Why I am voting for Trump.

This is why I am voting for Donald Trump:

When there is nothing left but small settlements where people huddle for warmth and share meager food supplies to survive, human history will write itself anew. Few will venture into the great void where the wind is king and a gieger counter is more important than a compass. Stories will be passed on about the golden age of a great empire built on the framework of the human spirit and its longing to be free. The people will listen to the story tellers and let their imaginations take them away from the drudgery and stone cold labor of survivalist existence. This is not a future in the distant timeless mists of the universe. It is ripping at the shingles on the roof as we speak.

These would be strange times to explain to future citizens. After the human race rebuilds itself following the nuclear conflagration that is almost surely coming, historians will try to make sense of what happened. They will know that American authoritarianism tried to displace Russian authoritarianism by inserting NATO into its heartland like a hostile takeover in the cutthroat business world. American authoritarianism abandoned the American people and betrayed them to elitist global interests in a move to take all the chips and consolidate the raw power warned against by America's founders. It's all about power, power over people.

The target of the power play, Russian authoritarianism, is not going to just sit idley by and then step aside when it has enough nuclear capability to vaporize continents. The Russians can just stand up and flip the poker table at any time. What kind of rotten game is being played when a bitter, corrupt, and senile old man is encouraged to destroy an oil pipeline in Europe during peacetime that imposes hardship on innocent civilians? It is sinister and it invites retaliation.

How did a free empire like the United States go so completely stupid to the extent that it would commit suicide convincing its population to vote away all their freedoms in favor of the authoritarianism warned against by its founders? If an empire is built on the principle of free people controling their government instead of the other way around, why would those people suddenly decide that freedom was so dangerous that it needed to be voted out by outlawing an outsider trying to save the republic?

What kind of gullible population would just let this happen? You have to know that those Russian missiles are armed, aimed, and waiting to see who gets the nod in the next US presidential election. This is why I am voting for Trump because he is the only thing standing between us and total annhialation. Is Trump a bad man? He is certainly not a perfect candidate for sainthood but who is or ever was? He is all we have to save civilization at this moment in time.

You better vote for Trump or it could be over for good!
Vote orange bag O' shit or NUKULAR WAR! Yeah, never heard that magaturd fear porn before. :rolleyes: Get some new material.
I'm Not voting for Trumpov because he's a lifetime and ongoing Criminal who indisputably tried to Overthrow our Democracy.
(note the change in running mates to a lackey who would cooperate)

Voting for him in 2024 may mean you won't have to/be able to vote again in 2028.

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Unfortunately that vision of disaster is coming, no matter who wins the election for POTUS. A Trump victory will only delay it, not undo it. As it did in 2016, the establishment elements in the American political system (both R and D) will stand firmly in the way of Trump making any progress towards fixing the issues.

All we can do is prepare for the worst, because it’s coming no matter what and we can only hope that the nuclear fallout brings humanity back to its senses.
We are eventually heading for a Great Depression which will make 1929 and the early 30's look like a tea party. Not sure when it will happen but it is coming sooner rather than later, possibly even before the end of this year.
Sure she did. She's the Harris in all those Biden/Harris votes.

You didn't know that? 🤔

Edit to add - oh, that's right: blunt skull.
Haha, my insult went right over your head. I understood exactly what you said and replied so that whoever reads my post thinks you are an idiot. And you think you can outwit me when you did not figure out how I twisted the meaning of your comment.
This is why I am voting for Donald Trump:

When there is nothing left but small settlements where people huddle for warmth and share meager food supplies to survive, human history will write itself anew. Few will venture into the great void where the wind is king and a gieger counter is more important than a compass. Stories will be passed on about the golden age of a great empire built on the framework of the human spirit and its longing to be free. The people will listen to the story tellers and let their imaginations take them away from the drudgery and stone cold labor of survivalist existence. This is not a future in the distant timeless mists of the universe. It is ripping at the shingles on the roof as we speak.

These would be strange times to explain to future citizens. After the human race rebuilds itself following the nuclear conflagration that is almost surely coming, historians will try to make sense of what happened. They will know that American authoritarianism tried to displace Russian authoritarianism by inserting NATO into its heartland like a hostile takeover in the cutthroat business world. American authoritarianism abandoned the American people and betrayed them to elitist global interests in a move to take all the chips and consolidate the raw power warned against by America's founders. It's all about power, power over people.

The target of the power play, Russian authoritarianism, is not going to just sit idley by and then step aside when it has enough nuclear capability to vaporize continents. The Russians can just stand up and flip the poker table at any time. What kind of rotten game is being played when a bitter, corrupt, and senile old man is encouraged to destroy an oil pipeline in Europe during peacetime that imposes hardship on innocent civilians? It is sinister and it invites retaliation.

How did a free empire like the United States go so completely stupid to the extent that it would commit suicide convincing its population to vote away all their freedoms in favor of the authoritarianism warned against by its founders? If an empire is built on the principle of free people controling their government instead of the other way around, why would those people suddenly decide that freedom was so dangerous that it needed to be voted out by outlawing an outsider trying to save the republic?

What kind of gullible population would just let this happen? You have to know that those Russian missiles are armed, aimed, and waiting to see who gets the nod in the next US presidential election. This is why I am voting for Trump because he is the only thing standing between us and total annhialation. Is Trump a bad man? He is certainly not a perfect candidate for sainthood but who is or ever was? He is all we have to save civilization at this moment in time.

You better vote for Trump or it could be over for good!
Enjoy your man

This is why I am voting for Donald Trump:

When there is nothing left but small settlements where people huddle for warmth and share meager food supplies to survive, human history will write itself anew. Few will venture into the great void where the wind is king and a gieger counter is more important than a compass. Stories will be passed on about the golden age of a great empire built on the framework of the human spirit and its longing to be free. The people will listen to the story tellers and let their imaginations take them away from the drudgery and stone cold labor of survivalist existence. This is not a future in the distant timeless mists of the universe. It is ripping at the shingles on the roof as we speak.

These would be strange times to explain to future citizens. After the human race rebuilds itself following the nuclear conflagration that is almost surely coming, historians will try to make sense of what happened. They will know that American authoritarianism tried to displace Russian authoritarianism by inserting NATO into its heartland like a hostile takeover in the cutthroat business world. American authoritarianism abandoned the American people and betrayed them to elitist global interests in a move to take all the chips and consolidate the raw power warned against by America's founders. It's all about power, power over people.

The target of the power play, Russian authoritarianism, is not going to just sit idley by and then step aside when it has enough nuclear capability to vaporize continents. The Russians can just stand up and flip the poker table at any time. What kind of rotten game is being played when a bitter, corrupt, and senile old man is encouraged to destroy an oil pipeline in Europe during peacetime that imposes hardship on innocent civilians? It is sinister and it invites retaliation.

How did a free empire like the United States go so completely stupid to the extent that it would commit suicide convincing its population to vote away all their freedoms in favor of the authoritarianism warned against by its founders? If an empire is built on the principle of free people controling their government instead of the other way around, why would those people suddenly decide that freedom was so dangerous that it needed to be voted out by outlawing an outsider trying to save the republic?

What kind of gullible population would just let this happen? You have to know that those Russian missiles are armed, aimed, and waiting to see who gets the nod in the next US presidential election. This is why I am voting for Trump because he is the only thing standing between us and total annhialation. Is Trump a bad man? He is certainly not a perfect candidate for sainthood but who is or ever was? He is all we have to save civilization at this moment in time.

You better vote for Trump or it could be over for good!
You need to have a mental welfare check.

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