Wi senator's wife signs his recall pertition

Oh, my...it turns out there was no protest, just a few people knocking on this guy's door. And several in this thread have likened them to the Westboro freaks?

Spare me the whining about Hitler comparisons, rightwingloons.

We were informed that there was protesting going on. Not really our fault if you guys were lying about it.

This IS the Party of Personal Responsibility, you know.
Liberals ate my homework.
Political Circus: Hell hath no fury like a senator's wife scorned - CNN.com

Wisconsin state Sen. Randy Hopper, a Republican from Fond du Lac, is not only facing backlash from constituents angry over his support for Gov. Scott Walker's union busting bill -- but from his wife.

According to RawStory.com, protesters who came to his home this past weekend were met by Mrs. Hopper, who told them that her husband "was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his 25-year-old mistress."

To make matters worse for Sen. Hopper? A recall effort is under way and one of its top supporters is his wife.

I am truely shocked, maybe he's going to run for president as a democrat.
Hummmm, weren't we just told there was no protest.

now who to believe. hummm

According to RawStory.com, protesters who came to his home this past weekend
Political Circus: Hell hath no fury like a senator's wife scorned - CNN.com

Wisconsin state Sen. Randy Hopper, a Republican from Fond du Lac, is not only facing backlash from constituents angry over his support for Gov. Scott Walker's union busting bill -- but from his wife.

According to RawStory.com, protesters who came to his home this past weekend were met by Mrs. Hopper, who told them that her husband "was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his 25-year-old mistress."

To make matters worse for Sen. Hopper? A recall effort is under way and one of its top supporters is his wife.

Oh please..Have you no other way to spend your time.
Look genius, the taxpayers of Wisconsin have spoken. This is what they want. They voted for people who promised to represent their interests, not those of union paid lobbyists and public employees.
It's OVER....No more cushy benefits and gold plated pensions.
Political Circus: Hell hath no fury like a senator's wife scorned - CNN.com

Wisconsin state Sen. Randy Hopper, a Republican from Fond du Lac, is not only facing backlash from constituents angry over his support for Gov. Scott Walker's union busting bill -- but from his wife.

According to RawStory.com, protesters who came to his home this past weekend were met by Mrs. Hopper, who told them that her husband "was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his 25-year-old mistress."

To make matters worse for Sen. Hopper? A recall effort is under way and one of its top supporters is his wife.

Oh please..Have you no other way to spend your time.
Look genius, the taxpayers of Wisconsin have spoken. This is what they want. They voted for people who promised to represent their interests, not those of union paid lobbyists and public employees.
It's OVER....No more cushy benefits and gold plated pensions.

Not embarassed, are you?
Of course they do...but refresh our memory about the last big democrat witch hunt.

So in other words.....

No you dont think both partys play that game.

Or you wouldnt have asked that question.
If you can't find an example of Democrats doing it right away, just tell us so.


Like I said....

You DONT beleive the democrats do it....so why did you lie and say "of course they do"?

You arew way too easy a tool to play with anymore.
According to the story, both his wife and the maid signed the petition to recall Wisconsin State GOP Senator Randy Hopper. Its one thing to cheat on your wife, but when your maid turns against you ......

I wonder how many of those "greedy" Wisconsin's public sector employees can afford to:

- pay alimony,

- keep a maid,

- maintain a second residence in Madison

and keep a 25-year-old mistress on the side!

Now there's a guy with too much free time on his hands and too much money to spend!
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According to the story, both his wife and the maid signed the petition to recall Wisconsin State GOP Senator Randy Hopper.

I wonder how many of Wisconsin's public employees can afford to keep a maid and a 25-year-old mistress on the side!

And exactly what makes you think she is a mistress?
Do you know he was having an affair?
From what I have heard, they are no longer living with each other and he is now living with a 25 year old lobbyist.
Maybe he caught his wife in bed with the maid and so he left her.....and didnt hook up with the 25 year old lobbyist until after he left his wife.
So in other words.....

No you dont think both partys play that game.

Or you wouldnt have asked that question.
If you can't find an example of Democrats doing it right away, just tell us so.


Like I said....

You DONT beleive the democrats do it....so why did you lie and say "of course they do"?

You arew way too easy a tool to play with anymore.

I have no doubt that Democrats do it too...was simply asking you for an example of them doing so.....and then you go and flat out lie about what I've said. Wouldn't it have been easier and more honest of you to either: 1) say you can't find one, or 2) actually find one for me....?
According to the story, both his wife and the maid signed the petition to recall Wisconsin State GOP Senator Randy Hopper.

I wonder how many of Wisconsin's public employees can afford to keep a maid and a 25-year-old mistress on the side!

And exactly what makes you think she is a mistress?
Do you know he was having an affair?
From what I have heard, they are no longer living with each other and he is now living with a 25 year old lobbyist.
Maybe he caught his wife in bed with the maid and so he left her.....and didnt hook up with the 25 year old lobbyist until after he left his wife.

Well, it could be a 25 year old MALE lobbyist....that would make some heads explode, wouldn't it?
Protesting at an individual's home is a disgraceful tactic. I am not at all surprised, however, that this is overlooked by TM or CNN in their desperate grasping for straws.
I disagree.

Bringing "disgrace upon one's house" is an admonition occurring in Biblical Scripture and the implication is clear. The things we do, the good and the bad, affect those we love because when we are family we are one and not separate. We need to know, or be made to know, that our transgressions will affect more than our individual selves.

Did this corrupt sonofabitch consider the effect his devious actions might have on his family? If not he should have. And maybe what is happening to him now will give others in his position pause before they mimic his conduct.

Don't fault the public for its response to a dirty politician. His action did not consider the pain it would bring upon our families.
The senator's wife . . . she mad.


Hell hath no fury. . .
Well you gotta' admit that's pretty funny. Like the wife who finds out her husband is cheating so she sells all his prize possessions for a dollar.

Or worse. E.g., Lorenna Bobbit, whose philandering husband would agree that losing one's material posessions is minor compared with some things a pissed off wife can do.
Precisely, never mind who else is impacted by it. His wife, his kids, neighbors, all are 'collateral damage' to these drooling hordes. If this was the TEA Parties showing up at the private residence of a Democrat.... they'd be howling like fucking banshees about it. It is, to anyone with a reasonable moral code, reprehensible behavior. But the left have no moral code.
It would depend on the reason and your comparative hypothesis offers none.

Give us an example of something a Democrat might do and we'll tell you if we think a similar response is appropriate or not, and why.
Tax-Shy Randy Hopper's $250 Million Yearly Capital Gains Giveaway

Tax Avoiding Senator Proposes Deficit-Growing Tax Break Primarily Helping Wealthy
Madison - Sen. Randy Hopper (R-Fond du Lac), who paid net state income taxes once in ten years, has proposed an end to capital gains taxes, which primarily benefit the wealthy and would cost $250 million a year, according to the non-partisan Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

Hopper introduced his plan this week to repeal recent changes to the state's generous capital gains loophole and end capital gains taxes all together in three years. The first part of this plan would add $243 million to the current to the current $3.3 billion budget deficit for the next two years and full implementation of the Hopper capital gains scheme would top $250 million every year. [Legislative Fiscal Bureau, Act 28, 8/09][/b]

Hopper's lack of tax payment was raised in an article in the Fond du Lac Reporter in October 2008. The article noted that Hopper not only paid state income tax just once in ten years, but also had three businesses, which also paid no net state income tax. According to the article, "In 2006 he paid $22,752 in state tax due, he said, to capital gains from the sale of one of the two radio stations he owns in Sheboygan."

..... Capital gains tax breaks are given disproportionately to those at the top of the income ladder. According to the data from the state fiscal bureau, before the change to the Wisconsin capital gains tax in 2009, the highest two percent of Wisconsin tax filers earning over $200,000 got over half the benefit. By contrast, the bottom two-thirds of income earners, those under $50,000, got just 15 percent. [Wisconsin Council on Children and Families, 6/22/09]

Wisconsin State GOP Senator Randy Hopper'a resume
- cheats on his wife (Adultery is a Class I felony in Wisconsin)

- started an affair in January 2010 with a 25-year-old Republican aide

- moved out of his legal residence in the district on May 2010

- Wisconsin State law requires that Senators live in the district they represent

- Hopper spokesperson state that the Senator has an apartment in the district where he lives and works but provided no home address

- Hopper filed a petition for divorce in August, 2010

- "It is correct that my husband, Randy Hopper, started an affair in January 2010 with a then-25-year-old Republican aide. This affair has caused great emotional pain for my children and me. Randy moved out, without attempting marital counseling, as of May 2010 and now lives mostly in Madison."
(Alysia Hopper)

- only paid state income tax just once in ten years, but can afford a maid

- had 3 businesses, which also paid no net state income tax

- forced to pay $22,752 in state capital gains tax from the sale of one of his 2 radio stations in 2006

- recently introduced plan to end capital gains taxes all together in 3 years that would add another approximately $250 million annually to the state debt

- highest 2% of Wisconsin tax filers earning over $200,000 would get over 50% of the benefit from ending state capital gains tax

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Precisely, never mind who else is impacted by it. His wife, his kids, neighbors, all are 'collateral damage' to these drooling hordes. If this was the TEA Parties showing up at the private residence of a Democrat.... they'd be howling like fucking banshees about it. It is, to anyone with a reasonable moral code, reprehensible behavior. But the left have no moral code.
It would depend on the reason and your comparative hypothesis offers none.

Give us an example of something a Democrat might do and we'll tell you if we think a similar response is appropriate or not, and why.
So, when is it ever approiate to show up at a persons private residence and act like a bunch of disrespectful lil' douchebags, and make the lives of their INNOCENT children and neighbors living hells?

That's the problem nowadays, many liberals are just loony lil' idiots!
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Precisely, never mind who else is impacted by it. His wife, his kids, neighbors, all are 'collateral damage' to these drooling hordes. If this was the TEA Parties showing up at the private residence of a Democrat.... they'd be howling like fucking banshees about it. It is, to anyone with a reasonable moral code, reprehensible behavior. But the left have no moral code.
It would depend on the reason and your comparative hypothesis offers none.

Give us an example of something a Democrat might do and we'll tell you if we think a similar response is appropriate or not, and why.
So, when is it ever approiate to show up at a persons private residence and act like a bunch of disrespectful lil' douchebags, and make the lives of their INNOCENT children and neighbors living hells?

That's the problem nowadays, many liberals are just loony lil' idiots!

It doesn't stop liberals doing that, acorn is proof when they attacked the homes of bank CEO's.
Friday, March 11, 2011
State Senator Randy Hopper Needs to be Investigated for Voter Fraud and Embezzlement
Friday, March 11, 2011

In Wisconsin legislators who live outside Dane County get a per diem of $88 a day when they travel to Madison for work (inside Dane Co. legislators get $44/day). If Hopper claimed the outside Dane County per diems when he was, in fact, living inside Dane County, now we're talking about possible embezzlement charges

..... if Hopper lived in Madison between August 18th and the November 2nd election, yet returned to Fond du Lac to vote during the midterm election, he may have committed voter fraud. Voting laws in Wisconsin require people to vote at the polling place for where they have been living for 10 days prior to the election (that's the extremely short version of the law). If Hopper was essentially living with his girlfriend during that time then his proper polling place should have been in Madison.

..... Right now there's a very good case to be made that Hopper is a Madison resident, has been for the last 6-7 months, and was on November 2nd of last year. If he voted in Fond du Lac, he may have committed voter fraud


1. According to his estranged wife, Senator Hopper moved out of his primary residence that he shared with his wife and children in May 2010 and currently in Madison.
Wisconsin State law, fowever, requires that Senators lives in the district they represent.
Hopper's spokesperson has stated that the Senator does live in an apartment within the district but has provided no home address to confirm this claim.

2. Hopper voted in Fond du Lac (District 18) during the November 2010 midterm election.
Wisconsin state law requires that a voter live the district ay least 10 days prior to the election.
If Hopper cannot prove that he had a primary residence in District 18, 10 days prior to the election, he has committed voter fraud.

3. In Wisconsin, Senators who reside outside of Dane County (Madison) get a per diem of $88 a day when they travel to Madison - inside Dane Co. legislators get $44/day. If Hopper continued to claim the outside Dane County per diem after he moved from his primary residence to Madison, as his wife claims, he would no longer be entitled to the $88 a day. If Madison became his principle residence, then he was obligated to inform the appropriate government officials in order to reduce his per diem to $44 a day - otherwise he is guilty of fraud.
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