Why does Harris say she owns a firearm when now her staff sez she don't

Patriotic American Jews with fiscally conservative and pro America views have been a mainstay in the GOP all along, people like Kudlow.

What changed in the late 1990s was Faux and the JDAAC Zionist Fascists like McConnell, Speaker Johnson, Kinzinger etc... who are not conservative at all and care only about Israel.

Gun control is the tool of the fascist to wipe out those in the country who do not agree with the fascist....

Are you proud Dick Cheney endorsed Kamala....

MAGAts are NOT Republicans. You are all an offshoot of the John Birch Society that has been trying to destroy America since 1958. I am a conservative Republican and see you for what you are. Out of all the so called Republicans that you a have listed, the only Republican Conservative is Kinzinger.
MAGAts are NOT Republicans. You are all an offshoot of the John Birch Society that has been trying to destroy America since 1958. I am a conservative Republican and see you for what you are. Out of all the so called Republicans that you a have listed, the only Republican Conservative is Kinzinger.

Define conservative.

Was W a conservative?

What did W do in 8 years that was conservative?
Just what politician has not been caught either lying or going back on something they said, in their evolving understanding of issues? You don't hate Trump, and he lies like a rug, every day.
Kamala and the Democrats tell lie after lie after lie about Trump. Kamala brought up the false 'very fine people' meme, the 'blood bath' meme, The 'soldiers are suckers' meme. They surgically removed part of his comment and then, completely out of context, lied that it meant something else. Kamala lied about fracking, she never said she would be for fracking she was referring to Biden. She is a nasty, nasty woman with a long record of disdain for people. Trump doesn't lie. He has a track record of good governance. It's obvious Democrats would say anything or do anything stop him. They have already tried to call him a Russian asset and told lies about him in the now debunked Steele dossier. Court filings revealed a one Charles Dolan (public relations executive) with ties to Russia had a long political relationship with the Clintons.

That's just for a start, a small peek into the corruption deep within the Democrat Party. Kamala is really the perfect representative for them. An actress-shell into which they dump their sound bytes for her to regurgitate all over the media.
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Her Husband was attacked by a much younger, stronger male using a hammer. Not may of us would not take some kind of precaution after that. And the VPs Mate doesn't get nearly the security detail that others get.
Are you mixing up Pelousy for Kamalalala?
Her residence is the VP's DC home, any shooting would be by her security detail.

I mean, she may have meant another residence, and maybe she does have a gun (doubtful). A reporter should ask her what gun she was talking about, that should be fun.
Well, I would hope so, or what good are they? Of course two months ago, some nut ball got of 8 shots at that trump rally, one hitting Trump in the top of his ear, another killing a rally goer and two more being injured, also hitting the hydraulic on a perfectly good piece of equipment, before the Secret Service got off two shots (finally killing the lil asshole) with many people jumping up and down, pointing and yelling look at the guy on the roof with the gun! They did do better last week, shooting at the guy with the gun, scaring him off, though not hitting him.
So what. You think that she shouldn't have a Heller V DC approved weapon in her home especially after her elder husband was attacked by a younger, stronger person using a hammer? Are you getting your Liberal Bullseyes printed out and are going to require all Liberals (or anyone that doesn't follow the MAGAt way) to have a season. Can't wait to see that hunting license for you MAGAts. Will it have a two tag limit?
Let those limp wristed Magats try anything.
Well, she's got YOU cucked.
You diminish it by attacking her without condemning all the attacks on her by sick people of the far left.
Dude! MTG is certifiable, from screwing guys at the gym, broadcasting absolutely nut ball conspiracy theories of the most outlandish sort about Jewish space lasers starting California wildfire and whore houses run out of the basement of pizza parlors using little kid prostitutes, along with cat fights on the floor of the House of Representatives. Not exactly a great stateswoman, or representative of the normal people in her part of a fine state, but more like a picture you might see in an urban dictionary illustrating the word whitetrash.
Her Husband was attacked by a much younger, stronger male using a hammer. Not may of us would not take some kind of precaution after that. And the VPs Mate doesn't get nearly the security detail that others get.
Not Harris. You are thinking of Pelosi.
So what. You think that she shouldn't have a Heller V DC approved weapon in her home especially after her elder husband was attacked by a younger, stronger person using a hammer? Are you getting your Liberal Bullseyes printed out and are going to require all Liberals (or anyone that doesn't follow the MAGAt way) to have a season. Can't wait to see that hunting license for you MAGAts. Will it have a two tag limit?
How can you as a faithful gun-grabber Democrat support a trigger happy gun nut like Kamala! Hypocrisy much? :dunno:
Kamala and the Democrats tell lie after lie after lie about Trump. Kamala brought up the false 'very fine people' meme, the 'blood bath' meme, The 'soldiers are suckers' meme. They surgically removed part of his comment and then, completely out of context, lied that it meant something else. Kamala lied about fracking, she never said she would be for fracking she was referring to Biden. She is a nasty, nasty woman with a long record of disdain for people. Trump doesn't lie. He has a track record of good governance. It's obvious Democrats would say anything or do anything stop him. They have already tried to call him a Russian asset and told lies about him in the now debunked Steele dossier. Court filings revealed a one Charles Dolan (public relations executive) with ties to Russia had a long political relationship with the Clintons.

That's just for a start, a small peek into the corruption deep within the Democrat Party. Kamala is really the perfect representative for them. An actress-shell into which they dump their sound bytes for her to regurgitate all over the media.
You are a trump supporter. You don't bat an eye at lies, you are told to support, by Donny shouted from the roof tops and in his twitter feeds, on court documents, accounting sheets, even lies to fire up a crowd to march on the Capital of stolen elections, only now admitting he lost, while swearing he won for the last 3 years to anybody dumb enough to listen.

Why does Harris say she owns a firearm when now her staff sez she don't​

She said she would sh**t a home intruder and have her staff “clean up the mess”. A staffer for Kamala says she “doesn’t own a firearm.”
No, that's not what she said. She said she owns a firearm and that she would shoot a home intruder ..... yes, that's what she said. But she then said she shouldn't have said it and that her staff will deal with that later. DEAL with it later means that her staff will deny she owns a gun. THAT is the answer to your question. Her staff is now dealing with it.
You are a trump supporter. You don't bat an eye at lies, you are told to support, by Donny shouted from the roof tops and in his twitter feeds, on court documents, accounting sheets, even lies to fire up a crowd to march on the Capital of stolen elections, only now admitting he lost, while swearing he won for the last 3 years to anybody dumb enough to listen.
You can't come up with one Trump lie, you just ramble on like a typical TDSer with a bunch of word salad interspersed with 'documents' 'accounting sheets' and some babble about firing up a crowd.
Define conservative.

Was W a conservative?

What did W do in 8 years that was conservative?

I voted for W since the alternatives were so insane, they might as well been tRump. W was a weak governor from a state that one of the previous Texas Governors went on Vacation for 4 years and no one noticed. We thought he wouldn't do any harm just like he didn't do any harm as the Texas Governor. We were wrong.

But he was and still is a Conservative. Just a very weak one. Read up on him a bit.

President George W. Bush on Compassionate Conservatism

The best of the Conservative Republicans was probably Ike. Here is the 1956 Republican Plank.

Republican Party Platform of 1956

Today's MAGAts that calls themselves Conservative Republicans are so far down the rabbit hole it may be a very long time before the real Conservative Republicans can clean up the mess.
Dude! MTG is certifiable, from screwing guys at the gym, broadcasting absolutely nut ball conspiracy theories of the most outlandish sort about Jewish space lasers starting California wildfire and whore houses run out of the basement of pizza parlors using little kid prostitutes, along with cat fights on the floor of the House of Representatives. Not exactly a great stateswoman, or representative of the normal people in her part of a fine state, but more like a picture you might see in an urban dictionary illustrating the word whitetrash.

And according to you, that justifies all the attacks and swatting....

What a great "moderator" you are...

What you call a "nut ball conspiracy theory" is only matched by your complete and total inability to answer five simple climate questions while pushing for -$3 trillion per year funding for absolutely nothing....

If you believe the Co2 fraud you are not only a "nut ball" you are a complete and total SCIENCE INVALID.

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