Why Does the Right Embrace Ignorance as a Virtue?

ok; i'm convinced my views are correct. who isnt?
doesnt mean i dimiss all opposing views outright

why dont you just say what you're thinking; or go cry somewhere?

I thought you were going to be honest.

oh the denial; another item more rampant on the side that loves accusing the other side of the same thing

How did that birth certificate thing work out? Did so called conservatives ever unravel the conspiracy?
The researcher:
"The sign of the correlation indicates that science comprehension decreases as political outlooks move in the rightward direction--i.e., the more "liberal" and "Democrat," the more science comprehending."

"Yale university researcher studies conservatives and progressives and finds that conservatives understand science BETTER than the progressives".

Very interesting, the way Westwall claims the researcher says the precise opposite of what the researcher actually said.

Conclusion: If Westwall wants people to stop thinking conservatives are dopes, he should post less often.

"Except that it has the opposite sign: that is, identifying with the Tea Party correlates positively (r = 0.05, p = 0.05) with scores on the science comprehension measure:"

In other words...for the learning impaired like our dear old admiral here....THE MOST conservative of the Repubs are more scientifically literate than the Democrats.

Dude, an r of .05 makes the statistics useless, regardless of the p value. That is an r^2 of .0025. It says that the independent variable doesn't predict any thing. The p value of .05 says the r value is absolutly correct in that being a conservative has no bearing on scientific knowlwdge. It's just completely random whether they do or don't

But your posting it as demonstating something sure is appropriate. Kinda proves the point.
It also disproves the left's claim that conservatives are scientifically ignorant.

You should perhaps go ahead and admit that.

You really believe the caption, don't you?


I wonder which banned leftist troll he is?
What's truly funny is in a Yale research paper it was found conservatives have a much better grasp of science than the libs who think they do.:lol::lol:

It turns out that there is about as strong a correlation between scores on the science comprehension scale and identifying with the Tea Party as there is between scores on the science comprehension scale and Conservrepub.

Except that it has the opposite sign: that is, identifying with the Tea Party correlates positively (r = 0.05, p = 0.05) with scores on the science comprehension measure:

www.culturalcognition.net - Cultural Cognition Blog - Some data on education, religiosity, ideology, and science*comprehension

This makes perfect sense.

If USMB is a microcosm of the nation at large, the clearly the conservatives are far better educated than the leftists.

You really believe the caption, don't you?


HUNDREDS of millions conservatives have spent to create the MYTH of Ronnie, nothing would surprise me Bubba

Like I said...you really believe it. Because it was posted on Democratic Underground, so you immediately and unquestioningly accepted it. And because you wanted to believe it's true, it really IS true.

Magical thinking is a hallmark of progressives. That's how they can see the many historic failures of progressivism and claim it can work.
You mean like the Founding fathers, the most radical liberals of the day, not the conservatives (Torries) who stood with King George in 1776? Yes, I am a huge liberal, unlike a conservative who can''t/doesn't use reason, logic or honesty....

You're a Big Daddy Government supporter. The FF valued freedom and personal liberty -- things progressives hate.

You'd have informed on the FF to King George. Guaranteed.

You mean like those big Gov't Founders who chose a federal big Gov't over a small states rights? YES

conservatives choose to ignore facts and reality and live in a right wing world of delusion and disconnect created by the right wing echo chamber of spin, lies and misinformation.
The FF WANTED a big Federal Government? :cuckoo:

Wow. You can make yourself believe anything, no matter how stupid, can't you?

Perhaps you've never noticed that the Constitituion places LIMITS on the power of the Federal government. NOT on the people, and NOT on the states.
I wonder how many Americans believe that President Obama is a Muslim? And what would be the average intelligence of those people? Another interesting subject for statistical study.

who care's, but someone like you because you do think you are better than everyone and evidently don't have a life either
what a typical liberal SNOB

Evidently 17% of Americans say they believe the President is a Muslim. Therefore 17% of Americans are either very stupid or completely dishonest.
What percentage of Americans voted for Obama a second time?

There's your stupid people.
I'll bet you would bet that. Maybe you should conduct a study to confirm your hypothesis.

A survey of New Jersey Democrats demonstrated exactly that. Fully a third believed Bush was behind 9/11 or had foreknowledge of the attacks.

No doubt this little New Jersey factoid has great significance for you.
You just make sure you don't condemn the stupid Jersey Democrats. You'll burst into flame or something.
You need to get off Beck, Rush, Levine,m etc, it's killing the few brain cells you might have left....

Why is this thread not in badlands?

This is a troll thread by a mentally retarded leftist - it has NOTHING to do with science and technology. Megatroll Dad2three clearly failed to complete primary education, and wouldn't know "science" if it bit him on the ass and made his scalp bleed...
"Except that it has the opposite sign: that is, identifying with the Tea Party correlates positively (r = 0.05, p = 0.05) with scores on the science comprehension measure:"

In other words...for the learning impaired like our dear old admiral here....THE MOST conservative of the Repubs are more scientifically literate than the Democrats.

Dude, an r of .05 makes the statistics useless, regardless of the p value. That is an r^2 of .0025. It says that the independent variable doesn't predict any thing. The p value of .05 says the r value is absolutly correct in that being a conservative has no bearing on scientific knowlwdge. It's just completely random whether they do or don't

But your posting it as demonstating something sure is appropriate. Kinda proves the point.
It also disproves the left's claim that conservatives are scientifically ignorant.

You should perhaps go ahead and admit that.

You provide a perfect example of the kind of ignorance the OP is addressing.
You need to get off Beck, Rush, Levine,m etc, it's killing the few brain cells you might have left....

Why is this thread not in badlands?

This is a troll thread by a mentally retarded leftist - it has NOTHING to do with science and technology. Megatroll Dad2three clearly failed to complete primary education, and wouldn't know "science" if it bit him on the ass and made his scalp bleed...

Your right, the OP has very little to do with science, but it has everything to do with people who don't except or understand science.

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