Will it Matter if the Ds take the House?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
While I personally think Trump will pull an October surprise and sign an executive order to read in any and all defense lawyers and judges in the witch hunt and squeeze out a razor thin win in the house and win bigly in the senate that may not happen.

The pre-election floods and fires should also hurt a lot. Peak fire, left coast, and flood, industrial mid-west and Northeast, seasons have not yet been hit. They will hit maximum after the election. Given the traditional D failure to get to the polls if it is not perfect weather is likely to prevent the Ds from winning the house. But let's say I am wrong on both on the October surprise and liberals not getting out to vote than the Ds do win the house but will it matter?

What is happening is that the Blue wall is losing tax base at a compound rate and that is why I ask if it will matter if the Ds win the house?

If current migration and real estate value trends continue the self inflicted damage to the Ds in the Blue wall will leave the house Ds with little or no leverage. Sessions or his replacement will launch a criminal investigation the second any takings clause law suit is not paid off promptly and in full. That is not likely to be a long wait. Ds spending money they ain't got is a tradition that goes back to before the Civil War.

Without throwing the president several big bones the House Ds will make wonderful plea deals for state officials trying to avoid serious fines and jail terms. So, if the Ds win the House I don't think it will matter much.
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While I personally think Trump will pull an October surprise and sign an executive order to read in any and all defense lawyers and judges in the witch hunt and squeeze out a razor thin win in the house and win bigly in the senate that may not happen.

The pre-election floods and fires should also hurt a lot. Peak fire, left coast, and flood, industrial mid-west and Northeast, seasons have not yet been hit. They will hit maximum after the election. Given the traditional D failure to get to the polls if it is not perfect weather. But let's say I am wrong on both on the October surprise and liberals not getting out to vote than the Ds do win the house but will it matter?

What is happening is that the Blue wall is losing tax base at a compound rate and that is why I ask if it will matter if the Ds win the house?

If current migration and real estate value trends continue the self inflicted damage to the Ds in the Blue wall will leave the house Ds with little or no leverage. Sessions or his replacement will launch a criminal investigation the second any takings clause law suit is not paid off promptly and in full. That is not likely to be a long wait. Ds spending money they ain't got is a tradition that goes back to before the Civil War.

Without throwing the president several big bones the House Ds will make wonderful plea deals for state officials trying to avoid serious fines and jail terms. So, if the Ds win the House I don't think it will matter much.

Only for optics.
The republic will be dead. Democrats will never again take the chance that a republican will be elected.
Their goal is to start impeachment hearings...........and drag them out as long as possible...........

So the statues of limitations can play out on their crimes.........LOL
The last time we saw this was 2006. The traitorous media convinced us the economy was bad. They attacked republicans and despite the unemployment rate at 4.6 and dow jones at its highest, the democrats through the left wing propaganda (booooosh hate) won congress (House and Senate.)

The democrats proceeded to deliberately sabotage the economy in 2008 (big election year for their black marxist messiah.) They deliberately ignored all warnings about the bubble that they caused. This has all been documented and in official White House archives. We should be all too aware what the democrats are willing to do.

We all know for a fact that the left wing white elitist scumbags are cheering for a failed economy and it is well documented that they want it to fail.

It is killing them that it is thriving due to Trump policies (tax cuts.)

So yes, the democrats getting the House would be a big deal.
The last time we saw this was 2006. The traitorous media convinced us the economy was bad. They attacked republicans and despite the unemployment rate at 4.6 and dow jones at its highest, the democrats through the left wing propaganda (booooosh hate) won congress (House and Senate.)

The democrats proceeded to deliberately sabotage the economy in 2008 (big election year for their black marxist messiah.) They deliberately ignored all warnings about the bubble that they caused. This has all been documented and in official White House archives. We should be all too aware what the democrats are willing to do.

We all know for a fact that the left wing white elitist scumbags are cheering for a failed economy and it is well documented that they want it to fail.

It is killing them that it is thriving due to Trump policies (tax cuts.)

So yes, the democrats getting the House would be a big deal.
With D state and local officials looking for higher state/local officials or federal officials to rollover on in return for leniency?

IL has been in non-bond default for literal decades, CA has been in technical bankruptcy (can't get a court with jurisdiction to put them into bankruptcy protection) since Brown becoming governor again and most but not all blue and purple states have similar problems. Then comes major seat losses in 2022 due to reapportionment and things get far worse for the Ds. I don't think that is a strong hand.
While I personally think Trump will pull an October surprise and sign an executive order to read in any and all defense lawyers and judges in the witch hunt and squeeze out a razor thin win in the house and win bigly in the senate that may not happen.

The pre-election floods and fires should also hurt a lot. Peak fire, left coast, and flood, industrial mid-west and Northeast, seasons have not yet been hit. They will hit maximum after the election. Given the traditional D failure to get to the polls if it is not perfect weather is likely to prevent the Ds from winning the house. But let's say I am wrong on both on the October surprise and liberals not getting out to vote than the Ds do win the house but will it matter?

What is happening is that the Blue wall is losing tax base at a compound rate and that is why I ask if it will matter if the Ds win the house?

If current migration and real estate value trends continue the self inflicted damage to the Ds in the Blue wall will leave the house Ds with little or no leverage. Sessions or his replacement will launch a criminal investigation the second any takings clause law suit is not paid off promptly and in full. That is not likely to be a long wait. Ds spending money they ain't got is a tradition that goes back to before the Civil War.

Without throwing the president several big bones the House Ds will make wonderful plea deals for state officials trying to avoid serious fines and jail terms. So, if the Ds win the House I don't think it will matter much.

Valid legal avenues = going after criminals.

Witch hunt = going after OUR criminals.
California wants to pay it's obligations and has been paying down the debt.
Now if Democrats take over the house, we will see, I hope it is bye bye to trump and his cohorts in crime.
If they take the House, the country's growth will come to a standstill.
The GOP will still have the Senate and the WH.

If the standstill trickles back down to the middle class, then the GOP
will romp in 2020.
Hopefully it will create a stalemate in Congress and for at least the next two years they can’t do anything to further fuck the country up

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