Wi senator's wife signs his recall pertition

So you have nothing at all.

Here's what I could pull ...

It wasn't at the Senator in the OP's house but a WI GOP Senator nonetheless

Union Horde Descends Upon Wisconsin Senator

The horror.

Love the title of the piece, BTW

That is funny. Look at the vid of the people. they don't look like a horde to me either :p

They look like a local Bridge club.

I think a local bridge club would look even more sinister than they did.
Where did they come upo with horde?
Hell...where did they come up with the word "protest" for that gathering?
It looked like a few people meeting up to get ready to go hiking.

When people feel their rights are being stripped and they protest at the homes of would-be strippers (no pun), it's not the average everyday "don't go to your Senator's house" protest.

It's a protest about their feeling their rights have been violated. That's their freedom at stake, in their eyes.

In the Revolutionary War, we killed actual human beings over this. I'm not comparing the two types of tyranny, of course, I'm comparing what the people felt they were fighting for. It's not so extreme to go and protest a guy's house when put into this context, at all.
What happened to "What a man does with his private sex life Bill Clinton" has changed? doyathink?
Well I didn't vote for Clinton the second time just for the reason that he was doing what he was doing. SO STICK IT WILLOW AND CALIF GIRL.

I have been married three times and never did I have an affair with a new woman without first divorcing the other, and I am not religious at all, but I have more morals in my little finger then bot of you do in your whole LIFES.

I also voted for Bush the first time around but learned from my mistakes as I looked at what he was doing to our country with the war with Iraq and how he conned us into it.
I love it.

The fuck deserves it and more.

Sure. If you disagree with someone, do what you can to make his life miserable.
Great tactic.
Very humane.
Very immature.

He clearly doesn't give a fuck about them.

I'm all for them making his life as uncomfortable as possible until he is given the boot.

Did you say the same about Bubba? Does he deserve to have a miserable life or only republican's who cheat?
Sure. If you disagree with someone, do what you can to make his life miserable.
Great tactic.
Very humane.
Very immature.

He clearly doesn't give a fuck about them.

I'm all for them making his life as uncomfortable as possible until he is given the boot.

Did you say the same about Bubba? Does he deserve to have a miserable life or only republican's who cheat?
Can the Legislature of WI do the same thing to this guy that the Republican Congress did to Clinton? Can they? Should be interesting if they bother. I'm guessing they won't tho.

When people feel their rights are being stripped and they protest at the homes of would-be strippers (no pun), it's not the average everyday "don't go to your Senator's house" protest.

It's a protest about their feeling their rights have been violated. That's their freedom at stake, in their eyes.

In the Revolutionary War, we killed actual human beings over this. I'm not comparing the two types of tyranny, of course, I'm comparing what the people felt they were fighting for. It's not so extreme to go and protest a guy's house when put into this context, at all.

After seeing the clip of the "protest", I see nothing wrong with what waqs done.
I was under the impression it was a hate filled protest...not a handful of poeple peacefully gathering and asking for their rep to give them some time face to face regarding a very sensitive issue.

Dam...it was not even a protest per the laymans definition of a protest.....
He clearly doesn't give a fuck about them.

I'm all for them making his life as uncomfortable as possible until he is given the boot.

Did you say the same about Bubba? Does he deserve to have a miserable life or only republican's who cheat?
Can the Legislature of WI do the same thing to this guy that the Republican Congress did to Clinton? Can they? Should be interesting if they bother. I'm guessing they won't tho.

So you think that only the GOP go on witch hunts?
Both partys play that game.
I didn't watch it, but I would be prepared to defend it even if it was an f-ton of people and all were chanting. So long as nobody was hurt.

If they were mad about something like their taxes going up three cents, I don't think it's right.....but in their minds they're defending an actual right so to me that's a little different.
Did you say the same about Bubba? Does he deserve to have a miserable life or only republican's who cheat?
Can the Legislature of WI do the same thing to this guy that the Republican Congress did to Clinton? Can they? Should be interesting if they bother. I'm guessing they won't tho.

So you think that only the GOP go on witch hunts?
Both partys play that game.

Of course they do...but refresh our memory about the last big democrat witch hunt.
I didn't watch it, but I would be prepared to defend it even if it was an f-ton of people and all were chanting. So long as nobody was hurt.

If they were mad about something like their taxes going up three cents, I don't think it's right.....but in their minds they're defending an actual right so to me that's a little different.

And I personally believe that there is a right time and place to gather to be heard.
The law allows you to do it anywhere....it doesnt mean it is apporpriate...to me.
An f'in ton of people will inconvenience those that live in the neighborhood.
My opinion...

but then again...

I am one that refuses to use any of my power tools on Sundays....even though it is the best day for me to work around my house...I believe it is unfair to the neighbors.
Likewise, I always ask my neighbors if they are having company on Saturdays and I wont use any power tools if they are.
But that is me.
And thus my oipinion.
Can the Legislature of WI do the same thing to this guy that the Republican Congress did to Clinton? Can they? Should be interesting if they bother. I'm guessing they won't tho.

So you think that only the GOP go on witch hunts?
Both partys play that game.

Of course they do...but refresh our memory about the last big democrat witch hunt.

So in other words.....

No you dont think both partys play that game.

Or you wouldnt have asked that question.

Are you saying that hilliary should have headed up an impeachment process?

If she wanted to, I wouldn't have blamed her. Do I think someone should get impeached for getting a blow job? No.

He didn't get impeached for getting a blow job. He was impeached for obstruction of justice and lying to a grand jury.

yeah, rightwingnuts like saying that.

but all y'all got after spending 70 million dollars of our tax money, was a blue dress. :cuckoo:
I think Clinton lost his license to practice law as well. He should be thanking us. Opened up the "President of the World" job.
If she wanted to, I wouldn't have blamed her. Do I think someone should get impeached for getting a blow job? No.

He didn't get impeached for getting a blow job. He was impeached for obstruction of justice and lying to a grand jury.

yeah, rightwingnuts like saying that.

but all y'all got after spending 70 million dollars of our tax money, was a blue dress. :cuckoo:

Of course, if he admitted to doing it, it would have cost the taxpayers nothing.

An intern makes a major accusation aboiut the president, he denies it and forces a hearing....

And it is everyne elses fault but his for the money being spent.

Love that logic.

Sure it was a witch hunt....but exactly what kind of legs would it have gotten if he immediately said "I screwed up...im sorry".
He didn't get impeached for getting a blow job. He was impeached for obstruction of justice and lying to a grand jury.

yeah, rightwingnuts like saying that.

but all y'all got after spending 70 million dollars of our tax money, was a blue dress. :cuckoo:

Of course, if he admitted to doing it, it would have cost the taxpayers nothing.

An intern makes a major accusation aboiut the president, he denies it and forces a hearing....

And it is everyne elses fault but his for the money being spent.

Love that logic.

Sure it was a witch hunt....but exactly what kind of legs would it have gotten if he immediately said "I screwed up...im sorry".

no one ever asked FDR, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Daddy Bush about their dalliances...

and no president was ever forced to give a deposition in a civil matter while in office. those things had always been stayed pending the end of the president's term... but, of course, scalia and buds did one of their partisan hack moves.

and their little witch hunt didn't start with the blue dress... which wasn't any of their business in the first place.

bill always should have told them to piss up a rope.

btw, the "intern" didn't make the accusation. the "intern", who went to D.C. (in her own words) "to get [her] presidential knee pads", told her "friend" linda tripp..... who was there only to set up the president.

so there ya go.

and if he said it immediately, they would have done the same thing.

how many men would answer that question honestly with their wife listening?
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btw, I don't see why everyone has a meltdown if someone protests in front of a politician's home...you go into politics and you have to accept freedom of assembly and free speech.

I accept freedom of speech. But I still find the Phelps family to be reprehensible.
So do I. But there is a huge difference in what the two groups are protesting.
Oh, my...it turns out there was no protest, just a few people knocking on this guy's door. And several in this thread have likened them to the Westboro freaks?

Spare me the whining about Hitler comparisons, rightwingloons.
Oh, my...it turns out there was no protest, just a few people knocking on this guy's door. And several in this thread have likened them to the Westboro freaks?

Spare me the whining about Hitler comparisons, rightwingloons.

We were informed that there was protesting going on. Not really our fault if you guys were lying about it.
Oh, my...it turns out there was no protest, just a few people knocking on this guy's door. And several in this thread have likened them to the Westboro freaks?

Spare me the whining about Hitler comparisons, rightwingloons.

We were informed that there was protesting going on. Not really our fault if you guys were lying about it.

This IS the Party of Personal Responsibility, you know.

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