Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law is Working

But there is a Constitutional right to free speech. As Big Fitz said (that I was referring to) "Public Sector unions could be allowed if you allowed a direct referendum to the public on the contract AND barred the unions from ANY organized support or even unorganized endorsements of candidates.

THAT is a violation of free speech you dumb FUCKS.

Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?
Yep. Speaking of dumb fucks...

If corperations can't have free speech, neither should the faux personage of a union.

Oh damn! Equality under the law! How dare we?

And before he whines too heavily, he needs to recall that money = free speech according to the supreme court.
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But there is a Constitutional right to free speech. As Big Fitz said (that I was referring to) "Public Sector unions could be allowed if you allowed a direct referendum to the public on the contract AND barred the unions from ANY organized support or even unorganized endorsements of candidates.

THAT is a violation of free speech you dumb FUCKS.

Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?
Yep. Speaking of dumb fucks...

If corperations can't have free speech, neither should the faux personage of a union.

Oh damn! Equality under the law! How dare we?
Leftists don't want equality under the law.

Do you, Goosey?
Trajan and daveman won't answer it because they can't.

If the unions have to get 51% of the membership every year to vote for re-certification then Wisconsin should have to get 51% of the registered voters every year to re-affirm this law.

That is patently absurd! What other law passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor do you want the registered voters to re-affirm. All of them? Just some of them? We elect our representatives to do that.

Then why should the state of Wisconsin be telling the unions they have to do it?

Because the state of Wisconsin is the employer of these public employees.

They didn't require private unions to do anything.
But there is a Constitutional right to free speech. As Big Fitz said (that I was referring to) "Public Sector unions could be allowed if you allowed a direct referendum to the public on the contract AND barred the unions from ANY organized support or even unorganized endorsements of candidates.

THAT is a violation of free speech you dumb FUCKS.

Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?
Yep. Speaking of dumb fucks...

If corperations can't have free speech, neither should the faux personage of a union.

Oh damn! Equality under the law! How dare we?

And before he whines too heavily, he needs to recall that money = free speech according to the supreme court.
After all? Unions are corporations as well. Their wares are Labour and Money Laundering for the Statist Democrats. Big Political Business.
Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?
Yep. Speaking of dumb fucks...

If corperations can't have free speech, neither should the faux personage of a union.

Oh damn! Equality under the law! How dare we?
Leftists don't want equality under the law.

Do you, Goosey?
Defining characteristic of all leftists. Everyone gets the same size of slice of cake regardless of merit. Mommy rules for the children applied to society.
That is patently absurd! What other law passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor do you want the registered voters to re-affirm. All of them? Just some of them? We elect our representatives to do that.

Then why should the state of Wisconsin be telling the unions they have to do it?


see folks this is how far disconnected this all is, it never occurs to ny carb and others here it seems that ultimately though public sector employees uses the unions as its middle man, the STATE is their employer and the STATE does at the end of the day have the ultimate power over the union MEMBERS as ITS employer. IF not then the wheoile thing makes exactly no sense as their would be no ULTIMATE employer...and we both know there is, but its better if we pretend there isn't, the state should just be an ATM forgoing any control whatsoever.

When they get what they want, the relationship as is, is fine, when they don't ooops, Houston there's a problem.

You cannot have it both ways. They pay you, they, THEY employ you, If you don't recognize the state as your ultimate employer and in such has at some point the ability to change or control your empployment and the union has got to stand aside, then you have kidded yourself and rocketed yourself into never never land......and this is one of those times.

The question to you was, where else should this crooked election process be used, since you think it's fair.
But there is a Constitutional right to free speech. As Big Fitz said (that I was referring to) "Public Sector unions could be allowed if you allowed a direct referendum to the public on the contract AND barred the unions from ANY organized support or even unorganized endorsements of candidates.

THAT is a violation of free speech you dumb FUCKS.

Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?

Do corporations allow shareholders to opt out of the cost of political activity?
Trajan and daveman won't answer it because they can't.

If the unions have to get 51% of the membership every year to vote for re-certification then Wisconsin should have to get 51% of the registered voters every year to re-affirm this law.
Yes, childish foot-stamping is such a compelling argument.
Apparently, they don't like mob rule when they aren't the winning mob.

So you would support forcing the Wisconsin government to re-pass this legislation every year with a requirement that 51% of Wisconsin registered voters vote for it?
"It's over for these high wages and and greedy unions. The wages and benefits are no longer sustainable. "

This is true especially when the corporations get big breaks. There is no such thing as "Fair Share." The greedy corporations should be TRIPLE TAXED if they do not produce jobs that pay very well with benefits. Lets NOT call a job that pays less than $15 per hour a job.
Oh please. Essentially that is nationalization of private business.
When government steps in and mandates business pay every employee an arbitrary "living wage" and mandates benefits, it is a violation of the US Constitution.
If you want nationalization of business, move to Venezuela or some other third world banana republic where 70% of the population lives in abject poverty.

Obviously you idea of government confiscation of private property does not guarantee prosperity.
You people are bitching about jobs going overseas and companies seeking refuge outside the US, just watch what would happen with such a radical proposal such as yours.
BTW, would you be so kind as to stay on point. The subject is public sector unions. This has nothing to do with the private sector.
Now, US companies pay the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world.
Time for you to come back from LA LA land.
But there is a Constitutional right to free speech. As Big Fitz said (that I was referring to) "Public Sector unions could be allowed if you allowed a direct referendum to the public on the contract AND barred the unions from ANY organized support or even unorganized endorsements of candidates.

THAT is a violation of free speech you dumb FUCKS.

Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?

Do corporations allow shareholders to opt out of the cost of political activity?

Shareholders have the option of opting out of the corporation being invested in...

You really are that stupid, aren't you?

Keep on failin'...lol
Yep. Speaking of dumb fucks...

If corperations can't have free speech, neither should the faux personage of a union.

Oh damn! Equality under the law! How dare we?
Leftists don't want equality under the law.

Do you, Goosey?
Defining characteristic of all leftists. Everyone gets the same size of slice of cake regardless of merit. Mommy rules for the children applied to society.

Except for the ruling elite, of course. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
But there is a Constitutional right to free speech. As Big Fitz said (that I was referring to) "Public Sector unions could be allowed if you allowed a direct referendum to the public on the contract AND barred the unions from ANY organized support or even unorganized endorsements of candidates.

THAT is a violation of free speech you dumb FUCKS.

Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?

Do corporations allow shareholders to opt out of the cost of political activity?

Sure do. They can sell their shares. Idiot.
Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?

Do corporations allow shareholders to opt out of the cost of political activity?

Sure do. They can sell their shares. Idiot.

I don't think he's smart enough to understand this...

He still has Enron shares....
Question still stands. I have heard nobody not even those who can do nothing but name call answer the question why were the police and firefighters not included in the union killing bill?
Essential government services. Protect and serve.
No public education does not qualify because sources other than government can perform this function. There are private schools, and home schooling.
Street maintenance, parks, landscaping, road repair, trash collection....these can and in many places across the nation farm these out to private companies.
But there is a Constitutional right to free speech. As Big Fitz said (that I was referring to) "Public Sector unions could be allowed if you allowed a direct referendum to the public on the contract AND barred the unions from ANY organized support or even unorganized endorsements of candidates.

THAT is a violation of free speech you dumb FUCKS.

Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?

Do corporations allow shareholders to opt out of the cost of political activity?
You can sell your shares. Hell, if the company is wasting too much money, you can sell shares short.
Where can I sell some Wisconsin teacher's union shares short? I'd make a bundle.

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