Why is Gaza Separate from the West Bank/Palestine?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Why is Gaza separate from the West Bank/Palestine? It seems like Hamas is like a vicious dog that keeps being let off its leash and biting the neighbors. Why are the owners not held responsible for controlling the dog? Instead, it seems that Israel has locked itself into that role.

Since a majority of UN members want to admit a Palestinian State, why not let them? Wouldn't this put a burden of dispute resolution on the UN, as opposed to being a propaganda outlet for endless one-sided condemnations of Israel? I think this would be a great test of the UN's ability to live up to its charter. If it can't handle this dispute, it should go the way of the League of Nations.
Why is Gaza separate from the West Bank/Palestine? It seems like Hamas is like a vicious dog that keeps being let off its leash and biting the neighbors. Why are the owners not held responsible for controlling the dog? Instead, it seems that Israel has locked itself into that role.

Since a majority of UN members want to admit a Palestinian State, why not let them? Wouldn't this put a burden of dispute resolution on the UN, as opposed to being a propaganda outlet for endless one-sided condemnations of Israel? I think this would be a great test of the UN's ability to live up to its charter. If it can't handle this dispute, it should go the way of the League of Nations.
Why would they deserve a two-state solution? Who claims ownership of the current state Israel given its history of being conquered across many different empires. For example, Rome held it for 400 years prior to the Byzantine empire in the 4th century.
Why is Gaza separate from the West Bank/Palestine? It seems like Hamas is like a vicious dog that keeps being let off its leash and biting the neighbors. Why are the owners not held responsible for controlling the dog? Instead, it seems that Israel has locked itself into that role.

Since a majority of UN members want to admit a Palestinian State, why not let them? Wouldn't this put a burden of dispute resolution on the UN, as opposed to being a propaganda outlet for endless one-sided condemnations of Israel? I think this would be a great test of the UN's ability to live up to its charter. If it can't handle this dispute, it should go the way of the League of Nations.
LOL because the Gaza ones are just Egyptian Arabs. The West Bank are Jordanian Arabs.

There never was a “Palestinian” people much less a state. They were all just nomadic Arabs until the Brits took over and drew up a bunch of borders.
Why would they deserve a two-state solution? Who claims ownership of the current state Israel given its history of being conquered across many different empires. For example, Rome held it for 400 years prior to the Byzantine empire in the 4th century.
What is your point?
Because Israel Gave it to the Arabs in a Land For Peace deal less than 20 years ago
Why is Gaza separate from the West Bank/Palestine? It seems like Hamas is like a vicious dog that keeps being let off its leash and biting the neighbors. Why are the owners not held responsible for controlling the dog? Instead, it seems that Israel has locked itself into that role.

Since a majority of UN members want to admit a Palestinian State, why not let them? Wouldn't this put a burden of dispute resolution on the UN, as opposed to being a propaganda outlet for endless one-sided condemnations of Israel? I think this would be a great test of the UN's ability to live up to its charter. If it can't handle this dispute, it should go the way of the League of Nations.
Ask yourself who are the Palestinians?

Wanna know who they are?

Remember when India won it's independence? Then promptly split into Pakistan and India?

Palestinians are just Muslim Israelis.
Ask yourself who are the Palestinians?

Wanna know who they are?

Remember when India won it's independence? Then promptly split into Pakistan and India?

Palestinians are just Muslim Israelis.
"Why is Gaza separate from the West Bank/Palestine?" Try to focus.
"Why is Gaza separate from the West Bank/Palestine?" Try to focus.
I am focused.

You just think that all of nonsense that we've been hearing about Israel is the whole story.

Maybe instead of asking this question, why not complete a discovery of the history of the region instead of pushing to give blood-thirsty killers everything they want.
Why would they deserve a two-state solution? Who claims ownership of the current state Israel given its history of being conquered across many different empires. For example, Rome held it for 400 years prior to the Byzantine empire in the 4th century.
According to your logic, we should redraw intl borders regularly.
According to your logic, we should redraw intl borders regularly.
No .. according to my logic .. who is the rightful owner of the area known as modern day of Israel? This land debate is stupid .. and being demanded by "palestinians" .. yet .. they definitely aren't the rightful "owners."

It's just like land ownership across Native Americans ... who defeated one another for territory ... who gets the rightful ownership of the land (i.e. Black Hills in South Carolina)?
Why is Gaza separate from the West Bank/Palestine? It seems like Hamas is like a vicious dog that keeps being let off its leash and biting the neighbors. Why are the owners not held responsible for controlling the dog? Instead, it seems that Israel has locked itself into that role.

Since a majority of UN members want to admit a Palestinian State, why not let them? Wouldn't this put a burden of dispute resolution on the UN, as opposed to being a propaganda outlet for endless one-sided condemnations of Israel? I think this would be a great test of the UN's ability to live up to its charter. If it can't handle this dispute, it should go the way of the League of Nations.
Sometimes a little history can help a lot.

The U.N. "decided" this issue about 77 years ago;
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181 (II).[1] The resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States linked economically[2] and a Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem and its surroundings.

The Arab state was to have a territory of 11,100 square kilometres or 42%, the Jewish state a territory of 14,100 square kilometres or 56%, while the remaining 2%—comprising the cities of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and the adjoning area—would become an international zone.[3][4] The Partition Plan, a four-part document attached to the resolution, provided for the termination of the Mandate, the gradual withdrawal of British armed forces and the delineation of boundaries between the two States and Jerusalem.



Boundaries defined in the 1947 UN Partition Plan for Palestine:

Area assigned for a Jewish state = blue

Area assigned for an Arab state = green and 'red'

Planned Corpus separatum with the intention that Jerusalem would be neither Jewish nor Arab = gray and 'pink'

Armistice Demarcation Lines of 1949 (Green Line):

Israeli controlled territory from 1949

Egyptian and Jordanian controlled territory from 1948 until 1967[/img]

The neighboring Arab/Muslim nations rejected this solution, as did most of the resident non-Jews.
Hence the 1948 war.

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