Why not ?


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
This is a serious question.

Why not ?

When women can stab their children so hard with a knife so long, that the knife goes through the kid, into a concrete floor.
Women can kill their husbands, defraud the insurance company, collect the insurance, and then kill her next human and try to collect insurance off of that one too...

Women can be gangbangers, lead the crips... not be a hooker... no no... a leader for the crips..

Women can make criminal gangs entirely their own and commit the same exact crimes as our gangs...
Murder, Prostitution, Robbery, Racketeering, Drugs, Extortion, you name it...

Women can beat on the man that would die for her (while she would do no such thing for him, guaranteed)...
The man allows her to use him as a doormat, cross dress him, tie him up, all kinds of shit.... she has the guts to beat on him too.

The man that allowed her to go cherry pick him and build her relationship with him based on everything taboo in the book...
He doesn't even bother to be insulted.... and then she beats on him.

So why not give them a lesson ?

Seriously, why not ?
This is a serious question.

Why not ?

When women can stab their children so hard with a knife so long, that the knife goes through the kid, into a concrete floor.
Women can kill their husbands, defraud the insurance company, collect the insurance, and then kill her next human and try to collect insurance off of that one too...

Women can be gangbangers, lead the crips... not be a hooker... no no... a leader for the crips..

Women can make criminal gangs entirely their own and commit the same exact crimes as our gangs...
Murder, Prostitution, Robbery, Racketeering, Drugs, Extortion, you name it...

Women can beat on the man that would die for her (while she would do no such thing for him, guaranteed)...
The man allows her to use him as a doormat, cross dress him, tie him up, all kinds of shit.... she has the guts to beat on him too.

The man that allowed her to go cherry pick him and build her relationship with him based on everything taboo in the book...
He doesn't even bother to be insulted.... and then she beats on him.

So why not give them a lesson ?

Seriously, why not ?
Have you considered getting a divorce yet????
Average sentence for a "man" who murders his wife is 7 years.
A woman who murders her husband gets life.

Men and women BOTH get beat up by their spouses. Both are vastly under-reported.

Apparently the idiot OP has once again drawn a conclusion that has NO hope of fixing a problem. All she wants to do is escalate it. You can't fix a problem by adding to it.

Seriously, Blue Jay. I think you might be retarded in some way. I can't think of any other reason for you post such ridiculous crap.

If you're in an abusive relationship, get out.
If you're abusing someone else, stop.

There. Problem solved.

And yes, I do know how hard it is to get away from an abuser.

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