Wi senator's wife signs his recall pertition

How the children's school? Is that off limit?
I think I remember a Pro Life protest being planned at Obama's children's school. I wonder if you guys had a problem with that?

There have been pro-life protesters with large graphic signs at my child's elementary and at her middle school. Nothing to be done if they are on the public sidewalk. Totally legal.
Whats so clear about that? You said two posts later you don't even respect him as a man yet, you trust he's doing what's best for the people in his mind. ppftt

Must you stoop down to trying to discredit me?

My point was his was an opinion.

Me? I dont know anything about the guy...his positions...or his past. But if he was one that lhad an affair? I would not care for him.
But truth is....no one has proven he had an affair. Apparenly, he and his wife broke up...maybe it was her choice?
ANd he went for a newer model.

I'm revealing that despite being a good guy, you're a partisan like anyone else. You said "he clearly wants to do what is best for the State,"

What makes you say "clearly" especially since you two posts later say you find him reprehensible for his actions and wouldn't even vote for him?

I think that by saying this, you show your colors. That's all I'm saying.


You did not see the post I was responding to....

he used the term CLEARLY when describing the guys intentions....so I used the word clearly showing how others can see it differently...

My mistake was using the word "I".....but you see...I know nothing about the guy....I have no idea what his agenda was...and neither does ANYONE who is not directly involved in the situation in Wisconsin....but whan I said "I" and "clearly" I was respinding to him saying the he knows the vhe guy "CLEARLY" had another agenda.

I bleive I have posted many a post that shows I am not partisan.....but now I have to watch exactly how I make a point...and assume people will take each pint at face value without looking at what I was responding to?

Not really necessary...and I thought you were above such BS.
It is not a big town, I am sure his neighbors were effected. I figured you would care, since you care about this senators neighbors.

You were wrong. Move on. Try again.

So you don't care how Reid's neighbors were effected by the much larger protest? Jarhead is worried about the senators neighbors, I hope he is worried about the Reid's neighbors.

Reid's neighbors live so far from him that there is no effect. You don't care either. You're just looking for ammunition. None here.
How the children's school? Is that off limit?
I think I remember a Pro Life protest being planned at Obama's children's school. I wonder if you guys had a problem with that?

As long as you're setting up straw men......Why would you be pro death?

If you want to know how I feel about abortion, start another thread.

You're the one who brought it up. Are you confused? Maybe you need a nap.
Then you are very naive. If you think they did it becuase they simply wanted to protest, you are only fooling yourself in your politically correct fantasyland.

And if it gives them no advantage, why would they feel it appropriate to distrub his neighbors? What did they do to deserve having to deal with the noise?

Are they so selfish that they dont care how their actions affect others? And you support such a selfish mentality? Afterall, they have the perfect venue to protest...the Capitol Building...yet...they prefer going to his home and disturbing others as well....


Support it.

One day you may wake up.

Do you have evidence that they are blocking the roads?

Violating a noise ordinance?

A curfew?

Perhaps evidence that they are standing on his neighbor's yard?

Didnt say they did any of the above.
Nice defelction from the point being made though.

You, too, dont own a home.
If you did, you would know that anyone gathering in front of it will make it difficult for a child to ride his bike...difficult for a ne3wspaper kid to deliver the paper...the mailman deliver the mail....it creates an unecessary disturbance....

But whatever....you live in a politically correct fanatsy land.

Sure...they all went there quitely and in a single file and stood on the sidewalk and said a few things in a soft tone and went home.

Sure....go for it.

So you have nothing at all.

Here's what I could pull ...

It wasn't at the Senator in the OP's house but a WI GOP Senator nonetheless

Union Horde Descends Upon Wisconsin Senator

The horror.

Love the title of the piece, BTW
How the children's school? Is that off limit?
I think I remember a Pro Life protest being planned at Obama's children's school. I wonder if you guys had a problem with that?

There have been pro-life protesters with large graphic signs at my child's elementary and at her middle school. Nothing to be done if they are on the public sidewalk. Totally legal.

They did it at my high school a few years. They also used to have huge signs of aborted fetuses during our 12k race here, which usually has about 50,000 people. The first time I did the race and saw the pictures I was 11. I think they finally stopped putting it up last year or the year before.
The Tea Party had a perfect venue in DC, but they chose to protest in Reid's hometown. What about his neighbors?

They did not protest at anyones home.
They did not protest.
They gathered in a public park with a permit.

Nice try though.

It is not a big town, I am sure his neighbors were effected. I figured you would care, since you care about this senators neighbors.

Then his neighbors should complain to the town board for giving them a permit.
They seemed oK with the town collecting the money for the permit...

Luissa....nice try....welll...actually.....very immature try.
Poorly done.
As long as you're setting up straw men......Why would you be pro death?

If you want to know how I feel about abortion, start another thread.

You're the one who brought it up. Are you confused? Maybe you need a nap.

Um, actually I didn't it bring up. Maybe you need a nap.
And we are talking about protests, not why I am pro choice. I know it can be hard to keep up, but please try.
Do you have evidence that they are blocking the roads?

Violating a noise ordinance?

A curfew?

Perhaps evidence that they are standing on his neighbor's yard?

Didnt say they did any of the above.
Nice defelction from the point being made though.

You, too, dont own a home.
If you did, you would know that anyone gathering in front of it will make it difficult for a child to ride his bike...difficult for a ne3wspaper kid to deliver the paper...the mailman deliver the mail....it creates an unecessary disturbance....

But whatever....you live in a politically correct fanatsy land.

Sure...they all went there quitely and in a single file and stood on the sidewalk and said a few things in a soft tone and went home.

Sure....go for it.

So you have nothing at all.

Here's what I could pull ...

It wasn't at the Senator in the OP's house but a WI GOP Senator nonetheless

Union Horde Descends Upon Wisconsin Senator

The horror.

Love the title of the piece, BTW

That is funny. Look at the vid of the people. they don't look like a horde to me either :p
Must you stoop down to trying to discredit me?

My point was his was an opinion.

Me? I dont know anything about the guy...his positions...or his past. But if he was one that lhad an affair? I would not care for him.
But truth is....no one has proven he had an affair. Apparenly, he and his wife broke up...maybe it was her choice?
ANd he went for a newer model.

I'm revealing that despite being a good guy, you're a partisan like anyone else. You said "he clearly wants to do what is best for the State,"

What makes you say "clearly" especially since you two posts later say you find him reprehensible for his actions and wouldn't even vote for him?

I think that by saying this, you show your colors. That's all I'm saying.


You did not see the post I was responding to....

he used the term CLEARLY when describing the guys intentions....so I used the word clearly showing how others can see it differently...

My mistake was using the word "I".....but you see...I know nothing about the guy....I have no idea what his agenda was...and neither does ANYONE who is not directly involved in the situation in Wisconsin....but whan I said "I" and "clearly" I was respinding to him saying the he knows the vhe guy "CLEARLY" had another agenda.

I bleive I have posted many a post that shows I am not partisan.....but now I have to watch exactly how I make a point...and assume people will take each pint at face value without looking at what I was responding to?

Not really necessary...and I thought you were above such BS.

It's the converse, actually. I thought you were above such BS.

You seem to be an Oddball type lately, defending the clearly stupid/inane complaints against the left.....same ole' blah blah just a different day. Then another couple posts go against the right for good measure, ala Oddball.

I am above that BS. I don't choose sides, I only inject myself when a side is obvious really, to point out the absurdity of this all. When it's not so obvious, it's usually just a matter of opinion ......and I can live with differing opinions. When it is obvious ..... there's clearly a purely partisan reasoning behind the conversation to begin with and the absurdity is there like red meat to be eaten.
They did not protest at anyones home.
They did not protest.
They gathered in a public park with a permit.

Nice try though.

It is not a big town, I am sure his neighbors were effected. I figured you would care, since you care about this senators neighbors.

Then his neighbors should complain to the town board for giving them a permit.
They seemed oK with the town collecting the money for the permit...

Luissa....nice try....welll...actually.....very immature try.
Poorly done.
Then maybe the senators neighbors should have made a complaint. Did they?
Do you have evidence that they are blocking the roads?

Violating a noise ordinance?

A curfew?

Perhaps evidence that they are standing on his neighbor's yard?

Didnt say they did any of the above.
Nice defelction from the point being made though.

You, too, dont own a home.
If you did, you would know that anyone gathering in front of it will make it difficult for a child to ride his bike...difficult for a ne3wspaper kid to deliver the paper...the mailman deliver the mail....it creates an unecessary disturbance....

But whatever....you live in a politically correct fanatsy land.

Sure...they all went there quitely and in a single file and stood on the sidewalk and said a few things in a soft tone and went home.

Sure....go for it.

So you have nothing at all.

Here's what I could pull ...

It wasn't at the Senator in the OP's house but a WI GOP Senator nonetheless

Union Horde Descends Upon Wisconsin Senator

The horror.

Love the title of the piece, BTW

LOL...that title is pathetic.
It was a handful of peaceful people asking to speak with the senator.
Jeez....I got to get bacok to work here.
Didnt say they did any of the above.
Nice defelction from the point being made though.

You, too, dont own a home.
If you did, you would know that anyone gathering in front of it will make it difficult for a child to ride his bike...difficult for a ne3wspaper kid to deliver the paper...the mailman deliver the mail....it creates an unecessary disturbance....

But whatever....you live in a politically correct fanatsy land.

Sure...they all went there quitely and in a single file and stood on the sidewalk and said a few things in a soft tone and went home.

Sure....go for it.

So you have nothing at all.

Here's what I could pull ...

It wasn't at the Senator in the OP's house but a WI GOP Senator nonetheless

Union Horde Descends Upon Wisconsin Senator

The horror.

Love the title of the piece, BTW

That is funny. Look at the vid of the people. they don't look like a horde to me either :p

They look like a local Bridge club.
Didnt say they did any of the above.
Nice defelction from the point being made though.

You, too, dont own a home.
If you did, you would know that anyone gathering in front of it will make it difficult for a child to ride his bike...difficult for a ne3wspaper kid to deliver the paper...the mailman deliver the mail....it creates an unecessary disturbance....

But whatever....you live in a politically correct fanatsy land.

Sure...they all went there quitely and in a single file and stood on the sidewalk and said a few things in a soft tone and went home.

Sure....go for it.

So you have nothing at all.

Here's what I could pull ...

It wasn't at the Senator in the OP's house but a WI GOP Senator nonetheless

Union Horde Descends Upon Wisconsin Senator

The horror.

Love the title of the piece, BTW

That is funny. Look at the vid of the people. they don't look like a horde to me either :p

I'm revealing that despite being a good guy, you're a partisan like anyone else. You said "he clearly wants to do what is best for the State,"

What makes you say "clearly" especially since you two posts later say you find him reprehensible for his actions and wouldn't even vote for him?

I think that by saying this, you show your colors. That's all I'm saying.


You did not see the post I was responding to....

he used the term CLEARLY when describing the guys intentions....so I used the word clearly showing how others can see it differently...

My mistake was using the word "I".....but you see...I know nothing about the guy....I have no idea what his agenda was...and neither does ANYONE who is not directly involved in the situation in Wisconsin....but whan I said "I" and "clearly" I was respinding to him saying the he knows the vhe guy "CLEARLY" had another agenda.

I bleive I have posted many a post that shows I am not partisan.....but now I have to watch exactly how I make a point...and assume people will take each pint at face value without looking at what I was responding to?

Not really necessary...and I thought you were above such BS.

It's the converse, actually. I thought you were above such BS.

You seem to be an Oddball type lately, defending the clearly stupid/inane complaints against the left.....same ole' blah blah just a different day. Then another couple posts go against the right for good measure, ala Oddball.

I am above that BS. I don't choose sides, I only inject myself when a side is obvious really, to point out the absurdity of this all. When it's not so obvious, it's usually just a matter of opinion ......and I can live with differing opinions. When it is obvious ..... there's clearly a purely partisan reasoning behind the conversation to begin with and the absurdity is there like red meat to be eaten.

No...you seem to see me in the middle of a debate...and not how it originates.
I was very much taken aback by something article 15 said...and I responded.....go back to the beginning....he, in my eyes, was out of line....and it developed.

But you see me as oddball...so be it.

I know what I believe in and I know what is important to me...I can not help it if a debate goes off line...it is going to happen.

I dont defend petty crap...but I will defend those that are blasted for speaking out against something that others see as petty....I dont see Obama as always wrong, but there are certain things he does that just irk the hell out of me...

I dont jump into the left bashing threads...the bowing to the king threads....the "he is a muslim" threads.....I believ he is a citizen, I do not h9old it against those that continually ask for proof. I do not hate Palin, I just would not vote for her. I do not hate Sheehan...I support her passion but disagree with her cause.

To me the stiumulus was the wrong way to go.
I dont believe hiking taxes on the rich is the answer.
I do not refer to them as the rich..I call them the business owners

Sorry if I disappoint you. I am who I am...and it works quite well for me.

I am by no means an oddball.

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