Will Democrats be offering a plan for our future during the upcoming election?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Concrete ideas that can impact ALL Americans. Not some mealy mouthed nonsense that panders only to certain groups or ethnicities.

A plan for job growth?
A plan for the overly complicated tax code?
A plan for a broken education system?
A plan for a still broken Healthcare system?
A plan to bring back foreign investments?
A plan to fix the imbalance in our trade practices?
A plan for our broken immigration system?

And don't spin this thread onto GOP questions as you are quite capable of creating that topic to be discussed on its own merits.
Will Democrats be offering a plan for our future during the upcoming election?

No, and neither will the other guys. Platitudes we got. Plans, not so much. This is politics after all.

A plan for job growth? more government jobs
A plan for the overly complicated tax code? make it bigger, duh
A plan for a broken education system? that's racist
A plan for a still broken Healthcare system? More government
A plan to bring back foreign investments? tax them for leaving to avoid taxes
A plan to fix the imbalance in our trade practices? :lol: no
A plan for our broken immigration system? scream racism until criminals have rights
Do republicans? It seems to me that they want to cut funding across the board and kill all of our science institutions.

They want to defund infrastructure
They want to lower the taxes some more on the super rich
They want to cut the shit out of help for the poor!
Do republicans? It seems to me that they want to cut funding across the board and kill all of our science institutions.

They want to defund infrastructure
They want to lower the taxes some more on the super rich
They want to cut the shit out of help for the poor!
For fucks sake, CAN YOU READ???
A plan for job growth? more government jobs
A plan for the overly complicated tax code? make it bigger, duh
A plan for a broken education system? that's racist
A plan for a still broken Healthcare system? More government
A plan to bring back foreign investments? tax them for leaving to avoid taxes
A plan to fix the imbalance in our trade practices? :lol: no
A plan for our broken immigration system? scream racism until criminals have rights

1. Why the problem with the public sector? You know the police, fire, the people that manage the money to construct our roads, levies, etc.

2. I'll agree there. ;) Does need to tax the rich a lot more by removing a shit ton of loop holes!

3. Agreed? What's your plan? Every single one of the top 10 educational systems on earth are public. So it can't be the government for government sake! Maybe it has something to do with loose standards?

4. Like more private will fix a damn thing. We tried that before and the price of health care shot through the roof. Do you know about grand bell and standard oil?? Do you know anything?

5. It was Nixion and George hw Bush that done that! Maybe we end the damn trade deals and raise a massive tariff. How knows that will force the super rich to give a fuck about America,,,can't be having that!

6. See 5...Fuck China is the first step!

7. Why not give out 200,000 amnesties to people with skills, education and good behavior? Deport the rest.
A plan for job growth? more government jobs
A plan for the overly complicated tax code? make it bigger, duh
A plan for a broken education system? that's racist
A plan for a still broken Healthcare system? More government
A plan to bring back foreign investments? tax them for leaving to avoid taxes
A plan to fix the imbalance in our trade practices? :lol: no
A plan for our broken immigration system? scream racism until criminals have rights

1. Why the problem with the public sector? You know the police, fire, the people that manage the money to construct our roads, levies, etc.

2. I'll agree there. ;) Does need to tax the rich a lot more by removing a shit ton of loop holes!

3. Agreed? What's your plan? Every single one of the top 10 educational systems on earth are public. So it can't be the government for government sake! Maybe it has something to do with loose standards?

4. Like more private will fix a damn thing. We tried that before and the price of health care shot through the roof. Do you know about grand bell and standard oil?? Do you know anything?

5. It was Nixion and George hw Bush that done that! Maybe we end the damn trade deals and raise a massive tariff. How knows that will force the super rich to give a fuck about America,,,can't be having that!

6. See 5...Fuck China is the first step!

7. Why not give out 200,000 amnesties to people with skills, education and good behavior? Deport the rest.
1; knee jerk reaction that requires no thought. We have $18 TRILLION in debt, so we need to spend less not more
2; FDR got a depression, he raised taxes and up Fed spending, which led to the Great Deression
Harding got a depression, he cut taxes and Fed spending in 1/2, which led to the Roaring Twentys. But I told you that already, and thus you have proven that you are not capable of learning, not just from history, but from being directly told the facts.
3; private schools perform far better than the government protected union monopolies
4; get government money out of it and the costs will magically go down, just like they magically went up when tax money was put in
5; NAFTA has Clintons name on
6; pay china what we owe them, then fuck china
7; that's ignorant
4. Like more private will fix a damn thing. We tried that before and the price of health care shot through the roof.
The price of healthcare shot up through the roof when government mandated indigent care for private sector healthcare facilities. Until then it was just fine. Many of my former employees CHOSE NOT to enroll into company offered health plans because it cost $20. They did not want to take care of themselves and their families until now all of a sudden they want healthcare because somebody gives them for free.
Do republicans? It seems to me that they want to cut funding across the board and kill all of our science institutions.

They want to defund infrastructure
They want to lower the taxes some more on the super rich
They want to cut the shit out of help for the poor!

Republicans don't need no stinking science. It contradicts creationism.
They want to defund and then sell off the infrastructure.
Cutting off helping the poor is what gives them orgasms.
Lower taxes on the rich? Hardly, their goal is eliminate all taxation on the rich. If you're rich, I can see it. Can't understand why that republican forklift driver in Birmingham or Wichita thinks that voting republican is in his best interest though.
Do republicans? It seems to me that they want to cut funding across the board and kill all of our science institutions.

They want to defund infrastructure
They want to lower the taxes some more on the super rich
They want to cut the shit out of help for the poor!

Republicans don't need no stinking science. It contradicts creationism.
They want to defund and then sell off the infrastructure.
Cutting off helping the poor is what gives them orgasms.
Lower taxes on the rich? Hardly, their goal is eliminate all taxation on the rich. If you're rich, I can see it. Can't understand why that republican forklift driver in Birmingham or Wichita thinks that voting republican is in his best interest though.
Another illiterate poster
Expect democrats to make all of those things worse.

A plan for job growth?
Socialistic agendas shrink economies.

A plan for the overly complicated tax code?
Anything that could reduce government won't happen under a democrat.

A plan for a broken education system?
Family structure is at he root of failing education and democrat policies are at the root of family disintegration.

A plan for a still broken Healthcare system?
Socialized medicine is a staple of democrat government. Socialism makes things cost more and to be run less efficient.

A plan to bring back foreign investments?
Depends on what politicians' pockets are being lined.

A plan to fix the imbalance in our trade practices?
Again, depends upon who is getting what.

A plan for our broken immigration system?
If it costs democrat votes, don't expect any change there.
  • Thanks
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Has the OP listened to what Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have had to say on these issues?
Do republicans? It seems to me that they want to cut funding across the board and kill all of our science institutions.

They want to defund infrastructure
They want to lower the taxes some more on the super rich
They want to cut the shit out of help for the poor!

More invalid talking points given to you by some left wing vacuum.

Conservatives want to lower taxes some more on the super rich?

Hey dingbat, everyone is taxed at the same rate. And the rich pay more, because 12% of their money is naturally more.

This is why I find liberals almost impossible to debate with, the whole foundation is a lie.

Federal income taxes are all voluntary anyways, so really what does it matter?
Don't believe me? Read the tax codes.
Has the OP listened to what Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have had to say on these issues?

What does it matter what Killary says? She is a pathological liar.

All that hag wants, is her legacy job, that is all she cares about. But I am not surprised you support her.
Do republicans? It seems to me that they want to cut funding across the board and kill all of our science institutions.

They want to defund infrastructure
They want to lower the taxes some more on the super rich
They want to cut the shit out of help for the poor!

Republicans don't need no stinking science. It contradicts creationism.
They want to defund and then sell off the infrastructure.
Cutting off helping the poor is what gives them orgasms.
Lower taxes on the rich? Hardly, their goal is eliminate all taxation on the rich. If you're rich, I can see it. Can't understand why that republican forklift driver in Birmingham or Wichita thinks that voting republican is in his best interest though.
The plan is to keep the rightwing nuts from getting any semblance of 'their guy' in the whitehouse.

We've been through that. Reagan, Bush, and little Bush did practically irreparable harm to this country. Stopping more irreparable harm from occurring is more than enough of a 'plan'.
Do republicans? It seems to me that they want to cut funding across the board and kill all of our science institutions.

They want to defund infrastructure
They want to lower the taxes some more on the super rich
They want to cut the shit out of help for the poor!

Republicans don't need no stinking science. It contradicts creationism.
They want to defund and then sell off the infrastructure.
Cutting off helping the poor is what gives them orgasms.
Lower taxes on the rich? Hardly, their goal is eliminate all taxation on the rich. If you're rich, I can see it. Can't understand why that republican forklift driver in Birmingham or Wichita thinks that voting republican is in his best interest though.
read the op then stfu

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