Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law is Working

Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?

Unions vote Democrat.
I know that. YOU know that. But is Lucy Goosey going to admit it?

Nope. Because neither one of you know what you're talking about, as usual. As a whole unions are pretty much split between voting R and D. But since you two children know absolutely nothing about unions or their memberships (where I have more than 30 years experience) I would not expect you to know that.

Consider that 37 percent of Wisconsin union members voted for Republican Gov. Scott Walker—though most now probably regret doing so.

Unions Work to Turn the Tide

Funny how unions (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a good thing, but corporations (a group of people organized for a common purpose) endorsing candidates is a bad thing.

Could you explain that to me?

Do corporations allow shareholders to opt out of the cost of political activity?
You can sell your shares. Hell, if the company is wasting too much money, you can sell shares short.
Where can I sell some Wisconsin teacher's union shares short? I'd make a bundle.

Union members do not have to pay the portion of their dues that goes to political action. They can opt out.

You can't do that if you're a shareholder in a corporation.
You think the decline of unionism is good for America? You think it helps the working/middle class? You think busting unions makes life better in working America? More money? Better jobs? A better life for American families? All of that is why you people on the Right are so happy when American unionized labor suffers one defeat after another?

Well, this is really what you've been wishing for, and, apparently, getting:


Do corporations allow shareholders to opt out of the cost of political activity?
You can sell your shares. Hell, if the company is wasting too much money, you can sell shares short.
Where can I sell some Wisconsin teacher's union shares short? I'd make a bundle.

Union members do not have to pay the portion of their dues that goes to political action. They can opt out.

You can't do that if you're a shareholder in a corporation.
Yes, thanks to Governor Walker, government union members no longer have to pay dues.
Yes NY carbineer, this is exactly where we are headed. Lower wages, no benefits, except for the rich of course. Great country we live in huh?
Yes, childish foot-stamping is such a compelling argument.
Apparently, they don't like mob rule when they aren't the winning mob.

So you would support forcing the Wisconsin government to re-pass this legislation every year with a requirement that 51% of Wisconsin registered voters vote for it?
Forcing? How? More protests? Civil disobedience?

If the democrats want to offer a new law ending the legislation, they can try again. Otherwise, it's the law of the land. Suck it.
Leftists don't want equality under the law.

Do you, Goosey?
Defining characteristic of all leftists. Everyone gets the same size of slice of cake regardless of merit. Mommy rules for the children applied to society.

Except for the ruling elite, of course. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Thank you Mr. Orwell. I didn't recognize you coming through the fog of historical ignorance.
You think the decline of unionism is good for America? You think it helps the working/middle class? You think busting unions makes life better in working America? More money? Better jobs? A better life for American families? All of that is why you people on the Right are so happy when American unionized labor suffers one defeat after another?

Well, this is really what you've been wishing for, and, apparently, getting:


Correlation, not causation. Know the difference. ALL income value has been dropping, even if you compare it to non-union jobs.
Yes NY carbineer, this is exactly where we are headed. Lower wages, no benefits, except for the rich of course. Great country we live in huh?

Yup. A wingnut paradise.

You act as if labor has no power outside of a union. You know what the best show of force a private citizen has towards low paying/under paying jobs are? Don't accept them. If the employer cannot find workers who will take the wage they are offering, but go to either his competitors or refuse to enter his field, he will be forced to raise wages. Happens all the time at the lower levels.

I cannot remember the last time I saw a fast food job advertised for the minimum wage. Why? Because even Teens know that it wasn't enough pay for the stress of the job. But now, in a depression like we are now (Don't even try to deny it, it's just not being covered honestly), it's an employers market, and they can get good deals on labor because better paying jobs are not available. This will change because it too goes in cycles.

But please, prattle on with your mindless socialist rhetoric.

you do have a good point there about people recognizing when the pay is too low. I remember my oldest working during his summers at a gas station. It was his 3rd summer there w/o a raise. I told him to go in and politely state his case for a raise. The owner said no. I promptly went and picked up my son right in the middle of his shift and told the owner that he is officially not working there anymore beginning at that exact time. You should have seen the look on that owners face...it was priceless, awesom as he had to run the show all himself on a very busy weekend. Three days later, the owner calls back and says he can have the raise. My son then went back to work. I taught him a very valuable lesson. If you feel you arent getting fair treatment, find something better no matter what situation you put the employer in.

you do have a good point there about people recognizing when the pay is too low. I remember my oldest working during his summers at a gas station. It was his 3rd summer there w/o a raise. I told him to go in and politely state his case for a raise. The owner said no. I promptly went and picked up my son right in the middle of his shift and told the owner that he is officially not working there anymore beginning at that exact time. You should have seen the look on that owners face...it was priceless, awesom as he had to run the show all himself on a very busy weekend. Three days later, the owner calls back and says he can have the raise. My son then went back to work. I taught him a very valuable lesson. If you feel you arent getting fair treatment, find something better no matter what situation you put the employer in.
For this, you earn some posrep. And that is exactly the foundation of why a minimum wage is superfluous. Now, if we as a nation would enforce our immigration laws, lustily, we would stop the undercutting of fair wages, plus allow them to float upwards quicker and keep with the COLI of each area better.

If you don't want to work under WI law, teaching, don't. Nobody's enslaving you to the job. Find another state. Don't want to do the career you love elsewhere, who's the one limiting you now? You are. Move, or put up with it. Simple, isn't it?
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Save that speech for the militia rally after those republicans are ousted and the governor is forced to leave office.


Guess we'll see in four years.

If Walkers plans have worked the State should be doing quite well. Communities are already saving millions in taxes without paying high Unions pensions and HC benefits. Folks rather like keeping their hard earned money.

Just have to wait and see won't we??

Your kind always say that when rolling the dice with economic issues. We heard the same shit when NAFTA was being used as the Congressional diaper on Bill Clinton's ass.

My kind huh?? You mean the kind of people who like to keep their hard earned money?? If thats your definition then hell yeah.

Roll of the dice?? Not quite since it worked pretty well in Indiana. No reason it won't work in WI and any other State that has the balls to put the private sector unions in their place.

Wait till all the taxpayers start keeping their hard earned money. Who do you think will get their vote???
Guess we'll see in four years.

If Walkers plans have worked the State should be doing quite well. Communities are already saving millions in taxes without paying high Unions pensions and HC benefits. Folks rather like keeping their hard earned money.

Just have to wait and see won't we??

Your kind always say that when rolling the dice with economic issues. We heard the same shit when NAFTA was being used as the Congressional diaper on Bill Clinton's ass.

My kind huh?? You mean the kind of people who like to keep their hard earned money?? If thats your definition then hell yeah.

Roll of the dice?? Not quite since it worked pretty well in Indiana. No reason it won't work in WI and any other State that has the balls to put the private sector unions in their place.

Wait till all the taxpayers start keeping their hard earned money. Who do you think will get their vote???
he talks to groups, not individuals. Force him to take a 1 on 1 stance, or deal with specifics, and his entire epistemology falls apart.

Damn logistics of politics and individuals.
Unions vote Democrat.
I know that. YOU know that. But is Lucy Goosey going to admit it?

Nope. Because neither one of you know what you're talking about, as usual. As a whole unions are pretty much split between voting R and D. But since you two children know absolutely nothing about unions or their memberships (where I have more than 30 years experience) I would not expect you to know that.

Consider that 37 percent of Wisconsin union members voted for Republican Gov. Scott Walker—though most now probably regret doing so.

Unions Work to Turn the Tide

It doesn't matter how union member vote. It matters where union party donations go. And that's overwhelmingly to Democrats:

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2010 | OpenSecrets
You think the decline of unionism is good for America? You think it helps the working/middle class? You think busting unions makes life better in working America? More money? Better jobs? A better life for American families? All of that is why you people on the Right are so happy when American unionized labor suffers one defeat after another?

Well, this is really what you've been wishing for, and, apparently, getting:



Correlation does not imply causation.
I know that. YOU know that. But is Lucy Goosey going to admit it?

Nope. Because neither one of you know what you're talking about, as usual. As a whole unions are pretty much split between voting R and D. But since you two children know absolutely nothing about unions or their memberships (where I have more than 30 years experience) I would not expect you to know that.

Consider that 37 percent of Wisconsin union members voted for Republican Gov. Scott Walker—though most now probably regret doing so.

Unions Work to Turn the Tide

It doesn't matter how union member vote. It matters where union party donations go. And that's overwhelmingly to Democrats:

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2010 | OpenSecrets
In my union at my building there is a large minority pissed off as all hell at the use of union money to try and undermine WI democracy by shipping in protesters from MN. All volunteers, of course, but the buses, signage and organization is all paid for by the Union. I'm not happy I've got to pay X amount a month and having a portion of that go to this type of rabble-rousing.
Defining characteristic of all leftists. Everyone gets the same size of slice of cake regardless of merit. Mommy rules for the children applied to society.

Except for the ruling elite, of course. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Thank you Mr. Orwell. I didn't recognize you coming through the fog of historical ignorance.
It gets pretty thick around here, don't it?
Bless the teachers. Now tell us again where the US stands in education? Most kids cannot read, write, or spell much less compose a cogent paragraph.

Teacher's unions not a good thing.

Not to mention they are a money machine for the Democrats. No fairness in that...
I'd bet most public union and private union members do not like the unions or the Democrats. They fair of them..

I believe what we are seeing is the beginning of the end of Unions as we have known them.
I also think the welfare system is going to change in a big way.
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I've still never heard a good reason why ANYONE, public or private, should have their constitutional rights to associate...or the right to freely contract with others? That some conservatives want to go on a tear against the government must mean that tearing up the constitution isn't important.

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