Why they don't need to grant immunity to make Little Piggy Flynn squeal


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Flynn was acting as a foreign agent without registering.

Flynn illegally accepted tens of thousands of dollars without approval from the DOD and never reported it.

Flynn, as National Security Advisor, vetoed arming Turkish Kurds in their fight against Isis setting the fight back an undetermined amount of time, putting lives in danger and helping Isis.

Those are the big three. I'm sure there is more. But there is enough there to, let me borrow his phrase, "Lock him up" and throw away the key for years. I would be very suprised if, at this point, Flynn didn't receive jail time.

And Trump has stayed in contact with Flynn. They barely know each other and it looks as if Trump is in love with the guy. What is going on? I bet we will find out.

I said it before, Flynn is one little piggy and once he starts squealing, everyone will squeal.
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Looks like Pence knew way before that Flynn was a double agent. That means Pence lied to the American people.
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In fact, there is documentation that was given to Pence in November from Cummings. Pence was warned about Flynn but says he didn't know until March.

Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying

Just lie upon lie upon lie........

And now Trump is creating some distance. Just watched Trump say he doesn't know what his staff did, but there was no collusion between him and the Russians. Trump is setting up his staff to throw someone under the bus.
More and more reports are coming out that Flynn and Manafort are turning on Trump. After all, both "RETROACTIVELY" declared they are "foreign agents".
Only Republicans feel it's OK to commit a crime and once "caught" insist they didn't mean it.
More and more reports are coming out that Flynn and Manafort are turning on Trump. After all, both "RETROACTIVELY" declared they are "foreign agents".
Only Republicans feel it's OK to commit a crime and once "caught" insist they didn't mean it.
Trump doesn't even have a path to the White House
You still haven't figured it out yet...have you, R-Derp? There was no Russian "collusion". It was something that was invented by the leaders of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to divert attention away from why they lost to Donald Trump and that they have been losing to conservatives in a huge way ever since 2009! You support a party that's dominated by ancient, career politicians more interested in maintaining their power than in making the average American's life better.

It's all bullshit. It always has been. You're just too stupid to see it for what it is!
Mueller requests White House documents on Flynn: report

Special counsel Robert Mueller's office has reportedly asked the White House to hand over documents in relation to President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Mueller is looking into whether Flynn, whose consulting group Flynn Intel Group had worked with a Turkish-American businessman, was secretly paid by the Turkish government during the final months of the presidential campaign, New York Times reported Friday.


We already know that Flynn received a cool half million;.

When Flynn receives his Senate Subpoena later today, he will plead the 5th. You watch.

Flynn Subpoenaed for documents in Russia probe from the Senate Intel Panel

And this little piggy squealed and squealed and squealed all the way to the big house. And Bubba made him squeal even more.

Oink, Oink.
Wtf does Flynn and Turkey have to do with Putin stealing the elction ?

Fire Mueller now
What did Bill Clinton's BJ have to do with WhiteWater?

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