Why Does Michelle Bachmann Seem So Confident Despite Polling Around 5 to 7 Per Cent ?

Oct 10, 2011

Did anyone catch Michelle on FOX News last night? She is ignoring her lacking poll numbers and coming up with excuses and reasons why she still has a chance of winning.
So what if she won the IOWA straw poll !!
She has been sounding like a skipping CD over the last 4/5 weeks giving us the same old reasons why she should be the nominee and why to ignore the polls.
All she is doing is hurting her imagine when it comes time to call it quits. If she winds up with 5 or 6 per-cent of the Iowa Caucus, then what will she have to tell Fox News after the commentator's have been trying to convince her that she is going to lose,and likely wind up in 5th or 6th place.
I think she is the most talented speaker in the field. I don't agree with her positions, but she comes across as very professional and knowledgeable.
bottom dwelling Santorum is running in third right now.


Besides, who fucking runs on; We suck, and I'm in it till I run out of money.
because Bachmann and Santorum will do alot better in Iowa than currently expected.
I think she is the most talented speaker in the field. I don't agree with her positions, but she comes across as very professional and knowledgeable.

I've only got to see one debate so far but I liked watching her. She had her ducks in a row and went right after the frontrunners. No fear.
Michelle Bachmann seems so confident despite polling around five to seven percent because she's a professional politician. These people are so full of themselves, so convinced that they are "special", that they literally lose touch with reality early on. Either that, or she knows she's going to implode soon and is simply lying every time she opens her mouth. That's certainly possible too.

Contemporary American politics have deteriorated to essentially All Star Wrestling - there appears to be a group of people who actually take it seriously, who actually believe the things these people say. Professional politicians are liars, hypocrites and egomaniacs, yet the sheep in both parties still fawn over them.



Did anyone catch Michelle on FOX News last night? She is ignoring her lacking poll numbers and coming up with excuses and reasons why she still has a chance of winning.
So what if she won the IOWA straw poll !!
She has been sounding like a skipping CD over the last 4/5 weeks giving us the same old reasons why she should be the nominee and why to ignore the polls.
All she is doing is hurting her imagine when it comes time to call it quits. If she winds up with 5 or 6 per-cent of the Iowa Caucus, then what will she have to tell Fox News after the commentator's have been trying to convince her that she is going to lose,and likely wind up in 5th or 6th place.

Quite simply because she's insane. :D
Most Republicans see her as a succsessful congresswoman and representative of the Tea Party, but we just can't see her as President, it's that "It's Not Her Time Yet" scenerio. By 2013 the nation is going to still be in over it's head, just as it was when Bozo took over and he was more concerned about health care and taking as many vacations as possible than to create jobs !!!
I am actually looking forward to her excuse if she winds up dead last. Whats she gonna tell Bill, Sean and Greta? you can only imagine,,,,,,,"Well it was only a caucus, it has no relavence on how I will do in New Hampshire, SC and Florida."
she is the only one claiming victory, none of the others are, and why would they? who wants to claim victory for an upcoming election and wind up in the lower tier. It's just as embarrassing as claiming to have campaigned in 57 out of 59 states.
I think she is the most talented speaker in the field. I don't agree with her positions, but she comes across as very professional and knowledgeable.
I've seen her on C-Span making speeches. She talks to her audience like they're little kids. Of course you Liberals like that because your all little children yourselves.

"Mommy, Daddy! Take care of us!"

She's an IRS Tax Lawyer who has no business being the President.

But hey, all teams think they're gonna' win the SuperBowl at the start of the season.
Tim Pawlenty is clearly a dumbass moron.

If that idiot had just stayed in, eventually, the base would have rotated to him.

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