Wi senator's wife signs his recall pertition

Protesting at an individual's home is a disgraceful tactic. I am not at all surprised, however, that this is overlooked by TM or CNN in their desperate grasping for straws.

Now this is funny, but did you miss the part about the slime ball was living with a bimbo he was having an affair with behind his wife's back.

But I'm sure he will be some kind of HERO to the conservative way, NUTE believes he is as he did the same thing. Don't anyone think that maybe getting a divorce should happened before you start an affair with a BIMBO.

do you also think that maybe she(his wife) was the one who asked them to come by and get the story. But of course since the guy doesn't live there and is having an affair and living somewhere else I'm not so sure it should be called his home anymore.

What happened to "What a man does with his private sex life Bill Clinton" has changed? doyathink?
Protesting at an individual's home is a disgraceful tactic. I am not at all surprised, however, that this is overlooked by TM or CNN in their desperate grasping for straws.

Now this is funny, but did you miss the part about the slime ball was living with a bimbo he was having an affair with behind his wife's back.

But I'm sure he will be some kind of HERO to the conservative way, NUTE believes he is as he did the same thing. Don't anyone think that maybe getting a divorce should happened before you start an affair with a BIMBO.

do you also think that maybe she(his wife) was the one who asked them to come by and get the story. But of course since the guy doesn't live there and is having an affair and living somewhere else I'm not so sure it should be called his home anymore.

What happened to "What a man does with his private sex life Bill Clinton" has changed? doyathink?

Do they want to recall the senator because he got a blow job? No, so your argument doesn't really work.
Sure. If you disagree with someone, do what you can to make his life miserable.
Great tactic.
Very humane.
Very immature.

Precisely, never mind who else is impacted by it. His wife, his kids, neighbors, all are 'collateral damage' to these drooling hordes. If this was the TEA Parties showing up at the private residence of a Democrat.... they'd be howling like fucking banshees about it. It is, to anyone with a reasonable moral code, reprehensible behavior. But the left have no moral code.

I'd tell you to stop saying stupid shit, But you wouldnt listen anyways.
The left have a moral code, they just might differ from yours. does the actions of a few make the whole rotten? i mean if you want to go down this road, then i find that you are no better than USarmyretired and his moronic shit.
Or how about from now on Stephanie speaks for the whole rightwing? Even you, cali girl.
becareful with stupid broad brushes, because you can be painted in the same light, and i know damn well you wont like that.

Yeah,, NO MORAL code.

Yes Pretty much, you all drink from the same vat of kool aid
You really kicked the crap out of that strawman.


So tell me...what is the advantage of creating a disturbance in the personal life of a politician when you can just as easily protest at the capitol building?

And as I pointed out...without distrubing any of his/her neighbors....

Please tell me....

I answered that question several posts back.

No you didnt. You made a snide remark about the OP.

SO I ask again...for you to divert once again.....

what is the advantage of creating a disturbance in the personal life of a politician when you can just as easily protest at the capitol building?

And as I pointed out...without distrubing any of his/her neighbors....

Admit it. You have no answer. So...so much for the strawman comment and the rest of your "all I want to do is argue" crap.
Now this is funny, but did you miss the part about the slime ball was living with a bimbo he was having an affair with behind his wife's back.

But I'm sure he will be some kind of HERO to the conservative way, NUTE believes he is as he did the same thing. Don't anyone think that maybe getting a divorce should happened before you start an affair with a BIMBO.

do you also think that maybe she(his wife) was the one who asked them to come by and get the story. But of course since the guy doesn't live there and is having an affair and living somewhere else I'm not so sure it should be called his home anymore.

What happened to "What a man does with his private sex life Bill Clinton" has changed? doyathink?

Do they want to recall the senator because he got a blow job? No, so your argument doesn't really work.

then why do the fucktards keep bringing it up> doyathink? :lol::lol:
Sure. If you disagree with someone, do what you can to make his life miserable.
Great tactic.
Very humane.
Very immature.

He clearly doesn't give a fuck about them.

I'm all for them making his life as uncomfortable as possible until he is given the boot.


You see it that way whereas I see it that he clearly wants to do what he beleives is best for the state that he represents.Whether he is right or wrong is irrelevant...there are two sides to the situation.

So I again say....if you disagree with someone, you believe making his/her life miserable is the tractic to take.

That is quite selfish and undemocratic of you.

But please......go for it.

Whats so clear about that? You said two posts later you don't even respect him as a man yet, you trust he's doing what's best for the people in his mind. ppftt
wow, better than cutting their gas lines?
you people have become unhinged.
you have no problem with thugs coming to peoples homes and harassing THEIR FAMILES.

oh the day you run into an actual thug....i wish i could watch.

To me...anyone who stoops to protesting in front of ones home is a thug as they are hoping that creating fear and a disturbance will result in a positive gain.

No one can give mne one valid reason why it is advantageous to protest at his home as opposed to the capitol building...other than creating so much fear or discomfort, thatthe man will step down.

And that is being a thug.
He clearly doesn't give a fuck about them.

I'm all for them making his life as uncomfortable as possible until he is given the boot.


You see it that way whereas I see it that he clearly wants to do what he beleives is best for the state that he represents.Whether he is right or wrong is irrelevant...there are two sides to the situation.

So I again say....if you disagree with someone, you believe making his/her life miserable is the tractic to take.

That is quite selfish and undemocratic of you.

But please......go for it.

Whats so clear about that? You said two posts later you don't even respect him as a man yet, you trust he's doing what's best for the people in his mind. ppftt

Must you stoop down to trying to discredit me?

My point was his was an opinion.

Me? I dont know anything about the guy...his positions...or his past. But if he was one that lhad an affair? I would not care for him.
But truth is....no one has proven he had an affair. Apparenly, he and his wife broke up...maybe it was her choice?
ANd he went for a newer model.
Political Circus: Hell hath no fury like a senator's wife scorned - CNN.com

Wisconsin state Sen. Randy Hopper, a Republican from Fond du Lac, is not only facing backlash from constituents angry over his support for Gov. Scott Walker's union busting bill -- but from his wife.

According to RawStory.com, protesters who came to his home this past weekend were met by Mrs. Hopper, who told them that her husband "was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his 25-year-old mistress."

To make matters worse for Sen. Hopper? A recall effort is under way and one of its top supporters is his wife.

Are you saying that hilliary should have headed up an impeachment process?


So tell me...what is the advantage of creating a disturbance in the personal life of a politician when you can just as easily protest at the capitol building?

And as I pointed out...without distrubing any of his/her neighbors....

Please tell me....

I answered that question several posts back.

No you didnt. You made a snide remark about the OP.

SO I ask again...for you to divert once again.....

what is the advantage of creating a disturbance in the personal life of a politician when you can just as easily protest at the capitol building?

And as I pointed out...without distrubing any of his/her neighbors....

Admit it. You have no answer. So...so much for the strawman comment and the rest of your "all I want to do is argue" crap.

I answered your question.

Here it is again:

"I'd say none if it didn't get the juicy tidbit the OP was originally about."

... because I don't think it gives them any advantage. Nor do think it should have to. I think it speaks to the level of their pissed offedness.

And they are within their right to do and I am fine with it.

It's just another example of how nasty these dweebs really are. They are arrogant, selfish, and rude beyond belief. Their grandoise self-righteousness stinks like rotten fish. They are the first ones to speak about being "mean spirited". They aren't worth anyone's serious consideration.
Political Circus: Hell hath no fury like a senator's wife scorned - CNN.com

Wisconsin state Sen. Randy Hopper, a Republican from Fond du Lac, is not only facing backlash from constituents angry over his support for Gov. Scott Walker's union busting bill -- but from his wife.

According to RawStory.com, protesters who came to his home this past weekend were met by Mrs. Hopper, who told them that her husband "was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his 25-year-old mistress."

To make matters worse for Sen. Hopper? A recall effort is under way and one of its top supporters is his wife.

Are you saying that hilliary should have headed up an impeachment process?

nah... that was done by someone who was also bonking someone who wasn't his wife...
Political Circus: Hell hath no fury like a senator's wife scorned - CNN.com

Wisconsin state Sen. Randy Hopper, a Republican from Fond du Lac, is not only facing backlash from constituents angry over his support for Gov. Scott Walker's union busting bill -- but from his wife.

According to RawStory.com, protesters who came to his home this past weekend were met by Mrs. Hopper, who told them that her husband "was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his 25-year-old mistress."

To make matters worse for Sen. Hopper? A recall effort is under way and one of its top supporters is his wife.

Are you saying that hilliary should have headed up an impeachment process?

If she wanted to, I wouldn't have blamed her. Do I think someone should get impeached for getting a blow job? No.
The negative to protesting at a politicians home is it may create fear in the family..and possibly the neighbors. A sidewalk in front of a home is likely not wide enough for a protest so quiite possibly the protestors will spill out into the street creating a dangerous situation.

The only POSITIVE for protesting a politicians home as opposed to the Capitol Building is it may cause enough fear OR discomfort to the politician and or his family to the point where he or she resigns.

SO that being siad......it seems those that support the idea of protesting a politicians home do it in the hopes that it will be more effective than prote3sting at athe capitol building..

So who cares if it may create fear...if fear makes him step down....good for us!

Sorry...I dont agree.

Might have beens and Possiblies.....that's all you've got. Ok.

And protests cause "fear" even tho they are on public sidewalks.....so anti-abortion protestors in front of clinics, homes, and schools are there to incite FEAR.....gotcha.
I answered that question several posts back.

No you didnt. You made a snide remark about the OP.

SO I ask again...for you to divert once again.....

what is the advantage of creating a disturbance in the personal life of a politician when you can just as easily protest at the capitol building?

And as I pointed out...without distrubing any of his/her neighbors....

Admit it. You have no answer. So...so much for the strawman comment and the rest of your "all I want to do is argue" crap.

I answered your question.

Here it is again:

"I'd say none if it didn't get the juicy tidbit the OP was originally about."

... because I don't think it gives them any advantage. Nor do think it should have to. I think it speaks to the level of their pissed offedness.

And they are within their right to do and I am fine with it.


Then you are very naive. If you think they did it becuase they simply wanted to protest, you are only fooling yourself in your politically correct fantasyland.

And if it gives them no advantage, why would they feel it appropriate to distrub his neighbors? What did they do to deserve having to deal with the noise?

Are they so selfish that they dont care how their actions affect others? And you support such a selfish mentality? Afterall, they have the perfect venue to protest...the Capitol Building...yet...they prefer going to his home and disturbing others as well....


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