Why does the debt matter so much to Repubs?

Tell you what. Why don't YOU partake in a little experiment. Spend your household money just like government spends money. Then come back and tell us again why debt doesn't mater. Deal?

You are comparing your stupid check book balance with the financial workings of the U S government?

Apparently the situation is a tad too complex for you to grasp. No matter what Glenn Beck tells you...The USA is too big to fail. We cannot go bankrupt. No overdraft is too large if congress agrees to pay it. Too many financial institutions depend on the solvency of our country. There is no other "customer" that can take our place. We are in fact at the level we exist THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN. Get A grip.

There is only one country way above all others that the world will do ANYTHING to keep in this position. US. When it comes down to it we can write any terms we want. No other country can do that.

Don't think about it too hard...stick to trying to keep your checkbook balanced.

Listen Thuggy for hire. America is not too big to fail. Just like any one or any institution that carries too much debt, it will get to the point where no one will loan us money anymore. Laws of economics are unavoidable. The United States isn't going to be able to avoid just because we're the United States. We've increased debt cielings, we've used 'interesting' accounting, we've continued to pile on debt and you think all of that doesn't really mean anything and hasn't had any negative impact on the U.S.? Do you think the devluation of the dollar is just a coincidence? You're the deluded one Thuggy.

Why I gotta be the "Thuggy for hire"? :eek: Inventions are a little slow in this economy...a guy has to keep busy. :lol: :lol:

OK enough about me...

Picking piecemeal at a debate leaves holes that eventually need filling. Of course there are limits to every financial arrangement. The problem is that the world is not physically or financially static. Shit happens. The system gets gamed.. Natural disasters cannot be predicted. War happens.

What I am saying is that we truly are the shining beacon of the world. If there is a valid American exceptional-ism then it is in the financial sector. America..AND the rest of the world are pulling are pulling ourselves back from the brink of the greatest threat to financial stability ever to threaten capitalism and probably democracy. OK.. everyone with any say in the matter had to put on their thinking caps and develop an emergency plan to avert catastrophe. OK..it was expensive..but the ship didn't sink..the train is still on the rails. Now we can work on the process of recovering the extension of the emergency tools.

The debt is not what it is because Clinton or Bush or Obama were evil. Some could argue that greed and a lack of regulatory forces caused our dilemma. Over reacting would be just as unwise as the negligence that caused the problem. We need to be intelligent and steady. The ideologues have chosen to use this situation as a political football. That IS evil.

We still need to be flexible to react to whatever comes down the pike that might disrupt our recovery. If that means temporarily accepting some substantial debt for the short or medium term then so be it.
All of this whining and pissing panties about, "Why didn't repubs care when Booooooooooooooooooosh was in office," is nothing more than a smokescreen, an Alinkski tactic. The FACT is that republicans took a beating from conservatives and liberals had all three branches for two straight years. Republicans hold their own to the fire unlike liberal braindead lemmings. The same thing happened when the female congresswoman was shot.. Liberal propagandists ran around spewing civility issues, pissing and moaning about Cons, blah blah.. and we all knew it was BULLSHIT .. We watched liberal punks in Madison call the Gov every name in the book, threaten to dump trash in the yard of Boehner, death threats to cons in Wisconsin.. Liberals are like spoiled freckled faced brats.. they can throw temper tantrums, call names, take their ball and go home but God forbid anyone else stand up for themselves or return fire. SEE THIS FOR WHAT IT IS.. A SMOKESCREEN.. Anything to destroy CAPITALISM, the greatness of America. The traitorous left know precisely what they're doing.
What kind of a braindead moron doesn't understand debt??? DingleBarry's big toe would get it quicker than his groupie minions.
You are comparing your stupid check book balance with the financial workings of the U S government?

Apparently the situation is a tad too complex for you to grasp. No matter what Glenn Beck tells you...The USA is too big to fail. We cannot go bankrupt. No overdraft is too large if congress agrees to pay it. Too many financial institutions depend on the solvency of our country. There is no other "customer" that can take our place. We are in fact at the level we exist THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN. Get A grip.

There is only one country way above all others that the world will do ANYTHING to keep in this position. US. When it comes down to it we can write any terms we want. No other country can do that.

Don't think about it too hard...stick to trying to keep your checkbook balanced.

Listen Thuggy for hire. America is not too big to fail. Just like any one or any institution that carries too much debt, it will get to the point where no one will loan us money anymore. Laws of economics are unavoidable. The United States isn't going to be able to avoid just because we're the United States. We've increased debt cielings, we've used 'interesting' accounting, we've continued to pile on debt and you think all of that doesn't really mean anything and hasn't had any negative impact on the U.S.? Do you think the devluation of the dollar is just a coincidence? You're the deluded one Thuggy.

Why I gotta be the "Thuggy for hire"? :eek: Inventions are a little slow in this economy...a guy has to keep busy. :lol: :lol:

OK enough about me...

Picking piecemeal at a debate leaves holes that eventually need filling. Of course there are limits to every financial arrangement. The problem is that the world is not physically or financially static. Shit happens. The system gets gamed.. Natural disasters cannot be predicted. War happens.

What I am saying is that we truly are the shining beacon of the world. If there is a valid American exceptional-ism then it is in the financial sector. America..AND the rest of the world are pulling are pulling ourselves back from the brink of the greatest threat to financial stability ever to threaten capitalism and probably democracy. OK.. everyone with any say in the matter had to put on their thinking caps and develop an emergency plan to avert catastrophe. OK..it was expensive..but the ship didn't sink..the train is still on the rails. Now we can work on the process of recovering the extension of the emergency tools.

The debt is not what it is because Clinton or Bush or Obama were evil. Some could argue that greed and a lack of regulatory forces caused our dilemma. Over reacting would be just as unwise as the negligence that caused the problem. We need to be intelligent and steady. The ideologues have chosen to use this situation as a political football. That IS evil.

We still need to be flexible to react to whatever comes down the pike that might disrupt our recovery. If that means temporarily accepting some substantial debt for the short or medium term then so be it.

The debt and the recession are two different events. Had we not had a recession, we would still be trillions of dollars in debt. To keep things short and to the point the very real danger of not addressing the debt in a meaningful way is that American money will become basically worthless and that WILL have a direct impact on everyone.
Uh, let's see:

There is the 3 trillion cost of Iraq and Afghanistan - check

There is the cost of taking care of the 50 thousand wounded in Iraq - unknown

There is the cost of taking care of the families of those who died in Iraq - unknown

There is the 2.4 trillion Bush/Republican tax cuts passed through reconciliation - check

There is the addition of another trillion for the Bush/Republican tax cuts the unemployed were held hostage just before Christmas to make happen - check

There is the 3 to 7 trillion from Bush/Republican Medicare Part D, again, reconciliation -check

There are the billions and billions given to corporations in subsidies - check

So the question remains, "Why does the debt matter so much to Repubs?"

If I had to guess, based on the actions of the Republicans, I would say, "The debt doesn't matter. It's just an excuse to screw the middle class one more time". But it's just a guess.

And before you wingnuts begin calling names, at least give a reason. It's not like anything here isn't true.
You people honestly think there was no one who wanted the debt reduced before the Tea Party?

Can you read??
Apparently NOT becuase no one is saying that NO ONE didn't want to reduce the debt prior to the right co-opting the tea party to try and regain power. It has already been stated that the tea party existed prior to the co-opting occured so why make up an argument and falsely attribute it to others when they never said anything of the kind??

Are you really that desperate to try and substantiate your BS claims that you would just make things up??

Simply because the people are more organized now, doesn't mean they didn't have the same feelings before.

So you admit that they weren't as vocal as they are now?? They weren't as "organized" and weren't as vocal as they are NOW and that is a fact that even you admit.

Thanks for countering your own spin.
Listen Thuggy for hire. America is not too big to fail. Just like any one or any institution that carries too much debt, it will get to the point where no one will loan us money anymore. Laws of economics are unavoidable. The United States isn't going to be able to avoid just because we're the United States. We've increased debt cielings, we've used 'interesting' accounting, we've continued to pile on debt and you think all of that doesn't really mean anything and hasn't had any negative impact on the U.S.? Do you think the devluation of the dollar is just a coincidence? You're the deluded one Thuggy.

Why I gotta be the "Thuggy for hire"? :eek: Inventions are a little slow in this economy...a guy has to keep busy. :lol: :lol:

OK enough about me...

Picking piecemeal at a debate leaves holes that eventually need filling. Of course there are limits to every financial arrangement. The problem is that the world is not physically or financially static. Shit happens. The system gets gamed.. Natural disasters cannot be predicted. War happens.

What I am saying is that we truly are the shining beacon of the world. If there is a valid American exceptional-ism then it is in the financial sector. America..AND the rest of the world are pulling are pulling ourselves back from the brink of the greatest threat to financial stability ever to threaten capitalism and probably democracy. OK.. everyone with any say in the matter had to put on their thinking caps and develop an emergency plan to avert catastrophe. OK..it was expensive..but the ship didn't sink..the train is still on the rails. Now we can work on the process of recovering the extension of the emergency tools.

The debt is not what it is because Clinton or Bush or Obama were evil. Some could argue that greed and a lack of regulatory forces caused our dilemma. Over reacting would be just as unwise as the negligence that caused the problem. We need to be intelligent and steady. The ideologues have chosen to use this situation as a political football. That IS evil.

We still need to be flexible to react to whatever comes down the pike that might disrupt our recovery. If that means temporarily accepting some substantial debt for the short or medium term then so be it.

The debt and the recession are two different events. Had we not had a recession, we would still be trillions of dollars in debt. To keep things short and to the point the very real danger of not addressing the debt in a meaningful way is that American money will become basically worthless and that WILL have a direct impact on everyone.

Wrong. They are two different symptoms of the same problem. There is no "event". Both symptoms were a long time coming. A tsunami is an "event". An earthquake is an event. But even those kinds of immediate threats can be mitigated by preparation.

One of the fragile aspects of our economy closely tied to invested wealth AKA the stock market is that it is subject to and dependent upon public confidence. It can also be looked upon as a gauge of same public confidence as to when to tackle difficult issues such as the ballooning deficit.

Obama walked head long into a financial industry shitstorm not of his own making. Much of the head of the main body of the deficit was just starting to rear its head because Bush couldn't keep EVERYTHING he was hiding off the books forever. THEN as Obama was inaugurated it was not the time to deal with the deficit. There were far more urgent fish to fry. He also got a start on his health care legislation which he recognized rightfully as one of the most dire anchors on the economy.

Bush let the boat go into serious disrepair, then ran it up on the rocks in a storm, then conveniently left the sinking ship for Obama to bail it out, assess the damage, patch the hull while it was still barely floating, then do what repairs he could with a ship full of whiny passengers...half of which were still intent on sinking the ship.

I don't know if Obama could have done a better job..Maybe..we'll never know. But the ship is upright ...the stock market has doubled in value and remains steady and up in all it's trends.

Now that we have been able to catch our collective breath it is indeed time to look at how to reduce the deficit. It is NOT time to punish the weak ..the old...the young for it's existence. Move forward on it cautiously ..deliberately ...with ALL shoulders pulling the load INCLUDING the wealthy.
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$300 billion under Bush, Left considers it cataclysmic

$1.5 trillion under Hussein the Left considers it the cost of doing business

And you say this? As pathetic as the Republicans are, they got nothing on you.

Pathetic lie indeed.

Don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit | Cato @ Liberty

Some critics are lambasting President Obama for record deficits. This is not a productive line of attack, largely because it puts the focus on the wrong variable. America’s fiscal problem is excessive government spending, and deficits are merely a symptom of that underlying disease. Moreover, if deficits are perceived as the problem, that means both spending restraint and higher taxes are solutions. The political class, needless to say, will choose the latter approach 99 percent of the time.

The 2009 fiscal year began October 1, 2008, nearly four months before Obama took office. The budget for the entire fiscal year was largely set in place while Bush was in the White House.
False, Obama signed the 2009 budget when the democratics in the congress refused to send one to bush because he vetoed their spending requests. Then on top of the 20% Obama added to it he threw in another trillion dollar stimulus.

Much like this congress had to do this years budget in April because democratics wetre to fucking incompetent to do one before the election

Funny how the other poster provided a link and you provided nothing of substance. Do you have any proof that W vetoed the budget?? How did they make ends meet from oct 08 to then end of that fiscal year since no budget was passed??

BTW you do realize that you are admitting that W didn't pass a budget for the year 2009 which was his responsibility and yet you right wingers make such a huge deal about the dems not passing a budget last year.

It's just funny when things work that way isn't it.
You people honestly think there was no one who wanted the debt reduced before the Tea Party?

Simply because the people are more organized now, doesn't mean they didn't have the same feelings before.

We know that Obama drones never gave a damn about deficit spending. That was purely a ruse to justify raising taxes. The proof is the fact of their utter silence on the matter ever since Obama got elected.

as is the case with the right wing lemmings who are NOW concerned about it but could have cared less when they were the ones borrowing and spending.

The proof is the fact of the ever-increasing rhetoric on the matter since obama got elected.
The stockmarket collapsed because of the Democrat engineered sub-prime mortgage debacle, not because of Bush.

The GOP had the presidency, the House, and the Senate you moron.

They had enough members in the Senate to filibuster any attempt to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Max.

So even though the GOP had the majority, which by the way you republicans said the minority can't do anything just like in the healthcare bill. But its all the democrats fault because they didn't have the voting power?

Boy you are an idiot.
So you would have no problem with your children and/or grandchildren paying off debts that you incur?

None of them will ever get it, because its not themselves they're selling into slavery, it's our kids, at some point... down the road. These fools actually think there's a way out of it that doesn't consign an entire generation (maybe two) to working their entire lives to no benefit, all so we can borrow trillions now to no effect.

Funny - if it had been Liberals saying this stuff, Oddball would be in here mocking them with "It's for the CHIIIIIILDREN!!!!"
And still funnier you don't seem to be able to differentiate between spending money we don't have now for the chi'ren by taking it from people who earn it and giving it to lazy ignorant fuckers who didn't, and not spending money we don't have now so our kids will be able to keep more of THEIR OWN DAMNED MONEY when they earn it in the future.
That's right - fuck those families who lost their jobs from the Bush Depression. You got yours, right?
I guess I just don't get it. I suppose I see the importance in not being broke, but above all else?

Tell you what. Why don't YOU partake in a little experiment. Spend your household money just like government spends money. Then come back and tell us again why debt doesn't mater. Deal?

Oh and while you are doing that take a pay cut as well and see how you can try to pay the same bills with less money.
Exactly.. ZonedOut just chooses to have selective memory... it's easier for him that way... hard to deal with the fact that many MANY conservatives spoke out against Bush's fiscal policies and budgets...

Yeah that speaking out started about halfway thru his second term.

Nope. It started right from the beginning when Bush declined to veto a single spending bill. It escalated with the prescription drug program for the greedy geezers.

Actually the REAL tea party was around LONG before that but then I wouldn't expect some moron who co-opted someone elses argument in a desperate attempt to rebrand their party to understand history.
The stockmarket collapsed because of the Democrat engineered sub-prime mortgage debacle, not because of Bush.

The GOP had the presidency, the House, and the Senate you moron.

They had enough members in the Senate to filibuster any attempt to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Max.

And yet the FACT is that nothing along those lines was ever filibustered because the republicans NEVER sent anything to the floor for a vote.

So despite the FACT that the right talked about it but did nothing you wish to blame the left for the right's inaction?? WOW!
Give rich people more money while screwing the American people

Yes comrade, not taxing the rich more is giving them money, and not giving "the American people" more money they didn't earn is screwing them. All money is the people's money.

Democratic Party, Marxism in action in your front yard, are you scared yet America?

You mean the money the American people have earned through their increased productivity.

I read an article where worker productivity is up 9% they their pay only went up 0.2%. Shouldn't it stand to reason if a worker is being more productive they should be paid more?

No of course not if you're a republican, more money for the rich. None for you for actually earning it.
That was so funny I forgot to laugh.

We don't need to be adversaries...but you need to be better educated on this subject. Read the TARP Commission report. It spells out who did what.

We are adversaries because you're a Stalinist toady who does the dirty work for the Democrat criminals in the government.

So says the fascist toady who does the dirty work for the republican criminals in the government. LOL
You may want to Google the word "hypocrisy" since you don't know what it means. It's fair to include the wars, but not including them doesn't mean "hypocrisy."

So holding one person to a specifc standard based on a belief about the projections even as you choose to ignore or leave out vital information that contributed to the deficit while you hold another person to a different standard is not hypocrisy?? Really??

I hold them to the same standard, you don't.

No you don't. I am asking you to do that but you refused and are now trying to claim that asking you to do so shows that I don't. LOL

I say they are both ridiculous spenders and the war doesn't change that.

Including the costs of the war for one and not the other when talking about the budgets is hypocritical.

What I did was point out your hypocrisy because you are the one who has different standards. You say "Republicans" care about debt when they aren't in power, then you don't care about debt when your holy Democrats are in power. That make me a hypocrite to you that I hold both parties accountable for uncontrolled spending, and you not a hypocrite to you who hold Republicans to a standard you don't hold Democrats do. And you're trying to squirm your way out of your hypocrisy with deflection.

That is all pointless rhetoric from you since you don't have the integrity to address my post as a whole. Ingoring the facts that I have presented doesn't make them go away.

I wonder if you can debate what has actually been said instead of omitting the parts that you wish to pretend never existed as you cherry pick comments and take them out of context and spin them?
Furthermore, you you seem to have no problem questioning the intellgience of others even as you complain about name calling and try to use what you so readily engage in as an excuse to claim others can't argue rationally

You have flagrant hypocrisy in this and I have none. I oppose the wars under both Presidents and the massive social spending under both parties. You hold one completely accountable and the other not at all. I don't "question" your intelligence, you ARE a dumb ass, no question about it.

Here is the same response I gave your previous attempts to cherry pick and spin a response to parts of what i said as you ignore the context of the whole.

That is all pointless rhetoric from you since you don't have the integrity to address my post as a whole. Ingoring the facts that I have presented doesn't make them go away.

I wonder if you can debate what has actually been said instead of omitting the parts that you wish to pretend never existed as you cherry pick comments and take them out of context and spin them?
No, you don't have it straight

The fact that you cut that out of the middle of his post tell him he is wrong when any fool could tell he was being sarcastic and that wasn'ta realy question even as you refuse to respond to the entire content of his posts shows that you have nothing valid to offer.

His whole post after this was based on this premise

Actually it wasn't but you go right ahead and expose your dishoensty a little more with every attempt to make to take things out of context and spin them to suit your needs.

I am sure that no one else will notice your dishonesty.
The GOP had the presidency, the House, and the Senate you moron.

They had enough members in the Senate to filibuster any attempt to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Max.

So even though the GOP had the majority, which by the way you republicans said the minority can't do anything just like in the healthcare bill. But its all the democrats fault because they didn't have the voting power?

Boy you are an idiot.

Yeah it kind of reminds of a discussion I had with a republican on the msnbc boards before they died. He kept trying to argue that he had no representation and yet he admitted that every person he voted in favor of held office at that time.
His view was that due to the fact that the republicans were in the minority he had no representation. LOL

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