Wi senator's wife signs his recall pertition

So this man should be harassed for his affair with a 25 year old but Bill Clintonista should be :clap2:. Is that the gist of the story? OMFG.
Not everyone reveres Bill Clinton.

I thought Clinton should have been removed from Office for his sleazy conduct.

The difference between Clinton's and Eliot Spitzer's conduct, for example, was vast. Whereas Clinton was contemptibly audacious in his sleazy action, Spitzer was discreet and reasonably cautious. But when Spitzer was charged he made no effort to deny what he'd done but he apologized and resigned, which demonstrates strong character.

Clinton's relentless attempt to deceive demonstrates patently deceitful character. Yet the lying, self-serving scumbag is adored by the public.
His personal issues with his wife are not my business. But ranting crowds outside anyone's private residence is over the line of decency... for anyone who actually knows what that word means. You don't. Your problem. I would not approve of it from the right, and I do not approve of it from the left. Leave people's family out of your fucking rabid hatred. Not hard.
The crowd is not outside his house because he had an affair. The public couldn't care less about that. Those people are pissed off at him for supporting Walker's union busting bill which inevitably will visit the miseries of poverty upon hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of working people who will be devastatingly affected by his action if it is not reversed.

The fact that he'd derived the benefits of a bimbo serves as evidence of his corruption. What do you think motivates these young babes, the irresistable masculinity of these seedy professional liars or a $5,000 per weekend gratuity from a Koch Brothers lobbyist? Let that obvious intelligence of yours overcome your naivete and apparently compulsive romanticism..

I think the corrupt bastards, all of them, should be dragged out of their houses, stripped naked and tarred and feathered, as were the Tories who betrayed the public interest in a more historical time. The crowd outside this bastard's house are constituents whom he betrayed. The bimbo was his reward, the people know it and are pissed off about it -- as is his wife, who kicked him out.
His personal issues with his wife are not my business. But ranting crowds outside anyone's private residence is over the line of decency... for anyone who actually knows what that word means. You don't. Your problem. I would not approve of it from the right, and I do not approve of it from the left. Leave people's family out of your fucking rabid hatred. Not hard.
The crowd is not outside his house because he had an affair. The public couldn't care less about that. Those people are pissed off at him for supporting Walker's union busting bill which inevitably will visit the miseries of poverty upon hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of working people who will be devastatingly affected by his action if it is not reversed.

The fact that he'd derived the benefits of a bimbo serves as evidence of his corruption. What do you think motivates these young babes, the irresistable masculinity of these seedy professional liars or a $5,000 per weekend gratuity from a Koch Brothers lobbyist? Let that obvious intelligence of yours overcome your naivete and apparently compulsive romanticism..

I think the corrupt bastards, all of them, should be dragged out of their houses, stripped naked and tarred and feathered, as were the Tories who betrayed the public interest in a more historical time. The crowd outside this bastard's house are constituents whom he betrayed. The bimbo was his reward, the people know it and are pissed off about it -- as is his wife, who kicked him out.
How about you just walk up to him at a grocery store meet and greet event and shoot him in the head, along with a few other people?

You libs sure are the peaceful, non-violent types, eh?

Well, at least that'swhat we heard from you people a couple o' months back, anyway.
Those people are pissed off at him for supporting Walker's union busting bill which inevitably will visit the miseries of poverty upon hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of working people who will be devastatingly affected by his action if it is not reversed.

wow, can you get anymore dramatic.
and now calling for people to be DRAGGED from their home and tarred and feathered.
Precisely, never mind who else is impacted by it. His wife, his kids, neighbors, all are 'collateral damage' to these drooling hordes. If this was the TEA Parties showing up at the private residence of a Democrat.... they'd be howling like fucking banshees about it. It is, to anyone with a reasonable moral code, reprehensible behavior. But the left have no moral code.
It would depend on the reason and your comparative hypothesis offers none.

Give us an example of something a Democrat might do and we'll tell you if we think a similar response is appropriate or not, and why.
So, when is it ever approiate to show up at a persons private residence and act like a bunch of disrespectful lil' douchebags, and make the lives of their INNOCENT children and neighbors living hells?

That's the problem nowadays, many liberals are just loony lil' idiots!
The crucial fact in all this is that since May 2010, Senator Hopper has moved his principle residence to another location.

His estranged wife is on the record stating that he now lives in Madison, which could mean that Hopper has violated one or more Wisconsin state laws. (see post 308)

Hopper is obligated to inform the appropriate authorities as to the location of his primary residence since May 2010 and provide proof (rent receipts, phone bills) to remove any suspicion that he was living in Madison.
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So, when is it ever approiate to show up at a persons private residence and act like a bunch of disrespectful lil' douchebags, and make the lives of their INNOCENT children and neighbors living hells?

That's the problem nowadays, many liberals are just loony lil' idiots!
How much thought have you given to the effect the Walker Bill, which this sonofabitch supported, will have on the families of the union workers whom he was elected to represent? How many of them will lose their homes when their union wages are slashed or their jobs eliminated? How many of them will lose their health insurance and pensions?

I'm curious about your current status. Are you still in the military, which would effectively detach you from concern with the value of unions? Or are you independently employed or wealthy? Because you obviously are not a union member nor are you at all aware of the importance of unions and the effect the Walker Bill will have on them. So you might want to order these movies from NetFlix because I believe they will interest you:

Harlan County USA

The Molly McGuires

On The Waterfront

Norma Rae



This treacherous senator is lucky that vocal demonstrations are all he's gotten at his house. What he's done will hurt a lot of people and their kids who are about to experience a much better example of "living hell" than some demonstrating constitutents on the front sidewalk.
His personal issues with his wife are not my business. But ranting crowds outside anyone's private residence is over the line of decency... for anyone who actually knows what that word means. You don't. Your problem. I would not approve of it from the right, and I do not approve of it from the left. Leave people's family out of your fucking rabid hatred. Not hard.
The crowd is not outside his house because he had an affair. The public couldn't care less about that. Those people are pissed off at him for supporting Walker's union busting bill which inevitably will visit the miseries of poverty upon hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of working people who will be devastatingly affected by his action if it is not reversed.

The fact that he'd derived the benefits of a bimbo serves as evidence of his corruption. What do you think motivates these young babes, the irresistable masculinity of these seedy professional liars or a $5,000 per weekend gratuity from a Koch Brothers lobbyist? Let that obvious intelligence of yours overcome your naivete and apparently compulsive romanticism..

I think the corrupt bastards, all of them, should be dragged out of their houses, stripped naked and tarred and feathered, as were the Tories who betrayed the public interest in a more historical time. The crowd outside this bastard's house are constituents whom he betrayed. The bimbo was his reward, the people know it and are pissed off about it -- as is his wife, who kicked him out.
How about you just walk up to him at a grocery store meet and greet event and shoot him in the head, along with a few other people?

You libs sure are the peaceful, non-violent types, eh?

Well, at least that'swhat we heard from you people a couple o' months back, anyway.
Now I'm convinced that you are an adolescent interloper and I'm putting you on Ignore.
According to RawStory.com, protesters who came to his home this past weekend were met by Mrs. Hopper, who told them that her husband "was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his 25-year-old mistress."

To make matters worse for Sen. Hopper? A recall effort is under way and one of its top supporters is his wife.

You go girl. :eusa_dance:
btw, I don't see why everyone has a meltdown if someone protests in front of a politician's home...you go into politics and you have to accept freedom of assembly and free speech.

There WAS a time when it was just COMMEN DECENCY to not harass a persons family, until people with your thinking came along.
And there was a time when treacherous politicians like Hopper were branded Tories, dragged kicking and screaming from their homes, stripped naked and tarred and feathered -- and some were actually hanged.

Politics is a serious business but the spoiled S.O.B.s who have found their way into the modern American version of it seem to think they are fully insulated aristocrats who are immune from any further criticism than a nasty email now and then.

What I have to tell you, Stephanie, is if you marry a public figure you'd better be sure he isn't into anything that could piss off a lot of people and cause them to come looking for him. When you hitch your wagon to a star you need to check what direction it's headed in.

The ostracism Hopper will experience as a result of his treachery is part of the relatively mild punishment he will receive. I personally prefer tar and feathers.
According to RawStory.com, protesters who came to his home this past weekend were met by Mrs. Hopper, who told them that her husband "was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his 25-year-old mistress."

To make matters worse for Sen. Hopper? A recall effort is under way and one of its top supporters is his wife.

You go girl. :eusa_dance:

Exactly. GO. And don't come back.
btw, I don't see why everyone has a meltdown if someone protests in front of a politician's home...you go into politics and you have to accept freedom of assembly and free speech.

There WAS a time when it was just COMMEN DECENCY to not harass a persons family, until people with your thinking came along.
And there was a time when treacherous politicians like Hopper were branded Tories, dragged kicking and screaming from their homes, stripped naked and tarred and feathered -- and some were actually hanged.

Politics is a serious business but the spoiled S.O.B.s who have found their way into the modern American version of it seem to think they are fully insulated aristocrats who are immune from any further criticism than a nasty email now and then.

What I have to tell you, Stephanie, is if you marry a public figure you'd better be sure he isn't into anything that could piss off a lot of people and cause them to come looking for him. When you hitch your wagon to a star you need to check what direction it's headed in.

The ostracism Hopper will experience as a result of his treachery is part of the relatively mild punishment he will receive. I personally prefer tar and feathers.

for crying out loud, all he did WAS CAST A VOTE.
If all you spew is right, then Obama would of been hung by now.

gawd you should be in drama or something.
btw, I don't see why everyone has a meltdown if someone protests in front of a politician's home...you go into politics and you have to accept freedom of assembly and free speech.

There WAS a time when it was just COMMEN DECENCY to not harass a persons family, until people with your thinking came along.
And there was a time when treacherous politicians like Hopper were branded Tories, dragged kicking and screaming from their homes, stripped naked and tarred and feathered -- and some were actually hanged.

Politics is a serious business but the spoiled S.O.B.s who have found their way into the modern American version of it seem to think they are fully insulated aristocrats who are immune from any further criticism than a nasty email now and then.

What I have to tell you, Stephanie, is if you marry a public figure you'd better be sure he isn't into anything that could piss off a lot of people and cause them to come looking for him. When you hitch your wagon to a star you need to check what direction it's headed in.

The ostracism Hopper will experience as a result of his treachery is part of the relatively mild punishment he will receive. I personally prefer tar and feathers.

Judging from your postings? You prefer lynching.
The crowd is not outside his house because he had an affair. The public couldn't care less about that. Those people are pissed off at him for supporting Walker's union busting bill which inevitably will visit the miseries of poverty upon hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of working people who will be devastatingly affected by his action if it is not reversed.

The fact that he'd derived the benefits of a bimbo serves as evidence of his corruption. What do you think motivates these young babes, the irresistable masculinity of these seedy professional liars or a $5,000 per weekend gratuity from a Koch Brothers lobbyist? Let that obvious intelligence of yours overcome your naivete and apparently compulsive romanticism..

I think the corrupt bastards, all of them, should be dragged out of their houses, stripped naked and tarred and feathered, as were the Tories who betrayed the public interest in a more historical time. The crowd outside this bastard's house are constituents whom he betrayed. The bimbo was his reward, the people know it and are pissed off about it -- as is his wife, who kicked him out.
How about you just walk up to him at a grocery store meet and greet event and shoot him in the head, along with a few other people?

You libs sure are the peaceful, non-violent types, eh?

Well, at least that'swhat we heard from you people a couple o' months back, anyway.
Now I'm convinced that you are an adolescent interloper and I'm putting you on Ignore.
Put me on ignore!.....It just shows that what you said was completely ridiculous, and you were called on it.

What you called for is anarchy......What you called for was an elected politician being dragged from his home and, for all intensive purposes, tortured.

Obama is destroying this country economically, and in many other ways. Would I EVER call for him being dragged from the whitehouse to be tortured for his doing so?......Absolutely not. That's what elections are for.....And his ass will be tossed from office come '12.

You, Art 15, and several other lib's up here are disgusting to the core. You people are the worst of america, fully on display.
How about you just walk up to him at a grocery store meet and greet event and shoot him in the head, along with a few other people?

You libs sure are the peaceful, non-violent types, eh?

Well, at least that'swhat we heard from you people a couple o' months back, anyway.
Now I'm convinced that you are an adolescent interloper and I'm putting you on Ignore.
Put me on ignore!.....It just shows that what you said was completely ridiculous, and you were called on it.

What you called for is anarchy......What you called for was an elected politician being dragged from his home and, for all intensive purposes, tortured.

Obama is destroying this country economically, and in many other ways. Would I EVER call for him being dragged from the whitehouse to be tortured for his doing so?......Absolutely not. That's what elections are for.....And his ass will be tossed from office come '12.

You, Art 15, and several other lib's up here are disgusting to the core. You people are the worst of america, fully on display.

How about you just walk up to him at a grocery store meet and greet event and shoot him in the head, along with a few other people?

You libs sure are the peaceful, non-violent types, eh?

Well, at least that'swhat we heard from you people a couple o' months back, anyway.
Now I'm convinced that you are an adolescent interloper and I'm putting you on Ignore.
Put me on ignore!.....It just shows that what you said was completely ridiculous, and you were called on it.

What you called for is anarchy......What you called for was an elected politician being dragged from his home and, for all intensive purposes, tortured.

Obama is destroying this country economically, and in many other ways. Would I EVER call for him being dragged from the whitehouse to be tortured for his doing so?......Absolutely not. That's what elections are for.....And his ass will be tossed from office come '12.

You, Art 15, and several other lib's up here are disgusting to the core. You people are the worst of america, fully on display.
Says the guy that writes pornography about young girls.

What a toad and a hypocrite you are.
His personal issues with his wife are not my business. But ranting crowds outside anyone's private residence is over the line of decency... for anyone who actually knows what that word means. You don't. Your problem. I would not approve of it from the right, and I do not approve of it from the left. Leave people's family out of your fucking rabid hatred. Not hard.
The crowd is not outside his house because he had an affair. The public couldn't care less about that. Those people are pissed off at him for supporting Walker's union busting bill which inevitably will visit the miseries of poverty upon hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of working people who will be devastatingly affected by his action if it is not reversed.

The fact that he'd derived the benefits of a bimbo serves as evidence of his corruption. What do you think motivates these young babes, the irresistable masculinity of these seedy professional liars or a $5,000 per weekend gratuity from a Koch Brothers lobbyist? Let that obvious intelligence of yours overcome your naivete and apparently compulsive romanticism..

I think the corrupt bastards, all of them, should be dragged out of their houses, stripped naked and tarred and feathered, as were the Tories who betrayed the public interest in a more historical time. The crowd outside this bastard's house are constituents whom he betrayed. The bimbo was his reward, the people know it and are pissed off about it -- as is his wife, who kicked him out.
How about you just walk up to him at a grocery store meet and greet event and shoot him in the head, along with a few other people?

You libs sure are the peaceful, non-violent types, eh?

Well, at least that'swhat we heard from you people a couple o' months back, anyway.

Wicked Jester's version of Classy.
Let me get this straight, every democrat in the state senate abandoned their posts for a month and let a vote happen in their absence that they didn't want and they want to recall a republican? The world is upside down under liberalism.

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