Why is it ok for blacks to be racist in society

If a white says anything about a black person even if it doesnt have to do about their race . They are portrayed as racist but if a black person does the same thing or worst there you cant call them racist because if you do then you will be called a racist. why the double standard.

For example. This black professor said the 10 most overrated WHITE people. Why couldnt he just say PEOPLE. But if a white person does this same thing they would be called racist ..

Here is the article Marc Lamont Hill Mocks Columbus Day With List of 15 Most Overrated White People | TheBlaze.com

Whatever rascism you think is coming from blacks, it is peanuts compared to the hundreds of years of racism faced by blacks in this country.

Why do you, OP, and others like you, obsess about it (the idea of reverse racism) so much? Why don't you just go on with your lives and stop acting like such aholes? It just makes you look totally stupid because you don't realize what you percieve to be 'reverse racism' is simply backlash for the hundreds of years of racism from the white majority that others have had to live with. Get over yourselves.

hundreds of years?

Show me one black that is hundreds of years old

If a white says anything about a black person even if it doesnt have to do about their race . They are portrayed as racist but if a black person does the same thing or worst there you cant call them racist because if you do then you will be called a racist. why the double standard.

For example. This black professor said the 10 most overrated WHITE people. Why couldnt he just say PEOPLE. But if a white person does this same thing they would be called racist ..

Here is the article Marc Lamont Hill Mocks Columbus Day With List of 15 Most Overrated White People | TheBlaze.com

Whatever rascism you think is coming from blacks, it is peanuts compared to the hundreds of years of racism faced by blacks in this country.

Why do you, OP, and others like you, obsess about it (the idea of reverse racism) so much? Why don't you just go on with your lives and stop acting like such aholes? It just makes you look totally stupid because you don't realize what you percieve to be 'reverse racism' is simply backlash for the hundreds of years of racism from the white majority that others have had to live with. Get over yourselves.

hundreds of years?

Show me one black that is hundreds of years old


What a fucking stupid response.:cuckoo:

Do you not understand that history creates the present and future? Do you not see any correlations between historical events and the present? Do you have no knowledge of the causal chain? Are you completely incapable of critical thinking, of reasoning? Are you completely uneducated? Are you able to see anything beyond your own racist nose?
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You racist bitch...."our cities"????? Since when do you own a city? This is a nation bounded by The Constitution of the United States....a document you right wing bitches claim you honor and uphold...but the truth of the matter is you play it to convenience and self interest.
And there are so many blacks who are superior to you in intellect, class, demeanor, and every which way, it isn't even funny. You racist POS. Muslims are human beings and their religion is protected by the 1st amendment of the Constitution, you trifling fuck.
You're still stuck in slavery and Jim Crow, where white people "ran amuck", lynching, raping, murdering, stealing, embezzling, bootlegging, and doing every sort of evil imaginable, unhindered and unpunished. But, my, haven't the chickens come home to roost. No bad deed goes unpunished. You're now, collectively, "reaping the whirlwind"....and choking on it. Karma is like that.
There indeed are a good number of exceptional intelligent blacks but as a general rule of genetics, Negroids are intellectually inferior to Caucasians, who in turn are about 7 points under the Mongoloid average.

Although genetic diversity has greatly benefited the intellectual progress of the black race, which is evident by their increase in average IQ from 70 to 85 on the Bell Curve. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have helped you very much.

Sub-Saharan Bushman_ Average IQ-70

Westernized Negro_ Average IQ-85

White Caucasian_ Average IQ-100

Asian Mongoloid_ Average IQ-107

Well, you stupid bitch...explain my IQ of 126-130, well above the Caucasian average.

explanation: lie
Whatever rascism you think is coming from blacks, it is peanuts compared to the hundreds of years of racism faced by blacks in this country.

Why do you, OP, and others like you, obsess about it (the idea of reverse racism) so much? Why don't you just go on with your lives and stop acting like such aholes? It just makes you look totally stupid because you don't realize what you percieve to be 'reverse racism' is simply backlash for the hundreds of years of racism from the white majority that others have had to live with. Get over yourselves.

hundreds of years?

Show me one black that is hundreds of years old


What a fucking stupid response.:cuckoo:

Do you not understand that history creates the present and future? Do you not see any correlations between historical events and the present? Do you have no knowledge of the causal chain? Are you completely incapable of critical thinking, of reasoning? Are you completely uneducated? Are you able to see anything beyond your own racist nose?

name one living black that was a slave.

I'll not wait.
Blacks for generations have had the same opportunity as white folks.
If you think blacks have it so bad why don't you give them your entire net worth?
hundreds of years?

Show me one black that is hundreds of years old


What a fucking stupid response.:cuckoo:

Do you not understand that history creates the present and future? Do you not see any correlations between historical events and the present? Do you have no knowledge of the causal chain? Are you completely incapable of critical thinking, of reasoning? Are you completely uneducated? Are you able to see anything beyond your own racist nose?

name one living black that was a slave.

I'll not wait.
Blacks for generations have had the same opportunity as white folks.
If you think blacks have it so bad why don't you give them your entire net worth?

I'll try using an analogy, though I have little expectation of any lights going on in your head, at least not any you would admit to.

Everything that has happened to you in your life, from the day you were born, and even what happened to the fetus before you were born, all if it has impacted who and what you are today. There is a causal chain that runs through everything. History impacts the present and the future. It is that simple.

Oh, and just to help you along, the analogy is not meant to apply to you as an individual, or to any one person, black or white, individually. Hope that helps.
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What a fucking stupid response.:cuckoo:

Do you not understand that history creates the present and future? Do you not see any correlations between historical events and the present? Do you have no knowledge of the causal chain? Are you completely incapable of critical thinking, of reasoning? Are you completely uneducated? Are you able to see anything beyond your own racist nose?

name one living black that was a slave.

I'll not wait.
Blacks for generations have had the same opportunity as white folks.
If you think blacks have it so bad why don't you give them your entire net worth?

I'll try using an analogy, though I have little expectation of any lights going on in your head, at least not any you would admit to.

Everything that has happened to you in your life, from the day you were born, and even what happened to the fetus before you were born, all if it has impacted who and what you are today. There is a causal chain that runs through everything. History impacts the present and the future. It is that simple.

Oh, and just to help you along, the analogy is not meant to apply to you as an individual, or to any one person, black or white, individually. Hope that helps.

Of course I understand that.

I'm flatly denying that slavery has impacted any living black person.

Feel free to prove me wrong.

PS I have had plenty of misfortunes in my life, but I am not blaming an entire race of people for it. I'll let you and others do that.
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name one living black that was a slave.

I'll not wait.
Blacks for generations have had the same opportunity as white folks.
If you think blacks have it so bad why don't you give them your entire net worth?

I'll try using an analogy, though I have little expectation of any lights going on in your head, at least not any you would admit to.

Everything that has happened to you in your life, from the day you were born, and even what happened to the fetus before you were born, all if it has impacted who and what you are today. There is a causal chain that runs through everything. History impacts the present and the future. It is that simple.

Oh, and just to help you along, the analogy is not meant to apply to you as an individual, or to any one person, black or white, individually. Hope that helps.

Of course I understand that.

I'm flatly denying that slavery has impacted any living black person. Feel free to prove me wrong.

PS I have had plenty of misfortunes in my life, but I am not blaming an entire race of people for it. I'll let you and others do that.

As I said "the analogy is not meant to apply to you as an individual, or to any one person, black or white, individually. "

"I'm flatly denying that slavery has impacted any living black person. " You are also, it seems, denying that racism, since the beginning of slavery and for the past 147 years since slavery, has impacted any living black person. You are "flatly denying" that history has any impact on the present and the future. Which is about as dumb as it gets. Kudos.
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If a white says anything about a black person even if it doesnt have to do about their race . They are portrayed as racist but if a black person does the same thing or worst there you cant call them racist because if you do then you will be called a racist. why the double standard.

For example. This black professor said the 10 most overrated WHITE people. Why couldnt he just say PEOPLE. But if a white person does this same thing they would be called racist ..

Here is the article Marc Lamont Hill Mocks Columbus Day With List of 15 Most Overrated White People | TheBlaze.com

Whatever rascism you think is coming from blacks, it is peanuts compared to the hundreds of years of racism faced by blacks in this country.

Why do you, OP, and others like you, obsess about it (the idea of reverse racism) so much? Why don't you just go on with your lives and stop acting like such aholes? It just makes you look totally stupid because you don't realize what you percieve to be 'reverse racism' is simply backlash for the hundreds of years of racism from the white majority that others have had to live with. Get over yourselves.

You really don't know squat about history do you?

Iidots like you think history starts and ends at slavery.

According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man.

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

The popular opinion regarding slavery in the United States is that it was a simple matter of racial oppression of blacks by whites. However, the presence of black slaveholders in North America prior to the Civil War shows that slavery was not based solely on color but on economics. Black slave owners, for the most part, were complicities in support of the institution deriving from it wealth and privileges denied to other groups.

Unspoken Reality: Black Slaveholders Prior to the Civil War
What a fucking stupid response.:cuckoo:

Do you not understand that history creates the present and future? Do you not see any correlations between historical events and the present? Do you have no knowledge of the causal chain? Are you completely incapable of critical thinking, of reasoning? Are you completely uneducated? Are you able to see anything beyond your own racist nose?

name one living black that was a slave.

I'll not wait.
Blacks for generations have had the same opportunity as white folks.
If you think blacks have it so bad why don't you give them your entire net worth?

I'll try using an analogy, though I have little expectation of any lights going on in your head, at least not any you would admit to.

Everything that has happened to you in your life, from the day you were born, and even what happened to the fetus before you were born, all if it has impacted who and what you are today. There is a causal chain that runs through everything. History impacts the present and the future. It is that simple.

Oh, and just to help you along, the analogy is not meant to apply to you as an individual, or to any one person, black or white, individually. Hope that helps.

Slavery, which ended 150 years ago is still impacting blacks today?

If that's true then it's because they choose to remain chained to the past.

A revisionist past too I might add. If they knew the truth about slavery and how many blacks actually owned slaves and how blacks sold blacks into slavery in the first place they may step off the plantation and make something of themselves. But the Democrats will have none of that.

Now I realize that there are some exceptional blacks that have looked beyond the past and have become successful businessmen, liberals call these people race traitors, uncle toms, house negroes etc..... but rational people call them Republicans.
If a white says anything about a black person even if it doesnt have to do about their race . They are portrayed as racist but if a black person does the same thing or worst there you cant call them racist because if you do then you will be called a racist. why the double standard.

For example. This black professor said the 10 most overrated WHITE people. Why couldnt he just say PEOPLE. But if a white person does this same thing they would be called racist ..

Here is the article Marc Lamont Hill Mocks Columbus Day With List of 15 Most Overrated White People | TheBlaze.com

Whatever rascism you think is coming from blacks, it is peanuts compared to the hundreds of years of racism faced by blacks in this country.

Why do you, OP, and others like you, obsess about it (the idea of reverse racism) so much? Why don't you just go on with your lives and stop acting like such aholes? It just makes you look totally stupid because you don't realize what you percieve to be 'reverse racism' is simply backlash for the hundreds of years of racism from the white majority that others have had to live with. Get over yourselves.

You really don't know squat about history do you?

Iidots like you think history starts and ends at slavery.

According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man.

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

The popular opinion regarding slavery in the United States is that it was a simple matter of racial oppression of blacks by whites. However, the presence of black slaveholders in North America prior to the Civil War shows that slavery was not based solely on color but on economics. Black slave owners, for the most part, were complicities in support of the institution deriving from it wealth and privileges denied to other groups.

Unspoken Reality: Black Slaveholders Prior to the Civil War

BS. And I supposed that's supposed to excuse White Slaveholders of their culpability and cruelties, which extended into the 20th century. I never heard of blacks lynching other blacks, or burning at stakes. Nice try at diversion, but no cigar.
Whatever rascism you think is coming from blacks, it is peanuts compared to the hundreds of years of racism faced by blacks in this country.

Why do you, OP, and others like you, obsess about it (the idea of reverse racism) so much? Why don't you just go on with your lives and stop acting like such aholes? It just makes you look totally stupid because you don't realize what you percieve to be 'reverse racism' is simply backlash for the hundreds of years of racism from the white majority that others have had to live with. Get over yourselves.

You really don't know squat about history do you?

Iidots like you think history starts and ends at slavery.

According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man.

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

The popular opinion regarding slavery in the United States is that it was a simple matter of racial oppression of blacks by whites. However, the presence of black slaveholders in North America prior to the Civil War shows that slavery was not based solely on color but on economics. Black slave owners, for the most part, were complicities in support of the institution deriving from it wealth and privileges denied to other groups.

Unspoken Reality: Black Slaveholders Prior to the Civil War

BS. And I supposed that's supposed to excuse White Slaveholders of their culpability and cruelties, which extended into the 20th century. I never heard of blacks lynching other blacks, or burning at stakes. Nice try at diversion, but no cigar.

Thre is nothing to excuse.

Slavery was perfectly legal and pretty much acceptable for many many decades.

The lynchings and burning wasn't due to slavery. Those atrocious acts came after emancipation for the most part.

Most slaves were very well taken care of and if you use a little logic you would understand why.

Let me explain:

I'll use a mule in this analogy.

If you had a mule and he was meant to plow your fields, would you A) take proper care of the mule so that he's be in good chape to pull your plow or B) beat and mistreat your mule so bad that it would either refuse to work for you or be too ill do be of much use?

I think probably A).

Fact is even after emancipation a great number of slaves stayed on the plantations , the places where most were born, and lived out their lives and even took the surnames of their masters.

Fact is blacks fought and died for the confederay, which you have probably been incorrectly taught was about slavery.

For someone with your self proclaimed high inteligence, you sure aren't very bright.
You really don't know squat about history do you?

Iidots like you think history starts and ends at slavery.

According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man.

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

The popular opinion regarding slavery in the United States is that it was a simple matter of racial oppression of blacks by whites. However, the presence of black slaveholders in North America prior to the Civil War shows that slavery was not based solely on color but on economics. Black slave owners, for the most part, were complicities in support of the institution deriving from it wealth and privileges denied to other groups.

Unspoken Reality: Black Slaveholders Prior to the Civil War

BS. And I supposed that's supposed to excuse White Slaveholders of their culpability and cruelties, which extended into the 20th century. I never heard of blacks lynching other blacks, or burning at stakes. Nice try at diversion, but no cigar.

Thre is nothing to excuse.

Slavery was perfectly legal and pretty much acceptable for many many decades.

The lynchings and burning wasn't due to slavery. Those atrocious acts came after emancipation for the most part.

Most slaves were very well taken care of and if you use a little logic you would understand why.

Let me explain:

I'll use a mule in this analogy.

If you had a mule and he was meant to plow your fields, would you A) take proper care of the mule so that he's be in good chape to pull your plow or B) beat and mistreat your mule so bad that it would either refuse to work for you or be too ill do be of much use?

I think probably A).

Fact is even after emancipation a great number of slaves stayed on the plantations , the places where most were born, and lived out their lives and even took the surnames of their masters.

Fact is blacks fought and died for the confederay, which you have probably been incorrectly taught was about slavery.

For someone with your self proclaimed high inteligence, you sure aren't very bright.

Amazing and quite stunning that you would attempt to educate me, a black man, about the finer points of slavery. "Legal and acceptable"??? And now, reviled as much or more than the Holocaust????? You're sick. Sicker than you know.
You know nothing about the history, and less about humanity. Let me put you on ignore, immediately.
And you'd hardly be in a position to estimate my intellectual prowess....I happen to consider sources. LOL
BS. And I supposed that's supposed to excuse White Slaveholders of their culpability and cruelties, which extended into the 20th century. I never heard of blacks lynching other blacks, or burning at stakes. Nice try at diversion, but no cigar.

Thre is nothing to excuse.

Slavery was perfectly legal and pretty much acceptable for many many decades.

The lynchings and burning wasn't due to slavery. Those atrocious acts came after emancipation for the most part.

Most slaves were very well taken care of and if you use a little logic you would understand why.

Let me explain:

I'll use a mule in this analogy.

If you had a mule and he was meant to plow your fields, would you A) take proper care of the mule so that he's be in good chape to pull your plow or B) beat and mistreat your mule so bad that it would either refuse to work for you or be too ill do be of much use?

I think probably A).

Fact is even after emancipation a great number of slaves stayed on the plantations , the places where most were born, and lived out their lives and even took the surnames of their masters.

Fact is blacks fought and died for the confederay, which you have probably been incorrectly taught was about slavery.

For someone with your self proclaimed high inteligence, you sure aren't very bright.

Amazing and quite stunning that you would attempt to educate me, a black man, about the finer points of slavery. "Legal and acceptable"??? And now, reviled as much or more than the Holocaust????? You're sick. Sicker than you know.
You know nothing about the history, and less about humanity. Let me put you on ignore, immediately.
And you'd hardly be in a position to estimate my intellectual prowess....I happen to consider sources. LOL

Somebody has to educate you. That's painfully obvious.

You can put me on ignore and deny the historical truths, but it won't change not one fact.

Oh and yes, there was a time in history where slavery was legal and acceptable.

I'm not estimating your educational prowess, I'm going by the information YOU put forth.

Information that I have high doubts about considering your reluctance to recognize historical facts and your rush to put me on ignore to further shield yourself from the truth.

But hey, if you choose to remain ignorant then who am I to stop you.

Que sera sera.
You racist bitch...."our cities"????? Since when do you own a city? This is a nation bounded by The Constitution of the United States....a document you right wing bitches claim you honor and uphold...but the truth of the matter is you play it to convenience and self interest.
And there are so many blacks who are superior to you in intellect, class, demeanor, and every which way, it isn't even funny. You racist POS. Muslims are human beings and their religion is protected by the 1st amendment of the Constitution, you trifling fuck.
You're still stuck in slavery and Jim Crow, where white people "ran amuck", lynching, raping, murdering, stealing, embezzling, bootlegging, and doing every sort of evil imaginable, unhindered and unpunished. But, my, haven't the chickens come home to roost. No bad deed goes unpunished. You're now, collectively, "reaping the whirlwind"....and choking on it. Karma is like that.
There indeed are a good number of exceptional intelligent blacks but as a general rule of genetics, Negroids are intellectually inferior to Caucasians, who in turn are about 7 points under the Mongoloid average.

Although genetic diversity has greatly benefited the intellectual progress of the black race, which is evident by their increase in average IQ from 70 to 85 on the Bell Curve. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have helped you very much.

Sub-Saharan Bushman_ Average IQ-70

Westernized Negro_ Average IQ-85

White Caucasian_ Average IQ-100

Asian Mongoloid_ Average IQ-107

Well, you stupid bitch...explain my IQ of 126-130, well above the Caucasian average.
If you were actually that smart you would already know that the term "Average IQ" is self-explanatory of Bell Curve variations.

Sorry Poet, but your baseless posts and ignorant rants indicate no signs of exceptional intelligence.

But if by some remote chance your IQ is indeed what you claim, you do a remarkable job of hiding it.
Thre is nothing to excuse.

Slavery was perfectly legal and pretty much acceptable for many many decades.

The lynchings and burning wasn't due to slavery. Those atrocious acts came after emancipation for the most part.

Most slaves were very well taken care of and if you use a little logic you would understand why.

Let me explain:

I'll use a mule in this analogy.

If you had a mule and he was meant to plow your fields, would you A) take proper care of the mule so that he's be in good chape to pull your plow or B) beat and mistreat your mule so bad that it would either refuse to work for you or be too ill do be of much use?

I think probably A).

Fact is even after emancipation a great number of slaves stayed on the plantations , the places where most were born, and lived out their lives and even took the surnames of their masters.

Fact is blacks fought and died for the confederay, which you have probably been incorrectly taught was about slavery.

For someone with your self proclaimed high inteligence, you sure aren't very bright.

Amazing and quite stunning that you would attempt to educate me, a black man, about the finer points of slavery. "Legal and acceptable"??? And now, reviled as much or more than the Holocaust????? You're sick. Sicker than you know.
You know nothing about the history, and less about humanity. Let me put you on ignore, immediately.
And you'd hardly be in a position to estimate my intellectual prowess....I happen to consider sources. LOL

Somebody has to educate you. That's painfully obvious.

You can put me on ignore and deny the historical truths, but it won't change not one fact.

Oh and yes, there was a time in history where slavery was legal and acceptable.

I'm not estimating your educational prowess, I'm going by the information YOU put forth.

Information that I have high doubts about considering your reluctance to recognize historical facts and your rush to put me on ignore to further shield yourself from the truth.

But hey, if you choose to remain ignorant then who am I to stop you.

Que sera sera.
A fact that most people overlook is that slavery has occurred on every continent by every race and every race has been both slave and slave master at one time or another.

Yet only the white race is criticized and hated for slavery and only blacks are recognized as victims of slavery and only the United States is singled out for condoning slavery.

The only ones preventing racial healing are Black Americans and the Democrat Party who keep their hate and blame alive for political expediency.

I read somewhere:
"Progressives consider Black America more politically useful and loyal when the women are barefoot and pregnant, the men are unemployed and angry and both are dependent on big government"
Amazing and quite stunning that you would attempt to educate me, a black man, about the finer points of slavery. "Legal and acceptable"??? And now, reviled as much or more than the Holocaust????? You're sick. Sicker than you know.
You know nothing about the history, and less about humanity. Let me put you on ignore, immediately.
And you'd hardly be in a position to estimate my intellectual prowess....I happen to consider sources. LOL

Somebody has to educate you. That's painfully obvious.

You can put me on ignore and deny the historical truths, but it won't change not one fact.

Oh and yes, there was a time in history where slavery was legal and acceptable.

I'm not estimating your educational prowess, I'm going by the information YOU put forth.

Information that I have high doubts about considering your reluctance to recognize historical facts and your rush to put me on ignore to further shield yourself from the truth.

But hey, if you choose to remain ignorant then who am I to stop you.

Que sera sera.
A fact that most people overlook is that slavery has occurred on every continent by every race and every race has been both slave and slave master at one time or another.

Yet only the white race is criticized and hated for slavery and only blacks are recognized as victims of slavery and only the United States is singled out for condoning slavery.

The only ones preventing racial healing are Black Americans and the Democrat Party who keep their hate and blame alive for political expediency.

I read somewhere:
"Progressives consider Black America more politically useful and loyal when the women are barefoot and pregnant, the men are unemployed and angry and both are dependent on big government"

Trailer trash finally turned her internet on
Shakespeare over-rated?


Says a member of a race that's over 80% in severe poverty. One that didn't have a single explorer before the white man go even 100 miles off its coast.

FUCKING LOL. :badgrin: Sounds like an inferiority complex to me. Let's name some great black explorers, oh wait there aren't any lol.

F'ing LOL is right.

*Why would some obscure column writer have an inferiority complex, especially when he writes something provocative and it probably gets more attention on a message board infested with nuts and azzclowns with low self esteem than it did when it first went to print?

Too funny!
Use it yourself. I don't need one. I'm not the one boo hooing here about being "subjected to bigotry like the 50's and 60's".

There is no comparison between then and now.

you haven't been subjected to anything except your own persecution complex

LOL!..As of today all that I am being subjected to are your thick headed, infantile one liners.

But that is why I am here. To be entertained! Better than an episode of "Hee Haw".
Whatever rascism you think is coming from blacks, it is peanuts compared to the hundreds of years of racism faced by blacks in this country.

Why do you, OP, and others like you, obsess about it (the idea of reverse racism) so much? Why don't you just go on with your lives and stop acting like such aholes? It just makes you look totally stupid because you don't realize what you percieve to be 'reverse racism' is simply backlash for the hundreds of years of racism from the white majority that others have had to live with. Get over yourselves.

hundreds of years?

Show me one black that is hundreds of years old


What a fucking stupid response.:cuckoo:

Do you not understand that history creates the present and future? Do you not see any correlations between historical events and the present? Do you have no knowledge of the causal chain? Are you completely incapable of critical thinking, of reasoning? Are you completely uneducated? Are you able to see anything beyond your own racist nose?

Indeed. But, it has become glaringly obvious that he and some of his other cartoon pals are at a serious intellectual disadvantage when they try to engage even an average adult in this forum. What else is there to do except laugh at them?

Years ago, when AOL was a start up, I used to post on a race relations board there, and back then I was astounded by some of the idiots I encountered and at that time, it was irritating.

Now it is somewhere between hilarious and sad.

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