Why Sarah Palin May Save America

What womens rights movement? "Burn your bra"? "ERA"? From my perspective they have now become a single issue group - abortion. And they won that in 30 years ago. They are obviously not an "inclusive" organization, by any means and have alienated those people with uteruses who may believe that abortion is wrong or simply isn't an issue for them. How about trying to help women get elected? That's girl power. Lol

I don't claim that any single entity has a monopoly on "women's rights" not NOW or Palin or whatever.

However, the women who are my friends don't view Palin as a giant leap forward.
She has accomplished a lot and is a working mother. That is undeniable whether someone agrees with her or not.

At a minimum, womens advocacy groups should be denouncing the sexist attacks on her and other conservative women. They should promote the candidacies of women entering politics just like other minority groups. if they cannot do that they should just call themselves what they are; Democrats and not feminists. (Not that there's anything wrong with that) lol
She has accomplished a lot and is a working mother. That is undeniable whether someone agrees with her or not.

At a minimum, womens advocacy groups should be denouncing the sexist attacks on her and other conservative women. They should promote the candidacies of women entering politics just like other minority groups. if they cannot do that they should just call themselves what they are; Democrats and not feminists. (Not that there's anything wrong with that) lol

I don't think most women would agree that they have to support a candidate that advocates against issues they support simply because the candidate has two X chromosomes.
Nowhere in your pointless babbling did you say why Sarah Palin is capable or even competent.

All you said was she had charm, looks and confidence. Obama had those too.
This is still one of my favourite bumper stickers.

Sarah Palin for presidency? Don't you have better idea? Huh?

The only ones praying for that are the dems. The "better idea" is someone from the GOP with a 3-digit IQ. Think Newt, Mitt, Jeb, Cristie, Scott Brown, Jan Brewer, and Palin for window dressing. After all, she was accused of having a boob job and we all found out those are all natural fun bags, mmmmmm.
I didn't say that I would; but I don't run a woman's advocacy group. I said earlier that if they want to simply promote Democrats; that's what they should call themselves. If they are looking for gender equality in business and politics; they should ADVOCATE for women; not just Dems.
I don't expect Sarah Palin to run for President. Nor do I think she may be America's Savior.

America only has one Savior: Jesus Christ.

And He doesn't run for political office. He changes human nature.
JC just stopped at Hollywierd, and read Drudge report and FreeOnes..
He told me to give murka this message.


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Factchecking Palin - CBS News

She fucking lies all day long and the brain dead think she is smart.

The problem is a lot of people out there actually thinks this dolt has any idea whats going on. We get it, she is nice to look at...THATS IT.

She has no policy points, has her little cute sayings and idiots like the OP think she is the best.

Oh....and SHE QUIT AS GOV to make money!

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