why not use tax $$s and tie the tubes after the 2nd abortion?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
FACT 1. Planned ParentHood makes money off tax payer funded abortions

According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.
Planned Parenthood saw a very comfortable income, reporting excess revenues exceeding $87 million and net assets of more than $1.2 billion.

Despite the half-truths spread by leaders and supporters of Planned Parenthood—including President Obama during last year’s election—
the organization does not and cannot provide mammograms.

Total Revenue Planned Parenthood $1,049,600,000
of that $1.049 BILLION a year in revenue..NON profit by the way!!!

45% comes from OUR TAX dollars....Government health services,grants of $538,500,000
ISSUU - 2010-2011 Annual Financial Report by Planned Parenthood Action Fund

FACT 2. 45% of abortions by women who already had one or more abortions already!
So while I have a problem with ALL abortions murdering 1.5 million a year, MY BIGGEST issue is the 45% done by women that already have had
one or more abortions! 120,000 babies murdered by women that have had three..(3) abortions already!!
What is wrong with these women?? They are calloused. They are ignorant. They should have their tubes tied!

44.7% abortions by women with one or more previous abortions. These women callously get pregnant again KNOWING they could kill their babies!
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women who are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control AND SHOULD BE STERILIZED if they continue to act as animals!

REASONS for killing 1.5 million a year..

87% of the reasons for having killing 1.5 million babies a year:
3 reasons for ELECTING abortion:
-- say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities;
-- say they cannot afford a child; and
-- say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).

12% of women included a physical problem with their health among reasons for having an abortion (NAF).
1%(of aborting women) reported that they were the survivors of rape (NAF).
13% ONLY due to rape,incest or health... 87% by choice .

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

I heard a woman who 12 years ago was pregnant get an abortion as she already had 2 kids and unable to support as the dick dad skipped.
She was sobbing because she was so powerless when she went into the clinic!
CONTRARY TO the tripe put out like "it is YOUR body" YOU control it!"
And she sobs every February for the last 12 years the date of the abortion regretting regretting regretting and was SO angry at those people that
supported abortions to the point of stupidly saying "YOU have the power"... THIS LADY WAS powerless!

NOW when all else fails... this woman faced with another child to feed decided to abort. Her decision. Again as 1.5 million abortions attest.. woman's

I will not though stand by and let IGNORANT, idiot women who come in for the 2nd, 3rd or more ABORTIONS!
Tie their tubes! The benefit to society as a whole?

The costs of paying Planned ParentHood for one!

The costs of ignorant people's genes being perpetuated for another!

At least hundreds of thousands of pregnancies wouldn't occur if these ignorant women when coming in for their 2nd abortion are advised that
if they come in again.. their tubes will be tied... by FEDERAL LAW!

That simple.

There is NO logical, humane, reason these women should become pregnant again.. costing ME TAX dollars again when simply having the tubes tied!
I can't believe ANY of you ignore the GLARING number of abortions that are done by women who already have had one,two or three or more!
If nothing else this is WASTED TAX MONEY going to Planned ParentHood for them to have pregnancies conveyor lines paying them to perform Abortions!
Forget the sacristy of life... where is the simple anger of tax payers?

What is so wrong with tying their tubes! At least they won't be back for another and another and another abortion!!!
Come on liberals especially... tell me where you support continued abortion PAYMENTS for women too stupid to take contraceptives and have their 2nd, or 3rd abortion? 8% of the abortions are done by women that had already 2 more abortions!

Are you telling me you are THAT stupid to go ahead and pay your taxes so other people can have a good time screwing getting pregnant then having an abortion?
I can't believe ANY of you ignore the GLARING number of abortions that are done by women who already have had one,two or three or more!

It depends who's paying for it. If I am, I want the tubes tied after the first one. If I'm not, I'm entitled to an opinion and nothing else.

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