Wi senator's wife signs his recall pertition

To make matters worse for Sen. Hopper? A recall effort is under way and one of its top supporters is his wife.

Well, Truthdoesn'tmatter, I like how you don't put the "estranged" in there. As soon as I read your thread title that popped into my mind. It's a domestic position, not a political one. At least the obvious wasn't lost on both of us...
SO as long as I am not breaking any law, it is OK that I do things that may create fear in your family becuase I disagree with you?

SO you would be OK for me and my friends to come to your home and protest as long as I dont break any laws?

I say give it up. It was an irrational statement on your part and admit it was an err of judgement and move on.

You are truly looking foolish every time you try to defend it.

Come on down. We'll have a wild time. You'll look real silly not having a legit reason for it but whatev. I'll even call the local media to get you some air time.

As far as me "giving up" ... pound sand, guy.

Whatever....fine...you feel it is appropriate to intrude on the personal life of someone you disagree with from a business or political standpoint.

Speaks volumes of who you are and what you are all about.

Me? I dont like a politician....I am confident enough in my position to not feel the need to get it across in a way where it intimidates him/her or his/her family.

You feel otherwise.

Curious...to what advanttage is there to protesting at his home as opposed to the Capitol Building?

Good for you. Do try not to fall off that high horse you've mounted.

But what advantage is there?

I'd say none if it didn't get the juicy tidbit the OP was originally about.
This thread is not about Abortion clinics.
It's about protesting at SOMEONES home.

It's absolutely despicable, and all you defending it are too.

We are just pointing out the hypocrisy from the right.

you're not pointing out shit, you don't KNOW how the so called right FELT about abortion clinics protesting. so don't presume you do.

This thread is about protesting outside SOMEONES home. If I remember, the Liberals did this same shit during the Bush administration. this is NOTHING new for the lowlifes.
This thread is not about Abortion clinics.
It's about protesting at SOMEONES home.

It's absolutely despicable, and all you defending it are too.

Protesting on the public sidewalk is not despicable? Really? So much for the 1st amendment if you Righties don't like the message, eh?

I hope you piss of some group and they come to YOUR HOME. would serve you right.
or how about protesting at high schools? Is that the same as protesting at the man's home? You are an idiot Willow.
or how about protesting at high schools? Is that the same as protesting at the man's home? You are an idiot Willow.

nobody knows what the fuck you are talking about bitch.

God, you are fucking moron.

You do realize that it is well known that pro lifers protest at schools, right?
or the fact a right wing wacko went to an abortion doctors church and killed him.

Go tell some lies in the other thread, you are in over your head in this one.
or how about protesting at high schools? Is that the same as protesting at the man's home? You are an idiot Willow.

nobody knows what the fuck you are talking about bitch.

The Liberals are losing their minds.

So much anger and pure HATE.

Not a pretty thing to watch.

Last time I checked liberals didn't kill abortion doctors, set bombs at MLK parades, and protest at high schools with pictures of aborted fetuses.
or how about protesting at high schools? Is that the same as protesting at the man's home? You are an idiot Willow.

nobody knows what the fuck you are talking about bitch.

God, you are fucking moron.

You do realize that it is well known that pro lifers protest at schools, right?
or the fact a right wing wacko went to an abortion doctors church and killed him.

Go tell some lies in the other thread, you are in over your head in this one.

:lol::lol::lol: stick you head back up your ass, you look prettier that way.
Is it me or does is this thread taking the tone of a scene out of "Airplane"?
"Don't start with your white zone **** again..."
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Hey thanks for the neg Willow. Still acting like a child, I see.

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