Why Was Dresden So Heavily Bombed?

And so what? Civilians always get targeted in wars. Do you think we can make magic bombs and bullet that sort out the innocent from the guilty and stuff? Germany made civilians their primary targets when they started the wars, so did Japan.

Sorry, no pity party for them. Your obsession with FDR hating is making you nuts.
Is that the the justification? Do civilians always get targeted in wars? Lefties condemned the bombing campaigns allegedly directed on Vietnam civilians when Nixon was president but there was overwhelming support for the incineration of tens of thousands of Japanese civilians with two nuclear attacks to end the Pacific war during a democrat administration.
Is that the the justification? Do civilians always get targeted in wars? Lefties condemned the bombing campaigns allegedly directed on Vietnam civilians when Nixon was president but there was overwhelming support for the incineration of tens of thousands of Japanese civilians with two nuclear attacks to end the Pacific war during a democrat administration.

Yes, you drank the anti-FDR Kool aid.
Great...So let's kill a population of war refugees!...Sooooo cathartic! :icon_rolleyes:

As already noted, the A-bomb wasn't ready, there was no bomber in theater to carry it, and no infrastructure to support it...After that, there were only two bombs in reality when they were finally produced...The Japs could have refused to surrender after Nagasaki, and the mainland might well have had to be invaded.
The bombing attack on Dresden, Germany, stands among the most controversial Allied actions of World War II. From February 13 to 15, 1945, 800 bombers dropped some 2,700 tons of explosives and incendiaries, decimating the German city. Tens of thousands died.

American prisoners of war had heard the “whump a whump” of distant aerial bombings many times before. But on February 13, 1945, they heard Dresden’s fire sirens howl right above their heads. German guards moved them two stories down into a meat locker. When they came back to the surface, “the city was gone,” remembered writer and social critic Kurt Vonnegut—one of the American POWs who witnessed the Dresden bombing.

Observers noted early on that the bombing of Dresden not only meant the death of civilians but the destruction of a center of European culture and Baroque splendor. Since the rule of August the Strong (1670-1733), the “German Florence” on the Elbe, was home to famous collections of art, porcelain, prints, scientific instruments and jewelry.

Many Germans perceived a particular injustice in the late bombing of Dresden in February 1945—a sentiment that gained some international traction in the postwar years. Dresden was a densely crowded city in the winter of 1945, filled with refugees fleeing the advancing Red Army. For most of them, the end of the war looked near and inevitable and a full-scale attack was unnecessary.

there are impressive links here
The bombing attack on Dresden, Germany, stands among the most controversial Allied actions of World War II. From February 13 to 15, 1945, 800 bombers dropped some 2,700 tons of explosives and incendiaries, decimating the German city. Tens of thousands died.

American prisoners of war had heard the “whump a whump” of distant aerial bombings many times before. But on February 13, 1945, they heard Dresden’s fire sirens howl right above their heads. German guards moved them two stories down into a meat locker. When they came back to the surface, “the city was gone,” remembered writer and social critic Kurt Vonnegut—one of the American POWs who witnessed the Dresden bombing.

Observers noted early on that the bombing of Dresden not only meant the death of civilians but the destruction of a center of European culture and Baroque splendor. Since the rule of August the Strong (1670-1733), the “German Florence” on the Elbe, was home to famous collections of art, porcelain, prints, scientific instruments and jewelry.

Many Germans perceived a particular injustice in the late bombing of Dresden in February 1945—a sentiment that gained some international traction in the postwar years. Dresden was a densely crowded city in the winter of 1945, filled with refugees fleeing the advancing Red Army. For most of them, the end of the war looked near and inevitable and a full-scale attack was unnecessary.

Because it was all the fault of the German people. They had to be punished for their foolishness in falling for the Hitler hate. The bombing was a punishment.
Of course payback for their own terror bombings and unrestricted sub warfare is to be deplored, never mind it works very well at preventing future attacks, a lesson lost on modern burb brats living in a country that hasn't been bombed by Nazis or commies yet. We're having to re-learn basic stuff like never cutting deals with terrorists or countries that use kidnapping and hostage diplomacy.
Kurt Vonnegut's Goofy Novels Are Popular Only Among College Boytoys
And so what? Civilians always get targeted in wars. Do you think we can make magic bombs and bullet that sort out the innocent from the guilty and stuff? Germany made civilians their primary targets when they started the wars, so did Japan.

Sorry, no pity party for them. Your obsession with FDR hating is making you nuts.
War Is Fought Between Entire Nations, Not Just Their Armies

If those "innocents" had won the war, their children would have become absolute Masters over our children.
That is easily the most fucking preposterous argument to rationalize that atrocity.

You don't terrorize and kill innocent civilian populations as "punishment" for war crimes.
what else do you expect from the shill from langley?

motherfucker Ike murdered all those innocent civillains doing what his puppet masters for the satanic new world order wanted him to do.
There was really no excuse for bombing Dresden, especially not so heavily. We knew Germany was on the verge of collapse. To call the Dresden bombing gratuitous and immoral is an understatement.

Many people don't realize that FDR and some of his top officials were virulently anti-German--not just anti-Nazi but viscerally anti-German. They were seriously entertaining proposals to kill tens of thousands of Germans after Germany surrendered, and to divide Germany into several independent states. One plan would have allowed occupation authorities to literally destroy all German industry--plants and equipment--in the entire Ruhr. Thankfully, cooler, more humane heads prevailed.
indeed,motherfucker FDR was an evil monster as demonic as stalin.

No, it didn't....No amount of whitewashing of history can change that.

Sometimes, "the god guys" do some really ghastly things.
expat 500 got OWNED by you



Yeah if mouthpiece for the government wikipedia said so,it MUST be true. :auiqs.jpg: the only time wikipedia ever comes in handy for accurate information on history is past sporting events.:auiqs.jpg:
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what else do you expect from the shill from langley?

motherfucker Ike murdered all those innocent civillains doing what his puppet masters for the satanic new world order wanted him to do.

Another loon fraudster weighs in with its dumb ass conspiratard bullshit.

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