid to peoples who hate us or the study of the mating habits of the fruit fly.

The U.S. is surrounded by peaceful neighbors and two oceans. No nation on earth has the capability of invading us

Our military is used to press our global interests and serve as the worlds policeman. We spend as much on our military as the next eight nations combined and six of those eight are our allies

By investing so much in our military we divert funds that could be used for education, healthcare, modern infrastructure

Bullshit. 1st priority is the freedom of our country and lives of our children. Dead children are notably hard to educate.
Well said

Let's protect our children. Use our resources to combat gang violence , fight domestic abuse, expand children's healthcare

Makes more sense than extending our military might on the other side of the globe
The military is for corporate interest as far as 90% of the right wing is concerned. If they don't realize that it is a fact then they are dumb. Thats their only excuse. You want to lead the world as far as corporate profits is concerned , pay for better education all free through college and beyond. We will lead the world economically for ever and will gain way more then the wasting of money on wars that are 100% lies , Like the Bush disaster.
WASHINGTON: A massive maintenance backlog has idled 15 nuclear-powered attack submarines for a total of 177 months, and the Navy’s plan to mitigate the problem is jeopardized by budget gridlock, two House Armed Services Committee staffers told Breaking Defense. 15 Subs Kept Out of Service: 177 Months Of Drydock Backups
Good it's a waste of money , this is cheaper and there's no real threat to this country anyway, take the corporation out of this scenario and we would have no military problem at all with half the money. You want to send these poor young people to get killed for the bottom line of corporations. Hell you don't give a shit about these young people or this country.You top the list of just another ignorant gun bubba, wanting to kill everyone.
You have no connection to reality do you......one absurdity after another
WASHINGTON: A massive maintenance backlog has idled 15 nuclear-powered attack submarines for a total of 177 months, and the Navy’s plan to mitigate the problem is jeopardized by budget gridlock, two House Armed Services Committee staffers told Breaking Defense. 15 Subs Kept Out of Service: 177 Months Of Drydock Backups
Good it's a waste of money , this is cheaper and there's no real threat to this country anyway, take the corporation out of this scenario and we would have no military problem at all with half the money. You want to send these poor young people to get killed for the bottom line of corporations. Hell you don't give a shit about these young people or this country.You top the list of just another ignorant gun bubba, wanting to kill everyone.
You have no connection to reality do you....just one absurdity after another as you try to deny the damage Obama did
Gee where did that come from I never brought up Obama's name. Like I said they need the military budget should be cut right in half . It would be more then what we need to protect our shores. I don't give a fuck about any corporate interest if I have to trade it for the lives of the young.
Nothing wrong with having global interests
But our use of our military has been, at best, hit or miss
We do some good and prop up friendly governments around the world

But we also wasted unnecessary lives in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan

We need to reassess our military priorities
You want to know how bad this country has been as far as wars are concerned simply look at the endless list of wars we have been in and I bet you can't come up with a handful out of those hundreds of wars that we needed to be in.
We have interests around the world, but we can't dictate with our military and we can't waste one life on the bottom line of some corporation. If you think we should tell me how many lives are you willing to waste for any corporation's bottom line.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

The most important function of the government and our tax money is the protection of the people. That is the purpose of our sons and daughters in the military. I would much rather see our money spent for their necessary tools of the trade than thrown away on the foreign aid to peoples who hate us or the study of the mating habits of the fruit fly.

The U.S. is surrounded by peaceful neighbors and two oceans. No nation on earth has the capability of invading us

Our military is used to press our global interests and serve as the worlds policeman. We spend as much on our military as the next eight nations combined and six of those eight are our allies

By investing so much in our military we divert funds that could be used for education, healthcare, modern infrastructure

Bullshit. 1st priority is the freedom of our country and lives of our children. Dead children are notably hard to educate.
Well said

Let's protect our children. Use our resources to combat gang violence , fight domestic abuse, expand children's healthcare

Makes more sense than extending our military might on the other side of the globe
The military is for corporate interest as far as 90% of the right wing is concerned. If they don't realize that it is a fact then they are dumb. Thats their only excuse. You want to lead the world as far as corporate profits is concerned , pay for better education all free through college and beyond. We will lead the world economically for ever and will gain way more then the wasting of money on wars that are 100% lies , Like the Bush disaster.

We borrowed $2 trillion to pay for our invasions and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan
How did it make us safer?

Meanwhile, we have 8500 people murdered each year. More in one year than we lost in ten years of those wars. We could fight gang wars and opiod addiction which are a bigger threat to our nation
We could build modern infrastructure not patch the infrastructure we built in the 50s
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
We have to pay for all of the Democrat's wars.
Democrats voted against the invasion of Iraq

Cost us 5500 lives and $2 trillion
Those 5500 were murders. In the biggest lie in decades. The two winners in that war were Halliburton and Carlyle. sound familiar?
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
Where would you like to make cuts?
In the contracts?

oops, not allowed, and if you did, UE goes up.
closing ports and bases? what would you do with the extra personnel?
copy what that vile fuck Clinton did and just shit on our men and women?

yea, that's what you want, isn't it.
Its good to have a few bases close to trouble spots, but we have 800 bases in 70 countries, Britain, france and Russia have 30 bases between them. So yes you dam right, bases will be a good place to start. Their should be zero wars, or police actions or military bases that exist to protect the bottom line of any corporations. This country and our allies spent 3 out of every 4 dollars spent on the military for all countries around the world. It's bullshit to think there is a real threat to us or any of our allies. that we can't take care of.
There is only one party that has voted against veteran programs and money and that is the hate party . the democrats will always vote for good Veterans programs. These veterans should get a ton of support more then they do now. The men in the military should have a large enough increase in pay to make it it a better choice for young people deciding to go in the service. There is only one party that shits on the men and women in the military and as veterans. Again your hate party.
There is only one reason why the hate party supports military buildup and that is for their pocket books and they have stupid enough supporters that they can talk their puppets into believing we need it , we don't , in fact its close to insanity, doing it.

800 bases in 700 countries? If you knew anything about the topic you would know that those "bases" are sometimes offices on host country's military bases.

One of those bases like those that often gets counted was a runway in the Egyptian desert near the Red Sea that consisted of the runway and a tent! It was there so the Air Force could fly in replacement parts, supplies, and personnel to the ships patrolling the waters after the Gulf War. Total personnel permanently assigned? Zero.

I used to work at one of those "bases' in the Navy. We had half of a floor in a 3-story building in an office park in Alabama. Our entire command had 5 officers and about 30 enlisted personnel. We had about another 20 people assigned to a joint facility at a nearby Air Force Station. Guess how many other bases we had in the state? Zero.

Army posts like Fort Knox have been stripped of every deployable combat unit. Tank ranges have sat dormant for years since the tanks were all moved to other posts. Great swaths of land on posts like Fort Hood stand empty where buildings once housed troops. Base housing is now rented out to civilians at both of these Army posts because there are no military personnel that need them. The piers at Mayport Naval Base that used to be full of ships now sit mostly empty except for the LCS class of ships that are so broken down they cannot move. Those three are just the ones I have seen with my own two eyes during the past summer.
The wacko right think that we should dump massive amounts of money into the military. The reason is , their controllers make tons off of war and military buildup. The last Iraq war was a complete lie and the two companies that made the most out of the war was Carlyle group and Halliburton. Follow the money, you people with your ring in your nose will believe anything your masters tell you. In the whole world this country and it's allies spend 3 out of every 4 dollars spent on the military. Ya you bet we should worry. I don't and anyone with a ounce of sense wouldn't either. 97% of the wars this country has been in had nothing at all about protecting this country, literally all of them were lies and most of them we were the aggressor against the defenceless. Or killing our young for some corporation, That is what the right wants for this country.

Lie..the Chinese got the majority control of Iraq's oil contracts


China Is Reaping Biggest Benefits of Iraq Oil Boom

China Is Reaping Biggest Benefits of Iraq Oil Boom
China Reaps Biggest Benefits of Iraq Oil Boom
What the hell are you talking about. Why should I care about who makes the most money in the Iraq of 2017, my point has to do with who would gain the most making war, and I answered it for you, Carlyle (Bush) and Halliburton (Cheney) and they created the lie that put us into that war.

Saddam Hussein created the lie that put us into that war. you obviously are too young to remember or to stupid to learn about it! I was there! You probably were not.
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.
We have to pay for all of the Democrat's wars.
Democrats voted against the invasion of Iraq

Cost us 5500 lives and $2 trillion
Those 5500 were murders. In the biggest lie in decades. The two winners in that war were Halliburton and Carlyle. sound familiar?

I guess you are too stupid to know that Halliburton was and is an oil services company, and Carlyle is a private equity company.
Who said anything about entering the military? Talking about defense union contractor jobs, building fighter planes, bombs, missles, aircraft carriers and the like , ya know we use them and sell them to our allies .
Tell me were the hell you see any of what you ask about in my comment. My Quote-"It doesn't get more pitiful then that answer, make the tools for politicians to hand out to the young to go to a war that is a lie. and watch them get killed and say it creates more jobs." There is zero reason to make the amount of weapons we make as far as our military is concerned , half that amount is about right . You commenting supported that nonsense is ridiculous. We have had what 200 wars in our history maybe a half dozen at the most were justified. All we needed is not going to war to make some fatcat money and for wars that are lies. How much weapontry did we need for those 6 wars. not much. Making weapons so someone can get a job is absolute lunacy. In this country if you make it ,some weird right winger will find a way to use it so we can make more to feed their pockets.

What kind of rant is that? Didn't you ever read history books...at the turn of the 20 th century the world was like 90% filled with dictators and the like at the turn of the 21st century they are democratic ..

And who led the way?

The United States with her military and views..
Well if that isn't a example of blind ignorance .tell me what the military did to make these countrie democratic. They followed our example and had nothing to do with us running around killing the defenceless. There has been no country in history that has supported more military dictatorships then us. What a goofball. You tell me which countries in the world support our militarism around the world. Since they were all turned into democracy because of our military, tell me why they don't support our military actions. and there is no country in the world that is more hated then this us. These countries and people who hate us around the world are wrong but you throw shit all over the world and dictate to other countries and if that's all they see , they will hate you every time. There has been no president then the gum drop that is hated more by the rest of the world ,in our history.

Another rant? Again don't you read the history books or are you feed indoctrination?

God damn son once again America with her military might changed the world to democracy you ignorant fool.
It wasn't a complicated question I asked you a simple question, you said our military turned country's into democracy's , tell us a little about that , How did they do that. Which country by the way. If you don't respond and just shoot back the old I don't like you and the your dumb routine you are gone. your out of here.

Afghanistan and Iraq are democracies. You may disagree, but that is your ignorance showing again.

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