Wi senator's wife signs his recall pertition

Just as classy as agreeing with these THUGs invading someone privacy and family because they didn't like the way they voted.

Or suggesting they should be DRAGGED from their homes and tarred and feathered.

Or wanting to throw pies at people.
for crying out loud, all he did WAS CAST A VOTE.
If all you spew is right, then Obama would of been hung by now.

gawd you should be in drama or something.
First, if you wish to hang Obama you'll hear no protest from me.

As for the vote Hopper cast, do you understand its implications? I don't think so. Because if you did you would understand why those people are pissed off enough to want to lynch him.

Hopper's district in Terre Haute consists mainly of unionized blue collar workers. They elected Hopper based on his promise to defend their interests. Instead he voted to pass a Bill which is likely to cause many of them to lose their homes, lose their health insurance, lose their pensions, and in many cases to lose their jobs. What else could motivate him to do that other then being treated to the caresses of a young female lobbyist in the employ of the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests?

How would you react to such political betrayal? I'm sure if you were affected by Hopper's treacherous vote you would be right there outside his house cursing at him.

Last question; are you, or is anyone close to you, a union member -- and do you understand the importance of unions to the American middle class?
Just as classy as agreeing with these THUGs invading someone privacy and family because they didn't like the way they voted.

Or suggesting they should be DRAGGED from their homes and tarred and feathered.

Or wanting to throw pies at people.

Or shouting them down as they try to speak. *CHILDREN* that never or refuse to grow up because truth deals them a hand that belies the lies they have been taught.
for crying out loud, all he did WAS CAST A VOTE.
If all you spew is right, then Obama would of been hung by now.

gawd you should be in drama or something.
First, if you wish to hang Obama you'll hear no protest from me.

As for the vote Hopper cast, do you understand its implications? I don't think so. Because if you did you would understand why those people are pissed off enough to want to lynch him.

Hopper's district in Terre Haute consists mainly of unionized blue collar workers. They elected Hopper based on his promise to defend their interests. Instead he voted to pass a Bill which is likely to cause many of them to lose their homes, lose their health insurance, lose their pensions, and in many cases to lose their jobs. What else could motivate him to do that other then being treated to the caresses of a young female lobbyist in the employ of the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests?

How would you react to such political betrayal? I'm sure if you were affected by Hopper's treacherous vote you would be right there outside his house cursing at him.

Last question; are you, or is anyone close to you, a union member -- and do you understand the importance of unions to the American middle class?

you damn right I worked for a couple of UNIONS, and what I saw they did to the Employers they worked for MADE ME ASHAMED to be a member.

And you frikken UNHINGED people BETTER HOPE you don't start seeing ACTUAL VIOLENCE by your calls for this type of thuggery. It will be YOU ALL who has the BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS.
for crying out loud, all he did WAS CAST A VOTE.
If all you spew is right, then Obama would of been hung by now.

gawd you should be in drama or something.
First, if you wish to hang Obama you'll hear no protest from me.

As for the vote Hopper cast, do you understand its implications? I don't think so. Because if you did you would understand why those people are pissed off enough to want to lynch him.

Hopper's district in Terre Haute consists mainly of unionized blue collar workers. They elected Hopper based on his promise to defend their interests. Instead he voted to pass a Bill which is likely to cause many of them to lose their homes, lose their health insurance, lose their pensions, and in many cases to lose their jobs. What else could motivate him to do that other then being treated to the caresses of a young female lobbyist in the employ of the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests?

How would you react to such political betrayal? I'm sure if you were affected by Hopper's treacherous vote you would be right there outside his house cursing at him.

Last question; are you, or is anyone close to you, a union member -- and do you understand the importance of unions to the American middle class?

Secret Service? You reading this?
for crying out loud, all he did WAS CAST A VOTE.
If all you spew is right, then Obama would of been hung by now.

gawd you should be in drama or something.
First, if you wish to hang Obama you'll hear no protest from me.

As for the vote Hopper cast, do you understand its implications? I don't think so. Because if you did you would understand why those people are pissed off enough to want to lynch him.

Hopper's district in Terre Haute consists mainly of unionized blue collar workers. They elected Hopper based on his promise to defend their interests. Instead he voted to pass a Bill which is likely to cause many of them to lose their homes, lose their health insurance, lose their pensions, and in many cases to lose their jobs. What else could motivate him to do that other then being treated to the caresses of a young female lobbyist in the employ of the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests?

How would you react to such political betrayal? I'm sure if you were affected by Hopper's treacherous vote you would be right there outside his house cursing at him.

Last question; are you, or is anyone close to you, a union member -- and do you understand the importance of unions to the American middle class?

Gotta LINK that shows that he IS in their employ?

KOCH Brothers...Statist retort to SOROS.
Let me get this straight, every democrat in the state senate abandoned their posts for a month and let a vote happen in their absence that they didn't want and they want to recall a republican? The world is upside down under liberalism.
What you don't understand is owing to the intricacies of political process leaving their posts was a last ditch effort to prevent that Bill from being passed. Their presence would have expedited its passage in spite of their opposition because they were outnumbered. I call that a sincere and heroic effort to protect the interests of the constituents who elected them against an obviously corrupt administration and its Republican lackeys.
Now I'm convinced that you are an adolescent interloper and I'm putting you on Ignore.
Put me on ignore!.....It just shows that what you said was completely ridiculous, and you were called on it.

What you called for is anarchy......What you called for was an elected politician being dragged from his home and, for all intensive purposes, tortured.

Obama is destroying this country economically, and in many other ways. Would I EVER call for him being dragged from the whitehouse to be tortured for his doing so?......Absolutely not. That's what elections are for.....And his ass will be tossed from office come '12.

You, Art 15, and several other lib's up here are disgusting to the core. You people are the worst of america, fully on display.
Says the guy that writes pornography about young girls.

What a toad and a hypocrite you are.
I never wrote pornography about young girls, lil' missy.

Why don't you put up the full context of what I said, dirtbag?

Too include, in response to your attacks on Palin and her special needs child.

What did I say I Ravi?......Oh that's right:

"Isn't it just funny what I said, Palin haters......Isn't what I just said a fuckin' hoot?........Isn't it just funny that I attacked Obama's kids. Don't you just think it's knee slappin' funny?....C'mon' libs laugh with me....We're all attacking kids now, so lets just laugh at the disgusting comments I made towards Obama's kids.......Show me the difference, libs.....Lets all laugh at bringing the kids into the equation.

You know what that thread was about. Everybody on this board who saw that thread, knows what it was about......Everybody knows that I was not serious in what I said....But it did work brilliantly in exposing disgusting pigs like you, who where vociferously attacking Palin and her child.

Just admit it Ravi.....It exposed, YOU!

Last edited:
for crying out loud, all he did WAS CAST A VOTE.
If all you spew is right, then Obama would of been hung by now.

gawd you should be in drama or something.
First, if you wish to hang Obama you'll hear no protest from me.

As for the vote Hopper cast, do you understand its implications? I don't think so. Because if you did you would understand why those people are pissed off enough to want to lynch him.

Hopper's district in Terre Haute consists mainly of unionized blue collar workers. They elected Hopper based on his promise to defend their interests. Instead he voted to pass a Bill which is likely to cause many of them to lose their homes, lose their health insurance, lose their pensions, and in many cases to lose their jobs. What else could motivate him to do that other then being treated to the caresses of a young female lobbyist in the employ of the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests?

How would you react to such political betrayal? I'm sure if you were affected by Hopper's treacherous vote you would be right there outside his house cursing at him.

Last question; are you, or is anyone close to you, a union member -- and do you understand the importance of unions to the American middle class?

Secret Service? You reading this?

Watching the left coming UNGLUED is a sad and now it seems, DANGEROUS thing to watch.
for crying out loud, all he did WAS CAST A VOTE.
If all you spew is right, then Obama would of been hung by now.

gawd you should be in drama or something.
First, if you wish to hang Obama you'll hear no protest from me.

As for the vote Hopper cast, do you understand its implications? I don't think so. Because if you did you would understand why those people are pissed off enough to want to lynch him.

Hopper's district in Terre Haute consists mainly of unionized blue collar workers. They elected Hopper based on his promise to defend their interests. Instead he voted to pass a Bill which is likely to cause many of them to lose their homes, lose their health insurance, lose their pensions, and in many cases to lose their jobs. What else could motivate him to do that other then being treated to the caresses of a young female lobbyist in the employ of the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests?

How would you react to such political betrayal? I'm sure if you were affected by Hopper's treacherous vote you would be right there outside his house cursing at him.

Last question; are you, or is anyone close to you, a union member -- and do you understand the importance of unions to the American middle class?

Piss on the unions. They keep non union people from working, and to be part of the union you must pay them to work. I say again piss on the unions.
First, if you wish to hang Obama you'll hear no protest from me.

As for the vote Hopper cast, do you understand its implications? I don't think so. Because if you did you would understand why those people are pissed off enough to want to lynch him.

Hopper's district in Terre Haute consists mainly of unionized blue collar workers. They elected Hopper based on his promise to defend their interests. Instead he voted to pass a Bill which is likely to cause many of them to lose their homes, lose their health insurance, lose their pensions, and in many cases to lose their jobs. What else could motivate him to do that other then being treated to the caresses of a young female lobbyist in the employ of the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests?

How would you react to such political betrayal? I'm sure if you were affected by Hopper's treacherous vote you would be right there outside his house cursing at him.

Last question; are you, or is anyone close to you, a union member -- and do you understand the importance of unions to the American middle class?

Secret Service? You reading this?

Watching the left coming UNGLUED is a sad and now it seems, DANGEROUS thing to watch.

Very dangerous for this Republic.
for crying out loud, all he did WAS CAST A VOTE.
If all you spew is right, then Obama would of been hung by now.

gawd you should be in drama or something.
First, if you wish to hang Obama you'll hear no protest from me.

As for the vote Hopper cast, do you understand its implications? I don't think so. Because if you did you would understand why those people are pissed off enough to want to lynch him.

Hopper's district in Terre Haute consists mainly of unionized blue collar workers. They elected Hopper based on his promise to defend their interests. Instead he voted to pass a Bill which is likely to cause many of them to lose their homes, lose their health insurance, lose their pensions, and in many cases to lose their jobs. What else could motivate him to do that other then being treated to the caresses of a young female lobbyist in the employ of the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests?

How would you react to such political betrayal? I'm sure if you were affected by Hopper's treacherous vote you would be right there outside his house cursing at him.

Last question; are you, or is anyone close to you, a union member -- and do you understand the importance of unions to the American middle class?

Piss on the unions. They keep non union people from working, and to be part of the union you must pay them to work. I say again piss on the unions.

To pay dues in order to hold a JOB is VERY UNAMERICAN.
Protesting at an individual's home is a disgraceful tactic. I am not at all surprised, however, that this is overlooked by TM or CNN in their desperate grasping for straws.

Now this is funny, but did you miss the part about the slime ball was living with a bimbo he was having an affair with behind his wife's back.

But I'm sure he will be some kind of HERO to the conservative way, NUTE believes he is as he did the same thing. Don't anyone think that maybe getting a divorce should happened before you start an affair with a BIMBO.

do you also think that maybe she(his wife) was the one who asked them to come by and get the story. But of course since the guy doesn't live there and is having an affair and living somewhere else I'm not so sure it should be called his home anymore.

What happened to "What a man does with his private sex life Bill Clinton" has changed? doyathink?

They weren't protesting his wandering dick, they aren't recalling him for it either.

Fucking pay attention granny.
The crowd is not outside his house because he had an affair. The public couldn't care less about that. Those people are pissed off at him for supporting Walker's union busting bill which inevitably will visit the miseries of poverty upon hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of working people who will be devastatingly affected by his action if it is not reversed.

The fact that he'd derived the benefits of a bimbo serves as evidence of his corruption. What do you think motivates these young babes, the irresistable masculinity of these seedy professional liars or a $5,000 per weekend gratuity from a Koch Brothers lobbyist? Let that obvious intelligence of yours overcome your naivete and apparently compulsive romanticism..

I think the corrupt bastards, all of them, should be dragged out of their houses, stripped naked and tarred and feathered, as were the Tories who betrayed the public interest in a more historical time. The crowd outside this bastard's house are constituents whom he betrayed. The bimbo was his reward, the people know it and are pissed off about it -- as is his wife, who kicked him out.
How about you just walk up to him at a grocery store meet and greet event and shoot him in the head, along with a few other people?

You libs sure are the peaceful, non-violent types, eh?

Well, at least that'swhat we heard from you people a couple o' months back, anyway.

Wicked Jester's version of Classy.
Was I the one calling for an elected politician to be dragged from his home and tortured, douchebag?

You don't think the asshole who called for it would blink an eye if that senator was shot in the head?

You're fucking disgusting, Bodey!

Did you even blink an eye that he fully admited that an elected politician shoud be dragged from his home and tortured?........No, you chose to address me instead. To attack ME instead.......You're a sick lil' fuck, who had no understanding as to what that oath you SUPPOSEDLY took actually meant.

You just fully proved what I've always though of you. You're a hypocritical, liberal loon dirtbag, nothing more!
This thread is not about Abortion clinics.
It's about protesting at SOMEONES home.

It's absolutely despicable, and all you defending it are too.

We are just pointing out the hypocrisy from the right.

you might have a point egghead if we were protesting at the abortion doctor's homes. otherwise you suck the hind tit.

January of this year:

FORT MYERS: A planned anti-abortion rights demonstration ends in an unplanned crash. Protestors lined McGregor Boulevard outside the home of a Fort Myers doctor, when a car jumped the curb and ran over a protestor holding a sign.

"She looked off the road for one second, and that's what happens," said Ted Edwards, who lives on the street.

According to Florida Highway Patrol, teenagers in a red Elantra veered off the road, through a street sign at Robalo Drive and then hit a protestor.

"Took her eyes off the road for one minute--for a sign!" Edwards says. This is the the fifth time anti-abortion rights activists have come to the neighborhood to protest local Doctor Philip Waterman. "If you want to veto something, go to their place of work. Not the residence," Edwards said.

"We do also go to the place of work, but this is also part of the pro-life fight," said John Musca, an anti-abortion rights activist.

Car strikes anti-abortion rights activist in Fort Myers - ABC-7.com WZVN News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida
Now I'm convinced that you are an adolescent interloper and I'm putting you on Ignore.
Put me on ignore!.....It just shows that what you said was completely ridiculous, and you were called on it.

What you called for is anarchy......What you called for was an elected politician being dragged from his home and, for all intensive purposes, tortured.

Obama is destroying this country economically, and in many other ways. Would I EVER call for him being dragged from the whitehouse to be tortured for his doing so?......Absolutely not. That's what elections are for.....And his ass will be tossed from office come '12.

You, Art 15, and several other lib's up here are disgusting to the core. You people are the worst of america, fully on display.

Faint Praise indeed....look who approves of Wicked Jester's Class Act.
you damn right I worked for a couple of UNIONS, and what I saw they did to the Employers they worked for MADE ME ASHAMED to be a member.
What unions were they, the Armenian chicken-pluckers Local 4 & 7?

And you frikken UNHINGED people BETTER HOPE you don't start seeing ACTUAL VIOLENCE by your calls for this type of thuggery. It will be YOU ALL who has the BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS.
It's a good thing you weren't around during the American Revolution. You would have gone catatonic.
Precisely, never mind who else is impacted by it. His wife, his kids, neighbors, all are 'collateral damage' to these drooling hordes. If this was the TEA Parties showing up at the private residence of a Democrat.... they'd be howling like fucking banshees about it. It is, to anyone with a reasonable moral code, reprehensible behavior. But the left have no moral code.
It would depend on the reason and your comparative hypothesis offers none.

Give us an example of something a Democrat might do and we'll tell you if we think a similar response is appropriate or not, and why.
So, when is it ever approiate to show up at a persons private residence and act like a bunch of disrespectful lil' douchebags, and make the lives of their INNOCENT children and neighbors living hells?

That's the problem nowadays, many liberals are just loony lil' idiots!

Let's see your evidence that's what these people were doing. Avatar failed to produce any. So did Jarhead ... he's a decent human though and was able to get a chuckle at what you seem to be flipping your shit over when I finally took the time to find what these residential protests actually look like.
How about you just walk up to him at a grocery store meet and greet event and shoot him in the head, along with a few other people?

You libs sure are the peaceful, non-violent types, eh?

Well, at least that'swhat we heard from you people a couple o' months back, anyway.
Now I'm convinced that you are an adolescent interloper and I'm putting you on Ignore.
Put me on ignore!.....It just shows that what you said was completely ridiculous, and you were called on it.

What you called for is anarchy......What you called for was an elected politician being dragged from his home and, for all intensive purposes, tortured.

Obama is destroying this country economically, and in many other ways. Would I EVER call for him being dragged from the whitehouse to be tortured for his doing so?......Absolutely not. That's what elections are for.....And his ass will be tossed from office come '12.

You, Art 15, and several other lib's up here are disgusting to the core. You people are the worst of america, fully on display.

I must be doing something right!
you damn right I worked for a couple of UNIONS, and what I saw they did to the Employers they worked for MADE ME ASHAMED to be a member.
What unions were they, the Armenian chicken-pluckers Local 4 & 7?

And you frikken UNHINGED people BETTER HOPE you don't start seeing ACTUAL VIOLENCE by your calls for this type of thuggery. It will be YOU ALL who has the BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS.
It's a good thing you weren't around during the American Revolution. You would have gone catatonic.

"GONE catatonic"? :eusa_eh:

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