Will Maxine Waters be the next Speaker of the House?

This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.
Maxine is the best of the best in the world of black people! She is the perfect representative therefore she should be speaker!
In many ways, she already is the voice of the new Democratic Party.
This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.
Maxine is the best of the best in the world of black people! She is the perfect representative therefore she should be speaker!
In many ways, she already is the voice of the new Democratic Party.
Therefore she should be speaker of the house!
This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.
Maxine is the best of the best in the world of black people! She is the perfect representative therefore she should be speaker!

You should ease up on the drugs. The thing she is best at is being a racist asshole.

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This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.
Maxine is the best of the best in the world of black people! She is the perfect representative therefore she should be speaker!

You should ease up on the drugs. The thing she is best at is being a racist asshole.

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That's what Democrats love about her.
This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.
Maxine is the best of the best in the world of black people! She is the perfect representative therefore she should be speaker!

You should ease up on the drugs. The thing she is best at is being a racist asshole.

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Therefore she should be speaker of the house!
This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.
She’ll be too busy assaulting Trump with investigations to be speaker
Great, she'll convince independent voters they should give the House back to Republicans.
Yeah because that’s what happened to you inbreds when you did it under Obama :rolleyes:
Perhaps on your planet, but here on Earth, there were no House investigations of Obama.
This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.
Maxine is the best of the best in the world of black people! She is the perfect representative therefore she should be speaker!

You should ease up on the drugs. The thing she is best at is being a racist asshole.

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That's what Democrats love about her.

You got that right. She will cause some violence. Said excuse for a person. Pelosi is the right up there with her as the biggest assholes around

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This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.
She’ll be too busy assaulting Trump with investigations to be speaker
Great, she'll convince independent voters they should give the House back to Republicans.
Yeah because that’s what happened to you inbreds when you did it under Obama :rolleyes:
Perhaps on your planet, but here on Earth, there were no House investigations of Obama.
About to be corrected with the GPS, the unmasking incident, fisa warrants, sell of nuke material to Russia, Transfer billions of dollars to Iran, Arming of opsos
ings army
I can see this now, Maxine Waters as House Speaker in 2024; as she states: "Let's get Trump! Do whatever you have to do, to destroy Trump."

"Uhhh, Trump isn't even President, Madam Speaker."

Madam Speaker Waters: Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

"Uh yeah, who made you House Speaker?"


This is happening now, all right wing members of the house now in 2018; as they state: "Let's get Obama and Clinton! Do whatever you have to do, to destroy Obama and Clinton."
"Uhhh, Obama isn't even President, and Clinton isn't even running for anything Sirs."

RWNJ politicians: Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

"Uh yeah, who elected your dumb ass?"

This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.

Old white bitch, old black bitch. Makes no difference. Both are about to damage their party. Blacks paraded all over Georgia for Abrams to no avail. This election was also a reflection on Obama and his deep state desperation to hold on to his piss poor legacy.
Every Time Maxine enters the chamber they should play her theme song

‘If I only Had A Brain”!
I can see this now, Maxine Waters as House Speaker in 2024; as she states: "Let's get Trump! Do whatever you have to do, to destroy Trump."

"Uhhh, Trump isn't even President, Madam Speaker."

Madam Speaker Waters: Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

"Uh yeah, who made you House Speaker?"


This is happening now, all right wing members of the house now in 2018; as they state: "Let's get Obama and Clinton! Do whatever you have to do, to destroy Obama and Clinton."
"Uhhh, Obama isn't even President, and Clinton isn't even running for anything Sirs."

RWNJ politicians: Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

"Uh yeah, who elected your dumb ass?"


Republicans don't go out and incite violence and promote it as vile as Maxine does.
I can see this now, Maxine Waters as House Speaker in 2024; as she states: "Let's get Trump! Do whatever you have to do, to destroy Trump."

"Uhhh, Trump isn't even President, Madam Speaker."

Madam Speaker Waters: Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

"Uh yeah, who made you House Speaker?"


This is happening now, all right wing members of the house now in 2018; as they state: "Let's get Obama and Clinton! Do whatever you have to do, to destroy Obama and Clinton."
"Uhhh, Obama isn't even President, and Clinton isn't even running for anything Sirs."

RWNJ politicians: Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

"Uh yeah, who elected your dumb ass?"


Republicans don't go out and incite violence and promote it as vile as Maxine does.

This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.
Not even the dimocrats in Congress are that stupid. And they’re a very stupid lot.
Maybe they get tangled up in each others weaves and tumble off a cliff?

Alas, not a cliff in sight....but they DID both go 'round the bend years ago. Since they are equal in terms of sanity the only reason a Democrat Congress critter would have to vote against Mad Maxie is that he/she/it is RACIST!!!
If the Dems want to see a bloodbath in 2020 where the GOP storms the House, takes back around 40 seats, their best bet is to put Cummings, Booker, Pelosi, and Waters in leadership positions.

Just those actions alone will guarantee a GOP landslide in 2020
Will Maxine Waters be the next Speaker of the House?
Not unless a majority of the members of the House of Representatives decide to drop LSD, shoot up heroine and smoke some PCP right before the vote, then maybe, if she's lucky.
This is a serious question. A lot of the new, young Democrats are unhappy with Pelosi for a number of reasons, and Waters is a critically important member of the Party because she very effectively delivers the black vote and without a large majority of the black vote Democrats cannot win national elections. If Waters makes a play for Speaker and she is pushed aside by a rich old white woman, it could do much damage to the Party in the next election.
Waters is a race baiting, violence spreading moron. Why the hell would you support such an epic fool? :laugh:

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