Will the US media ever ever learn.....milking non issues for ratings never pans out well!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
We now have in the white house, thanks to the lame sorry excuse for information, a clown, a idiot, a moronic simp, ie Trump....because CNN, MSNBC, all the media outlets gave this man 24 hour a day coverage for FREE, when nothing about this man was news worthy, except his bullying and talking shit about people, he was simply entertaining for ratings. You'd think these worthless lumps of dog shit news networks would have learned by now...non issues are non issues, move on...but nooooo, once again they're taking a non effin issue, cause some woman gave a speech about women and its been, WILL OPRAH RUN IN 2020 ALL effin day long, ..because God forbid, we keep focus on the idiot in chief Forrest Trump!!!

Oprah hasn't said a word, her political views are no different from any woman with a microphone. She simply gave a passionate, boring speech about women and its been non stop shit all day long, all day. And they're blaming her, attacking her because of it???????

This is why Trump attacks the media, this is why they're deligitimized among most people, this is why most of these networks have to bend over backwards to stay honest...we've all seen the apple commercials...its shit like this, this will oprah run nonsense, that makes them all look the pathetic part, they' all deserve!!
No. It sells big time to lefties. Rachel Madcow is HUGE now. Had Hillary won, she is likely looking for a job.

No. It sells big time to lefties. Rachel Madcow is HUGE now. Had Hillary won, she is likely looking for a job.

Child, if Rush the Lush can still hang in there with an overwhelming base of nuts, RM will do just fine......
We now have in the white house, thanks to the lame sorry excuse for information, a clown, a idiot, a moronic simp, ie Trump....because CNN, MSNBC, all the media outlets gave this man 24 hour a day coverage for FREE, when nothing about this man was news worthy, except his bullying and talking shit about people, he was simply entertaining for ratings. You'd think these worthless lumps of dog shit news networks would have learned by now...non issues are non issues, move on...but nooooo, once again they're taking a non effin issue, cause some woman gave a speech about women and its been, WILL OPRAH RUN IN 2020 ALL effin day long, ..because God forbid, we keep focus on the idiot in chief Forrest Trump!!!

Oprah hasn't said a word, her political views are no different from any woman with a microphone. She simply gave a passionate, boring speech about women and its been non stop shit all day long, all day. And they're blaming her, attacking her because of it???????

This is why Trump attacks the media, this is why they're deligitimized among most people, this is why most of these networks have to bend over backwards to stay honest...we've all seen the apple commercials...its shit like this, this will oprah run nonsense, that makes them all look the pathetic part, they' all deserve!!
Will the US media ever ever learn.....milking non issues for ratings never pans out well!!
Blacks are doing better today then under your Obammy

And yall are still crying
No. It sells big time to lefties. Rachel Madcow is HUGE now. Had Hillary won, she is likely looking for a job.

Child, if Rush the Lush can still hang in there with an overwhelming base of nuts, RM will do just fine......
I have a family member who gets all his news from CNN. He loves Anderson Blooper. He is gay too...and he thinks the world is coming to an end, because of Trump. He is out of his mind with hate and fear. I've tried to talk him down from the ledge, but have not been successful. Do you have any suggestions?
I have a family member who gets all his news from CNN. He loves Anderson Blooper. He is gay too...and he thinks the world is coming to an end, because of Trump. He is out of his mind with hate and fear. I've tried to talk him down from the ledge, but have not been successful. Do you have any suggestions?
Push him over the ledge
I have a family member who gets all his news from CNN. He loves Anderson Blooper. He is gay too...and he thinks the world is coming to an end, because of Trump. He is out of his mind with hate and fear. I've tried to talk him down from the ledge, but have not been successful. Do you have any suggestions?
Push him over the ledge
I couldn't do that. I am all about love. I love even the craziest lefties.
I have a family member who gets all his news from CNN. He loves Anderson Blooper. He is gay too...and he thinks the world is coming to an end, because of Trump. He is out of his mind with hate and fear. I've tried to talk him down from the ledge, but have not been successful. Do you have any suggestions?
Push him over the ledge
I couldn't do that. I am all about love. I love even the craziest lefties.
You would be doing him a favor

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