Will Cain be able to talk his way out of this?

She wants to get paid twice. Nice work if you can get it. I neither know nor overly care what she has to say... unless she has actual proof. I tend not to take the word of those who seek to profit from an issue. If he'd done something illegal, an honorable female would not be bought off. She'd have her day in court. People who take money to go away are suspect.
it will depnd how well his handlers can explain what he "really meant".........
I think Cain and the NRA should release this woman from her NDA and let her tell her story.

Then we can make a determination as to the validity of it or whether it's important to whether Cain is qualified to be president.

Come on, right wingers, you all screamed for Obama to release his college transcripts and birth certificate, and since both sides want to tell their side of the story, why not release it and let it all fly?
I think Cain and the NRA should release this woman from her NDA and let her tell her story.

Then we can make a determination as to the validity of it or whether it's important to whether Cain is qualified to be president.

Come on, right wingers, you all screamed for Obama to release his college transcripts and birth certificate, and since both sides want to tell their side of the story, why not release it and let it all fly?

Please at this point I'm begging for her to be allowed to speak. I'm dying for her to be treated as well as Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broderick and Jennifer Flowers were.

Bring the bimbo forth!!
Then we can make a determination as to the validity of it or whether it's important to whether Cain is qualified to be president.

Cain’s already demonstrated he’s not qualified to be president – no reason to embarrass him further.
She wants to get paid twice. Nice work if you can get it. I neither know nor overly care what she has to say... unless she has actual proof. I tend not to take the word of those who seek to profit from an issue. If he'd done something illegal, an honorable female would not be bought off. She'd have her day in court. People who take money to go away are suspect.

How much you wanna bet her lawyer is already shopping a book deal? By now they are already concoctling stories that Herman offered her a piece of pizza with pubic hairs on it.

Then we can make a determination as to the validity of it or whether it's important to whether Cain is qualified to be president.

Cain’s already demonstrated he’s not qualified to be president – no reason to embarrass him further.

If these alleged incidents took place twenty years ago well one can claim Herman was just following in the footsteps of the one and only "I did not have sex with that woman just blow jobs" Clinton.

You should be embracing him!!
I think Cain and the NRA should release this woman from her NDA and let her tell her story.

Then we can make a determination as to the validity of it or whether it's important to whether Cain is qualified to be president.

Come on, right wingers, you all screamed for Obama to release his college transcripts and birth certificate, and since both sides want to tell their side of the story, why not release it and let it all fly?

Please at this point I'm begging for her to be allowed to speak. I'm dying for her to be treated as well as Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broderick and Jennifer Flowers were.

Bring the bimbo forth!!

1) do you really want to stoop to that level? Anita Hill wasn't destroyed because we gave her the "Paula Jones" treatment. She was given the chance to speak her piece, and then the massive inconsitencies in her story were pointed out.

2) What if there is something to this woman's claims? Better we get it out now than wait until it becomes an "October Surprise" we can't correct.
She wants to get paid twice. Nice work if you can get it. I neither know nor overly care what she has to say... unless she has actual proof. I tend not to take the word of those who seek to profit from an issue. If he'd done something illegal, an honorable female would not be bought off. She'd have her day in court. People who take money to go away are suspect.
And you KNOW this how? Crystal balling again huh Svengali?


Keep in mind, Cain agreed to the settlement. He's equally culpable to having something to gain or lose as you've so implied on the lady.

If the accusation of sexual harassment was baseless in truth, why on earth did they PAY these women?

NO lawyer/legal team would pay ANYONE off of BASELESS claims. Now would they?
Nothing like a little sex to spice up a campaign.
You should be embracing him!!

I do embrace him. I would love to see him get the nomination, but we know that isn't going to happen anyway. No way the GOP/Tea Party is going to nominate one darkie to get rid of another darkie.
She wants to get paid twice. Nice work if you can get it. I neither know nor overly care what she has to say... unless she has actual proof. I tend not to take the word of those who seek to profit from an issue. If he'd done something illegal, an honorable female would not be bought off. She'd have her day in court. People who take money to go away are suspect.

yeah get paid twice....Why does this seem stupid...oh i see because it is.
She took the money. If she wants to talk she should give the money back.
blog commenter said:
There is no good business reason to compare anyone's physical traits to those of your spouse. It's potentially creepy if you do. Presumably, when you are thinking of your spouse, one of the things you think of is his/her physical attractiveness. Why are you thinking that way about a work colleague?

blog commenter said:
Cain's biggest issue here is not the complaint, but how he mishandled the questions. I'm sorry, I used the word "mishandled" rather than the more accurate "idiotically lied at every step in the questioning about everything that happened." Had the fool simply answered "I did no such thing as harass those women. However, my employers decided to settle with the women and put an end to the legal issues", he might still have an ounce or two of credibility.

blog commenter said:
When I was 18 and at my first job, I was chased around my bosses desk by an executive from another division wanting me to 'give him a kiss." I've seen females flaunt themselves at their bosses, I've heard stories of desk-sex. I've even had one contractor call the meeting to order by stating that I had a great pair of legs... But I have NEVER, ever saw a man use the top of his hand to cup his chin, and can find no explicit sexual meaning to the physical demonstration. However, what came out between Cain's parted lips at that very moment may make me change my mind.

blog commenter said:
Ok. So I'm been married 20 years, and have worked closely with women for all of that time. I have never, and I do mean NEVER, verbalized a comparison of any physical trait or characteristic of any of female coworker with those of my wife.
I don't care what the comparison is, it's creepy. "You have small hands. My WIFE has small hands." "I was just noticing your freckles. My WIFE has lots of freckles, too." "You've got a few strands of hair stuck to your lips. That happens to my WIFE all the time." "Your lips are full. Like my WIFE'S."
There is no single example that wouldn't sound creepy. None.

As you can see folks...the average thinking person is NOT buying Herb Cain's swill.

It won't be long before he has to resign in shame. I believe the accuser's interview on one of the Big 3 will be the nail in this coffin.

I think Cain and the NRA should release this woman from her NDA and let her tell her story.

Then we can make a determination as to the validity of it or whether it's important to whether Cain is qualified to be president.

Come on, right wingers, you all screamed for Obama to release his college transcripts and birth certificate, and since both sides want to tell their side of the story, why not release it and let it all fly?

Please at this point I'm begging for her to be allowed to speak. I'm dying for her to be treated as well as Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broderick and Jennifer Flowers were.

Bring the bimbo forth!!

1) do you really want to stoop to that level? Anita Hill wasn't destroyed because we gave her the "Paula Jones" treatment. She was given the chance to speak her piece, and then the massive inconsitencies in her story were pointed out.

2) What if there is something to this woman's claims? Better we get it out now than wait until it becomes an "October Surprise" we can't correct.

I absolutely think the bimbo should be treated the same as all of Clinton's accusers. It's only fair.

And if Mr. Cain screwed up twenty years ago and has repented in his heart to his wife and his God, then why the hell should I care what happened twenty years ago.
I absolutely think the bimbo should be treated the same as all of Clinton's accusers. It's only fair.

And if Mr. Cain screwed up twenty years ago and has repented in his heart to his wife and his God, then why the hell should I care what happened twenty years ago.

WoW!!! You don't know the young lady from Adams and you're here disparaging her. Punching down, verbally beating her about her head. WoW!!

And all with the throwing yourself or Cain'sself on the sword of "repentance."

All this from the ilk that wanted to cruxify Obama for things he had absolutely NOTHING to do with...Ayers.

This shit is ridiculous. Sexual harassment by Democrat candidates is always because the woman was a nut, or a slut. The "Nut's and Slut's" defense was played to expert perfection by the Clinonista's during the bimbo eruptions that occurred nightly throughout the 1992 and 1996 campaigns. Feminazi's and liberals across the country attacked the women involved and excused the disbarred lawyer from Arkansas with a vengeance. After all, it was "none of our business".

Fast forward to today and suddenly it's a HUGE story!! Some unnamed women were harassed by Herman Cain's "gestures". How dare he!!! Gestures? Maybe if he shot a load on their faces it would excused, but he didn't. Sadly he only had the audacity to GESTURE!!!

Oddly, we don't know a thing about these women! How curious?? If this were a democrat we'd be hearing ALL about what whores these bitches they were!! Their names and family histories would be combed over and scrutinized with the scrupulous detail- then posted all over the internet, radio, television and print media. We'd know every man, woman or animnal they'd ever touched, sucked, licked or fucked. They'd be dragged through the mud and slandered-called whores, liars, and nutjobs.

But Herman Cain is not a Democrat- he's a Republican. So we'll never get all the details about these women - fear and smear is far more effective.....
Then we can make a determination as to the validity of it or whether it's important to whether Cain is qualified to be president.

Cain’s already demonstrated he’s not qualified to be president – no reason to embarrass him further.

I agree. It was the same story with Obama and look what a disaster he has been!

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