Why...for all Americans...the Confederate Flag Must Stand

I think the problem is not necessarily the flag, but how we've coddled the South.

We've let them rewrite history ("The war wasn't about slavery") and keep their honor and praise their bravery in individual battles. We didn't put Davis and Stephens and Lee on trial for their treason. We let the Klan and Jim Crow happen.

The Civil War was a great example of winning the war and losing the peace.

Now compare that to World War II. We didn't let the Germans rewrite history. We didn't let the surviving Nazis get away. We hunted them to the ends of the earth.

So no one but a complete nut flies a Swastika flag.

The war wasn't about slavery and a little common sense would tell you that. First of all, the North had slaves, secondly only ten percent of white southerners owned slaves. So explain why slavery would be such a big issue when both sides had them and in such small percentages?
What a bunch of horseshit. The ENTIRE strite leading up to Ft. Sumter was about slavery, from the moment the Missouri Compromise was signed.

Grow the fuck up.

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Spoken like an ignorant sheep.
Keep bellyaching. It's fun to watch.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I'm not belly aching over your ignorance. It's sad that you're that fucking stupid.
There's no "movement" to ban the confederate flag.

i think you need to explain your "movement" word, there is an almost nationwide run to remove and ban it's existence.


The "Stars and Bars" flag, was actually the battle flag of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.

After the war ended, the symbol became a source of Southern pride and heritage, as well as a remembrance of Confederate soldiers who died in battle.

more here: The Complicated Political History Of The Confederate Flag It s All Politics NPR
The ENTIRE strite leading up to Ft. Sumter was about slavery, from the moment the Missouri Compromise was signed.

what the fuck ever "strite" means, your level of knowledge comes straight from your nazi hide out, get the fuck away from my country.
The ENTIRE strite leading up to Ft. Sumter was about slavery, from the moment the Missouri Compromise was signed.

what the fuck ever "strite" means, your level of knowledge comes straight from your nazi hide out, get the fuck away from my country.
You seem angry. 'Strite' is an English word. Oh, and I'm an American.

Mebbe you need a nap. You're grumpy.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The mass murder carried out in Charleston S.C. by a lone nut has instantly been politicized by the NYC, Boston, Washington D.C. Democratic Party, liberal media, power structure. Their Orwellian attempts at changing our American fabric to their exclusive and mindless automaton views have never been more apparent, and never more shameless since the murder of 9 people by a lone nut. They immediately exploited the situation by casting the confederate battle flag as a symbol of racism. If you live in New York City, Boston, Chicago, or L.A. then you are as far out of touch with reality as you can be with small town America. What you call "fly over country." We are not racist, we work hard for a living everyday, and we DO NOT SPONGE TAX DOLLARS thank you. It is considered disgraceful thing I don't care how much the Palace of Versailles inside the beltway liberals want to portray people different. This current movement to ban the confederate flag is an attempt by NYC, Chicago, Boston, L.A. liberals to subjugate the people of the hinterland. There are political differences between rural and urban. The Democrats will waste no opportunity in portraying it as racist. Why? Because all those FDR Democrats and Harry Truman Democrats are not cry baby socialist. So now they race bait them. the confederate flag stands as a symbol of country folks vs. NYC,Chicago, or Washington D.C. folks. NOT RACISM. Next thing the PC Marxist will want is George Washington off the dollar because he owned slaves, Andrew Jackson for the same, monuments brought down, culture changed, and as college prof's teach " all White males are evil" and "every White person should feel guilty about slavery." Bullshit. I worked hard for everything I got...I was not born to privilege and I am not a racist. But the NYC cable news, Democratic Party want to to make all things "WHITE"...racist and including the confederate battle flag, pick up trucks, 4 wheel drives, and all White people all their culture and heritage wiped from the history of the United States by the "Department of Truth."

I want to thank Bush-92 for pointing out the kind of dumb, knuckle-dragging person the GOP panders to.

Hey, guy, the problem with your "country boy" argument is that without the tax support of them there city folks, you guys would be living in shacks. The fact is, rural America has subsidized electricity, subsidized farming, subsidized roads, etc. You whine about Freedom, but our agriculture system is probably the best example of socialism we have in America.

But that socialism dun-der makes you mad, Cleetus!

"City folks" do not support hard working traditional family values oriented people of our rural areas. The narcissism of the liberal elite is displayed in your post and it's portrayal of all citizens that do not live in a place like NYC are dumb, ignorant, hillbillies. Also, country boys like Chris Kyle stand-up and defend this nation. For most big city boys green just ain't their color...not in fashion. Besides how could a liberal go to war without having a cafe latte and MSNBC to start the day.
The mass murder carried out in Charleston S.C. by a lone nut has instantly been politicized by the NYC, Boston, Washington D.C. Democratic Party, liberal media, power structure. Their Orwellian attempts at changing our American fabric to their exclusive and mindless automaton views have never been more apparent, and never more shameless since the murder of 9 people by a lone nut. They immediately exploited the situation by casting the confederate battle flag as a symbol of racism. If you live in New York City, Boston, Chicago, or L.A. then you are as far out of touch with reality as you can be with small town America. What you call "fly over country." We are not racist, we work hard for a living everyday, and we DO NOT SPONGE TAX DOLLARS thank you. It is considered disgraceful thing I don't care how much the Palace of Versailles inside the beltway liberals want to portray people different. This current movement to ban the confederate flag is an attempt by NYC, Chicago, Boston, L.A. liberals to subjugate the people of the hinterland. There are political differences between rural and urban. The Democrats will waste no opportunity in portraying it as racist. Why? Because all those FDR Democrats and Harry Truman Democrats are not cry baby socialist. So now they race bait them. the confederate flag stands as a symbol of country folks vs. NYC,Chicago, or Washington D.C. folks. NOT RACISM. Next thing the PC Marxist will want is George Washington off the dollar because he owned slaves, Andrew Jackson for the same, monuments brought down, culture changed, and as college prof's teach " all White males are evil" and "every White person should feel guilty about slavery." Bullshit. I worked hard for everything I got...I was not born to privilege and I am not a racist. But the NYC cable news, Democratic Party want to to make all things "WHITE"...racist and including the confederate battle flag, pick up trucks, 4 wheel drives, and all White people all their culture and heritage wiped from the history of the United States by the "Department of Truth."

The bolded: I just don't know how to break the truth to you, but big city dwellers are every bit as much American as small town dwellers, and they don't have to have the same perceptions, what you call "in touch" - as their small town counterparts.

But I find your racist politics of division to be very interesting to watch.

There is no sane reason in the world to ever, ever fly any version of the Confederate flag. End of story.
The real confederate flag lasted all of four years and harkens back to the most brutal war fought on US-American soil, it reminds us of the absolute treachery to the Union on the part of the South, which wanted to hold to the abhorrent and inhuman practice of slavery as long as possible, and above all else, it reminds us of the losers: the South.

So, why in the fuck would anyone WANT to fly a confederate flag? I don't want my "heritage" attached to a horde of inbred losers. You? I hope not...

Conservatives are hopelessly on the losing side of this one.

Hell, even Strom Thurmond's offspring says it's time for the confuckerate flag to go.

There is no sane reason to vote Democrat...ever.
The war wasn't about slavery and a little common sense would tell you that. First of all, the North had slaves, secondly only ten percent of white southerners owned slaves. So explain why slavery would be such a big issue when both sides had them and in such small percentages?

Only a few States in the north had slaves, and they were the ones that decided they would be on the front lines if they seceeded.

Secondly, the leaders of the South, Jefferson Davis and others, said straight out the war was bout slavery. Afterwards, they tried to claim it was about other things like "economic oppression from the North."
"City folks" do not support hard working traditional family values oriented people of our rural areas. The narcissism of the liberal elite is displayed in your post and it's portrayal of all citizens that do not live in a place like NYC are dumb, ignorant, hillbillies. Also, country boys like Chris Kyle stand-up and defend this nation. For most big city boys green just ain't their color...not in fashion. Besides how could a liberal go to war without having a cafe latte and MSNBC to start the day.

Hey, guy, most of the guys I served with in the military were from cities, not the country. You did have the occassional Cleetus, mind you. He was usually the platoon fuckup.

But you did avoid my point that most of you who still live on farms and shit do so because the government heavily subsidizes your lifestyle.
The war wasn't about slavery and a little common sense would tell you that. First of all, the North had slaves, secondly only ten percent of white southerners owned slaves. So explain why slavery would be such a big issue when both sides had them and in such small percentages?

Only a few States in the north had slaves, and they were the ones that decided they would be on the front lines if they seceeded.

Secondly, the leaders of the South, Jefferson Davis and others, said straight out the war was bout slavery. Afterwards, they tried to claim it was about other things like "economic oppression from the North."

Thank you for repeating what I said about the North having slaves.

Let's see some evidence of Leaders of the South (whoever the fuck they are) along with Davis and others saying what you claim they said.
The real confederate flag lasted all of four years and harkens back to the most brutal war fought on US-American soil

Yeah but the flag their fighting about harkens back to the days where brave politicians voted to raise that symbol as a thumb in the eye of LBJ. and the Northern coalition that threatened the States power structure.
Let's see some evidence of Leaders of the South (whoever the fuck they are) along with Davis and others saying what you claim they said.


The Confederate Cause in the Words of Its Leaders - The Atlantic

You too know, that among us, white men have an equality resulting from a presence of a lower caste, which cannot exist where white men fill the position here occupied by the servile race. The mechanic who comes among us, employing the less intellectual labor of the African, takes the position which only a master-workman occupies where all the mechanics are white, and therefore it is that our mechanics hold their position of absolute equality among us. - Jefferson Davis
Let's see some evidence of Leaders of the South (whoever the fuck they are) along with Davis and others saying what you claim they said.


The Confederate Cause in the Words of Its Leaders - The Atlantic

You too know, that among us, white men have an equality resulting from a presence of a lower caste, which cannot exist where white men fill the position here occupied by the servile race. The mechanic who comes among us, employing the less intellectual labor of the African, takes the position which only a master-workman occupies where all the mechanics are white, and therefore it is that our mechanics hold their position of absolute equality among us. - Jefferson Davis

Very few actual quotes. The above quote doesn't state what you claimed. Where is he saying that the Civil War was about slavery? Oh that's right, it doesn't.
I think the problem is not necessarily the flag, but how we've coddled the South.

We've let them rewrite history ("The war wasn't about slavery") and keep their honor and praise their bravery in individual battles. We didn't put Davis and Stephens and Lee on trial for their treason. We let the Klan and Jim Crow happen.

The Civil War was a great example of winning the war and losing the peace.

Now compare that to World War II. We didn't let the Germans rewrite history. We didn't let the surviving Nazis get away. We hunted them to the ends of the earth.

So no one but a complete nut flies a Swastika flag.

The war wasn't about slavery and a little common sense would tell you that. First of all, the North had slaves, secondly only ten percent of white southerners owned slaves. So explain why slavery would be such a big issue when both sides had them and in such small percentages?

For the South secession was all about Slavery. For the North it was all about stopping secession, Slavery or not. It was a big issue because 4 million slaves held a substantial value.

Total Slave Population in United States by State
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"City folks" do not support hard working traditional family values oriented people of our rural areas. The narcissism of the liberal elite is displayed in your post and it's portrayal of all citizens that do not live in a place like NYC are dumb, ignorant, hillbillies. Also, country boys like Chris Kyle stand-up and defend this nation. For most big city boys green just ain't their color...not in fashion. Besides how could a liberal go to war without having a cafe latte and MSNBC to start the day.

Hey, guy, most of the guys I served with in the military were from cities, not the country. You did have the occassional Cleetus, mind you. He was usually the platoon fuckup.

But you did avoid my point that most of you who still live on farms and shit do so because the government heavily subsidizes your lifestyle.
Wrong. Most of the warriors in my INFANTRY platoon were rednecks and fighters. So Jammaal Malik Muhammed Whatever Whatever, I would think you would know this if you were not a fucking pouge HQ shit bag.Also, this totally misrepresented stataistic a bout food stamps and federal aid can be put down once and for all when liberal stats are exposed by counting military bases and military personel as "government subsidized." Your a fucking idiot liberal that tries to be too cute and too smart by half because you watch MSNBC all day and get talking points from assholes like Chris Matthews.
The mass murder carried out in Charleston S.C. by a lone nut has instantly been politicized by the NYC, Boston, Washington D.C. Democratic Party, liberal media, power structure. Their Orwellian attempts at changing our American fabric to their exclusive and mindless automaton views have never been more apparent, and never more shameless since the murder of 9 people by a lone nut. They immediately exploited the situation by casting the confederate battle flag as a symbol of racism. If you live in New York City, Boston, Chicago, or L.A. then you are as far out of touch with reality as you can be with small town America. What you call "fly over country." We are not racist, we work hard for a living everyday, and we DO NOT SPONGE TAX DOLLARS thank you. It is considered disgraceful thing I don't care how much the Palace of Versailles inside the beltway liberals want to portray people different. This current movement to ban the confederate flag is an attempt by NYC, Chicago, Boston, L.A. liberals to subjugate the people of the hinterland. There are political differences between rural and urban. The Democrats will waste no opportunity in portraying it as racist. Why? Because all those FDR Democrats and Harry Truman Democrats are not cry baby socialist. So now they race bait them. the confederate flag stands as a symbol of country folks vs. NYC,Chicago, or Washington D.C. folks. NOT RACISM. Next thing the PC Marxist will want is George Washington off the dollar because he owned slaves, Andrew Jackson for the same, monuments brought down, culture changed, and as college prof's teach " all White males are evil" and "every White person should feel guilty about slavery." Bullshit. I worked hard for everything I got...I was not born to privilege and I am not a racist. But the NYC cable news, Democratic Party want to to make all things "WHITE"...racist and including the confederate battle flag, pick up trucks, 4 wheel drives, and all White people all their culture and heritage wiped from the history of the United States by the "Department of Truth."

I want to thank Bush-92 for pointing out the kind of dumb, knuckle-dragging person the GOP panders to.

Hey, guy, the problem with your "country boy" argument is that without the tax support of them there city folks, you guys would be living in shacks. The fact is, rural America has subsidized electricity, subsidized farming, subsidized roads, etc. You whine about Freedom, but our agriculture system is probably the best example of socialism we have in America.

But that socialism dun-der makes you mad, Cleetus!

"City folks" do not support hard working traditional family values oriented people of our rural areas. The narcissism of the liberal elite is displayed in your post and it's portrayal of all citizens that do not live in a place like NYC are dumb, ignorant, hillbillies. Also, country boys like Chris Kyle stand-up and defend this nation. For most big city boys green just ain't their color...not in fashion. Besides how could a liberal go to war without having a cafe latte and MSNBC to start the day.

the only narcissism displayed here seems to be coming from you and you're belief in this mystical 'country boy' value system
I think the problem is not necessarily the flag, but how we've coddled the South.

We've let them rewrite history ("The war wasn't about slavery") and keep their honor and praise their bravery in individual battles. We didn't put Davis and Stephens and Lee on trial for their treason. We let the Klan and Jim Crow happen.

The Civil War was a great example of winning the war and losing the peace.

Now compare that to World War II. We didn't let the Germans rewrite history. We didn't let the surviving Nazis get away. We hunted them to the ends of the earth.

So no one but a complete nut flies a Swastika flag.

The war wasn't about slavery and a little common sense would tell you that. First of all, the North had slaves, secondly only ten percent of white southerners owned slaves. So explain why slavery would be such a big issue when both sides had them and in such small percentages?

For the South secession was all about Slavery. For the North it was all about stopping secession, Slavery or not. It was a big issue because 4 million slaves held a substantial value.

Total Slave Population in United States by State
For the South it was all about states rights and why are you people who live in New England trying to tell me how to live my life. Liberals and libertarians kinda feel that way today. The North had no moral high ground. Just more people and heavy industry. Slavery was not economically feasible and would have died out on its own without a civil war. This is more liberal academic brainwashing from our Marxist controlled college campuses.

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