Will Squad member Tlaib cost Kamala Michigan with her terrorist-supporting rants?

The antisemitic Tlaib is so furious at Israel for targeting the Hezbellah terrorists that she is demanding the Harris commit to an arms embargo to Israel. IOW, she wants to allow the Islamic terrorists the ability to keep attacking Israel, and with Israel unable to defend itself.

(By way of additional information, she also lobbied Congress to defund the Iron Dome, so as to leave innocent Jews vulnerable to terrorist attacks. It was voted down.)

Attached is her diatribe that sounds more like a Hezbellah press release. The question is: will she put Harris in a bind by riling up her antisemitic Muslim base who will abandon her if she doesn’t throw Israel under the bus - and thus risk losing Michigan - but if she doesn’t, she will lose more Jewish support in PA (550,000j and risk losing PA?

Absolutely we should stop funding Israel's barbarism. Otherwise Americans will continue to be targets of generation after generation of terrorists that Israel insists on creating.
Absolutely we should stop funding Israel's barbarism. Otherwise Americans will continue to be targets of generation after generation of terrorists that Israel insists on creating.
Yea, we know you’re another antisemitic Dem whose bias against Jews has influenced your hate of Israel, but that’s not the topic.

The topic is: should Kamala side with the Islamic terrorists by throwing Israel under the bus to keep the Muslim vote in MI, but lose more of the Jewish vote in PA?
Whatever, lib.

Trump is tailor made for the job, dumb, weak, obedient to Zionism.

Yea, we know you’re another antisemitic Dem whose bias against Jews has influenced your hate of Israel, but that’s not the topic.

The topic is: should Kamala side with the Islamic terrorists by throwing Israel under the bus to keep the Muslim vote in MI, but lose more of the Jewish vote in PA?
A Jewish person is not the same as Israel. You can't even tell the difference between land and a human, so your opinion comes from a place of deep stupidity and should be dismissed.
A Jewish person is not the same as Israel. You can't even tell the difference between land and a human, so your opinion comes from a place of deep stupidity and should be dismissed.
The double standards with which you view the Jewish country reveal your bias against Jews.
The double standards with which you view the Jewish country reveal your bias against Jews.

There have been terrorists running around Israel since before 1948, been going on daily so don't get all uppity when the oppressed population fight back like they did on Oct 7th.

Palestinian kids throw stones they get shot, settlers throw stones they get armed backup from the IDF.

There have been terrorists running around Israel since before 1948, been going on daily so don't get all uppity when the oppressed population fight back like they did on Oct 7th.

Palestinian kids throw stones they get shot, settlers throw stones they get armed backup from the IDF.

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The terrorists are Hezbellah and HAMAS. You antisemitism makes you skip right over that.
The terrorists are Hezbellah and HAMAS. You antisemitism makes you skip right over that.
I will only call them terrorists when you admit the Zionist regime, settlers are terrorist, no double standards here, this picture predates Oct 7th by four years, note the demonic hatred in the deranged Jew supremacist:

Attention Israel-haters:

This thread is not for you to spew your lopsided lies and propoganda.

It is to discuss whether Tlaib is making things worse for KAMALA by siding with the Islamic terrorists and demanding she does as well.
I will only call them terrorists when you admit the Zionist regime, settlers are terrorist, no double standards here, this picture predates Oct 7th by four years, note the demonic hatred in the deranged Jew supremacist:
Sorry, Lisa558 this is off-topic. But Sherlock Holmes made a request to point out when he said something antisemitic. Labelling Jews deranged (without context) = antisemitic. Calling Jews supremacists (without evidence) = antisemitic. Drawing comparisons between Jews and demons = definitely classically antisemitic.

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