Wi senator's wife signs his recall pertition

I don't see anything about taking away collective bargaining in your quote, Tommy Toughpants.

Stupid shit...you then cannot read nor comprehend.

Ok, let's assume I am stupid.

Show me specifically where Walker campaigned on taking away their ability to collectively bargain.

Use small words please.

Read the article again dumbass. I am not here to teach you comprhension. You shoulda learned that before your Highschool let you off your fuckin' leash.
Stupid shit...you then cannot read nor comprehend.

Ok, let's assume I am stupid.

Show me specifically where Walker campaigned on taking away their ability to collectively bargain.

Use small words please.

Read the article again dumbass. I am not here to teach you comprhension. You shoulda learned that before your Highschool let you off your fuckin' leash.

I've read it several times.

I repeat:

Show me specifically where Walker campaigned on taking away their ability to collectively bargain.
Ok, let's assume I am stupid.

Show me specifically where Walker campaigned on taking away their ability to collectively bargain.

Use small words please.

Read the article again dumbass. I am not here to teach you comprhension. You shoulda learned that before your Highschool let you off your fuckin' leash.

I've read it several times.

I repeat:

Show me specifically where Walker campaigned on taking away their ability to collectively bargain.

I repeat: Too fucking bad for you. I am NOT here to teach you comprehension.
Read the article again dumbass. I am not here to teach you comprhension. You shoulda learned that before your Highschool let you off your fuckin' leash.

I've read it several times.

I repeat:

Show me specifically where Walker campaigned on taking away their ability to collectively bargain.

I repeat: Too fucking bad for you. I am NOT here to teach you comprehension.

Your concession is duly noted.
So much for ARTIE being HONEST

Face it? You're a Statist DUMBASS.

Tommy T, in typical fashion, blurts out capslocked inanities in the wake of his defeat.

Translation: "I've got zero, point ZERO... of principle...just to pound the poster that has it above me ON principle..."

You haven't proven that Walker campaigned on taking away the union's ability to collectively bargain.

Until you do so you remain a flailing idiot and will be mocked accordingly.
Tommy T, in typical fashion, blurts out capslocked inanities in the wake of his defeat.

Translation: "I've got zero, point ZERO... of principle...just to pound the poster that has it above me ON principle..."

You haven't proven that Walker campaigned on taking away the union's ability to collectively bargain.

Until you do so you remain a flailing idiot and will be mocked accordingly.
'The article does on it's OWN. You just cannnot READ nor comprehend.
Artie? You just can't cut it. You never have even as a MOD, and I certainly don't expect Miracles NOW.

It isn't going to happen from a vapid, shallow person as YOU...*EVER*

Anytime you wanna prove your point, have at it....
Translation: "I've got zero, point ZERO... of principle...just to pound the poster that has it above me ON principle..."

You haven't proven that Walker campaigned on taking away the union's ability to collectively bargain.

Until you do so you remain a flailing idiot and will be mocked accordingly.
'The article does on it's OWN. You just cannnot READ nor comprehend.

Quote it.
I don't see anything about taking away collective bargaining in your quote, Tommy Toughpants.

Stupid shit...you then cannot read nor comprehend.

Ok, let's assume I am stupid.

Show me specifically where Walker campaigned on taking away their ability to collectively bargain.

Use small words please.
The law does not take away thier ability to collectively bargain. It restricts what the state will collectively bargain with them about. tell us, why should the union be able to collectively bargain about where the state buys health insurance from? That they have it is something that is a concern for them, its also part of WI civil service code, so their benefits are protected in law. Where the state buys it from or how they provide it is the states business.

Pensions are also covered in the civil service code, so what is there to bargain about? They have no right to enter in collective bargaining negotiations that bind the state to changing the law.
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"Rasmussen Poll: Almost Six In Ten Wisconsin Voters Disapprove Of Gov. Walker"

Rasmussen Poll: Almost Six In Ten Wisconsin Voters Disapprove Of Gov. Walker - Blogrunner


It is quite clear that you have been effectively brainwashed by the Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity propaganda machine so I won't try to reason with you any longer. But for the benefit of those who might be swayed by your fanatical persistence but who still retain control of their own reasoning capacity, the fact is Candidate Walker deceived the voters on the issue of collective bargaining, among other things, and the chickens are now coming home to roost.

Bottom line is Walker now stands a very good chance of being recalled -- along with a batch of his closest Republican supporters in the Wisconsin State Senate.

So fire away, Natuf. You dwell in deluded desperation.
Thats pretty funny snce I rarely listen to either of them.

Walker will survive this in better shape than he was before it started.

Isn't it cool how MiKey assumes what you listen to or read?
Liberals are incapable of developing opinions independently, they must go to their masters to get the talking points to use in argument. They assume everyone is at least as stupid as they are, which is why they assume they're smarter than most everyone else.
What do you think he is, an emperor? He is a representative, which means his job is doing what his constituents tell him via their votes to do -- not what he wants to do. And the majority of Wisconsin voters do not want the Walker Bill passed.
Bullshit, the majority of WI voters elected walker after he campaigned telling them exactly what he would do. The special interest don't like it... too fucking bad. We won you lost, get over it.

Please stop lying.
I'm not lying. Walker campaigned extensively promoting his plan and the fact that he was going to exempt Police and firfighters from it was well known. The GOP campaigned on the same damned thing two years prior and was defeated, in fact the laws restricting collective bargaining were proposed in the past and everyone knew exactly what they were getting. Further, many of the people effected just got the "right" to collectively bargain about those things two years ago. These "rights" are not enshrined in 50 years of law as your masters like to pretend.

STOP BEING INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST and pretending people didn't know that. That you were too stupid to know the truth does not mean the truth wasn't out there.

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