Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law is Working

Teachers just whine too much. That's been my experience anyway. I blame the Unions & Democrats for this. They have created Entitlement Frankensteins with America's Teachers. Most are trained and indoctrinated to bitch about everything. The fact is,they don't have it nearly as bad as they claim. Take a closer look at all their fantastic perks and you'll see this. Teachers need to stop all the complaining and just get to work. The Children are depending on them.

My wife's a teacher and she doesn't whine not has she been trained or indoctrinated to whine. She gets no fantastic perks nor does she claim she has it bad.

So Fuck You.


Is she a member of a Teacher Union? And don't lie. Also,Teachers do enjoy fantastic perks no other Professions enjoy. So Fuck You. :)

Yes she is a member of the teacher's union. She has a Master's Degree and has been teaching special education for more than 20 years. For that she gets $53,000 per year, medical insurance and a $28,000 a year pension that she has to contribue toward.

So you are WRONG when you offer a blanket observation regarding all teachers. So Fuck You.

My wife's a teacher and she doesn't whine not has she been trained or indoctrinated to whine. She gets no fantastic perks nor does she claim she has it bad.

So Fuck You.


Is she a member of a Teacher Union? And don't lie. Also,Teachers do enjoy fantastic perks no other Professions enjoy. So Fuck You. :)

Yes she is a member of the teacher's union. She has a Master's Degree and has been teaching special education for more than 20 years. For that she gets $53,000 per year, medical insurance and a $28,000 a year pension that she has to contribue toward.

So you are WRONG when you offer a blanket observation regarding all teachers. So Fuck You.


I shouldn't be so rough on you though. You obviously don't understand the correlation between property taxes and teacher wages. She does not work in a wealthy area.

So you're not TOTALLY to blame for being uninformed. Just try not to speak out of ignorance from now on.

My wife's a teacher and she doesn't whine not has she been trained or indoctrinated to whine. She gets no fantastic perks nor does she claim she has it bad.

So Fuck You.


Is she a member of a Teacher Union? And don't lie. Also,Teachers do enjoy fantastic perks no other Professions enjoy. So Fuck You. :)

Yes she is a member of the teacher's union. She has a Master's Degree and has been teaching special education for more than 20 years. For that she gets $53,000 per year, medical insurance and a $28,000 a year pension that she has to contribue toward.

So you are WRONG when you offer a blanket observation regarding all teachers. So Fuck You.


I said that has been my experience. Most Teachers do seem to whine quite a bit. And especially the Teacher Union-types. But bully for your wife if she actually enjoys her job and is thankful to the Taxpayers who pay her salary. That hasn't been my experience with most Teachers though. Most other American Workers would kill for All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and entire Summers Off. I'm just saying that me and many other Americans are sick of Teachers whining about everything all the time. They don't have it nearly as bad as they claim. Time for them to just shut up and do their jobs.
I wonder if he has a chart that maps union membership with global forrestation during the same timeframe....
The cost of toilet paper has gone up steadily since 1960. I'm sure the rise in non-union employment has something to do with it.

I'd say he was just faxing it in, but I don't think there's a fax machine in his basement living quarters...
I tried the url where he usually gets stuff, but it's down:

Nope. Because neither one of you know what you're talking about, as usual. As a whole unions are pretty much split between voting R and D. But since you two children know absolutely nothing about unions or their memberships (where I have more than 30 years experience) I would not expect you to know that.

Unions Work to Turn the Tide

It doesn't matter how union member vote. It matters where union party donations go. And that's overwhelmingly to Democrats:

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2010 | OpenSecrets

No argument there but who cares where their donations go?
Do keep up. My original point was that you screechers think unions donating to political parties and candidates is a great thing, but corporations doing the same thing is evil.

And I never have seen a rational explanation for your double standard.
Union members can opt out from having their dues used for political purposes. It's really none of your damned business unless your a member of that union.
Yeah, I guess you missed Big Ftiz' post where it would save him three whole dollars a month. :cool:
And I noticed that as soon as I pointed out that you had no idea what you were talking about when you said that unions vote democrat you couldn't bring yourself to admit you were WRONG. You just changed the subject.

When will you admit you were WRONG?

When I'm wrong, of course.

Of course, you utterly fail to see the disconnect between union members being close to evenly split between the parties, and the union donations going overwhelmingly to the Democratic Party. Wouldn't you say that the non-Democrat union members aren't being represented by their unions' political activism?

Or does that just not matter to you?
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Is she a member of a Teacher Union? And don't lie. Also,Teachers do enjoy fantastic perks no other Professions enjoy. So Fuck You. :)

Yes she is a member of the teacher's union. She has a Master's Degree and has been teaching special education for more than 20 years. For that she gets $53,000 per year, medical insurance and a $28,000 a year pension that she has to contribue toward.

So you are WRONG when you offer a blanket observation regarding all teachers. So Fuck You.


I said that has been my experience. Most Teachers do seem to whine quite a bit. And especially the Teacher Union-types. But bully for your wife if she actually enjoys her job and is thankful to the Taxpayers who pay her salary. That hasn't been my experience with most Teachers though. Most other American Workers would kill for All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and entire Summers Off. I'm just saying that me and many other Americans are sick of Teachers whining about everything all the time. They don't have it nearly as bad as they claim. Time for them to just shut up and do their jobs.

Excuse me? "Thankful to the Taxpayers who pay her salary"???? Do you walk up to your boss and tell him (or her) "Thank You" and kiss his or her ass for paying you money that your worked for and earned?

As for "All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and entire Summers Off" she gets paid for days worked and her salary reflects that. Her 9 month salary is spread out over 12 months. Period.


Daveman.....My original point was that you screechers think unions donating to political parties and candidates is a great thing, but corporations doing the same thing is evil.

And I never have seen a rational explanation for your double standard.

Please show me even one post I ever made where I slammed corporations for making political donations.

Daveman....Yeah, I guess you missed Big Ftiz' post where it would save him three whole dollars a month.

Your point? So what?

Daveman.....Of course, you utterly fail to see the disconnect between union members being close to evenly split between the parties, and the union donations going overwhelmingly to the Democratic Party. Wouldn't you say that the non-Democrat union members aren't being represented by their unions' political activism?

Or does that just not matter to you?

Only in my own union. Otherwise it's none of my business, right? If I am disatisfied with something I bring it up and raise hell. If enough people raise enough hell I would venture to guess that changes will be made come next union election.

But none of that changes the fact that none of that is any of your fucking business. And for you to pretend outrage over what happens to union members is disingenious to say the least. Everyone here understands you don't give a flying fuck about union members.

So again....union members do not all vote Dem like you contended......you were WRONG. Get over it and admit it.

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Yes she is a member of the teacher's union. She has a Master's Degree and has been teaching special education for more than 20 years. For that she gets $53,000 per year, medical insurance and a $28,000 a year pension that she has to contribue toward.

So you are WRONG when you offer a blanket observation regarding all teachers. So Fuck You.


I said that has been my experience. Most Teachers do seem to whine quite a bit. And especially the Teacher Union-types. But bully for your wife if she actually enjoys her job and is thankful to the Taxpayers who pay her salary. That hasn't been my experience with most Teachers though. Most other American Workers would kill for All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and entire Summers Off. I'm just saying that me and many other Americans are sick of Teachers whining about everything all the time. They don't have it nearly as bad as they claim. Time for them to just shut up and do their jobs.

Excuse me? "Thankful to the Taxpayers who pay her salary"???? Do you walk up to your boss and tell him (or her) "Thank You" and kiss his or her ass for paying you money that your worked for and earned?

As for "All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and entire Summers Off" she gets paid for days worked and her salary reflects that. Her 9 month salary is spread out over 12 months. Period.



Yes,she should be thankful to the Taxpayers. They have provided her with a comfortable living. I think that's pretty straight-forward and easy to comprehend. Most Teacher Union-types seem to have a contempt for the Taxpayers who pay their salaries. And that's just wrong and unacceptable. I am glad your wife enjoys her job and hopefully is grateful to the Taxpayers. But that hasn't been my experience with most Teachers. Also,most other American Workers really would love to enjoy the benefits Teachers enjoy. So their "Woe is Me" routine is getting pretty old & stale. They don't have it so bad. It's time for them to actually thank Taxpayers for what they have instead of always complaining. Their constant whining is only hurting them in the end. The People have had enough.
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I said that has been my experience. Most Teachers do seem to whine quite a bit. And especially the Teacher Union-types. But bully for your wife if she actually enjoys her job and is thankful to the Taxpayers who pay her salary. That hasn't been my experience with most Teachers though. Most other American Workers would kill for All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and entire Summers Off. I'm just saying that me and many other Americans are sick of Teachers whining about everything all the time. They don't have it nearly as bad as they claim. Time for them to just shut up and do their jobs.

Excuse me? "Thankful to the Taxpayers who pay her salary"???? Do you walk up to your boss and tell him (or her) "Thank You" and kiss his or her ass for paying you money that your worked for and earned?

As for "All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and entire Summers Off" she gets paid for days worked and her salary reflects that. Her 9 month salary is spread out over 12 months. Period.



Yes,she should be thankful to the Taxpayers. They have provided her with a comfortable living. I think that's pretty straight-forward and easy to comprehend. Most Teacher Union-types seem to have a contempt for the Taxpayers who pay their salaries. And that's just wrong and unacceptable. I am glad your wife enjoys her job and hopefully is grateful to the Taxpayers. But that hasn't been my experience with most Teachers. Also,most other American Workers really would love to enjoy the benefits Teachers enjoy. So their "Woe is Me" routine is getting pretty old & stale. They don't have it so bad. It's time for them to actually thank Taxpayers for what they have instead of always complaining. Their constant whining is only hurting them in the end. The People have had enough.

Bullshit. Plain bullshit.

She was hired to provide a service for a set salary. She fulfills her bargain and expects to be compensated as agreed. So gratitude is not exactly called for when she delivers a fair days work for a fair days wage. That way everyone wins and can hold their head up. To expect her to kiss anyone's ass (or for anyone to kiss hers) is asinine just because they both held up their end of the agreement.

I can just picture you going into the boss's office and kneeling down in gratitude just because they paid you for your labor. Around here we have a bit more pride than that.

As for "most other American Workers really would love to enjoy the benefits Teachers enjoy"? I too would like her schedule and not have to work swing shift where I have to change shifts every week, rotate days off and work in heat that makes most people forget their fear of hell. But guess what? She went to college, worked for it and can now reap the benefits of all her hard work. I'm proud of what she has accomplished. But anyone else can do what she has done instead of sitting around crying about it, right?

Excuse me? "Thankful to the Taxpayers who pay her salary"???? Do you walk up to your boss and tell him (or her) "Thank You" and kiss his or her ass for paying you money that your worked for and earned?

As for "All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and entire Summers Off" she gets paid for days worked and her salary reflects that. Her 9 month salary is spread out over 12 months. Period.



Yes,she should be thankful to the Taxpayers. They have provided her with a comfortable living. I think that's pretty straight-forward and easy to comprehend. Most Teacher Union-types seem to have a contempt for the Taxpayers who pay their salaries. And that's just wrong and unacceptable. I am glad your wife enjoys her job and hopefully is grateful to the Taxpayers. But that hasn't been my experience with most Teachers. Also,most other American Workers really would love to enjoy the benefits Teachers enjoy. So their "Woe is Me" routine is getting pretty old & stale. They don't have it so bad. It's time for them to actually thank Taxpayers for what they have instead of always complaining. Their constant whining is only hurting them in the end. The People have had enough.

Bullshit. Plain bullshit.

She was hired to provide a service for a set salary. She fulfills her bargain and expects to be compensated as agreed. So gratitude is not exactly called for when she delivers a fair days work for a fair days wage. That way everyone wins and can hold their head up. To expect her to kiss anyone's ass (or for anyone to kiss hers) is asinine just because they both held up their end of the agreement.

I can just picture you going into the boss's office and kneeling down in gratitude just because they paid you for your labor. Around here we have a bit more pride than that.

As for "most other American Workers really would love to enjoy the benefits Teachers enjoy"? I too would like her schedule and not have to work swing shift where I have to change shifts every week, rotate days off and work in heat that makes most people forget their fear of hell. But guess what? She went to college, worked for it and can now reap the benefits of all her hard work. I'm proud of what she has accomplished. But anyone else can do what she has done instead of sitting around crying about it, right?


I don't have a problem with much of what you said except for your convenient denial of the fact your wife should be grateful to the Taxpayers who have provided her with a comfortable living. Unfortunately most Teachers have forgotten that they do work for the Taxpayers. It's not the other way around. Their arrogant Entitlement attitude is no longer acceptable. The Taxpayers should have a say in these fights. And that's why i like Governor Walker. He's standing up for the Taxpayers. It's about time they had a say in things. So i do respect your Wife just as long as she shows proper respect for the Taxpayers who help pay her Bills. However,if she has that arrogant Entitlement attitude,i cannot respect her. That's just how i feel anyway.
Yes,she should be thankful to the Taxpayers. They have provided her with a comfortable living. I think that's pretty straight-forward and easy to comprehend. Most Teacher Union-types seem to have a contempt for the Taxpayers who pay their salaries. And that's just wrong and unacceptable. I am glad your wife enjoys her job and hopefully is grateful to the Taxpayers. But that hasn't been my experience with most Teachers. Also,most other American Workers really would love to enjoy the benefits Teachers enjoy. So their "Woe is Me" routine is getting pretty old & stale. They don't have it so bad. It's time for them to actually thank Taxpayers for what they have instead of always complaining. Their constant whining is only hurting them in the end. The People have had enough.

Bullshit. Plain bullshit.

She was hired to provide a service for a set salary. She fulfills her bargain and expects to be compensated as agreed. So gratitude is not exactly called for when she delivers a fair days work for a fair days wage. That way everyone wins and can hold their head up. To expect her to kiss anyone's ass (or for anyone to kiss hers) is asinine just because they both held up their end of the agreement.

I can just picture you going into the boss's office and kneeling down in gratitude just because they paid you for your labor. Around here we have a bit more pride than that.

As for "most other American Workers really would love to enjoy the benefits Teachers enjoy"? I too would like her schedule and not have to work swing shift where I have to change shifts every week, rotate days off and work in heat that makes most people forget their fear of hell. But guess what? She went to college, worked for it and can now reap the benefits of all her hard work. I'm proud of what she has accomplished. But anyone else can do what she has done instead of sitting around crying about it, right?


I don't have a problem with much of what you said except for your convenient denial of the fact your wife should be grateful to the Taxpayers who have provided her with a comfortable living. Unfortunately most Teachers have forgotten that they do work for the Taxpayers. It's not the other way around. Their arrogant Entitlement attitude is no longer acceptable. The Taxpayers should have a say in these fights. And that's why i like Governor Walker. He's standing up for the Taxpayers. It's about time they had a say in things. So i do respect your Wife just as long as she shows proper respect for the Taxpayers who help pay her Bills. However,if she has that arrogant Entitlement attitude,i cannot respect her. That's just how i feel anyway.

I don't know what "arrogant entitlement attitude" you speak of. Maybe you can site a specific example? Most people would not want her job to begin with. She certainly respects the parents she has to deal with, she respects the administration she works for and she respects the school board who makes the rules. But to crawl on her knees in gratitude for the pay she gets through an agreed upon contract is again, bullshit.

And we'll find out just how much the taxpayers "stand behind the Koch brothers, Walker and the GOP Senators" on the recall. I'm guessing that the private employed blue collar workers will stand up for the public employed blue collar workers because they know what it feels like to have someone kicking your ass for no good reason. We tend to side with our own against the establishment.

Bullshit. Plain bullshit.

She was hired to provide a service for a set salary. She fulfills her bargain and expects to be compensated as agreed. So gratitude is not exactly called for when she delivers a fair days work for a fair days wage. That way everyone wins and can hold their head up. To expect her to kiss anyone's ass (or for anyone to kiss hers) is asinine just because they both held up their end of the agreement.

I can just picture you going into the boss's office and kneeling down in gratitude just because they paid you for your labor. Around here we have a bit more pride than that.

As for "most other American Workers really would love to enjoy the benefits Teachers enjoy"? I too would like her schedule and not have to work swing shift where I have to change shifts every week, rotate days off and work in heat that makes most people forget their fear of hell. But guess what? She went to college, worked for it and can now reap the benefits of all her hard work. I'm proud of what she has accomplished. But anyone else can do what she has done instead of sitting around crying about it, right?


I don't have a problem with much of what you said except for your convenient denial of the fact your wife should be grateful to the Taxpayers who have provided her with a comfortable living. Unfortunately most Teachers have forgotten that they do work for the Taxpayers. It's not the other way around. Their arrogant Entitlement attitude is no longer acceptable. The Taxpayers should have a say in these fights. And that's why i like Governor Walker. He's standing up for the Taxpayers. It's about time they had a say in things. So i do respect your Wife just as long as she shows proper respect for the Taxpayers who help pay her Bills. However,if she has that arrogant Entitlement attitude,i cannot respect her. That's just how i feel anyway.

I don't know what "arrogant entitlement attitude" you speak of. Maybe you can site a specific example? Most people would not want her job to begin with. She certainly respects the parents she has to deal with, she respects the administration she works for and she respects the school board who makes the rules. But to crawl on her knees in gratitude for the pay she gets through an agreed upon contract is again, bullshit.

And we'll find out just how much the taxpayers "stand behind the Koch brothers, Walker and the GOP Senators" on the recall. I'm guessing that the private employed blue collar workers will stand up for the public employed blue collar workers because they know what it feels like to have someone kicking your ass for no good reason. We tend to side with our own against the establishment.


Well then i guess we'll see. Personally i think Governor Walker has been very brave on this. He's trying to save all of Wisconsin's People and not just special interest Public Union People. He's trying to save an entire State. But it looks like the Government Unions will continue acting like greedy spoiled children. Not very surprising though. They only care about themselves and getting theirs. Governor Walker has an entire State to think about though. So i guess we will see how it all shakes out in the end. No matter what though,i'll always respect Governor Walker for what he's trying to do for Wisconsin.
I don't have a problem with much of what you said except for your convenient denial of the fact your wife should be grateful to the Taxpayers who have provided her with a comfortable living. Unfortunately most Teachers have forgotten that they do work for the Taxpayers. It's not the other way around. Their arrogant Entitlement attitude is no longer acceptable. The Taxpayers should have a say in these fights. And that's why i like Governor Walker. He's standing up for the Taxpayers. It's about time they had a say in things. So i do respect your Wife just as long as she shows proper respect for the Taxpayers who help pay her Bills. However,if she has that arrogant Entitlement attitude,i cannot respect her. That's just how i feel anyway.

I don't know what "arrogant entitlement attitude" you speak of. Maybe you can site a specific example? Most people would not want her job to begin with. She certainly respects the parents she has to deal with, she respects the administration she works for and she respects the school board who makes the rules. But to crawl on her knees in gratitude for the pay she gets through an agreed upon contract is again, bullshit.

And we'll find out just how much the taxpayers "stand behind the Koch brothers, Walker and the GOP Senators" on the recall. I'm guessing that the private employed blue collar workers will stand up for the public employed blue collar workers because they know what it feels like to have someone kicking your ass for no good reason. We tend to side with our own against the establishment.


Well then i guess we'll see. Personally i think Governor Walker has been very brave on this. He's trying to save all of Wisconsin's People and not just special interest Public Union People. He's trying to save an entire State. But it looks like the Government Unions will continue acting like greedy spoiled children. Not very surprising though. They only care about themselves and getting theirs. Governor Walker has an entire State to think about though. So i guess we will see how it all shakes out in the end. No matter what though,i'll always respect Governor Walker for what he's trying to do for Wisconsin.

Okay, so you can't tell me exactly what "arrogant entitlement attitude" you speak of.

You might think twice about your admiration of Walker though if any of the link is true.

Walker gins up

Daveman.....My original point was that you screechers think unions donating to political parties and candidates is a great thing, but corporations doing the same thing is evil.

And I never have seen a rational explanation for your double standard.

Please show me even one post I ever made where I slammed corporations for making political donations.
Forget it, then. But don't pretend other unions supporters don't.
Daveman....Yeah, I guess you missed Big Ftiz' post where it would save him three whole dollars a month.

Your point? So what?
You really think unions' political activities are being financed with only 3 bucks a month per member?

He can opt out, but not fully. Some of his money is still financing political activities he doesn't support.
Daveman.....Of course, you utterly fail to see the disconnect between union members being close to evenly split between the parties, and the union donations going overwhelmingly to the Democratic Party. Wouldn't you say that the non-Democrat union members aren't being represented by their unions' political activism?

Or does that just not matter to you?

Only in my own union. Otherwise it's none of my business, right? If I am disatisfied with something I bring it up and raise hell. If enough people raise enough hell I would venture to guess that changes will be made come next union election.
Uh huh. Good luck with that.
But none of that changes the fact that none of that is any of your fucking business. And for you to pretend outrage over what happens to union members is disingenious to say the least. Everyone here understands you don't give a flying fuck about union members.
I care about people getting the representation they pay for. Conservative union members aren't, obviously.

You don't give a shit, though, since the Dems are benefiting.

And if it's none of my business, neither is it yours.
So again....union members do not all vote Dem like you contended......you were WRONG. Get over it and admit it.

I didn't say ALL union members vote Dem. Strawman fail.

However, this is interesting:
• Democratic performance with union voters is both reliable and
remarkably static—in each of the past four presidential elections, 59
percent of union voters cast their ballot for Democratic presidential
candidate. In 2008, voters in union households provided 24 percent of
the total votes President Obama received.

• Moderates in union households account for the Democratic tilt of
union voters. By a margin of 14-points, moderates in union households
were more likely to vote for a Democratic House candidate in 2008
than non-union moderates. Union and non-union liberals, however,
were equally likely to vote for a Democrat.​
"Moderate" union members aren't perhaps as moderate as they think.

And the entire paper really illustrates how out-of-touch union leadership is with their members where the unions' political activities are concerned.
Daveman.....My original point was that you screechers think unions donating to political parties and candidates is a great thing, but corporations doing the same thing is evil.

And I never have seen a rational explanation for your double standard.

Please show me even one post I ever made where I slammed corporations for making political donations.
Forget it, then. But don't pretend other unions supporters don't.

You really think unions' political activities are being financed with only 3 bucks a month per member?

He can opt out, but not fully. Some of his money is still financing political activities he doesn't support.

Uh huh. Good luck with that.
But none of that changes the fact that none of that is any of your fucking business. And for you to pretend outrage over what happens to union members is disingenious to say the least. Everyone here understands you don't give a flying fuck about union members.
I care about people getting the representation they pay for. Conservative union members aren't, obviously.

You don't give a shit, though, since the Dems are benefiting.

And if it's none of my business, neither is it yours.
So again....union members do not all vote Dem like you contended......you were WRONG. Get over it and admit it.

I didn't say ALL union members vote Dem. Strawman fail.

However, this is interesting:
• Democratic performance with union voters is both reliable and
remarkably static—in each of the past four presidential elections, 59
percent of union voters cast their ballot for Democratic presidential
candidate. In 2008, voters in union households provided 24 percent of
the total votes President Obama received.

• Moderates in union households account for the Democratic tilt of
union voters. By a margin of 14-points, moderates in union households
were more likely to vote for a Democratic House candidate in 2008
than non-union moderates. Union and non-union liberals, however,
were equally likely to vote for a Democrat.​
"Moderate" union members aren't perhaps as moderate as they think.

And the entire paper really illustrates how out-of-touch union leadership is with their members where the unions' political activities are concerned.

Ok....so union members tend to vote for those who best represents their interests. Color me SHOCKED. :eek:

But again. It's none of our fucking business, is it?

I don't know what "arrogant entitlement attitude" you speak of. Maybe you can site a specific example? Most people would not want her job to begin with. She certainly respects the parents she has to deal with, she respects the administration she works for and she respects the school board who makes the rules. But to crawl on her knees in gratitude for the pay she gets through an agreed upon contract is again, bullshit.

And we'll find out just how much the taxpayers "stand behind the Koch brothers, Walker and the GOP Senators" on the recall. I'm guessing that the private employed blue collar workers will stand up for the public employed blue collar workers because they know what it feels like to have someone kicking your ass for no good reason. We tend to side with our own against the establishment.


Well then i guess we'll see. Personally i think Governor Walker has been very brave on this. He's trying to save all of Wisconsin's People and not just special interest Public Union People. He's trying to save an entire State. But it looks like the Government Unions will continue acting like greedy spoiled children. Not very surprising though. They only care about themselves and getting theirs. Governor Walker has an entire State to think about though. So i guess we will see how it all shakes out in the end. No matter what though,i'll always respect Governor Walker for what he's trying to do for Wisconsin.

Okay, so you can't tell me exactly what "arrogant entitlement attitude" you speak of.

You might think twice about your admiration of Walker though if any of the link is true.

Walker gins up


Like i said,the Governor has an entire State to save. It's not just about special interest Government Unions. There are other people in Wisconsin he has to care about. So if the greedy Government Unions hate him,than so be it. Let the chips fall where they may i guess. I support his efforts.
Well then i guess we'll see. Personally i think Governor Walker has been very brave on this. He's trying to save all of Wisconsin's People and not just special interest Public Union People. He's trying to save an entire State. But it looks like the Government Unions will continue acting like greedy spoiled children. Not very surprising though. They only care about themselves and getting theirs. Governor Walker has an entire State to think about though. So i guess we will see how it all shakes out in the end. No matter what though,i'll always respect Governor Walker for what he's trying to do for Wisconsin.

Okay, so you can't tell me exactly what "arrogant entitlement attitude" you speak of.

You might think twice about your admiration of Walker though if any of the link is true.

Walker gins up


Like i said,the Governor has an entire State to save. It's not just about special interest Government Unions. There are other people in Wisconsin he has to care about. So if the greedy Government Unions hate him,than so be it. Let the chips fall where they may i guess. I support his efforts.

"There are other people in Wisconsin he has to care about."

Obviously his cronies and political supporters if the link is to be believed.

Ok....so union members tend to vote for those who best represents their interests. Color me SHOCKED. :eek:
You don't get to decide that. Each individual does.

And for those who vote Republican, they're not being represented when the union spends their money on Dem candidates. You say they can opt out, but they can't, really. Especially in non-right-to-work states.
But again. It's none of our fucking business, is it?
Y'know, it's okay to make a judgement here. You can say union leadership is failing a significant portion of their members. You won't burst into flame, honest.
Bless the teachers. Now tell us again where the US stands in education? Most kids cannot read, write, or spell much less compose a cogent paragraph.

Teacher's unions not a good thing.

Not to mention they are a money machine for the Democrats. No fairness in that...
I'd bet most public union and private union members do not like the unions or the Democrats. They fair of them..

I believe what we are seeing is the beginning of the end of Unions as we have known them.
I also think the welfare system is going to change in a big way.

So when teachers make less money and have fewer benefits,

how is that going to cause kids to learn better?
They made less with fewer benefits 60 years ago and kids learned better.
You think the decline of unionism is good for America? You think it helps the working/middle class? You think busting unions makes life better in working America? More money? Better jobs? A better life for American families? All of that is why you people on the Right are so happy when American unionized labor suffers one defeat after another?

Well, this is really what you've been wishing for, and, apparently, getting:



Middle class share of aggregate income? Huh?
I could try to come up with a more useless stat, but it would be difficult.

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